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Biden’s Border Blowup
By Victor Davis Hanson
Posted By Ruth King
Some 8 to 10 million illegal aliens from all over the world, as expected, have flooded across the border since Joe Biden took office.
A demagogic candidate Biden, remember, in 2019 invited those massing at the southern border to “surge” into the United States without specifying they first needed legal sanction: “We immediately surge to the border all those seeking asylum.”
In contrast, we know legal immigration is America’s great strength, but it has always depended on a few key prerequisites.
Immigration must be legal and measured.
Why? Because only the host nation can adjudicate how many immigrants it can successfully accept and assimilate. It has no desire to encourage Balkanized tribalism so common in nations abroad torn apart by ethnic conflict.
America must have some knowledge of the background of immigrants, especially whether they have criminal records, belong to gangs, are importing drugs, carry infectious diseases, or can be self-supporting.
By contrast, if the first thing immigrants do is illegally cross the American border, and the second is to reside illegally in America, and the third is to obtain fraudulent identification to mask that illegality, then they will establish long patterns of illegal behavior and disrespect for their hosts.
In addition, immigration should be diverse so that large ethnic groups do not form permanent tribal sects in the fashion of the Balkans, the Middle East, or Latin America.
Ideally, the host should prefer immigrants who have some knowledge of the language and customs of the United States. And they should have some ability to be self-supporting so as not to burden American taxpayers or overtax and deprive social services from poorer U.S. citizens.
As for the host?
America must be confident enough in and knowledgeable enough about its values, customs, and traditions to demand immigrants integrate rapidly into the body politic of the United States.
Both the host and immigrants must agree on the basic facts of immigration.
Immigrants, not the host, have chosen to leave their native land to risk a new life and identity in America.
Therefore, the relationship is, by nature, asymmetrical. The host has a perfect right, indeed a responsibility, to impose its own values upon newcomers—not vice versa.
Otherwise, if immigrants do not absorb their newly adopted culture, why would they have left and, in some sense, rejected their homeland in the first place?
To replicate in the United States the very conditions and environment that they so eagerly fled from back home?
So the host must remind immigrants that they chose a completely different paradigm from their native country. And therefore, they must be helped to embrace an entirely new national identity.
Unfortunately, in the last four years, the Biden administration has violated every historical canon critical to ensuring legal immigration enriches the United States.
They have encouraged 8-10 million of the world’s poorest to flood the border and to enter and reside in America without legal sanction.
Most have no prior experience with American traditions, and few speak English.
Host Americans have no idea whether hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of the millions entering illegally have committed crimes in their native countries, or have any record of employment, or are sick, or are here to foment gangs and to import lethal, foreign-made drugs that kill some 100,000 Americans a year.
Worse, we, the hosts, no longer believe in the melting pot that once made America the world’s only successful multiracial democracy, united by the laws of the Constitution and the unique values that emanate from it.
The combination of mass illegal immigration, without audit, into a country beset with $35 trillion in national debt, an existing 50 million residents not born in the United States, and without confidence in rapid assimilation certainly explains the disaster of illegal immigration that now manifests daily.
Joe Biden may think nullifying federal immigration law is a smart political trick that, in the past, may have flipped southwestern states from red to blue or warped the census to give blue states more congressional districts.
Or he may assume that with 70 percent of the electorate now voting through poorly audited mail-in balloting, there is no real way to prevent foreign nationals from voting for those who neutered the law to let them in.
But in truth, Biden is unfortunately undermining support for all immigration, legal or otherwise. He is guaranteeing that more imported drugs and gang members will kill more Americans.
Ironically, Biden is also alienating from the Democratic Party its once loyal black and Latino voters. They, not the party elite, must deal concretely with the consequences of Biden’s callous and cynical, ideologically driven policies.
Perhaps the left will only cease destroying immigration law when it realizes that for each illegal alien it invites in, it will lose one or more once loyal Democratic voters.
Dear Dick,
The IDF has seized a trove of hard drives, cellphones, laptops, maps and other materials from Hamas during its operations throughout Gaza, securing valuable intelligence about Hamas’ command and control, communications, and the whereabouts of its leadership.
"They have more understanding and intelligence on Hamas than they ever had before," said Matthew Levitt from The Washington Institute for Near East Policy.
