Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Lots of Variety.


The American middle class has been falling further and further behind for years – all while the elites keep racing ahead.


It’s nothing new.


But the gap between them could be about to grow exponentially… 


All because of something I call the Next American Wealth Revolution.


It’s a technological transformation that could impact almost every aspect of our society.


The financial numbers alone are staggering. I’m talking $200 trillion – almost 10 times the size of the American economy.


Yet, the American middle class is in danger of completely missing out on this and getting left behind – permanently.


It’s not their fault. The elites’ media mouthpieces have made sure to keep them distracted with a never-ending stream of negative news.


I’m sick of it…


Which is why I’ve put together a presentation exposing their corrupt practices to the world…


Along with specific steps to make sure you don’t miss out on the Next American Wealth Revolution.


Click here to watch it now before it gets taken down.


Ross Givens

Chief Equities Strategist, Traders Agency


It also increasingly appears the entire Biden family are corrupt and their many financial engagements with the Chinese, at the very least, includes criminal behaviour if not selling out our nation.  At the very least one has to ask did they pay taxes on these lush funds?


The liberal's hatred of Trump transcends their love of our country. 

Maxine Waters is contemptible and exhorted her followers, months ago, to chase Maga Diners during their meals. 

The District Atty in New York has broken his left arm to scratch his left ear in order to demonstrate his contempt for Trump and the entire Justice department and 50 senior intelligence officers have reached a boiling point in aligning with Biden to concoct an orchestrated series of attacks on Trump..

The trumped up law suit by this Soros stooge is dangerous because of its implications as creates the degree to which a District Attorney will push a grand jury to violate the constitution.

The double standard of braking our laws to ensnare someone, no less a former president, is madness, dangerous and we will pay a high price for these abuses.



Who Wants to Be Treated by an Affirmative Action Doctor?

The woke may be ready to die for their religion — but not from it.


Some people, even anti-Semites, almost ridiculously go out of their way to get medically treated by Jewish doctors or legally represented by Jewish attorneys. Not having any other leads or referrals, especially if uncomfortable navigating Yelp recommendations, those individuals believe that, when you get a Jewish doctor or lawyer, you are getting someone who probably had to work extra hard and learn extra well to earn their “equal” way through the system.

In one memorable episode of All in the Family, Archie Bunker wants to bring a lawsuit stemming from a traffic incident. To find a suitable attorney, he has his son-in-law, Mike the Meathead, read aloud names of law firms listed in the Yellow Pages. (Remember those books?) As Archie listens to one firm’s name recited after another, he lights up when Mike reaches “Rabinowitz, Rabinowitz, and Rabinowitz.” Archie decides then and there: That’s the law firm for him. Predictably for that show’s comedy style, the firm actually sends a non-Jewish lawyer to the Bunker residence because that particular Queens neighborhood is known to be anti-Semitic, so they want the Bunkers to have a lawyer they will be comfortable with — their “House Goy.” But Archie wants nothing to do with it. “Send me a Jew!” he exclaims, as he throws the other guy out of his home.

Jews had that reputation in those days. Jews would win the Westinghouse awards for science projects. Jews won spelling bees. Jews worked harder because we knew we would not be given an even break in those days in many fields of endeavor, but we could break through barriers if we demonstrably excelled and proved too valuable to reject. Alternatively, we would just have to start our own medical practices or law firms or go into private practice — or create our own industries.

In today’s world, America’s Asian community has stepped into that role: discriminated against because “too many” are too excellent to admit them all. Just as universities and graduate schools once did not want student populations in which Jews were “over-represented,” now they keep out “too many” Asians. Those Asian-descended candidates throw the “affirmative action” quotas into a tizzy. Therefore, many exceptionally qualified Asian Americans are cut out. It really is disgraceful. And it is un-American.

Asians today face the prejudice and bigotry, the discrimination in higher education that once targeted Jews.

In the old days, a targeted group like Jews could be cut out more straightforwardly. “We don’t take Jews.” Period. Or, “We already have too many Jews here.” Open and shameless. But the zeitgeist of the woke era does not allow for forthright acknowledgment of bigotry and discrimination. So the prejudice against Asians is more subtle and nuanced. “It’s not that we are limiting Asians, just that we want diversity and inclusion (except in ideas).” Or, “We aim for equity (not equality), with superimposed equal results, not equal opportunities.” Or, “We want students who are more personable.” Uh-huh. Or, “We want students who have broader interests than just excelling academically.”

And, yet, here’s the paradox: Even woke people prefer not to die in the name of those three letters — D…I…E. Diversity. Equity. Inclusion.

