The Nelson family goes all out for Halloween but what about the pooches?
This from a relative and fellow memo reader. (See 1 below.)
Left click on this then click on Haley's address.
Finally someone to match John Bolton.(See 2 below.)
This was sent to me by a friend and fellow memo reader. He made the following comments:
"Thought you might be interested in this commentary a new Bush biography by Mark Updegrove. Bold comments below are mine. L----."
There is much truth in my friend's response to the article he posted. The Bush family were raised in the patrician New England tradition and Trump reflects a totally different background - a New York brawler.
The contrast between the Bushes and Trump is as stark as it gets. To some degree Trump is president because of the failed policies of GW. GW claims to be a true Republican but never sought to balance the budget or pay for the war. On the other hand, GW could not be passive after 9/11 but he could have chosen better people to win the peace after winning the war in Iraq.
His father was so distant from day to day life that he was never seen as the truly decent man he is. Then he moved his lips and was held accountable for breaking his word.
There is enough blame to go round for all presidents good and bad because the job is probably beyond any mortal's ability.
I believe I see Trump's warts but I also see the positive and he has many considering the shape the world is in, the challenges because of Obama's fecklessness and the cumulative mess he inherited.
GW always said he would allow history to define his presidency so I find it interesting that he is now trying to shape its decision. (See 3 below.)
I have met only two presidents in my life - Carter and Bush 41. Bush 41 and his feisty wife are good people with sound values. Bush 41 has a quirky sense of humor, was a capable administrator and the Gulf War was difficult for him to institute but he deserves a tremendous amount of credit for the way he executed.
Never cared for Carter, though I voted for him the first time. Regionalism I guess motivated me to do so.
Someone who I was very close to worked with/for Carter and subsequently resigned his post and told me he was the worst administrator he ever saw. Carter has a mean streak and is a grudge carrier. Underneath his outwardly calm demeanor are a lot of unresolved psychological issues.
This too was sent to me by a friend and fellow memo reader and one of Savannah's finest surgeons. (See 4 below.)
1)I took down my Rebel flag (which you can’t buy on EBAY any more) and
peeled the NRA sticker off my front window.
I disconnected my home alarm system and quit the candy-ass Neighborhood Watch.
I bought two Pakistani flags and put one at each corner of the front yard.
Then I purchased the black flag of ISIS (which you CAN Buy on EBAY)
and ran it up the flag pole.
Then I purchased the black flag of ISIS (which you CAN Buy on EBAY)
and ran it up the flag pole.
Now the local police, sheriff, FBI, CIA, NSA, Homeland Security,
Secret Service and other agencies are all watching my house 24/7.
Secret Service and other agencies are all watching my house 24/7.
I’ve NEVER felt safer and I’m saving $69.95 a month that ADT used to charge me.
Plus, I bought burkas for me to wear when I shop or travel.
Everyone moves out of the way, and security can’t pat me down.
Everyone moves out of the way, and security can’t pat me down.
If they say I’m a male wearing a burka, I just say I’m feeling like a
woman today.
woman today.
Hot Damn…Safe at last!! ~ God Bless America
2)Lebanese PM Resigns, Flees to Saudi Arabia, Cites Iran’s Grip on his Country, Fear of Assassination
War is on the way to Israel and her neighborhood. Bet the farm on that. The only thing uncertain is how hard Israel will push for complete victory at the end. In the past, without exception, she's acted as if she was the one who lost. Frankly, I don't think she'll make that mistake again. On paper, Israel's much too strong today. But with Jews you can't be sure. The Left in Israel is dying, but they haven't breathed their last just yet. And, as always, a lot rides on the conduct of the USA. Unfortunately, I have it on good authority that Trump is already sending Israel the wrong signals. To quote my confidante, "he's already getting in the way." If Trumps succeeds in pushing out the oilman, Tillerson, maybe the situation in DC will change. But even my friend on the inside isn't sure about that.
2)Lebanese PM Resigns, Flees to Saudi Arabia, Cites Iran’s Grip on his Country, Fear of Assassination
Saudi Arabia Arrests 11 Princes, Including Billionaire Waleed bin Talal
All that aside, here's my litmus test for which to judge Israel's leader, Benjamin Netanyahu. An early indicator. If he doesn't treat a conflict with Hezbollah & Co. as a conflict with their sponsor Iran, then he is not a serious wartime commander and this will all end inconclusively again. Just another prelude to a bigger bloodier conflict a few years hence.
But in the best case scenario, this is Israel's chance to kill three birds with one stone: Destroy the last hope of the Arabs to eliminate the Jewish state; kill the deadly "peace process" once and for all; and end Iran's mortal threat to the Jews and the world.
Not an opportunity to be missed in my opinion. I am sure I will not live long enough to see another one like it. Carpe diem.
Dan Friedman
3) This from a Daily Mail, November 4, 2017
In a new biographical book out in just weeks former Presidents George W. Bush, President George H.W. Bush give scathing assessments of Donald Trump. In 'The Last Republicans' the father son presidential team, give their insights on politics in America. In an interview with Bush Sr. he says of Trump in May of 2016 'I don't like him. I don't know much about him, but I know he's a blowhard. And I'm not too excited about him being a leader.'
George W. Bush echoed his father's sentiments when he told the author Mark Updegrove, 'As you know from looking at my family, humility is a certain heritage. That's what they expect, and we're not seeing that (in Trump).'
This is the first time either of the men have giving their frank assessment of Trump. According to CNN, the book will also reveal their rare insight into the 2016 presidential race- as it unfolded.
