Friday, October 13, 2023

World - Go F--- Yourself.

Is Biden Administration weakening now that it has warned Israel to show restraint?

I never doubted this would occur just was not sure when the warning would begin.
Worth reposting. Outstanding, so listen to the entire conversation.
This Is Why Israel Deeply Matters to America 

By Katie Pavlich


Bill Maher Exposes the Left's Idiocy in Supporting Hamas

By Matt Vespa


I was not aware Harvard's president was a black woman. Now I understand why the University took their initial cowardly, amoral  position. 

I also find it interesting how quickly Hamas and Palestinian supporters were able to take to the streets with prearranged signs of support. I seriously doubt Biden's Justice Department will investigate who is financing these protests but, were they to do so, I am sure they would find these protests are paid for by those who want to destroy our country. Our adversaries are doing an effective  job. 

Furthermore, seems the FBI is more interested in investigating American parents as "terrorists "  because they want to raise their children as they choose. Israeli's want to protect their children so they they will not be beheaded but the president of Harvard, the AG and FBI do not comprehend the distinction because Jewish lives are less worthy..


The argument Palestinians are not free is a bald face lie. They chose to leave their homes and join those Arab nations who attacked Israel when it was established. Then they rejected every opportunity offered them to have peace because they wanted to destroy Israel and drive Israeli's into the sea. Palestinians and other radial Islamists teach their children at a very early age to hate and kill Jews.

Arafat shook hands with his Israeli counterpart after The Oslo Accords but never intended to carry out the agreement's intent  Then Arafat subjected Israel to a series of  "intifada's.

Eventually Israel (Sharon)  returned a flourishing Gaza back to the Palestinians who allowed Hamas to take over the areas' administration. Hamas proceeded to constantly attack Israel and then Hamas slaughtered the American equivalent of 35,000 Israeli's revealing what we all knew they were beasts.  Hamas is the personification of evil and must be totally eliminated.

Israel is prepared to do the world a major favor with respect to destroying radical Islamic terrorism but the world is timid and tragically amoral. The world always supports the perpetrator not the victim. Sadat paid the ultimate price for his courage and decency because The Muslim Brotherhood is the forerunner of Hamas.

From a sexual view point, the world always demands Israelis' must engage in premature sex.  My response to the world has always been go f--- yourselves and I have not changed my message.!!! 



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