Their unspoken credo: “Sure, go ahead and promote wokeism and prejudicial ‘affirmative action’ all the way! But make sure my Liberal/Progressive White Privileged kid gets admitted anyway, either because I will donate a dorm building or because I have just made arrangements for my kid to be on the rowing team even though she would not know an oar from an either, or a row from a column. And, while it is ‘affirmative action’ all the way — hey, not in the emergency room, at least not when I am the patient.”

Maybe the woke are ready to die for affirmative action — but not from it.

To get into a good college historically, you needed good grades in high school, solid extracurricular activities, and good SAT scores. And all the more so when it came to graduate schools. Certain groups, though, still had a subtle advantage in getting in. If your parents donated a ton to the school, you could get in although mediocre. Or, if some of your extended nuclear family had attended, then you could get in as a “legacy” admission. (Think academic superstars — not — like Al Gore and George Dubya.)

Immigrants had no legacy short cuts. Few had family endowing the school. So they had to get in on their own merits. And if they were members of a group that faced particular discrimination, then you knew that only the strongest candidates among them got in. Those were the doctors and lawyers you wanted.

It was like that for Jews until the 1970s and 1980s. All the Ivy League schools in the Northeast and the Stanfords in California and other such places had quiet numerus clausus policies — quotas limiting how many Jews they would allow in. Therefore, if you went to Jewish doctors and Jewish lawyers, you knew no one had conferred on them their certificates on a silver platter. They had gained their licenses by bucking a prejudiced system and proving so excellent that closed doors ultimately had to open to them.

That is not really the case today for Jews. Rather, today’s equivalent are America’s Asian population.

One hates to generalize about people, and one does so only at one’s peril of being proven wrong by countless examples to the contrary. But Asians today — and also many from American families hailing from India — face the prejudice and bigotry, the discrimination in higher education that once targeted Jews. This happens for reasons similar to what Jews encountered. If you come from a culture that stresses intense book learning, supplementary classic cultural experiences like playing the violin, and no-nonsense studying for exams while other kids are goofing off, you will have a better chance of succeeding academically. That really is America: Work hard — even harder than hard — and there will be a payoff, because, in a capitalist society, the cream will rise to the top. But then, when “too many” in that group all follow the rules that America proclaims as the ticket to success, the bigots and the woke ally to close doors to countless qualified applicants, to make room and leave space for others whom woke society favors regardless of merit.

More and more news accounts now report the shift to wokeness in America’s medical schools. The law schools already are hopelessly woke, and their cancel culture now keeps out all but a token conservative law professor or two per faculty, usually untenured adjunct or shunted off to purely business law courses like International Taxation and Mergers and Acquisitions. But when medical schools go woke, that is a matter of particular life-and-death concern.

Ironically, the bigotry of “affirmative action” also disadvantages highly qualified professionals who are members of those advantaged “affirmative action” groups because, when it comes to life-or-death medical care, most people throw woke ideology out the window and decide that, as in the NFL and NBA, suddenly merit is all that matters. And if you cannot figure out who is merit-qualified to be a great doctor, and you need to guess blindly, you just know that no one gives candidates from China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, and India an equal opportunity. On the contrary, deans of admission keep their numbers limited, citing any excuse they can — like lacking enough personality or being too singularly book-focused. So, if they have obtained the professional degree, they must be good.

Ever since my May 20 lung transplant, my address book has been expanding with all kinds of new friends: pulmonologists (lungs), a cardiologist (the heart can be impacted by a lung replacement), a  nephrologist (a medicine I now take can do a job on the kidneys if one does not drink a river), a dermatologist (another fun med can make one more susceptible to skin cancers), a gastroenterologist (with all those meds fighting for shelf space in one gut), an otolaryngologist (a vocal cord got paralyzed during one of the medical procedures, but this specialist ENT injected it with a filler that, by G-d’s grace, miraculously has given me back my voice), an audiologist (an antibiotic from Hell, amikacin, left me 50 percent deaf, so I now have — matching! — hearing aids), etc.

So, this is not just theoretical but personal. When push comes to shove, patients in medical circumstances know that what is woke will not necessarily keep them awake the next day. Few people want to be treated by an affirmative action doctor. And if one has to wait a bit longer to see someone top-notch, then wait until you are sure you are getting quality behind that stethoscope. Don’t rush. That’s why they call you “Patient.”


With friends like Biden/Obama/Rice who needs enemies?

Biden plans to arm the Palestinian fox to guard the Israeli henhouse

By Andrea Widburg

In what is a sign of administration insanity or an open act of anti-Israel animus, the Biden administration plans to give 5,000 Palestinians arms and commando training ostensibly to ensure that the Palestinians in the West Bank region do not engage in terrorist attacks against Jews, while at the same time insisting that the Israeli Defense Force cut down on its presence in the same area. Talking about the fox guarding the hen house.

Writing at the Gatestone Institute, Bassam Tawil has the facts:

The Biden administration believes that the best way to de-escalate tensions between Israel and the Palestinians is by allowing the Palestinian Authority (PA) to recruit more officers to the Palestinian security forces in the West Bank.

