Monday, February 15, 2021

Establishment Republicans Should Reach An Accommodation.



Two of the posters above attest to the hypocrisy of Democrats.

Over the ensuing two years Republicans will try and sort out what to do about Trump.

What weak knee Republicans do not want to accept is no matter whom Republicans select Democrats, and their mass media puppets, will always find fault and will stop at nothing to defeat him/her. Except for his personality, Trump will go down as one of our best presidents in recent history if judged by his accomplishments in the 4 year period he served as well as against the stacked odds by the hateful Democrat party and their puppets in the media. 

Nikki Haley is being attacked for her analysis of where Trump went wrong. I believe she was spot on, courageous and her comments need to be examined.  Trump did harm The Party but he vastly helped America. His narcissistic personality makes him a threat but neither should he be cast aside because he has too many legitimate followers who are pleased with what he said he would do and then went out and tried his best to do it. The results speak for themselves.

Obviously anytime Trump appears or speaks there is a risk because he is unhinged and the mass media would love to have him back as their foil.  What Republicans must learn to do, knowing the media will lie and  Democrats will lie, cheat and steal, is how to fight back. 

a) This is difficult for them and is not a weapon in their bag. There are some but the establishment are too stilted and patrician in their ways. They only know how to play by the rules.

b) They have no allies in the mass media which also puts them at a distinct dis-advantage.

c) They need to educate women to be more reasoning than emotional.

Those within the Republican establishment would be better served if they sat down and had a heart to heart talk with Trump and spoke in practicalities and how together they need to join forces to defeat the most evil and dangerous party ever assembled.

Trump has enough common sense to now that in unity their is strength.


From The Patriot Source:

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This from an indelible Democrat friend and fellow memo reader:


It is time for our failed leader to look in the mirror and see what a pathetic person he is and how incompetent and destructive his first month has been and if it continues we are going to suffer tremendously both as a nation and people.

Joe Biden PROVES He’s A Failed Leader after Blaming Trump


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