Sunday, February 14, 2021

Comments Regarding Former Memo. The Future Is Soon. Biden Can Never Learn.



A guy goes to the supermarket and notices a very attractive woman waving at him.

She says, 'Hello.'

He's rather taken aback because he can't place where he knows her from.

So he asks, 'Do you know me?'

To which she replies, 'I think you're the father of one of my kids.'

Now his mind travels back to the only time he has ever been unfaithful to his wife.

So he asks, 'Are you the stripper from the bachelor party that I made love to on the pool table, with all my buddies watching, while your partner whipped my butt with wet celery?'

She looks into his eyes and says calmly, 'No, I'm your son's teacher.'


From a very dear friend and a fellow memo reader:

"Excellent essay. I agree with you entirely.

Unfortunately the political class on both sides of the aisle sell their votes- and their souls- to the highest bidder. China is now the highest bidder for Dem votes. Can you imagine what Pelosi and Schumer would have said if it was revealed that a new Republican congressman had had an affair with a clandestine PRC agent? Or if a senior Republican Senator had hired a PRC plant as her driver and gofer for 20 years? Hardly a peep out of them regarding Swalwell and Feinstein. Just like all of the intelligence agencies, the ChiComs use honey pots, blackmail, bribery and extortion to advance their agenda and someday I pray that the full exposure of the Dems to this type of influence peddling will be known.


                Your take on Trump is, in my estimation, accurate. He saw what a sordid mess DC was and tried to clean it up. He pulled no punches. He was often worse than annoying and unfortunately refused editing and fact-checking from wise souls around him but his spirit of pugnacious and rebellious patriotism was refreshing and will have a lasting effect. If Trump was a pit bull straining at his leash, Biden is the snake from the Garden of Eden…with dementia! It is harrowingly unbelievable that Trump was impeached twice on purely political grounds while Hunter Biden is publishing a book!!


The left espouses most of the values of the CCP:

  • Little respect for individual rights or competing world views
  • The embrace of wholesale abortion
  • hatred of religion
  • No respect for individual entrepreneurialism
  • Control of individual thought via censorship and a lapdog media: the “cancel culture”.
  • Centralized governmental control of as many human endeavors as possible: education, media, energy, manufacturing, etc.


We are in the political fight of our lives and it ain’t looking so good for us good guys


Dr. B--"


 Another response from another dear friend and fellow memo reader:

"You have done a great job of explaining the current situation!!  Concise and so understandable.  We are blessed to have you sending these great emails.  Happy Valentine Day to you and your lovely wife I see walking at the fitness center.  S------"

From a long time friend and fellow memo reader:

"Well said.  👍😢 E-"
From a dear liberal friends and fellow memo reader:
"My take is gutless politicians who value re-election more than looking out for the average American. Both parties are somewhat guilty of this but all you see are Democrats. Unions are not perfect, but workers would never have any say without them. It is only because of unions that workplace safety, fair wagers and benefits, and prohibition of child labor came to the workplace. There is certainly union corruption but no more than  in many large corporations. The Republicans sold their soul to Trump and they deserve each other. I remember he was your last choice in 2016. I hope they nominate him again in 2024. A----"
"Bullseye!!!   Well said!! J--"

Breaking: Ted Cruz Tells Us Some Hilarious Questions That Could Have Been Asked During the Impeachment Trial


This from a dear friend and fellow memo reader:

I think 60-80% could be true in 2 to 3 times the forecast period ...


Subject: Fwd: The future will be very interesting.

All of the following will become reality in the next 10-30 years. Many of us won't see the changes, but our kids and grandkids will. 

1- Basic auto repair shops will disappear. Read on to know why. 

2- A gas/diesel engine has 20,000 individual parts. An electrical motor has only 20 parts. Electric cars are sold with lifetime guarantees and are repaired only by dealers. It takes only 10 minutes to remove and replace an electric motor. 

3- Faulty electric motors are not repaired in the dealership but are sent to a regional repair shop that repairs them with robots 

4- Your electric motor malfunction light goes on, and so you drive up to what looks like a car wash, and your car is towed through while you have a cup of coffee and out comes your car with a new electric motor! 

5- Gas pumps will go away. 

6- Street corners will have meters that dispense electricity. Companies will install electrical recharging stations; in fact, they've already started in the developed world. 

7- Smart major auto manufacturers have already designated money to start building new plants that build only electric cars. 

8-Coal industries will go away. Gasoline/oil companies will go away. Drilling for oil will stop. Say goodbye to OPEC! The middle east is in trouble. 

9- Homes will produce and store more electrical energy during the day than they use, and will sell it back to the grid. The grid stores it and dispense it to industries that are high electricity users. Has anybody seen the Tesla roof? 

10- A baby of today will see personal cars only in museums. The FUTURE is approaching faster than most of us can handle. 