According to reports, the Biden Administration officials recently proposed a plan “to provide 5,000 Palestinians with commando training in Jordan” and then deploy them to areas under the control of the PA. The 5,000 officers will bring with them 5,000 rifles to Palestinian cities and towns -- where almost every Palestinian already has a weapon.

In addition, the plan would require Israel “to sharply curtail IDF counterterror operations.” The Biden administration, in other words, wants Israel to stop defending itself and rely on the Palestinian leadership and the new Palestinian “commandos” to go after the terrorists. Palestinian officials, meanwhile, are busy glorifying terrorism and paying visits to the families of terrorists.

This would leave the Israelis with the rights to neither self-defense nor hot-pursuit. Terrorists will be able strike inside Israel, then run back to the Palestinian areas where they will be “home free;” instead of being arrested, they will be celebrated.

The Zionist Organization of America, the oldest pro-zionist organization in America, founded in 1897, was rightly horrified by the proposal, which arms Israel’s most genocidal enemies to “watch over” Jewish communities while kicking Israel out of the picture:

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) denounces, in the strongest possible terms, the Biden Administration’s unconscionable, illegal plan to provide commando training in Jordan to 5,000 Palestinian-Arab army of terrorists or future terrorists; and to then equip and deploy this Palestinian-Arab commando army in Judea/Samaria, along with foreign and U.S. forces. 

The administration’s horrific, frightening, dangerous plan also requires Israel “to sharply curtail IDF counterterror operations.” U.S. security coordinator Lieutenant General (LTG) Michael Fenzel, who is currently responsible for training Palestinian Authority (PA) police in Judea and Samaria, proposed training the new 5,000-strong commando army, and deploying foreign forces, including U.S. military forces, on the ground.

Thus, under the Biden administration’s plan, Israel would be restricted from defending innocent Israelis from terrorists; and much of Judea/Samaria would become a “safe haven” for terrorists to retreat to and be celebrated after perpetrating murderous terror attacks in Israel, with no consequences.

Moreover, American and other foreign forces on the ground would become sitting ducks, subject to Palestinian-Arab terror attacks. American and foreign soldiers would also become human shields, who block Israel from going after the terrorists, lest foreign forces be caught in the crossfire. Further, the PA will want foreign forces to include Iranians, thereby introducing even more terror into the region.

The ZOA has much more to say on the subject, including the fact that it violates the 1995 Oslo Accords II, Article IV.3, which explicitly states that the only armed forces in the West Bank can be Palestinian police and the IDF. That means the Biden plan is illegal under international law, giving Israel the right to act against those 5,000 American-trained and armed commandos.

What I’m struggling to figure out is whether the Biden administration is stupid and deluded or, in keeping with my “fox guarding the henhouse” analogy, crazy like a fox, having come up with yet another way to destroy Israel. However, one views it, it’s a clear sign that the Democrat party—which once strongly supported Israel as a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy; a continuum of the 3,000-year-long, unbroken Jewish connection to the land of Israel; and a bastion of light as the sole liberal democracy in the Middle East—has now firmly embraced the tyrannical, genocidal Palestinian cause.

And: Palestinians dregs remain the jetsam and flotsam of human society.


Dear friends,

I watched the video.  Two German terrorists learned the meaning of the words terrorism, when they were mistaken for being Jews.

Here’s a great article from Stephen M. Flatow

In America we are used to the term DWB, driving while Black, which results in Black drivers being pulled over for traffic infractions more frequently than white drivers. I came up with the term DWJ, driving while Jewish, to explain the countless, rock and weapons attacks against Jews in their cars.  This weekend we say an offshoot of the DWJ; a car was attacked in Nablus not because the occupants were Jews but because it had Israeli license plates.  The occupants were German and admitted in interviews that they felt lucky to escape with their lives.

The column is featured at JNS.ORG https://www.jns.org/opinion/being-the-right-or-wrong-color-in-nablus/ and appears set out below.

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By Stephen M. Flatow

Being the right or wrong color in Nablus 

A mob of Palestinian Arabs hurled potentially lethal rocks at German tourists in a car bearing a yellow license plate, assuming they were Israeli Jews.

The wrong color license plate, that is.

It happened in the city of Nablus, the biblical city of Shechem, which has been governed by the Palestinian Authority since 1995.

Some German tourists were visiting the city. And why not? It is, after all, the site of the tomb of the biblical patriarch Joseph, a shrine that is dear to all who cherish the Hebrew Bible.

A mob of Palestinian Arabs hurled potentially lethal rocks at the automobile in which the tourists were riding, smashing its windows and injuring two of the passengers. According to Israeli media reports, they were “lightly injured.” 

