Thursday, February 11, 2021

Un-Subtle Wealth Transfer. Mossad Tactics. Jan 6 Commentary. Two Takes.


When the Biden presidency ends and his voters look back they wil see there has been an enormous, not so subtle,  transfer of wealth by virtue of debt forgiveness, spending in favor of race, indebtendess that will be paid by those with wealth.  In essence, he scythe of socialism will have beheaded the haves in favor of the have nots. That is what the radicals who pull his strings are about.

While Pelosi shelters Swalwell, the mass media cover up Biden family corruption Ga, Republicans pursue virtue, seek truth and persist in their own self-destruction:

GA Prosectors Open Criminal Investigation into Trump Call (READ MORE)

Waters drips with hypocrisy and insincerity:

Maxine Waters' violent speech from 2018 may be a problem for Dems

HeadlineUncovering Maxine Waters’ Full 2018 Speech: Democrat Celebrated ‘Kicking’ And ‘Stepping On’ Donald Trump

What's Up: When Donald Trump's defense team presents their case starting Friday, it is anticipated a 2018 speech from Rep. Maxine Waters will be played to highlight the violent language often used by Democrats when attacking Trump over the past five years. In a pre-emptive strike, Waters has been attempting to dilute her comments, claiming they were not violent. 

Quote: "However, if we follow Waters’ advice and 'look at the words that [she] used,' her full speech included the claim that Trump 'tried to step on all of us, we kicked him in his rear and we stepped on him.' Later, she appeared to threaten the Trump administration, saying 'If you think we’re around you now, you ain’t seen nothing yet.'" —

The First take: We're not sure what is more disturbing, Representative  Waters declaring her comments were not meant to incite confrontations or the MSM giving her the air time to push these ridiculous claims. OK, it's a tie.  

Mossad revelations:

Report: Mossad Used Remote-Controlled Gun to Kill Top Iranian Scientist; IDF Conducts Wargames on Lebanese Border


Will Republicans ever have their own version of a Michael Moore? The first part of the article below was about Mark Cuban which I purposely edited out:

... I also wrote yesterday that I haven’t been paying any attention to the impeachment proceedings, and that is true. I do, however, see what my colleagues have written about it as part of my duties each night compiling this Briefing. And I did pay a lot of attention to the tedious lead up to this second act of the charade.

The Democrats in charge of this bad theater are all dull, unimaginative people. As such. the case they’re attempting to make lacks flavor. I also firmly believe that every elected Democrat inside the Beltway is a pathological liar, so the case also lacks veracity.

I’ve been dismissive of this kabuki impeachment drama from the beginning because all of the truths that the Democrats hold dear in their quest to banish Trump from wherever, forever aren’t true.

In no way, shape, or form did President Trump incite a riot. The Democrats are employing a familiar tactic of theirs that involves the repetition of a falsehood so many times that not only does the public begin to believe it, but so do the people who are telling the lie. Enough already, you malevolent dimwits.

A classic example of the above mentioned tactic occurred when Democrats introduced as evidence a debunked false narrative from last year about Trump supporters trying to run a Biden rally bus off of the road, which Victoria wrote about yesterday:

The Democrats pivoted to selling the idea that Trump displayed a pattern of encouraging illegal behavior. They seized on the “Trump Train” of trucks that they claimed had tried to run a Biden/Harris bus off the road during a campaign trip to Texas last fall.

Yeah, one problem with that. The Trump people weren’t actually trying to run the bus off the road. The smart asses just escorted or accompanied the bus on its trip to Austin. See the video below. A car driven by an apparent Biden supporter tried to occupy the same lane as a Trump truck driving behind the bus. Nobody knows who was there first. Paint may have been swapped but even that’s not certain. Nobody was hurtthe FBI tried to figure it out at the behest of the Democrats and nothing ever came of it.

Nobody tried to “force the [Biden] bus off the road.”

But they’ve talked themselves into believing it was real.