'If you look at the Bush family, it makes perfect sense. Donald Trump is everything that the Bush family is not,' Updegrove told CNN. 'George Bush grew up thinking about the greater good. Donald Trump is manifestly narcissistic. It's part of his brand. And that brand is the antithesis of the Bush brand.'
In the book, Updegrove writes that the younger Bush did not think Trump would win when he first entered the presidential race.
'Interesting, won't last' was the younger Bush's reaction in the early days of the race, Updegrove wrote.
He was also surprised when Trump emerged as the Republican Party nominee. 'When you're not out there and you're not with the people, you don't get a good sense of (the mood),'' George W. Bush told Updegrove. When it came down to election day, neither voted for their party's nominee.
The younger voted 'None of the Above' for the presidential ticket, and voted Republican down the line afterwards. Meanwhile the elder Bush voted for Hillary Clinton. In a revealing look at how former presidents decide on choosing a candidate, W Bush says when it came down to it, he simply didn’t trust Clinton. 'In my presence, she was polite ... thoughtful,' he said, but alluding to her using a private email server as secretary of state, he added, 'obviously tangled up in bad judgment. This email thing, putting confidential information out there in a world where all kinds of people can figure out how to get your emails was not good judgment.'
Leading up to Election Day he told Updegrove ‘ he question for the country to decide -- on both candidates, by the way -- is to what extent should we be insisting upon integrity and solid character.' The younger also touches on how his youth has been considered rebellious, and feels it is an unfair assessment. In a 2012 interview with Updegrove, Bush told the historian he ‘ chased a lot of p**** and drank a lot of whiskey' as a young man, but added, 'I was never the prodigal son because I never left my family.'
'George W. Bush himself said in 2016 privately, and then to me, that 'you know, I fear that I will be the last Republican president.' And it wasn't just about Hillary Clinton becoming president, as the Republican Party was having a difficult time finding itself. It was because Donald Trump represented everything that the Bushes abhorred,' the author told CNN..
‘The Last Republicans' goes on sale on November 14.
I believe they would have been right if another Bush type president made it to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. The elder Bush, a “One Worlder” with uncomfortably close ties to the Saudis, and no handle on the nation’s economy, and the younger Bush who found Putin trustworthy are the kind of dynasty-building patricians we can do without. The elder admits to voting for Hillary Clinton, and that must be due to his close relationship with Bill Clinton. This same incredibly bad judgment by the younger got us into the Iraq War and into a near depression. I’ve been an activist Republican conservative for a lifetime, but when it came to a second term for the elder, I voted for Perot. I did not think the younger was up to the job of president. Not one veto of a spending bill in eight years. For eight years during the Obama regime, the younger said nothing. But now, he has joined the chorus of anti-Trumpers. Both Bushes were, and are, buddy-buddy with Barack. Thank goodness Donald Trump showed Jeb Bush for the crybaby candidate he was.
If you don’t live in the state of California you may not be familiar with our Governor’s his nick-name: “moonbeam.”
It was coined by Mike Royko, the Chicago columnist, who in 1976 said that Brown appeared to be attracting “the moonbeam vote,” which in Chicago political parlance meant young, idealistic and non-traditional. The term had a nice California feel, and Mr. Royko eventually began applying it when he wrote about the Golden State’s young, idealistic and non-traditional (i.e. liberal) chief executive. He found endless amusement in California’s oddities, calling the state “the world’s largest outdoor mental asylum.”
“If it babbles and its eyeballs are glazed,” he noted in April 1979, “it probably comes from California.”
Governor Brown is proving once again that the nickname was well-deserved. Here are just a few of the bills Brown has recently signed into law:
Assembly Bill 2466: Allows convicted felons serving time in jail, to “vote." Makes perfect sense doesn’t it? People who pay no taxes; receive free housing, food, clothing, medical care, and education AND have proven time and again they do not respect our laws, will now be integral in shaping the future of California for those of us who actually DO pay and obey.
SB 54 makes the entire state of CA a “sanctuary” for illegal alien criminals. State officials are forbidden to cooperate with federal immigration authorities.
SB 239 - Knowingly exposing others to HIV will no longer be a felony in California; neither will deceptively donating HIV-positive blood…. Another shining example of the mental disorder that IS liberalism. I wonder if the bill’s sponsor, Democrat Scott Weiner, would be so magnanimous if a conservative was prowling the streets injecting people with rabies or Hepatitis? I mean really, what’s the difference?
SB 219: (another Weiner acid trip) states: “those who work in health care who use the wrong gender pronoun when referring to a transgender patient could face prison time and/or $1000 fine.” So, if grandpa Paul decides he wants to be called grandma Paulette, healthcare workers who value their freedom had better comply or face jail time!
And then there is the “How can California’s youth get any dumber” act, also know as the "Let's create a permanent Democrat voting block" act… AB 830 eliminates all references to an exit exam as a requirement for graduation. The last stats (2014) on those who failed to pass the exit exam showed a failure rate of less than 4%. In the minds of what can only be described as Democrat libtards, this clearly demonstrates bias and thus, the test should be eliminated.
California was once the nation’s leader in education, quality of life, upward mobility, roads, industry, and common sense. The ONLY thing CA leads the nation in now is "income tax…13.3%" on top of what we already pay in state sales tax and federal tax. Oops, we also boast the nation's highest gasoline prices.
Governor Brown ushered in many of the “progressives" who have since shaped this state into what remains the world’s largest outdoor mental asylum.
Simply look at every city or state where "liberal Democrats" are in control… every single one is either a basket case or in steady decline… proving once again that -
"Liberalism is a very sick and suicidal mental disease."
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