Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Horowitz Attacks Biden. American Education Curriculum Has Been Penetrated. Zito And Biden Beer. Will Bibi Pull It Off?


The worst thing of all is he does not even know he is lying having begun plagiarizing so early in life.

The Biggest and Nastiest White House Liar – Ever

He’s our president now. 

Yes, Joe Biden – and it isn’t even close. Of course, Biden is widely regarded as an endangered species, a status that serves to protect him from criticism that would be directed at a younger, more mentally stable individual. Even his political opponents are somewhat wary of saying what a catastrophe and menace Biden and his presidency represent. Meanwhile, the whoring intellectual left at the Times and the Washington Post fawn all over this empty suit almost to the same degree that they have slandered Donald Trump for four years as an unrivaled serial liar.  

Fortunately, these smears persuade only dedicated Trump haters, who  pretend to be horrified because he exaggerated the size of his inaugural crowd. To those not afflicted with Trump-phobia, a politician who can draw 50,000 people on a winter’s night to Butler Pennsylvania (Pop. 1357) is actually insulated from this kind of slander because the reality is clear enough. Trump has the largest and most devoted following of any politician in our lifetimes. His crowd was as large as Joe Bidens are small.

In any case, how is this exaggeration unique to Trump, not to mention sinister? What politician does not inflate their crowd sizes? Trump’s problem was not that he exaggerated. Like any successful salesman, he did. His problem was that he was a businessman new to politics and had not mastered the art of spinning and getting away with it. During the 1960 presidential election, for example, John F. Kennedy was also accused by the press of inflating the size of his campaign crowds. When they asked him how he arrived at his numbers, which didn’t square with theirs, he answered: “Porky [which was Kennedy’s nickname for his aide Pierre Salinger] counts the number of nuns and multiplies by 10.” Situation defused.

The fact this storm of false accusations and cover-ups obscures is that no presidential candidate - no president ever – has been so brazen and malicious at telling political lies as Joe Biden. Before an audience of 70 or 80 million viewers of the final presidential debate, for example, Biden accused Trump of being a mass murderer, of killing hundreds of thousands of coronavirus patients because he “did nothing” to fight the virus. Vote for me, Biden appealed to his audience, because if elected, I will rescue you from the clutches of a villain who doesn’t have a “plan” and doesn’t care how many innocent people die. As president I will change that. I have a “plan.”

This was Biden’s opening salvo in the presidential debate - the “one thing” he wanted voters to remember and take to heart. It was also a monstrous lie. Biden had no plan that would affect the course of the pandemic. He conceded this after the election when one of the first announcements he made as president was: “There is nothing we can do to change the trajectory of the pandemic in the next several months.” No apologies to Trump. No apologies to the people he deceived into voting for him. No apologies at all.

Actually, Biden’s accusation that “Trump did nothing” to fight the epidemic was multiple monstrous lies in one. From the outset, and throughout the pandemic, Trump did not control a single health care policy that would affect infection rates in the fifty states. We are governed by a federal system in which those policies, whether it is mask mandates or business shutdowns, or who gets put in nursing homes, are formulated and executed by the respective governors of those states.

Trump supplied those governors – Democrats and Republicans equally – with record numbers of ventilators, masks, testing kits, swabs and other medical equipment, held daily briefings alongside officials of the Centers for Disease Control, and produced two vaccines in record time which are saving millions of lives. No apologies, let alone thank yous, from President Biden. Just more of the oblivion in which he is allowed to forget he had ever called Trump a mass murderer in order to deceive people into voting Democrat.

While this may have set a new low for dirty political tricks, it probably was not the worst transgression committed by Biden in terms of its impact on the nation’s crisis – the deepening political division between the two parties and the alarming progress towards a First Amendment-free, one-party state in which questioning Democrat orthodoxy is regarded as “domestic terrorism.”

This honor belonged to the central theme, and in that sense, the biggest lie of the Biden campaign: the assurances by the candidate and his enablers that Joe was a “moderate,” whose mission was to “heal and unify” the nation. All of it summed up in his personal “heartfelt” pledge to be a president “for all Americans, whether you voted for me or not.”

Biden fulfilled these promises by using the first week of his presidency to issue 40 Executive Orders that were radically left and whose only unifying theme was that they were each designed to obliterate a policy of Donald Trump – because it was a policy of Donald Trump, whether the policy was beneficial or not.

Biden began with a series of new orders to open America’s southern border – suspending deportations, stopping the border wall, and ending the Mexican quarantine of people trying to get into the country illegally. Biden’s new order was to just let them in. What could possibly be the rationale for making this a priority in the midst of a pandemic, with new mutations of the virus springing up globally? Why encourage an influx of potentially millions of unvetted illegal aliens (a descriptive phrase, by the way, he also ordered banned as part of his party’s campaign to outlaw politically incorrect thought)?

