Sunday, September 3, 2023

The Real Obama. Ordman. Saudi's And Bibi. Mass Media Objectivity Dead.

The true Obama is hateful and vile.

 Obama’s non-responses to black antisemitism

The former president evaded the Nation of Islam leader’s core anti-semitic ideology.

In his 2017 book Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama and a Tablet interview this month, historian David Garrow revealed that Obama refused to take a stand against black antisemitism in the late 1980s when, as a Loyola University professor put it at the time, “virulent antisemitism has gripped Chicago’s black community.” Andrew Greeley, a Chicago priest and author, warned, “If I were Jewish, I would be terrified.”

In 1988, the press reported that Steve Cokely, a “favorite aide” of the acting mayor Eugene Sawyer, had given a series of talks to followers of the Nation of Islam (NOI) in which he alleged that Jewish doctors were injecting black babies with AIDS, which Jews had invented. After Sawyer fired him, black student organizations hosted Cokely, who inverted the Holocaust, claiming that Jews were “building gas chambers to kill blacks.

Louis Farrakhan, head of the NOI since 1977, allowed, “I do not know whether [Cokely’s claim about AIDS] was true,” but AIDS “could well be … a manufactured virus.” Nonetheless, Farrakhan insisted that Jewish leaders were upset “because the truth hurts.”

Farrakhan had recently informed reporters that as soon as he “became the voice of the poor” and “nearly 50,000” turned out to hear him, the Jews had unleashed crack cocaine—another weapon of mass destruction—on the black community. This was his racialized update of the 14th century libel that Jews had poisoned the wells of Europe.

In Chicago, Obama refused to repudiate or challenge Cokely’s charges, even though this caused a “big fight” with the woman with whom he was living, whose paternal grandparents had been recognized as Righteous Among the Nations.

In 1995, Obama attended and supported the NOI’s Million Man March, at which Farrakhan, by then the country’s leading antisemite, delivered his two-hour “coronation address.” It was aptly described by historian Sean Wilentz as “racialized mishmash, delivered in world-class demagogic style.” The March enhanced Farrakhan’s stature “significantly.”

Notably, the March was held not long after the NOI published—and distributed to students—the anonymous 1991 screed The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews. The book attributed “monumental culpability” for the Atlantic slave trade to Jews—a monumental lie. As the eminent historian David Brion Davis concluded, Jews had only a “very marginal place” in the slave trade. Again, Obama was silent.

In 2005, Farrakhan’s status was further elevated when the Congressional Black Caucus invited him to its legislative weekend, called “the Super Bowl of black politics and activism.” There, then-Senator Obama “met privately” with Farrakhan. A journalist snapped a picture of the pair together, smiling broadly. The photo was suppressed at the “immediate” request of a Caucus member. It was released only in 2018 after Obama left office.

Notably, a 2005 poll found that 36% of African Americans held “strong antisemitic beliefs”—four times the percentage of whites.

In 2007-2008, during Obama’s successful run for the Democratic presidential nomination, he was asked for his views on Farrakhan. He responded, after a fashion. For over 20 years Obama had been a member of Chicago’s Trinity United Church of Christ, whose minister, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, had a long and strong relationship with the NOI leader. Wright had even gone with Farrakhan to Tripoli to meet Muammar Gaddafi, the Libyan dictator, who later pledged $1 billion to Farrakhan. Obama acknowledged that he considered Wright his “moral compass” and had “prayed privately” with him before announcing his candidacy.

In December 2007, Trumpet Magazine, owned by Wright’s church, gave its Trumpeter Award to Farrakhan, who, it gushed, “truly epitomized greatness.” Wright then praised Farrakhan for his “integrity and honesty” and “astounding and eye-opening … depth of analysis” of “the racial life of this nation.”

When asked to comment, Obama dodged. “I assume the … decision to honor Farrakhan was based on his effort to rehabilitate ex-offenders,” he said, which had not been mentioned at all.  

