Thursday, September 21, 2023

2D Chapter Levin' New Book.


Niall Ferguson: Are We Really In A Second Cold War?

interview with Niall Ferguson via Exponential View By Azeem Azhar

Hoover Institution fellow Niall Ferguson talks about the assumption that the big turning points in history were driven by technology, and that today’s technology industry is doing the same: changing how we organize our society, politics, economy — and conflict.


The Second Chapter in Levin's book is entitled: "Anti-Black Racism & Anti-Semitism."

He begins with a resume of Princeton's President and soon to be U.S President, elitist Woodrow Wilson. I have always said, modern day socialism began with Wilson.  

Next up, Levin, reviews FDR's  attachment to both socialism as well as his unwillingness to save Jews from The Holocaust and interment of American Japanese citizens after Pearl Harbor..

The  GOP allowed their constant support of Civil Rights to flip to the Democrats during the Great Society period while Johnson was president. However, it began to unravel during The Great Depression, which Democrats exploited, and accelerated when black mass migration north began  to Democrat controlled inner cities where patronage jobs were made available.. This, even though the GOP politicians  voted overwhelmingly for all Civil Rights Acts including the 1964 Act while 69% of Senate Democrats voted against The Act.

The Democrat Party has, throughout most of American History, been systematically and institutionally  racially insensitive. It's institutional racism extended well into the 1970's according to Levin.  Even Biden touted the praise he received from Alabama's Governor Wallace, maintained close relations with Senator's Byrd and Eastland and  opposed Judge Janice Rogers Brown appointment to the U.S Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia.

Now that legal equality has been achieved Democrats have shifted to economic equality which has cleverly morphed into "equity" or another term for economic socialism and cultural Marxism.

FDR and Professor Cass Sunstein's  theoretical "Second Bill of Rights is akin to Stalin's Constitution Articles:118-121 and 126.

American Marxism permeates our society, according to Levin, as evidenced by the successful efforts of the Democrat Party and its various proxies.  Democrats, who attribute actions to their opposition, that they themselves, are engaged in, have been quite successful in penning the tail.  Biden, Schumer, Hillary, Schiff and Pelosi, among others, accuse the GOP of doing what they themselves have been doing and are getting away with it because the unwashed do not receive rebuttal from the Democrat controlled mass media etc.. 

Remember it was the German's who are in bed with Trump according to Hillary's pet law firm. Trump had no right, as president, to ask the head of Ukraine about potential corruption Hunter Biden was committing along with his father who got Ukraine's investigator fired.

Then Hunter's gun violation deal not involving his father but slowing walking actions involving his father thus allowing the statute of limitations to lapse.

Finally, Democrats have structured layers of protection so their power is protected beyond election results. The majority of the federal bureaucracy are Democrats and these are the slugs who interpret legislation that is passed but seldom read.



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