This from a dear friend and fellow memo reader who has discovered a new medicinal.
I don't understand why prescription medicine is allowed to advertise on TV or why anyone would think of trying one of the medicines after listening to the laundry list of warnings of possible side effects. But this is definitely an exception!
Do you have feelings of inadequacy?
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You will notice the benefits of Cabernet Sauvignon almost immediately and, with a regimen of regular doses, you'll overcome obstacles that prevent you from living the life you want.
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Cabernet Sauvignon may not be right for everyone. Women who are pregnant or nursing should not use it but women who wouldn't mind nursing or becoming pregnant are encouraged to try it.
Side effects may include:
Dizziness, nausea, vomiting, incarceration, loss of motor control, loss of clothing, loss of money, delusions of grandeur, table dancing, headache, dehydration, dry mouth, and a desire to sing Karaoke and play all-night Strip Poker, Truth Or Dare, and Naked Twister.
The consumption of Cabernet Sauvignon may make you think you are whispering when you are not.
The consumption of Cabernet Sauvignon may cause you to tell your friends over and over again that you love them.
The consumption of Cabernet Sauvignon may cause you to think you can sing.
The consumption of Cabernet Sauvignon may create the illusion that you are tougher, smarter, faster and better looking than most people.
Iran keeps inching forward. (See 1 below.)
Corfman, Moore and The Washington Post.
Hang'em first, then determine their guilt?
Last time I looked they were still doing this in Cuba, Russia, China, The Middle East etc.
Was Corfman paid? (See 2 below.)
Now that the government has taken over our health care needs, modern medicine has become so friendly. (See 3 below.)
No need for comment. (See 4 below.)
1) Report: Iranians built new military base in Syria
Israel has repeatedly warned against Iran’s plans for planting more roots close to the northern border. Iran is building a new military facility in Syria, the BBC has reported based on a Western intelligence source.
Located at Al-Kiswah, south of Damascus, the facility is one of many alleged Iranian bases in Syria and illustrates how Iran is establishing a permanent presence in the country.
Israel has repeatedly warned against Iran’s plans to put down roots close to its northern border.
“We will not allow it [Syria] to be used as a forward operating base of a Shi’a axis,” Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman’s office said on Saturday after Israel shot down a drone near the Golan Heights.
The new facility is located near the M5 highway leading south from Damascus toward Jordan. Around 30 km. south of the center of Damascus and 50 km. from Quneitra next to the border with Israel, the facility is part of a group of military sites that honeycomb fields northwest of Al-Kiswah.
According to the BBC report, “in recent months, additional buildings have been added to the site.”
The Western intelligence source told the BBC, “ambitions for such a long-term presence in Syria would not be illogical for Iran.”
According to satellite photos of the site from May and October 2017 published by the BBC, there are three new structures and other renovated buildings.
The report builds on earlier reports of Iranian facilities in Syria.
For more than six years, Syria has been in the midst of a vicious civil war between the Iranian-backed regime of Assad and various rebel groups. In the last two years, the regime has gained the upper hand with Russian support and pushed the rebels back to several cantons that are now regulated by cease-fire and de-escalation agreements.
Islamic State has been defeated in eastern Syria, and the regime is on the verge of taking the key border crossing with Iraq at Al-Bukamal.
In August, the website ImageSat International revealed photos of alleged Iranian-built missile factories in the Wadi Jahannam valley. The factories are located east of Banias in northwest Syria.
“According to high-resolution images of the Eros-B satellite, the findings show that Syria is building missile factories with great similarity to missile factories in Iran,” according to Image- Sat International.
In September, the BBC reported that “Israeli jets hit Syria’s Masyaf chemical site.” The site, west of Hama, was allegedly a facility of the Scientific Studies and Research Center and site of surface-to-surface missile storage.
According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, that site also has connections to rocket storage used by Iran and Hezbollah.
The SSRC has been accused of involvement in Syria’s chemical weapons program and, in April, the US Treasury Department sanctioned 271 SSRC staff “in response to Sarin [gas] attack on Khan Shaykhoun.”
Other sources have alleged a wide web of Iranian bases and facilities in Syria.