Indeed, Farrakhan rehabilitated offenders by indoctrinating them in hatred of Jews: “Liars and thieves, you! Murderers and gamblers and … freaks. … Coke-usin’, reefer-smokin’, pill-poppin’, heroin-shootin’ self. … Because you under the rule and order of maker—made by Jews into devils. Tha’s why they don’t want me to talk.”

Yet no one challenged Obama’s spin.

In February 2008, during a debate with Hillary Clinton, Obama once again sidestepped the issue. When moderator Tim Russert asked for Obama’s reaction to Farrakhan’s recent endorsement of his candidacy, Obama responded, “I did not solicit his support. … I can’t say to somebody that he can’t say that he thinks I’m a good guy.” He added that he planned to make restoring ties between blacks and Jews a priority. “I have some of the strongest support from the Jewish community in my hometown of Chicago and in this campaign,” he asserted.

Left unmentioned was Farrakhan’s notorious query to a gathering of blacks: “What should be done with black leaders who seek Jewish support?” The response was “Kill them!” Farrakhan agreed: “I didn’t say it. I just seconded the motion!”

Even when Clinton retorted that Obama’s response to Farrakhan was not as strong as her own, Obama’s response was narrowly focused, though it elicited widespread praise in the press. He said, “I have been very clear in my denunciation of Minister Farrakhan’s antisemitic comments. I think that they are unacceptable and reprehensible.” Clinton countered, “There’s a difference between denouncing and rejecting.” Obama rejoined, “I’m happy to concede the point and I would reject and denounce.” There the colloquy ended.

The issue, however, was not just “Minister Farrakhan’s antisemitic comments.” It was the NOI’s antisemitic belief system—its foundation stone—that Farrakhan, “the Messenger of God,” preached. This ideology evoked the devotion of massive numbers of blacks, far beyond the NOI membership. When Farrakhan spoke to overflow crowds at black colleges and universities, students responded with standing ovations and expressions of awe. They characterized his address as transformative, “empowering”—he “awakened their soul.”

Obama did not mention this antisemitic ideology. He did not acknowledge that the core of NOI theology—and of Farrakhan’s sermons—is the delegitimization of Judaism. It is always characterized as a “dirty religion” and Jews are always denigrated as “Imposter Jews” and “Enemies of God.” The NOI taught and Farrakhan “revealed” that “from the first day” the Jews “received the Divine Scriptures” 4,000 years ago, “they started tampering with its truth,” crafting a counterfeit text. They fashioned a new deity who blessed their Satanic mission, which was, above all, “to master” the Black nation and, ultimately, “their own white brethren as well.”

In “altering the Word,” the “so-called Jews” even usurped the status of “the Chosen of God,” which belonged to “the Black Man.” The blacks of America “are the lost sheep of the Bible … not Israel.” The NOI teaches that, although hidden by the Jews, “the Book of Deuteronomy … it’s all about you!”

“Here’s a people that stole your birthright and are running around like they are the Chosen of God, and the choice of God is sittin’ under their foot,” Farrakhan railed.

Less than two years into Obama’s presidency, Farrakhan announced to wildly cheering crowds that he had “deciphered the meaning” of the Star of David, with its “six sides … six angles … each angle 60 degrees. Well, you have six, six and six,” which “the Bible says [is] the number of the Beast.” With no one who might have made a difference challenging him, Farrakhan had clinched his case: The Jews adopted the symbol of Satan once they became his agents.

Fortunately, however, as Farrakhan now proclaimed, “The time of their end has come! … The masquerade is over!” The massive audience responded with a “thunderous standing ovation.”

Obama was, once again, silent.

The opinions and facts presented in this article are those of the author, and neither JNS nor its partners assume any responsibility for them.


In many synagogues, last week's Torah portion described the joyful ceremony to be performed when bringing the first fruits of the season to the Temple in Jerusalem.