Another ongoing part of this insanity is watching every Democrat who was near Capitol Hill on January 6th acting like they were moments away from death:

The most galling thing about all of this is that after watching cities burn for months last summer and fall and having the media continually describe them as “mostly peaceful protests” we’re now being subjected to the repeated and inaccurate use of the word “insurrection.” My friend and Townhall colleague Kurt Schlichter writes about that in his latest column:

So, I was out at dinner with my old battalion commander – literally outside, because dining inside apparently is super deadly if you live under blue tyranny – and we were laughing at this whole “Muh Insurrekshun” nonsense. What happened January 6 was no “insurrection” in any meaningful sense of the word, especially not to those who survived the riots of 2020, and not to us either. See, I was my old battalion commander’s assistant operations officer and I was riding with him in his HUMVEE driving through Los Angeles as it burned in April 1991.
That was a riot. What happened on Capitol Hill was a few dudes dressed like Conan the Fauxbarian acting like fools and occasionally fighting with the cops while a few hundred other dudes took selfies in the Rotunda.We were in the 3rd Battalion, 160th Infantry, the first combat arms unit on the street during the LA Riot, a riot brought to you by Maxine Waters and other idiots, by the way. There was burning and looting and dozens we can say with absolute certainty were murdered by the LA rioters, unlike at the Capitol. It lasted for days. You wouldn’t know it from Rep. Stolen Cower, who seems to claim she suffered PTSD from being at the far end of the same ZIP code as the bruhaha, but what happened on January 6 was no “insurrection,” and Republicans need to stop playing along with the Establishment talking point that it was.

The Democrats want to think they’re on the moral high horse right now. In reality, they’re all mucking about neck-deep in the stable dung. I would like to say that they are embarrassing themselves but none of them have any self awareness, so they can’t be embarrassed.They are embarrassing the country and the Constitution, however.

One day in the distant future some honest historians will get around to noting that.



Impeachment 2.0 Could Be Moot If Law Enforcement's New Capitol Riot Lead Pans Out

By Beth Baumann

Law enforcement officials are officially launching an investigation into allegations that the January 6 riot on the Capitol was preplanned. Specifically, the agencies are investigating whether or not the rioters planned their course of attack by taking tours of the United States Capitol and whether or not foreign interference accompanied. 

If investigators conclude that foreign interference took place on Jan. 6, this would not be the first time another country attempted to influence America's elections. Back in November, former Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson warned about foreign adversaries attempting to meddle in the 2020 presidential election.

"There is, in fact, foreign interference right now in the 2020 election. We know this from our own government," Johnson said at the time. "The Iranians have attempted to intimidate Democratic voters. We know that there was a large-scale targeting exercise by the Russian government, but our government does not know exactly what their plan is. So there is, in fact, foreign interference."

Law enforcement officials have said the riots prove the attack on the Capitol was preplanned. Based on the concerns of foreign interference and a premeditated attack, Democrats' push to impeach President Trump for "insurrection" are becoming even more farfetched. 

Two different takes:

HeadlineBiden Holds First Phone Call With Xi, Both Sides Offer Vastly Different Accounts Of What Was Said

What's Up: President Biden and China's President Xi held their first telephone conversation since Biden's inauguration. While there were no major issues addressed in detail, the readouts from both sides sound quite different with the Biden admin's take sounding congenial and the Chinese spin focusing on the CCP's strength and sovereignty.

Quote: "Issues regarding Taiwan, Hong Kong and Xinjiang are China’s domestic affairs that concern China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. The US should respect China’s core interests and deal with those issues prudently: Xi." — Via  Global Times on

The First take: President Biden sounded congenial while speaking in general terms on topics like human rights, economic abuses by China and the Dems' favorite topic -- climate change. However, President XI's tone was much more serious, warning, "A confrontation between the US and China would be disastrous." Two very different takes, indeed. Let's just call this a "he said, XI said" situation.

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