The National Council of Resistance of Iran published a map in 2016 showing 12 bases from the north to south of the country, including in Aleppo, at Shayrat Air Base, on the road to Palmyra, at al-Dumayr Air Base, at Damascus International Airport, south of Yarmuk and near Izra near Daraa.
Basing itself on this report and others, the Daily Mail in the UK published an extensive report on Iran’s role in Syria, including allegations it has a “secret headquarters nicknamed the glasshouse” at Damascus International Airport.” It also shows Iranian presence at the sites of Shi’a religious shrines, including the Sayyida Zeinab Mosque south of Damascus.
Israel has repeatedly warned of Tehran’s encroachment in Syria. In August, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres that Israel would not accept the situation: “Iran is busy turning Syria into a base of military entrenchment, and it wants to use Syria and Lebanon as war fronts against its declared goal to eradicate Israel.”
In September, a report on Channel 2 said Israel had sought to tell the Russians that it did not want the Iranians operating within 60 km. of the Golan border.
The base at Al-Kiswah would be just within that buffer zone.
Located at Al-Kiswah, south of Damascus, the facility is one of many alleged Iranian bases in Syria and illustrates how Iran is establishing a permanent presence in the country.
Israel has repeatedly warned against Iran’s plans to put down roots close to its northern border.
“We will not allow it [Syria] to be used as a forward operating base of a Shi’a axis,” Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman’s office said on Saturday after Israel shot down a drone near the Golan Heights.
The new facility is located near the M5 highway leading south from Damascus toward Jordan. Around 30 km. south of the center of Damascus and 50 km. from Quneitra next to the border with Israel, the facility is part of a group of military sites that honeycomb fields northwest of Al-Kiswah.
According to the BBC report, “in recent months, additional buildings have been added to the site.”
The Western intelligence source told the BBC, “ambitions for such a long-term presence in Syria would not be illogical for Iran.”
According to satellite photos of the site from May and October 2017 published by the BBC, there are three new structures and other renovated buildings.
The report builds on earlier reports of Iranian facilities in Syria.
For more than six years, Syria has been in the midst of a vicious civil war between the Iranian-backed regime of Assad and various rebel groups. In the last two years, the regime has gained the upper hand with Russian support and pushed the rebels back to several cantons that are now regulated by cease-fire and de-escalation agreements.
Islamic State has been defeated in eastern Syria, and the regime is on the verge of taking the key border crossing with Iraq at Al-Bukamal.
In August, the website ImageSat International revealed photos of alleged Iranian-built missile factories in the Wadi Jahannam valley. The factories are located east of Banias in northwest Syria.
“According to high-resolution images of the Eros-B satellite, the findings show that Syria is building missile factories with great similarity to missile factories in Iran,” according to Image- Sat International.
In September, the BBC reported that “Israeli jets hit Syria’s Masyaf chemical site.” The site, west of Hama, was allegedly a facility of the Scientific Studies and Research Center and site of surface-to-surface missile storage.
According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, that site also has connections to rocket storage used by Iran and Hezbollah.
The SSRC has been accused of involvement in Syria’s chemical weapons program and, in April, the US Treasury Department sanctioned 271 SSRC staff “in response to Sarin [gas] attack on Khan Shaykhoun.”
Other sources have alleged a wide web of Iranian bases and facilities in Syria.
The National Council of Resistance of Iran published a map in 2016 showing 12 bases from the north to south of the country, including in Aleppo, at Shayrat Air Base, on the road to Palmyra, at al-Dumayr Air Base, at Damascus International Airport, south of Yarmuk and near Izra near Daraa.
Basing itself on this report and others, the Daily Mail in the UK published an extensive report on Iran’s role in Syria, including allegations it has a “secret headquarters nicknamed the glasshouse” at Damascus International Airport.” It also shows Iranian presence at the sites of Shi’a religious shrines, including the Sayyida Zeinab Mosque south of Damascus.
Israel has repeatedly warned of Tehran’s encroachment in Syria. In August, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres that Israel would not accept the situation: “Iran is busy turning Syria into a base of military entrenchment, and it wants to use Syria and Lebanon as war fronts against its declared goal to eradicate Israel.”
In September, a report on Channel 2 said Israel had sought to tell the Russians that it did not want the Iranians operating within 60 km. of the Golan border.
The base at Al-Kiswah would be just within that buffer zone.