So it is very appropriate to read how fruitful Israelis have recently been with innovative medical devices and new treatments. Israeli programs are bearing fruit to benefit the elderly in Spain, Ethiopian-Israeli immigrants, Arab fish farmers, Middle East businesswomen, New York Search & Rescue teams, America's Historically Black colleges and three African countries. We are seeing Israeli scientific breakthroughs come to fruition in producing sustainable fuels and recycling plastics.

The high number of Israeli Unicorn (billion-dollar) companies shows how fruitful Israeli entrepreneurs have become, and the seeds for future successes are being planted with new investments into the hi-tech sector.  I cannot explain, however, as to what has caused Israel to suddenly blossom at so many international sports.

Finally, Israel's commitment to its children resulted in one Israeli girl overcoming cancer to become fruitful as a mother.

Please recommend and forward this email to friends, family and colleagues and especially to any individuals who you think need to know about the good work that Israel does.

In the 3rd Sep 23 edition of Israel’s good news, the highlights include (edited.):

Whole genome cancer detection. It wasn’t long ago since the genome was fully decoded. Now, Israel’s C2i Genomics (see here previously) has teamed up with Tel Aviv’s Sourasky (Ichilov) Medical Center take blood test data and perform whole genome minimal residual disease (MRD) testing to detect recurring cancer early.
Biopsy the cells. (TY Atid-EDI) Israel’s MetaSight Diagnostics is developing fast, low-cost mass spectrometry to perform vast amounts of serum biopsies of the metabolome (molecules in a cell). These can detect cancer, liver disease, cardiovascular and neurological diseases etc. MetaSight is working with KSM (Maccabi’s R&D).
Light-activated cancer treatment gets US support. (TY Atid-EDI) Israel’s ImPact Biotech has received Orphan treatment designation from the US FDA for its Padeliporfin VTP in Pancreatic Cancer. ImPact stands for IMmune Photo Activated Cancer Treatment and VTP is Vascular Targeted Photodynamic therapy.
US NIH funds Israeli radiation therapy. The U.S. National Institutes of Health has granted Israel’s Pluri (previously Pluristem) $4.2 million to develop its PLX-R18 (see here) as a treatment for Hematopoietic Acute Radiation Syndrome - a deadly disease that can result from nuclear disasters and radiation exposure.
Transforming clinical best practices. (TY OurCrowd) Israel’s Quai.MD is developing an AI- platform that improves hospital patient care, reduces costs and saves doctors’ time. The process is tailored to the patient and hospital. Partners include Mayo Clinic & MUSC. Initial focus is the diagnosis of patients with chest pain.
11,000 focused ultrasound procedures. (TY OurCrowd) A 5-year study of patients has proved the success of the focused ultrasound treatment from Israel’s Insightec (see here previously). It improved quality of life with no progressive or delayed complications. Insightec's technology has been used 11,000+ times globally.
Brain stimulation eases ADHD symptoms. In a small clinical study, Israeli and UK researchers found non-invasive brain stimulation improved the condition of 55% of unmedicated ADHD children aged 6-12. Only 17% of the placebo control group improved. 64% of the treated children retained the improvement weeks later.
Next gen blood test device gets US approval. (TY OurCrowd) The US FDA has approved the upgraded 15-minute bacteria vs virus diagnostic blood test device from Israel’s MeMed (see here previously). The new MeMed BV is now suitable for urgent care centers, as it avoids the clotting and spinning process of the original.
Approval for smart colonoscopy device. (TY Atid-EDI) MAGENTIQ-COLO from Israel’s MAGENTIQ-EYE (see here previously) has been cleared by the US FDA and Israel’s AMAR, and received Europe’s CE Mark. The AI-assisted device is significantly more efficient in detecting adenomas (pre-cancerous polyps).
Re-educate your muscles. Israel’s NeuroTrigger is developing a powered muscle stimulator to repeatedly contract muscles to increase their range of motion and prevent retardation. Neurotrigger has received a BIRD grant (see below) to develop an eyelid pacemaker that restores blinking to those with facial paralysis.
Remote health care for Madrid region. (TY Atid-EDI) Israel’s Essence SmartCare (see here previously) has won a contract from the Community of Madrid governmental region. Essence will use its digital AI systems to replace outdated analog remote care services for 100,000 senior citizens and disabled individuals.
$66 million to help integrate Ethiopian citizens. Israel is to extend and update its plan to integrate its 160,000 citizens of Ethiopian descent. Aims of the $66 million budget for 2023-24 include to integrate Ethiopian Israelis into military service, close the income gap and increase trust between the community and the government.
Clean energy for Israel-Arab cities. (TY Hazel) Israel has launched a NIS 30 million plan to promote green energy in Israeli-Arab cities. It will finance energy production projects, such as replacing old, inefficient lighting and air conditioning systems, plus the implementation of solar projects in public buildings.
Israeli help for PA fish farmers. (TY Hazel) Israel is helping edible fish farmers in the Palestinian Authority cities of Tulkarm and (yes) Jenin. They receive financing, equipment, fish food, water filters and training. The Israel helps with veterinary medicine, forestry, plant protection and agricultural imports.
Casablanca course helps careers of Israeli & Moroccan women. Casablanca was the venue of a very successful first Israel-Morocco cohort of the career-advancement program by Israel’s Femforward (see here previously). Jerusalem’s deputy mayor Fleur Hassan-Nahoum was one of the facilitators.  Bahrain is next.
Search & Rescue training for NY National Guard. (TY Hazel) 15 New York Army National Guard engineers received hands-on training in Oriskany NY, from members of Israel’s Home Front Command. They learned Israeli techniques for locating and rescuing people from collapsed buildings.