11- In 1998, Kodak had 170,000 employees and sold 85% of all photo paper worldwide. Within just a few years, their business model disappeared and they went bankrupt. Who would have thought of that ever happening? 

12- What happened to Kodak and Polaroid will happen in a lot of industries in the next 5-10 years ... and most of us don't see it coming. 

13- Did you think in 1998 that 3 years later you'd NEVER take pictures on film again? With today's smartphones, who even has a camera these days? 

14- Yet digital cameras were invented in 1975. The first ones only had 10,000 pixels, but followed Moore's law – that technological capacity will DOUBLE every year. So as with all exponential technologies, it was a disappointment for a time, before it became 'way superior' and became mainstream in only a few short years. 

15- It will now happen again (but much faster) with Artificial Intelligence (AI), health,  autonomous and electric cars, education, 3D printing, agriculture and jobs. 

16- Forget the book, "Future Shock"; welcome to the 4th Industrial Revolution. 

17- Software has disrupted and will continue to disrupt most traditional industries in the next 5-10 years. 

18- UBER is just a software tool; it doesn't own any cars and is now the biggest taxi company in the world! Ask any taxi drivers if they saw that coming. 

19- Airbnb is now the biggest hotel company in the world, although they don't own any properties. Ask Hilton Hotels if they saw that coming. 

20- Artificial Intelligence: Computers become exponentially better in understanding the world. This year, a computer beat the best Go player in the world, 10 years earlier than expected. 

21- In the USA, young lawyers already don't get jobs Because of computers, you can get legal advice (so far for right now, the basic stuff) within seconds, with 90% accuracy – compared with 70% accuracy when done by humans. So, if you study law, stop immediately. There will be 90% fewer lawyers in the future, (what a thought!). Only omniscient specialists will remain. 

22- Computer programs already help nurses diagnosing cancer, and the programs are 4 times more accurate than human nurses. 

23- Facebook now has pattern recognition software that can recognize faces better than humans. In 2030, computers will become more intelligent than humans...COMPUTERS CAN BE UNPLUGGED...OR SHOT! 

24- Autonomous cars: In 2018 the first self-driving cars are already here. In the next 2 years, the entire industry will start to be disrupted. You won't WANT to own a car anymore as you will call a car with your phone; it will show up at your location and drive you to your destination. 

25- You will not need to park it. You will pay only for the driven distance and you can be productive while driving. The very young children of today will never get a driver's license and will never own a car. 

26- This will change our cities because we will need 90-95% fewer cars. We can transform former parking lots into green parks. 

27- About 1.2 million people die each year in car accidents worldwide including distracted or drunk driving. We now have one accident every 60,000 miles. With autonomous driving that will drop to 1 accident in 6 million miles. That will save more than a million lives worldwide each year. 

28- Some traditional car companies will doubtless go bankrupt. They will try the evolutionary approach and just build a better car, while tech companies (Tesla, Apple, Google) will do the revolutionary approach and build a computer on wheels. 

29- Look at what Volvo is doing right now; no more internal combustion engines in their vehicles starting this year – with the 2019 models using all-electric or hybrid only, with the intent of phasing out the hybrid models. 

30- Many engineers from Volkswagen and Audi are completely terrified of Tesla – and they should be. Look at all the companies offering all-electric vehicles. That was unheard of only a few years ago. 

31- Insurance companies will have massive trouble because, without accidents, the costs will become cheaper. Their auto insurance business model will disappear. 

32- Real estate will change. If you can work from home (or from literally anywhere), people will abandon their towers to move far away to more beautiful affordable locations.

33- Electric cars will become mainstream about 2030. Cities will be less noisy because all new cars will run on electricity. 

34- Cities will have much cleaner air as well.

35- Electricity will become incredibly cheap and clean. 

36- Solar production has been on an exponential curve for 30 years, but you can now see the burgeoning impact. And it's just getting ramped up. 

37- Fossil energy companies are desperately trying to limit access to the grid to prevent competition from home solar installations; but, that simply cannot continue - technology will take care of that strategy. 

38- Health: "Tricorder X" will be announced this year. There are companies which will build a medical device (called the Tricorder from Star Trek) that works with your phone – taking your retina scan, your blood sample, and you breathe into it. It then analyses 54 biomarkers that will identify nearly any disease. There are dozens of phone apps out right now for health. 

WELCOME TO TOMORROW! – some of it actually arrived a few years ago.


And here's a few more:

·       Electric cars will use pollution-free hydrogen to make electricity to double or triple the mileage travelled.

·       Electric car battery recharging will be available free and wirelessly from lines interconnected solar tiles made from recycled waste plastics embedded in roadways.

·       Planes will be hydrogen-electric and pollution-free. Our skies will be blue and clear again. Clouds will produce clean rain. Fares will be cheaper.