"They have put a lot of pressure on Hamas’ leadership and capabilities, and they absolutely have taken advantage and are exploiting materials for additional intelligence and information," a senior Biden administration official added . Read more about what Israel has uncovered here.
600 terrorists arrested at Shifa Hospital The IDF continued its operation to capture and kill terrorists hiding behind patients in the Shifa Hospital complex. 600 Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists have been apprehended, and another 140 have been killed by Israeli troops since the operation began earlier this week. Today the IDF released photos of some of the terrorists captured inside the hospital, including high-ranking commanders in the terror group. The chief of Hamas operations, Raad Saad, is reportedly among those apprehended. |
Is The White House in touch with reality.? We know Biden is out to lunch. +++
Biden’s Middle East Is a Fantasy World He imagines Palestinians are eager for peace and Israel’s government is at odds with its people. By Amit Segal Jerusalem When Joe Biden and officials in his administration talk about the Israelis and the Palestinians, they describe two peoples that don’t exist in reality. According to the White House, the Palestinians aspire to peace, reject Hamas and are ready to make painful concessions. A week after Hamas attacked Israel, Mr. Biden said in an interview on “60 Minutes”: “Hamas and the extreme elements of Hamas don’t represent all the Palestinian people.” National security adviser Jake Sullivan said: “The many, many Palestinians who have had nothing to do with the brutal terrorist organization Hamas—the vast majority of the population of Gaza—they deserve dignity. They deserve safety and security.” In reality, according to a November survey by Arab World for Research and Development, affiliated with Ramallah-based Birzeit University, 59% of Palestinians “extremely support” the Oct. 7 massacre, and another 16% “somewhat support” it. When Mr. Biden refers to the Palestinian Authority as the legitimate representative of the Palestinian people, he ignores that its president, Mahmoud Abbas, was last elected 19 years ago to a four-year term, and that the last time the Palestinians went to the polls, in 2006, they voted for Hamas. The Israeli people as the White House envisions them are also different from the real thing. Vice President Kamala Harris this week uttered a statement about Israel of the kind typically reserved for dictatorships: “It’s important for us to distinguish or at least not conflate the Israeli government with the Israeli people.” Some of Mr. Biden’s supporters have suggested he address the Knesset, going over the head of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and speaking directly to Israel’s purportedly moderate population. The president seemed open to the idea in an MSNBC interview this week, though he later disavowed it. If Mr. Biden engages directly with the Israeli people, he’ll be surprised by what he hears. Yes, there is a significant disparity between Israel’s leadership and its citizens—but it’s the opposite of what people in Washington assume. The Israeli public is far more “right-wing” than the policies of its government. While Mr. Netanyahu has previously voiced support for a Palestinian state, a February survey conducted by Midgam for Channel 12 News found that 63% of the Israeli public strongly opposes such a state under any circumstances. While the cabinet implicitly agreed that a renewed Palestinian Authority would control Gaza, 73% of those who expressed an opinion in the survey opposed it. Minister Benny Gantz has hosted Mr. Abbas in his home, yet Israelis haven’t forgotten Mr. Abbas’s brazen lies about the Holocaust. The Israeli government has been providing humanitarian aid to Gaza, but a January survey found that 72% of the public opposes such aid until all hostages are released. Mr. Netanyahu has officially repudiated the ideas of renewing Jewish settlement in Gaza and direct Israeli control over the strip, but two-thirds of his voters support such moves, according to the Midgam/Channel 12 survey. The Israel Mr. Biden knows—the one that supports deep withdrawals, settlement evacuations and the two-state solution—ceased to exist two decades ago during the second intifada. Savage Palestinian violence at that time indiscriminately claimed the lives of more than 1,000 Israelis, including babies, women and the elderly. That massacre was led by Fatah “moderates” rather than Hamas extremists, and the slaughter unfolded in slow motion over three years rather than eight hours. Those bloody events occurred months after Israel’s prime minister offered the Palestinian leader more than 90% of Judea and Samaria, the evacuation of thousands of settlers, the division of the Old City of Jerusalem, and Palestinian control of the Temple Mount. Israeli leftists have since furled the flag of the two-state solution and raised other banners, ones related more to domestic policy issues, including the role of ultra-Orthodox Jews