These executive orders had no rationale other than as sticks poked in the eyes of every American who had voted for Trump – all 75 million - and every American whose life these, and a host of other destructive policies, endangered. The fact that these were Executive Orders, and not appeals to a bi-partisan Congress, was a brazenly calculated warning that there was not going to be a healing or unity, as Biden had promised. Instead, Biden himself intended to lead an assault on half the nation, dividing the country for another generation. It was another brazen Biden lie - this time aimed at America’s heart.

That this was no accident was evident by lies he told during the campaign pretending to oppose Executive Orders because only “dictators” like Trump resorted to them. During an infamous campaign interview Biden told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos: “I have this strange notion, we are a democracy … if you can’t get the votes … you can’t [legislate] by Executive Order unless you’re a dictator. We’re a democracy. We need consensus.”  Apparently not. That was only another lie I told to fool you into voting for me.

It’s not difficult to imagine how a rapidly deteriorating human being – and lifetime politician – would sign on to Biden’s Executive Orders and expose himself as a despicable, untrustworthy, dangerous leader in his first week in office. But how did his handlers collude in this? How did the entire Democrat Party contrive to orchestrate the selection and protection and election of this empty shell of a man already burdened with a 47-year history of lying and corruption in public office? This surely amounts to the gravest crime the Democrat Party has committed since the Civil War: to inflict such a devious and damaged human relic onto Americans as their commander-in-chief.



Incredible.  Hunter will get away with his grift (and giving 10% to the Big Guy), his rape of young Chinese girls, and his crack cocaine use.



One of the main reasons I believe our nation is going down hill is the penetration of what our students are now being taught.  Curriculum has been infiltrated with material that teaches school children anti-American thinking. This i has begun  in Washington State but is spreading throughout the nation's grade school systems.  

Our college and university humanities' departments have already been taken over by liberal professors who are predominantly radicals.  They are engaged in  brainwashing our students with leftist ideology and any challenges can invite not only intimidation but also result in lower grades etc.

This is where it all begins and it ends with riots and all the new buzz words,like wokeness, cancel culture etc.

These same institutions are also being funded by our adversaries who know how to destroy us from within.





Salena Zito is a friend who  is willing to tell it like it is.  That is an increasingly  rare commodity with op ed writers today:

Frank Biden’s Billy Beer problem 

By Salena Zito

It’s fair to speculate that few people would have bought Billy Beer had Billy’s last name not been Carter.

In September of 1977, eight months after former Georgia Gov. Jimmy Carter had been sworn in as President of the United States, his colorful younger brother Billy, known during the campaign mostly for his love up pickup trucks, colorful antics, and beer drinking for breakfast, teamed up with a Kentucky brewery to produce a brew that bore his name and endorsement.

The label for Billy Beer, which was brewed by Fall City Brewery Co. in Louisville, Kentucky, read“Brewed expressly for and with the personal approval of one of America’s all time great beer drinkers – Billy Carter.”
Jim Tate, the company president at the time, said, “By no means are we entering into this relationship with Billy Carter simply to capitalize on a fad or to exploit a currently popular personality.”

At the time, it was amusing. But then amusing turned dark. 

The younger Carter, a Georgia gas station owner, kept pushing the bounds of his loose and fast exploitation of his brother’s position of power. Eventually, he went from beer endorsements to becoming the agent of the government of Libya. 

Traveling there several times, the younger Carter accepted hundreds of thousands of dollars from the Libyans and became the center of influence-peddling accusations. 

Lloyd Cutler, then the 39th president’s counsel, said the president was concerned his brother had obligated himself to Libya’s radical regime by accepting $220,000 as part of a reported $500,000 loan from Libya.

Within three years, Billy Carter went from a harmless beer hustler to the center of Billygate, which resulted in a thirty-page FBI file, a Justice Department investigation, and congressional hearings, and played a role in Carter’s loss to Ronald Reagan in the 1980 presidential election.

Recently, Frank Biden, the younger brother of President Biden, dipped his toe into the sibling influence pond, but he was far less subtle than Billy was in 1977. He also didn’t even wait until his brother’s hand was on the Bible at his inauguration before doing it.

 Click here for the full story.


Can BIBI pull it off? https://m.jpost.com/israel-elections/poll-right-wing-bloc-could-get-61-seats-if-bennett-sits-with-netanyahu-657501


Trump does not think like a typical politician. He thinks like a businessman who wants to solve, rather than perpetuate a problem. This is partly how he was able to get a Covid Vaccine faster than doing it the D.C way.

As for Cuomo, he got himself boxed in because he is a typical politician who seeks to blame others for his own incompetency.