·       Populations can reduce because politicians won't have chase exponential GDP growth (and cow-tow to media moguls and industry barons).

·       Politicians and media moguls and industry barons will be held to account by stronger anti-corruption laws. The legal system made more equitable to benefit everyday man/women.

·       Climate change can be turned around and reversed because fossil fuels are no longer an energy source, and only used for lubrication and plastics products.

·       Religions will become less popular or non-existent as people realise that, like politicians, they are run to exploit the masses by the few who do little or nothing except for their own benefit. Religious pedophilia can be eliminated.

·       Recycling can be made profitable by the wide use of cheap electricity generated from renewables. There will be home appliances to recycle wastes into metals, plastics and compost and fertilizers. The metals sold and plastics sold and collected for reuse. The compost and fertilizers used at home or sold for agricultural use or soil regeneration and reafforestation.

·       Water will be abundantly available from cheap electricity desalination plants near the sea and piped inland using the existing fossil fuel pipelines, or new pipelines built from recycles and new plastics. The clean freshwater used for agriculture and human consumption in remote areas, creating a dispersed populations density, eliminating cramped cities and ugly high-rise apartment units.

·       Working from home will become more commonplace, eliminating wasted travel time, creating greater human efficiency and domestic harmony, reducing traffic and road construction needs.

The world can be a better place as long as individual complacency is reduced and the masses force sustainable practices on the politicians by realizing the gains that each person can achieve and obtain by doing so.


If anyone thinks Biden will learn they are fooling themselves:

Biden Plays Softball With Iran | Opinion

By Caroline Glick

, Author and senior columnist, Israel Hayom

In his interview with CBS's Nora O'Donnell on Sunday, President Joe Biden gave the impression that he is playing hardball with Iran. But Iran is openly breaching the limitations on its nuclear activities that it agreed to under the 2015 nuclear deal it concluded with the Obama administration and its European partners.

Hours before Biden's interview with CBS, Iranian leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said the Islamic Republic will only scale back its illicit nuclear activities after Biden abrogates U.S. economic sanctions against the regime.

O'Donnell asked Biden if he would comply with Khamenei's condition. Biden responded with a curt "no," and then nodded after O'Donnell followed up by asking if "they have to end uranium enrichment first?"

Back in the studio, CBS's Margret Brennan concluded, "It appears there is a standoff."

But drama aside, there's no standoff.

On Monday, Biden's spokeswoman Jen Psaki made an effort to walk back Biden's remarks. "If we were announcing a major policy change, we would do it in a different way than a slight head nod," she said.

Even before Biden's tough talk and head nod, Bloomberg News reported that Biden and his team are looking to have things both ways. They want to help Iran economically despite the fact that its intensive uranium enrichment and other nuclear activities make clear that Iran's nuclear efforts are entirely military-related. And they want to help Iran without having to defend their policy in a bruising fight with Republicans over suspending sanctions. According to the report, the administration is considering providing Iran with U.S.-backed International Monetary Fund loans and other international assistance, which Biden and his advisors could characterize as COVID-19 relief.

Searching for a way to give money to Tehran isn't the only way that Biden and his advisors are communicating that they are playing softball, not hardball, with the ayatollahs.

Last week, the administration facilitated Iran's Houthi proxy's continued control over a large area of Yemen, from which it conducts missile and drone strikes against U.S. ally Saudi Arabia.

One of the many strategic weaknesses of the 2015 nuclear deal, otherwise known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), was that it ignored Iran's non-nuclear aggression—its proxy wars across Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Gaza and Lebanon, its sponsorship of terror in the Middle East and worldwide, and its ballistic missile programs.

While then-President Barack Obama, then-Vice President Biden and their advisors promoted the JCPOA as a non-proliferation agreement, its effect was not to block Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. With its sunset clauses, the JCPOA guaranteed Iran's acquisition of nuclear weapons within 10 to 13 years and facilitated Iran's hegemonic ambitions in the Middle East.

Obama admitted this was the case in an August 2015 interview with NPR. Upon the expiration of the JCPOA's restrictions on Iran's nuclear activities, Obama said that its "breakout times [to independent military nuclear capability] would have shrunk almost down to zero."

By suspending UN Security Council sanctions on Iran in exchange for the regime's agreement to suspend some of its nuclear work for a limited period, the JCPOA enriched Iran to the tune of $150 billion. As then-Secretary of State John Kerry candidly acknowledged, those funds provided the regime with the financial means to advance its efforts to become the regional hegemon through its proxies in Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Lebanon.

To sum up then, the JCPOA provided Iran with an open road to a nuclear arsenal. And the sanctions relief Iran received provided the regime with the economic wherewithal to expand its non-nuclear aggression via terrorism, proxy wars and ballistic missile development throughout the region—and, indeed, throughout the world.