and proposals to reform the legal system. When Mr. Biden claims that Mr. Netanyahu “is hurting Israel more than helping it,” he is referring to the single issue on which most Israelis support the prime minister. For Mr. Netanyahu, the Palestinian issue is almost the only comfortable subject after Oct. 7. Sometimes I wonder if Messrs. Biden and Netanyahu conspired to stage the escalating confrontation between them to save themselves from the defeat the polls predict: The president confronts the prime minister to buck up his disillusioned base; Mr. Netanyahu recovers from the failure to foresee and prevent the attack by proving that he’s strong against Washington. If Mr. Biden really aims to pacify Israel by toppling Mr. Netanyahu, his strategy is a bad one. The next prime minister will inherit Israeli public opinion. It’s time the administration recognizes reality: The Palestinians overwhelmingly support the murder of Jews, and the Israelis don’t think the Palestinians deserve a state. Maybe Mr. Netanyahu should go over Mr. Biden’s head and speak to the U.S. people directly. According to a recent Harvard Caps-Harris poll, the American public supports Israel much more than the president does. And I’d like to remind my fellow Israelis that it’s important for us to distinguish, or at least not conflate, the American government with the American people. Mr. Segal is chief political commentator on Israel’s Channel 12 News and author of “The Story of Israeli Politics.” +++++++++++++++++++++++ If AOC is re-elected then that would be the last straw in terms of whether those who live in her district are mentally sane enough to be allowed to walk in the streets and be near children. She is a former bartender who should be behind bars. +++. SHOWDOWN: AOC Gets A Primary Challenger (Republican Senate News) – Everyone’s favorite Democrat, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, has a new primary challenger in the form of NYC businessman Marty Dolan, who stated that he’s had more than enough of her far-left “radicalism.” Haven’t we all? AOC has done nothing of substance or value since first getting elected to office. It’s hard to understand why in the world so many people have continued to vote her into the position. All she’s done is activism from within Congress. That’s it. Ocasio-Cortez supports radical policy positions that have contributed to the destruction of our economy and way of life. “He has announced he is running to unseat the three-term congresswoman and he did not mince words regarding how he feels about the congresswoman and others in his party. Marty Dolan is a Wall Street investor who received his MBA from Harvard University and grew up in New York City,” The Western Journal divulged. “His campaign website says he is also an avid golfer and writer and also enjoys restoring old homes.” Dolan revealed that the reason for his candidacy for the 14th district is that he wants to pull his party out of the weeds and restore some sanity that he feels AOC has stripped from it. “I am excited to formally announce my candidacy for the Democratic nomination for New York’s 14th Congressional District,” Dolan remarked on his campaign site. “The June 25th, 2024, primary will be a referendum: Are we better or worse off from following radical policies?” Dolan explained that “progressives” like AOC are “radicals whose influence on the Democratic Party is overweight.” He then noted the failure of the modern Democratic Party positions to keep citizens of New York safe. “The impact in NYC is obvious: bail reform a disaster, the National Guard in the subway, toothpaste locked up in drugstores but criminals running free, scarce resources directed to (non-sanctuary) immigrants coming from all over the world,” Dolan commented. “These difficulties must be addressed in the context of a runaway $34 trillion federal debt and NYC’s 14% marginal tax rate,” he continued. “Regional tax inequality is far more exaggerated in the USA than in any other country.” Ocasio-Cortez’s primary challenger declared that progressives and their twisted up policies have driven 500,000 former tax paying residents out of New York, which he said is “unsustainable.” “The radicals can’t deliver more than breadcrumbs when they ignore that the primary breadwinners are leaving and brush off taxpayer concerns in favor of abstract populist ideologies,” Dolan asserted. “Enough is enough.” “We also urgently need to ‘reset’ our society’s income inequality and harmonize regional differences in social policy,” Dolan added. “We call our approach the ‘Hamilton Plan v. 2.0’ in honor of one of our greatest New Yorkers, Alexander Hamilton, who forged the independent colonies into a great republic.” A moderate Democrat will have a whole lot of appeal in this area of New York, so Dolan might pose an actual risk to her re-election efforts. It would certainly be nice to get rid of Ocasio-Cortez and if a moderate were to get the seat, there are certainly worse outcomes. Copyright 2024. ++++++++++++++++++++ |
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