Why Operation Warp Speed Worked

The successful vaccine program followed the model of U.S. mobilization in World War II.

By Arthur Herman

Every day new questions and criticisms arise about Operation Warp Speed, the public-private vaccine development initiative launched by presidential order in May 2020. Most of that criticism focuses on the distribution bottlenecks that have developed in different states, as Americans are impatient with the slow pace of the rollout. Jen Psaki, President Biden’s press secretary, has claimed to see an “urgent need to address failures of the Trump team approach to vaccine distribution.” Some in the new administration even want to rename the program.

Nearly all these claims rest on a misunderstanding both of Operation Warp Speed’s mission and its nature as a government program. While President Trump’s Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar and others dubbed the original project MP2, or Manhattan Project 2, after the crash effort to build an atomic bomb, Operation Warp Speed’s leadership borrowed a more practical model: the industrial mobilization during World War II that produced the so-called Arsenal of Democracy.

That model can still push the vaccine rollout over the finish line. Governors and other state officials in particular need to realize the federal government is operating in the wake of a health-care version of Pearl Harbor, and adjust their operations accordingly.

From the beginning the principal mission of Operation Warp Speed was the development, manufacturing, and distribution—i.e., shipping—of coronavirus vaccines. To date, the program has managed to produce and deliver about 50 million vaccine doses—all made in the U.S.—with hundreds of millions more on the way. It also had 97,000 certified receivers distributing the vaccine across the U.S.

It is the most remarkable achievement in modern medicine, made possible by following the model of the World War II mobilization effort. That model rests on three principles.

First, set a clear target and a firm deadline. Operation Warp Speed’s goal was 20 million vaccine doses by December 2020. Aiming at that target enabled the program’s leaders, Gen. Gustave Perna and Dr. Moncef Slaoui (who resigned last month at the Biden administration’s request but will stay on as a consultant), to focus everyone in Operation Warp Speed on achieving a single result.

Second, mobilize the best pharmaceutical and drug manufacturing companies to hit the target, so that private industry invests its energy and productivity in the plan. During World War II, the big automotive and electrical companies became the driving engine of the mobilization effort, though many had never before produced arms or weapons.

In Operation Warp Speed’s case, the vaccine effort went from a single manufacturing facility in the U.S. to a network of facilities where the country’s drug companies could pool efforts to develop and manufacture vaccines. What traditional health-care experts thought of as a laboratory process became an industrial process—with prodigious results. Companies like FedEx and UPS were pressed into service to deliver the finished product.

Third, maintain government oversight from start to finish. The Commerce, Defense, and Health and Human Services departments invoked the Defense Production Act 18 times to prioritize materials and supplies for Operation Warp Speed, and get government contracts for vaccine development and manufacturing to the head of the line. The use of federal authority to guide but not micromanage the private economy’s efforts was key to producing victory in World War II and to creating the Covid vaccine in record time.

In the U.S. federal system, however, state governments can’t be steamrolled by Washington. The Arsenal of Democracy was able to ship its goods to two all-powerful federal agencies, the War and Navy departments, which knew how to get those weapons to the soldiers, sailors and airmen who would use them. There’s no corresponding federal agency in this case.

About 50 million vaccination doses have been made and shipped, but only half have been administered, while fewer than six million people have received second doses. While some states have dealt with the crisis well, many have found the process of getting shots into arms overwhelming.

It isn’t too late to turn things around, if governors start using the World War II model. One step would be appointing their National Guard adjutants general as vaccine czars with clear authority to override state agency procedures and coordinate with federal leadership.

A second step would be to set a statewide target for inoculation aimed at twice the number of inoculations in half the time recommended by state health-care bureaucrats and experts. An urgent deadline can focus minds and trigger innovative thinking in ways that can transform the effort.

Another step would be to turn major businesses with large distribution networks into links in a logistical chain that can put as much vaccine as Operation Warp Speed can supply into as many arms as need it. With some 97,000 approved distribution centers already on the books there are plenty of opportunities for speeding up dispersal as part of an all-state government effort.

Some states are doing so. West Virginia has distributed nearly 90% of its first vaccine shot supply. But much more can be done in every state by combining planning with authority and imagination—and relying on guidance from the Arsenal of Democracy model.

There’s still plenty to be done on manufacturing. The Novavax and Johnson & Johnson vaccines look promising and could be available this spring. One could argue that Moderna and Pfizer should focus now on making booster shots for the South African strain. The original architects of the World War II mobilization model would see all these issues as opportunities not obstacles. Thanks to Operation Warp Speed, America has established clear leadership in vaccine manufacturing. It is now poised to do the same for getting that vaccine to every American, starting with those who need it most.

Mr. Herman is a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute and author of “Freedom’s Forge: How American Business Produced Victory in World War II.”