US Black Colleges to start exchange programs. (TY UWI) 5 heads of US universities in the Historically Black College and Universities (HBCU) group were so impressed from their recent trip to Israel that they will soon start student-exchange programs. They will also encourage the other 96 member institutions to do so.         
Food, water & energy for Rwanda. Israel’s Netafim has designed a unique coworking farm hub in landlocked drought-stricken Rwanda, with a purpose-built water source and energy network. The Gabiro Agribusiness Hub in the Nyagatara region of Eastern Rwanda is built on land that was previously not suitable for farming.
Screening women for cancer in DRC. Israel’s MobileODT (see here previously) has partnered US-based Cingulate Medical to launch phase one of a National Cervical Cancer and Breast Cancer screening and treatment program in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) – the largest such program in Africa.
Agreements with Zambia. (TY WIN) Israel and Zambia’s Foreign Ministers met in Jerusalem and signed several cooperation agreements to strengthen the two countries’ ties in the spheres of medicine, agriculture, communications, and culture.
Ammonia for carbon-free fuel. Israel’s Nitrofix (see here previously) has developed a zero-carbon, green electricity, zero hydrogen, method for producing ammonia for use as a green fuel. Nitrofix uses an organic metal catalyst to help combine nitrogen from the air with water. The only by-product is oxygen.  
SodaStream switches to renewable energy. New Israeli energy regulations has allowed Israel’s SodaStream (see here previously) to sign a 15-year deal with Israel’s Enlight (see here previously) that will power all of SodaStream’s production facilities in Israel with 100 percent renewable energy by the start of 2024.
Recycling synthetic fibers. Israel’s TextRe (see here previously) creates plastic pellets from synthetic fibers such as polyester and nylon from textile waste.  The pellets are then used to make other plastic products.
Food packaging from waste-produced fungi. Israel’s MadeRight takes industrial organic waste to grow fungi. This is then fermented to produce bioplastic pellets that can be made into biodegradable plastic food packaging. MadeRight has won two sustainability awards and MassChallenge.
Smart headband for blind swimmers. Israel’s EyeCan has developed a vibrating headband device that alerts swimmers in real time if they move from the center of their lane or are approaching an obstacle. EyeCan is part of the IDF’s 8200 Impact program and has received a $30,000 grant from the Israel Innovation Authority.
Using AI to fight antisemitism. (TY OurCrowd) Israel’s Cyabra (see here previously) not only spots fake videos, but is also playing a key role in the fight against the surge of antisemitism online. Cyabra is using an algorithm developed by Israeli startup Final to flag antisemitic posts on social media and initiate their removal.
Using AI in the emergency services. (TY Dr Salem) Excellent article on how AI is being used today in Israel to save lives by two of the country’s emergency services: the Israel Fire and Rescue Authority and Magen David Adom, which oversees emergency medical response. AI significantly speeds up response times.
The cutting edge of 3D software. Researchers at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem have developed software, called ArchCUT3-D, to extract and analyze ancient engravings that could lead to a better understanding of ancient engravers’ background and skills.
The best battery. (TY Atid-EDI) Israel’s Addionics (see here previously) won the UK Research and Innovation’s SME Credit Competition – part of UKRI’s Faraday Battery Challenge. Addionics receives £1 million to enable Addionics to access the UK Battery Industrialisation Centre for scaling up production.
Perfect dubbing. (TY Atid-EDI) Israel’s Deepdub (see here previously) has launched Deepdub Go. Now any business can transform its audio-videos into any language, whilst lip-synching the presenters / actors but retaining their original voices and emotions.  For training videos, university courses, ad agencies and movies.
Good news for Arab women and Haredi men. In 2020, 25% of Arab women aged 30-34 held academic degrees, double the percentage in 2010. In 2023, 45% of Arab women were employed, up from 33% in 2014. Among Haredi men, employment has reached 56%, up from 52% in 2014.
New grants for Israeli Arab entrepreneurs. The Israel Innovation Authority has announced new grants for innovative programs to train entrepreneurs in research and medical institutions with at least 50% representation from Israel’s Arab community. The Human Capital for High-Tech Fund is offering up to 70% of program costs.
Tax benefits for investors. (TY Atid-EDI) The Israeli Knesset has passed the "Angels Law". It grants tax benefits to investors in the local high-tech industry as well as incentives for purchasing other tech companies based in Israel. Benefits take effect immediately. Foreign firms also get benefits for lending to Israeli startups.
BIRD invests $8 Million in 9 new projects. The Israel-U.S. Binational Industrial R&D (BIRD) Foundation is granting $8 million for 9 joint hi-tech projects. The Israeli startups are Agado Live, Agromentum (Fieldin), AlvaLinks, ContainerEyes, GeneYX, NeuroTrigger, Oshi, Quantum Machines, and Treetoscope.
Flying high. Israel’s Arkia is starting flights from Tel Aviv to Sri Lanka in Oct. Meanwhile, El Al is to begin a Tel Aviv to Fort Lauderdale (Hollywood International) service in April plus six seasonal flights this year. However, the recent Jeddah to Tel Aviv flight, for Israeli passengers from the Seychelles, was a one-off.
El Al’s new Dreamliner uses sustainable fuel. (TY Stuart Palmer) El Al Israel Airlines’ newest Boeing 787 Dreamliner flew from Boeing’s Seattle factory using 30% Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF). It is El Al’s first use of SAF, made from sources such as CO2 in the air and emits far less carbon than fossil fuels.
NIS 100 billion high speed train plan. Israel is planning a 100-billion-shekel ($27 billion) high-speed rail line from Kiryat Shmona in the north to the southern city of Eilat 400km (250-miles) away.

