Friday, February 5, 2021

Max and Stella At Universal. The Beautiful Face Of Trump's Republicans Party. Green With Envy. Biden's First Week -More To Come.


The beautiful face of the Republican Party all because Trump warned against Socialism and reached out to "deplorables." I am kicking in a few bucks and if you care about our country you should as well.

Hi Dick ,


I’m Maria Elvira Salazar, the newly elected Congresswoman for Florida’s 27th District. 


I was born in Little Havana in Miami to parents who fled Cuba with just $5 in their pocket, a taste of freedom, and the hope of building their own American Dream.

Being raised in Miami and Puerto Rico, I grew up being told stories of the oppressive, Fidel Castro-led, Communist regime in Cuba, from which my parents and many from our community escaped. This experience forged in me the importance of liberty and profound pride for the United States of America, but it also made me aware of the fragility of freedom.

Maria Elvira Salazar

The powerful observation that President Ronald Reagan once made about freedom rings true for me on an extremely personal level:


"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass 

it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed 

on for them to do the same."


This passion for the pursuit of freedom helped me succeed in my studies as I graduated from the University of Miami and then put myself through Harvard University. 

That same passion led me to a career in journalism, where I interviewed a wide range of notable social and political leaders. I became the first Spanish-language reporter to work for an American news station.

Maria Elvira Salazar
Maria Elvira Salazar

As a reporter, I focused on uncovering and exposing oppressive Communist and Socialist regimes across Latin America — including three years reporting from a Central American war zone in El Salvador.

It was one of the most formative and powerful experiences of my life, but one moment stands above all the rest — when I stood up to and challenged Fidel Castro in his first interview on American soil. That day, I saw the face of Socialism personified, and I faced the evil that tormented my family and countless others head-on.

Dick , I didn’t back down, and interviews like that pushed me into taking a more active role in confronting Socialism head-on.

Maria Elvira Salazar

I never wanted to be a politician, but I knew I had to act when Socialism 

started to rear its ugly head here in America.


I saw radicals like Nancy Pelosi and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez attempting to bring 

the nightmare of Socialism to our country. The radical ideas they push would make this country look more like Communist Cuba and less like the American Dream. 


As the child of Cuban immigrants and someone who knows the horrors of Socialism firsthand, I had to do everything I could to stop this assault on the American Dream. That’s why I ran for Congress and took my fight against Socialism from Miami to Washington, D.C. 


Dick , I’ve brought new energy to the Republican Party. I’m committed to fighting Socialism and standing tall for freedom and liberty! I'm MES and I stood up to 

Castro. Now I’m taking on Nancy Pelosi and AOC! That’s why I decided to help put together a group of new representatives called ‘The Freedom Force’. Our goal is to challenge the radical Left and bring new voices to the Republican Party. We’re representatives who aren’t afraid to defend the American Dream, and we have a deep commitment to freedom and liberty.


Become a founding supporter of the Freedom Force:


But we can't do it alone.

My district is one of the most highly contested in America. We took back this seat in 2020 from a Socialist ally, Donna Shalala, and now we’re already fending off the radical Left’s efforts to unseat me!

Maria Elvira Salazar

They would love to see me out of office because I’ll always pose a serious threat to their Socialist mission!


Dick , I'm a champion for freedom and liberty. I've fought Socialism before. I'll never let it come here. I will ensure our children and the next generation enjoy the same freedom my parents came seeking all those years ago!


Would you consider chipping in $5, $10, or even $25  to helping my cause:

Making Sure Socialism Never Comes to America!


Chip in $5


Chip in $10


Chip in $25


Your donations, your time, and your commitment to my success are CRUCIAL in my mission, and I hope you’ll join me in this fight.


En Libertad!



Maria Elvira Salazar


Biden wants to make the rest of the world "green" with envy as we turn America into a high cost producer so China can continue to eat our lunch:

President Biden’s Climate Plan
By Alice Green
President Joe Biden on Wednesday signed a sweeping executive order. It calls on American businesses to “lead a clean energy revolution.”

The order instructs all federal agencies to... Read More Here


Nice job Joe!  How to ruin the greatest Nation in a week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Democrats, delete now!

Way to go Democrats.
So far the unifying moves in the first week of the Biden administration are doing wonders to unite America don’t you think? 
In less than a week, Biden has accomplished  the following!

👉🏽loss of 52,000+ jobs in oil.
👉🏽Ended energy independence for the United States.
👉 gas prices up 25c a gallon for a start and expected to sky rocket 
👉🏽Canada and Texas are suing Biden.
👉🏽Sent our troops in DC to sleep on the floor of a parking garage, in freezing temps and one bathroom.
👉🏽Created a new glass ceiling for girls to hurdle, ruining so many chances for scholarships with his "progressive" transgender programs allowing boys to compete against girls. 
👉🏽Created a new federal property mask mandate, which he broke countless times already.
👉🏽Is now allowing illegal immigrants to be counted for representation in congress
👉🏽A complete halt on student loan forgiveness that he promised.
👉🏽A complete halt on the $2000 stimulus program he promised.
👉🏽Shot down a Trump order to lower the cost of insulin.
👉🏽Shot down a Trump order to lower the cost of epinephrine. 
👉🏽Rescinds Trump order banning Chinese Communist involvement in US power grid. READ THAT AGAIN....
👉🏽$1.6 billion in gross wages lost.
👉🏽Has yet to send the NG in or stop the rioting and destruction happening to Portland and Seattle right now... 
👉 And JUST YESTERDAY - 8 Chinese bombers, 4 fighters, and 1 sub-hunter just breached Taiwan's Air Defense Identification Zone, crossing the Taiwan Strait. Now US vessels have entered Soujtbern China waters. 
Everything they've done in FOUR DAYS has benefitted OTHER countries and hurt Americans. 
Feminists are now having voters remorse! Unions who endorsed him are rejecting him now... 
But HEY, at least Biden hasn't tweeted mean words. And, we have a woman Vice President, for a party that doesn’t recognize genders.
YAY- USA not a peep on the violence. 🤐
Trump's lawyers counter:

Trump Lawyers Counter Democrats With These 4 Impeachment Arguments
Psaki must be an outstanding "dodge ball" player. After all she has a great coach in Biden.

Hey friends!

Check out today's episode of the 
13-Minute News Hour! Join the live chat during the 11:45 am central time premiere or watch any time after that.

Children vs Teachers Unions: Jen Psaki Dodges Question on Biden's School Reopening Plan | Ep. 320

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki is quickly earning a reputation of not being able to do her job. From endless replies of "I'll circle back" to dodging basic questions, to attempting to obtain press questions in advance, Jen Psaki is showing that the new Biden White House is not ready for prime time.

Click here to watch the show!

Click here to subscribe to my YouTube channel


No one to hate media viewership tanks. Who will they start attacking?:

What to do when there's no one left to hate? The network news channels will eventually find another target, but until then they're having a tough time making a go of it in a post-Trump environment. Entertainment magazine Variety reported on Monday: “Viewership data across two key... Read More


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