The Swamp is in full panic mode. They are pulling out the big guns. They claim Judge Roy Moore is a pedophile and cannot be allowed to represent the good people of the great state of Alabama. If Moore wins the election the Senate should refuse to seat him. The Washington Post claims it stumbled across this story by accident:
Corfman has been divorced three times and has been plagued by financial problems. She blames her chaotic teenage recklessness, drinking, drug abuse, promiscuity and a suicide attempt on Moore. By contrast Moore is a West Point graduate, a Vietnam veteran, a law school graduate, and what some would describe as a “holy roller.” This is not to say that “holy rollers” have not been known to “misbehave.” People have to decide who is more credible.
Roy Moore vs. the Swamp
The Swamp is in full panic mode. They are pulling out the big guns. They claim Judge Roy Moore is a pedophile and cannot be allowed to represent the good people of the great state of Alabama. If Moore wins the election the Senate should refuse to seat him. The Washington Post claims it stumbled across this story by accident:
“While reporting a story in Alabama about supporters of Moore’s Senate campaign, a Post reporter heard that Moore allegedly had sought relationships with teenage girls.”
The Swamp media would have us believe that they do not have a double standard when it comes to conservatives.
When Sarah Palin was selected for vice president David Corn claimed, “Alaska’s getting pretty crowded…with investigative reporters and scandal-chasers.” Six weeks after being offered an exclusive story by Paula Jones the Post printed nothing. The Post's managing editor, Robert Kaiser claimed, "We have an obligation to the Post's readers to do our best to establish the truth and not simply to print damaging accusations the moment they are made."
The authors of the Washington Post article on Moore is very conscious of the problems the paper has with credibility. They go to great lengths to establish the main accuser’s bona fides. Leigh Corfman is not like Paula Jones, who Newsweek’s Evan Thomas called "some sleazy woman with big hair coming out of the trailer parks." McCrummen claims, “none of the women has donated to or worked for Moore’s Democratic opponent.” Corfman voted for Republicans and even voted for Trump. She described her story consistently in six interviews with The Post. Neither Corfman nor any of the other women sought out The Post. All were initially reluctant to speak. Corfman claims, “I have prayed over this.” She is obviously what the Post’s Michael Weisskopf called one of the people who are “largely poor, uneducated, and easy to command.”
The Swamp accepts Corfman’s allegations without reservations. No one from the Swamp asked, “Why is this coming out now?” After 38 years, is it possible that the memories of a girl from a broken home might be distorted.
Corfman has been divorced three times and has been plagued by financial problems. She blames her chaotic teenage recklessness, drinking, drug abuse, promiscuity and a suicide attempt on Moore. By contrast Moore is a West Point graduate, a Vietnam veteran, a law school graduate, and what some would describe as a “holy roller.” This is not to say that “holy rollers” have not been known to “misbehave.” People have to decide who is more credible.
The question of credibility frequently depends on which side of the political spectrum an individual is on. Members of the Swamp will immediately side with Corfman. The Swamp creatures have revealed themselves yet again. Mitch McConnell is leading the charge. McConnell stated, “If these allegations are true, he must step aside.” He was followed by Sen. Jeff Flake who argued, “If there is any shred of truth to the allegations against Roy Moore, he should step aside immediately.” Sen. Susan Collins said, “If there is any truth at all to these horrific allegations, Roy Moore should immediately step aside as a Senate candidate.” Sen. Lisa Murkowski said, “I’m horrified.” Sen. Rob Portman said, “It was very troubling … if what we read is true and people are on the record so I assume it is.” Sen. John McCain had no doubts about Moore’s guilt. He tweeted, “The allegations against Roy Moore are deeply disturbing and disqualifying. He should immediately step aside and allow the people of Alabama to elect a candidate they can be proud of.” All of these Senators are Republicans and member of the Swamp.
McConnell and the other Swamp creatures would rather have a Democrat in this Alabama Senate seat. George H.W. Bush voted for Hillary Clinton and is an unlikely Moore supporter. Max Boot, a Rubio consultant said, “I would sooner vote for Josef Stalin than I would vote for Donald Trump.” He is also an unlikely Moore supporter. These are not 38-year-old allegations.