In a 2017 interview with Reuters, a senior Iranian government source said that in January 2017, then-Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Quds Force commander Qassem Suleimani held a meeting with Houthi leaders in Tehran. "At this meeting, [the Iranians] agreed to increase the amount of help [to the Houthis], through training, arms and financial support. Yemen is where the real proxy war is going on, and winning the battle in Yemen will help define the balance of power in the Middle East," the source bragged.

Since 2014, the Houthis have controlled around 30 percent of Yemen, including the areas where 80 percent of the population lives. Like Iran, the Houthis are committed to the destruction of the U.S. and Israel. Since 2014, they have used their border with Saudi Arabia to attack Saudi oil platforms, cities and ships with Iranian-supplied missiles and drones.

Trump began reinstating U.S. economic sanctions on Iran in 2018. By 2019, the sanctions had reportedly compelled Iran to significantly scale back its support for its various proxies, including the Houthis.

 Houthi rebels in Yemen Mohammed Hamoud/Getty Images

In late November, the Houthis attacked Jeddah with a long-range missile that a Houthi spokesman said was initially developed to attack Israel. Two months later, in one of its final acts, the Trump administration formally designated the Houthis a foreign terror group.

Secretary of State Tony Blinken said at his first press conference that the first Trump administration policy the new administration intended to reverse was the Houthis' terrorist designation and the Trump administration's related overall position on Yemen. And in Biden's speech at the State Department last week, he announced that the U.S. was indeed reversing course. In a departure from the policies of both the Trump and Obama administrations, Biden said his administration was ending U.S. support for Saudi military operations in Yemen and canceling "relevant arms sales" to the Saudis.

The following day, the State Department announced that the administration was revoking the Trump administration's designation of the Houthis as a terror group, thus ending the previous administration's sanctions on the Iranian proxy. This happened just after that the Houthis opened up a new volley of drone and missile strikes against Saudi Arabia.

By siding with the Houthis against Saudi Arabia, Biden helped Iran assert its control of Yemen through the Houthis and at the expense of Saudi Arabia. And he did this without receiving anything in return from Iran. Not only has Iran not scaled back any of its prohibited nuclear activities, but it is expected to block UN nuclear inspectors from conducting intrusive inspections of its nuclear sites beginning February 21. Just last weekend, The Wall Street Journal reported that UN inspectors found evidence of illicit nuclear activities at a site Iran had barred the inspectors from entering for seven months.

Biden's moves to empower Iran and its Houthi proxy against the U.S.'s Arab Gulf allies will be very costly to the region and to the U.S. They make regional war more likely. They diminish U.S. regional influence, and they open the door for China and Russia to replace the U.S. as the region's superpowers.

Biden's policy raises the prospect of war because he is emboldening Iran to expand its aggression, thus simultaneously convincing spurned U.S. allies that they have no choice but to take action against Iran and its nuclear program before it is truly too late.

Biden is diminishing U.S. influence by telling Iran it has no reason to fear the U.S., which is rewarding the regime even as it sprints toward the nuclear finish line and wages proxy wars against American allies. And he is also diminishing U.S. influence by kicking American allies to the curb.

This then brings us to Russia and China. Both powers saw the opportunity to expand their presence in the region at the U.S.'s expense during the Obama administration. Beginning in 2014, as Obama and his team realigned U.S. foreign policy toward Iran in the Persian Gulf and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Russia began negotiating major arms sales to Egypt for the first time since the 1970s. Since then, Egypt has purchased Russian SU-35 fighter jets, MiG-29M/M2 Fulcrums, Ka-52 attack helicopters and the S-300 air defense missile systems.

Saudi Arabia purchased Russia's far more advanced S-400 air defense missile system and Chinese ballistic missiles and drones. The United Arab Emirates has also purchased Chinese drones.

Although Trump worked hard to rebuild U.S. credibility with the Sunni Gulf states and Egypt, congressional hostility toward Saudi Arabia and U.S. political instability more generally made it impossible for Trump and his advisors to convince these allies to reverse course. Now Biden is making clear that they were right not to keep all their eggs in America's basket.

Biden's tough talk on Iran last weekend was a thin veneer covering a policy of profound weakness toward Iran. The policy is doubly bizarre since, thanks in large part to U.S. economic sanctions, Iran is on the brink of collapse. But in their keenness to undo everything that Trump did, the Biden administration is throwing away leverage and giving Khamenei the upper hand. In the process, the administration is increasing the chance of war, losing America's Arab allies and empowering China and Russia at America's expense.

Caroline B. Glick is a senior columnist at Israel Hayom and the author of The Israeli Solution: A One-State Plan for Peace in the Middle East, (Crown Forum, 2014). From 1994 to 1996, she served as a core member of Israel's negotiating team with the Palestine Liberation Organization.



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