The Cuomo Conspiracy

By Noah Rothman 

The world of political commentary is in a state of shock today. At least, the world of political commentary is pretending to be shocked, albeit unconvincingly.

The scandalous revelations emerging from the New York State attorney general’s office, which has alleged that Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s administration may have underestimated the state’s official COVID-related death toll in nursing homes by as much as 55 percent, has forced some to reevaluate their positive impression of the governor’s leadership. But the accusations emerging from Attorney General Letitia James’s office came as no surprise to anyone who had been paying the slightest attention to New York’s handling of the COVID crisis.

The accusations in James’s report, which involve not just the undercounting of deaths but the “guidance requiring the admission of COVID-19 patients into nursing homes” that put long-term care facility residents “at increased risk of harm” are well known to the press. We can at least assume this because these charges were first were reported in the press.

“New York’s coronavirus death toll in nursing homes, already among the highest in the nation, could actually be a significant undercount,” the Associated Press reported as far back as August of last year. This, the AP speculated, could be a function of the fact that the state deliberately declined to count long-term facility residents who died of COVID outside of nursing homes—in ambulances and hospitals, for example—as nursing-home deaths. The discrepancy between observed deaths and the state’s statistics was so glaring that it could not be ignored, but Cuomo somehow blustered his way through the scandal. “You look at where New York is as a percentage of nursing home deaths,” he barked at reporters who attended his semi-regular briefings. “It’s all the way at the bottom of the list.”

That investigation was one of many that outlined in detail the managerial failures that contributed to New York’s notorious mishandling of the pandemic.

A June 2020 Wall Street Journal investigation found that the governor’s obsessive need to contradict and undermine the authority of New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio “contributed to an uncoordinated effort” to combat the virus in state and city hospitals. Information sharing between Albany and New York City broke down and life-saving medical equipment in state stockpiles was found to be “faulty or inadequate.”

ProPublica investigation published in May 2020 found that officials in Albany deliberately choked off the flow of information from the state Health Department to New York City officials. “It’s like they have been ordered not to talk to us,” one unnamed city official told reporters. And while the mayor was hardly the model of competence during this crisis and the city has every reason to shift blame for its failures onto Cuomo’s administration, ProPublica’s conclusions suggest there is plenty of blame to go around.

And while it is important to be charitable when evaluating the performance of leaders operating under pressure and in an imperfect information environment amid a crisis, it’s not as if we do not have counterexamples that suggest improvements could have been made.

“The more telling metric is the timing of action in relation to spread,” ProPublica’s investigation concluded. “One way to calculate that…would be deaths per million, which was about 10 times higher in New York than in California by the time officials decided to close down the state.” And when Cuomo finally informed New Yorkers that businesses would close and all “all nonessential gatherings” would be policed, he gave the public two days before the policy went into effect.

And, of course, there was the nursing-home debacle. On March 25, the governor’s office issued a directive forcing the state’s nursing homes to readmit residents who had been sent to COVID-ridden hospitals. The governor defended that policy all the way into May of last year when he tacitly confessed to his mistake by rescinding the decree. The state’s Health Department eventually conducted an investigation of itself over the carnage that policy produced and determined that it had performed just fine. But again, some counterexamples suggest there was a better way—counterexamples like those provided by Florida and Gov. Ron DeSantis.

“We drew a hard line early on,” insisted Mary Mayhew, secretary of Florida’s Agency for Healthcare Administration. As a byproduct of Medicare’s reimbursement policy, she noted, there is always pressure on public officials to move older patients in and out of hospitals as quickly as possible, but resisting that pressure was critical to keeping COVID fatalities low. “We wanted people out, not in,” one Florida official said.

Despite its elderly population, Florida’s nursing-home deaths from COVID-19 are lower than even the national average. The discrepancy between Florida’s performance and Cuomo’s was so stark that it briefly gave rise to a paranoid theory published in and broadcast by mainstream media outlets implicating Gov. DeSantis in a conspiracy to hide the bodies. But the conspiracy was hidden in plain sight all along, and it had nothing to do with Florida’s performance.

At the outset of the crisis, Cuomo was branded a hero by political journalists—“America’s governor,” “articulate, consistent, and often tinged with empathy,” possessed of a “take-charge attitude” and “comforting manner.” His presumed competence made him a useful Democratic foil to Donald Trump’s often unintelligible pronouncements and cavalier attitude toward the value of non-pharmaceutical interventions (i.e., masking). But Cuomo’s maladministration was visible for all to see. The allegations in the James report are generating a lot of attention and putting Cuomo on the defensive. Still, these charges are not new and are likely come as no surprise to the journalistic establishment. So, if they come as a surprise to you, you now know whom to blame.


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