Partnering to detect diabetic retinopathy. (TY OurCrowd) Customers of US retinal imaging and diagnostic company IRIS will be able to use AEYE-DS from Israel’s AEYE (see here previously) for the autonomous detection of diabetic retinopathy.
Exits, takeovers & mergers to 3/9/23. US Dynatrace is acquiring Israel’s Rookout for NIS 40-50 million. Israeli-founded, US based Coro Cybersecurity has acquired Israel’s Privatise. Israel’s InMode has acquired the patients of Colorado’s Viveve Medical.
Investment in Israeli startups to 3/9/23: AI21 Labs raised $155 millionFeelBetter raised $5.9 millionAppend Medical raised 4.35 millionMadeRight raised $2millionSkillset raised $1.65 million.
Sussita - Israel’s new National Park. The Hellenistic / Roman / Byzantine city of Hippos (Sussita in Hebrew) was established over 2,300 years ago in the Golan Heights. The new Sussita National Park (see here previously) offers a glimpse of ancient life there.
Gal Gadot movie is a hit in six Arab countries. (TY Hazel) Gal Gadot’s spy thriller “Heart of Stone” is number one on Netflix in 93 countries, including in Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Qatar, Kuwait and Oman.   
Real Madrid opens Jerusalem soccer clinic. Spanish soccer club Real Madrid opened its youth training camp in Jerusalem. It welcomed 450+ teenage players from Israel, Morocco, Jordan, and the Palestinian Authority.
Gymnastic successes. Israel’s women rhythmic gymnasts won the silver medal in the 2023 FIG Rhythmic Gymnastics World Cup event in Milan, achieving the same score as Italy. They then made history at the World Championships in Valencia, Spain, winning gold medals in both the All-Around and the Combined events.