The Swamp’s Claude Rains imitations are unconvincing. Presently Senator Bob Menendez is being investigated for financial corruption. Federal prosecutors believe that “defendants Menendez and Melgen had sex with underage prostitutes in the Dominican Republic." These are not 38-year-old allegations. Three women who made the prostitution allegations later recanted and said they were paid to level the charges. Who paid them? Is the Post interested?
Sen. Lindsey Graham has testified as a character witness for Menendez. Are Swamp creatures outraged by the recent release of FBI documents claiming Martin Luther King engaged in sex orgies? Are they outraged by a Hollywood producer, Roman Polanski, who drugged and raped a 13-year-old? Or was this not a case of “rape-rape?”
Sen. Lindsey Graham has testified as a character witness for Menendez. Are Swamp creatures outraged by the recent release of FBI documents claiming Martin Luther King engaged in sex orgies? Are they outraged by a Hollywood producer, Roman Polanski, who drugged and raped a 13-year-old? Or was this not a case of “rape-rape?”
Charges of sexual misconduct have been successfully used by the Swamp in the past. In 1989 Senator John Tower was nominated for Secretary of Defense. The day the debate on Tower's nomination began in the Senate, Bob Woodward’s article entitled, "Incidents at Defense Base Cited, Drunkenness, Harassment of Women Alleged" appeared on the front page of the Washington Post. Bob Woodward reported that informed sources claimed Tower had been drunk at Bergstrom Air Force Base.
Tower was not confirmed and the next day it was revealed that Woodward’s source was discharged from the Air Force for psychiatric reasons. Another story used against him was that he danced naked on a grand piano with his mistress, a Russian ballerina. This was reported by Leslie Stahl on CBS, even though the FBI had reported they had reason to believe it was not true.
Rarely has a pile-on been more hypocritical than when Sen. Ted Kennedy told students at Yale University that he was "troubled" by reports that John Tower drank excessively and made improper advances toward women.
For many Trump supporters, an attack on Judge Moore by McCain is the next thing to an endorsement. If McCain opposes him he must be a patriot. The president missed a great opportunity to embarrass the Swamp. He reportedly said that Moore will “step aside” if the charges are true. He should have mentioned that in light of the Swamp’s past behavior this is unlikely that the charges are true.
John Dietrich is a freelance writer and the author of The Morgenthau Plan: Soviet Influence on American Postwar Policy (Algora Publishing). He has a Master of Arts Degree in International Relations from St. Mary’s University. He is retired from the Defense Intelligence Agency and the Department of Homeland Security.
3) A sweet grandmother telephoned St. Joseph 's Hospital..
She timidly asked,“Is it possible to speak to someone who can tell me how a patient is doing?”
The operator said, "I'll be glad to help, dear. What's the name and room number?”The grandmother in her weak, tremulous voice said"Noreen, in Room 302.”
The operator replied,"Let me place you on hold while I check with her nurse.” After a few minutes, the operator returned to the phone and said, "Oh, I have good news. Her nurse just told me that Noreen is doing very well. Her blood pressure is fine; her blood work just came back as normal, and her physician, Dr. Cohen, has scheduled her to be discharged on Tuesday.”
The grandmother said, "Thank you. That's wonderful! I was so worried
God bless you for the good news.
”The operator replied, "You're more than welcome. Is Noreen your daughter ?
4) "War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself."
3) A sweet grandmother telephoned St. Joseph 's Hospital..
She timidly asked,“Is it possible to speak to someone who can tell me how a patient is doing?”
The operator said, "I'll be glad to help, dear. What's the name and room number?”The grandmother in her weak, tremulous voice said"Noreen, in Room 302.”
The operator replied,"Let me place you on hold while I check with her nurse.” After a few minutes, the operator returned to the phone and said, "Oh, I have good news. Her nurse just told me that Noreen is doing very well. Her blood pressure is fine; her blood work just came back as normal, and her physician, Dr. Cohen, has scheduled her to be discharged on Tuesday.”
The grandmother said, "Thank you. That's wonderful! I was so worried
God bless you for the good news.
”The operator replied, "You're more than welcome. Is Noreen your daughter ?
The grandmother said,“No, I'm Noreen in room 302 No one tells me shit.”
John Stuart Mill
(1806 – 1873)
English philosopher, political economist and civil servant

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