Thursday, September 28, 2023

Chapters 5 and 6.

Reading Levin's book was like reading a more articulate expression of what I believe and have been writing since February 1960. It was as if I had come home to my own thinking that was better written.

 Chapter 5:War On American Citizen:

Levin begins by stating citizenship's purpose is to ... unite people around common values, belief systems and principles..." This is not happening in America. The radical Democrat Party is divorced from America and marches to its own drum beat, ie. divisive Marxism. Consequently, Americans have become alienated from and distrustful of politics and government. Illegals have chosen/been encouraged to retain their language, habits and principles they brought with them and this and their enormous numbers severely impacts our society and, if allowed to persist, will achieve the American Marxist goal of destroying what our "founding fathers" crafted.

The American culture is most unique and among the freest of all nations.  It is a mixture of the English constitution, natural rights and reason. Mass immigration, and most particularly the illegal variety, tends to destroy uniformity, the national spirit and character etc. Obama knew by transforming America he could, if allowed, radically alter, if not totally destroy America. This is the purpose of open borders.  

Though most immigrants, illegal as well, do not come to destroy America but to enjoy the fruits of our freedoms but their numbers are unwholesome because they are too enormous and thus, have the most negative effect. Your throat cannot absorb water from a powerful hose and what of the criminal element and drugs and slave trafficking?

Furthermore, multi languages lead to deculturalization. Fragmentation on America's campuses drives  further wedges. Whereas, in the past, public schools promoted national identity that goal, no longer, exists. By valuing/promoting  ethnic and racial diversity we are working against our goal of unanimity breaking the link between citizen and nation. Consequently, the Democrat Party applauds this achievement and is why Biden keeps the borders open. His sole trip to El Paso, Texas was scripted. and lasted 3 whole hours. Everything Biden is and has been doing has propelled  Cartel Income into the billions and expanded the slave trafficking trade, another income producing activity.  This from a man who calls his grand children daily.  (My comment.)

It is part of the racist attitude promoted through academia that America is a white dominant society and thus, an illegitimate experiment. The American Marxist Party has reversed it's historical course of being against immigration and now supports open borders. Why?  Because radicals, who have taken over and drive the party, see this as a way to gain and retain political power since party comes before country. Driver's licenses are being handed out regardless of legal status and eventually this will morph into voting privilege's and the battle to destroy America will have been won. (California, Maryland and Vermont already allow illegals to vote in local elections.)

Being bi-lingual is suitable, even fine for individuals but not for nations.
Chapter Six is entitled: "War On The Nuclear Family."

All nations rest upon their family foundations.  Destroy the family unit and you severely weaken, if not totally destroy the nation's underpinnings. Levin writes the Democrat Party benefits from the destruction of the family because single mothers tend to vote for Democrats and receive munificence from the government. Marriage continues to decline in America and single childless women are quite inclined to vote for Democrats and this is why they favor abortions. 

Additional efforts by the Democrat Party to destroy the family unit by redefining the parental role of the parent and child along with the matter of sexual changes without informing parents.  Another track American Marxists want to run down relates to replacing the family's relationship with union control. The manner in which the teacher union, Democrats and Fauci addressed Covid had deleterious impact on the mental and physical condition of our school children and educationally proved disastrous. Children born during the pandemic have reduced verbal, motor and cognitive performance versus those born before the pandemic.

Sen. Moynihan warned his party their programs would destroy the black family and the expanded welfare state in the '60's did. Today 72% of black children are born to unmarried mothers and the lack of a father is responsible for many of the anti-social issues impacting black youth. Moynihan's party excoriated him. (A distant cousin of mine married his daughter. They subsequently divorced.  My cousin was the great fashion photographer, Richard Avedon.)

Democrats purposely  politicized science in order to accomplish their goal of destroying/disrupting  the family unit in order to radically weaken America. Additionally, CRT was birthed by rabid America-hating Marxist elites and professors and promoted by the NYT's through the 1619 Project. The Democrats have manipulated the fight that is now to hate their country and even themselves. Bad as this is, "wokeism" and diversity is now used to reject talent for qualification.  We are getting a taste of what this means by observing Biden's press secretary and the person in charge of nuclear material who stole clothing, coming off ramps at airports. (My comments.)

Unctuous/hypocrite  Democrats continue to oppose charter and school choice which would be a blessing for black students. Those who control the Party, naturally, sent their own children to exclusive private Obama, Buttigieg, O'Rourke, Newsom, Pritzker, Warren, Pelosi and Biden among others. 

Randi Weingarten, the powerful president of the American Federation of Teachers, hasn't taught school in a quarter of a century and was mostly a substitute teacher during her 6 year tenure. She now earns $500,000 /year. She has effectively engineered taxpayers to subsidize her union which re-launders these funds into union organization.

Levin ends the 6th chapter with commentary about how Biden wants to abolish American suburbs, which are mostly Republican, thus, fattening the tax base of absorbing cities and government control over consumer products, particularly those  that are energy centric.

Meanwhile, Biden and Obama live in their palatial homes while they seek to destroy our suburbs. American Marxists blame "white privilege" for all the social maladies impacting black lives. The means tested welfare structure actually penalizes marriage.  Rampant inflation also impacts the lower socio level disproportionately. Uncle Joe  is trying to sell Biden-omics  as a positive but has not succeeded to date. Ironically, constituents of our two party's have basically switched. 

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