At this juncture Israel w/o Bibi would not be a positive.


Netanyahu prepared to quit in return for Israel-Saudi peace deal?  Israel's mass media and liberals will do and say anything to rid the nation  of Bibi. They are as sick as those in America.


The prime minister is committed to "making any deal with the Saudis possible, even at the price of toppling his own government," HaModia reported.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Friday denied ultra-Orthodox reports he was preparing for the collapse of his government in return for a US-backed normalization deal with Saudi Arabia.

According to a report published in the Agudat Yisrael-affiliated haredi paper HaModia on Friday morning, Netanyahu had resigned to the fact that "his political career is nearing an end."

Netanyahu, in accordance with White House officials, will receive the long-awaited Saudi normalization deal and plea bargain for his criminal trials for his resignation, with the understanding being that he "does not have the capacity to manage the country in Israel's current political state," as per the report.

The prime minister is reportedly committed to "making any deal with the Saudis possible, even at the price of toppling his own government," HaModia added. 

Netanyahu's Likud: Ultra-Orthodox report is a farfetched fabrication

The prime minister's Likud faction hit back against the report on Friday, stating unequivocally that that report in the ultra-Orthodox newspaper is nothing but a "farfetched fabrication."

"There was never any commitment or request made to change the current make-up of the government [in relation to the normalization deal with Saudi Arabia].

"This government will fulfill its tenure regardless of the prime minister's attempts to widen Israel's circle of peace," the Likud statement read.


Bibi should meet with Obama because he is running or country.


Report: Netanyahu will meet with Biden this month at UN

With no White House invite forthcoming, Netanyahu poised to meet with Biden this month at sidelines of United Nations General Assembly.

By World Israel News Staff

President Joe Biden will meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly later this month, Israeli diplomatic officials told the Times of Israel.

According to a report published by TOI Thursday night, the two leaders will meet on September 21st, marking the first face-to-face between the president and the prime minister since the latter returned to office last December.

Biden has thus far declined to invite Netanyahu to the White House, a snub that has continued, even amid reports of a lower-profile planned meeting between the two in New York.

The White House and the Prime Minister’s Office both declined to comment on the report. Last month, both Israel and the U.S. confirmed that Biden and Netanyahu had plans to meet at some point in time, without giving details on the timing or location.

The diplomatic sources cited in Thursday’s report did not mention whether Netanyahu would be invited to the White House during his visit to the U.S. later this month, and a stay-over in Washington would be complicated by the upcoming Yom Kippur holiday, which begins on Sunday, September 24th.

If invited to the White House during his upcoming trip to the U.S., Walla reported, Netanyahu would be forced to remain in the U.S. during the preceding Shabbat, which begins on the 22nd, the day after the likely meeting with Biden.


Once again racist mass media types accuse De Santis.  The mass media has become so blatant and no longer seem to care, Consequently,  they need to be punished because they too are now as dangerous as the Democrat Party since they have become one and the same. As Marc Levin writes, they hate America.

Objective news reporting is now dead.




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