But don’t assume that “lightly injured” means just a scratch on the leg. It’s the Israeli Army’s terminology for classifying injuries; “light” means the victim is not in danger of losing a limb. “Moderate” means the victim could lose a limb; “serious” means he could lose his life.

So these “lightly” wounded tourists could have suffered broken bones, concussions or various types of permanent injuries. We’ll never know because journalists never follow up on such incidents.

How did the terrorists know to attack that particular car? It had a yellow-colored Israeli license plate, according to the German Ambassador to Israel Steffen Seibert. He tweeted: “A mob attacking tourists because they don’t like their license plate is disgusting and cowardly.”

Disgusting and cowardly is correct. But let’s be clear: The Arabs didn’t attack because of the color of the license plate; they attacked because a yellow-colored license plate means that the people in the car probably are Jews.

Think about the implications of that fact. The level of antisemitic hatred is so deep and so widespread in Nablus that the mere sight of a civilian automobile that might have Jews inside is sufficient to trigger the immediate, spontaneous gathering of a mob that will try to stone the maybe-Jews to death.

It’s not possible that the only violent antisemites in the city all happened to be congregating in that spot at the moment the German tourists’ car passed by. So in order for this attack to have occurred, there have to be so many violent Jew-haters in Nablus that any random car, passing through any part of the city at any moment, could be set upon by a deadly mob.

Imagine if in the United States, there was such an atmosphere of intense antisemitism in a particular city that potentially lethal mob attacks erupted at the mere sight of maybe-Jews.

Imagine the outcry from Jewish organizations and public officials. Imagine the front-page headlines of every newspaper in the country.

There are no Jews living in Nablus/Shechem today. Palestinian Arab terrorists drove them out in the 1930s. Ever since then, the Arab residents have maintained an apartheid-like policy of preventing Jews from returning to their old homes.

But Jewish worshippers do periodically pray or study in the yeshivah, which is housed in the building where the Tomb of Joseph is located. And that is their right—enshrined in the Oslo Accords, and is supposed to be guaranteed by the Palestinian Authority.

Look it up. It’s in the Oslo II agreement, signed by the P.A. and Israel on Sept. 28, 1995. Appendix 4 names two sites in P.A.-controlled territory that are considered “Jewish Holy Sites”: “1. Joseph’s Tomb (Nablus); 2. Shalom Al Israel Synagogue (Jericho).”

Then Article V(2)(b) states that those sites “will be under the responsibility of the Palestinian Police,” who are required “to ensure free, unimpeded and secure access to the relevant Jewish holy site” and “to ensure the peaceful use of such site, to prevent any potential instances of disorder and to respond to any incident.”

Yet the P.A.’s American-trained and American-armed security forces, which are among the largest per capita security forces in the world, are never around when Jews or maybe-Jews come to visit.

Jews who try to exercise their Oslo-guaranteed right to visit the Tomb of Joseph often are violently assaulted by Palestinian Arab terrorists hurling rocks and firebombs. Tourists who might be Jews likewise risk their lives if they dare to drive in the vicinity.

Tragically, the international community tolerates this outrageous situation. The constant violence perpetrated against Jews at the Tomb of Joseph continues to be one of the most under-reported stories in the Middle East for many years.

The reason that neither journalists nor Biden administration officials ever talk about the antisemitic violence in Nablus is painfully simple: It makes the Palestinian Arab cause look bad. And that makes it harder to advance the goal of creating a Palestinian state.

Stephen M. Flatow, is an attorney and the father of Alisa Flatow, who was murdered in an Iranian-sponsored Palestinian terrorist attack in 1995. He is the author of “A Father’s Story: My Fight for Justice Against Iranian Terror.”


Keep fighting Amy. 

Tenured Professor Amy Wax, Under Siege for ‘Truth Telling’ on Race, Makes Her Case


Israel Could Strike Iran in Three Months, Retired Israeli General Says
Biden's failure to present a credible military response to Iran’s nuclear program has left Israel with limited options, ex-general says
By Adam Kredo

The Biden administration’s failure to present a credible military response to Iran’s expanding nuclear program has brought Israel closer than ever to launching a military strike on Tehran, according to a retired Israeli general.

Retired brigadier general Amir Avivi, who spent 30 years in the Israel Defense Forces and now serves as chairman of the Israel Defense and Security Forum think tank, predicted that Israel could launch a strike in as little as three months if the Biden administration does not unite its Middle Eastern allies around a plan to combat Iran’s march toward a nuclear weapon.

An Israeli military strike, Avivi said in a wide-ranging interview, "is bad for everybody, but this is at the moment what’s going to happen, and maybe happen in three months, in six months, maybe a year."

Israel’s deadline for a strike is shrinking due to Iran’s relationship with Russia and support for its war in Ukraine. Moscow could provide Iran with advanced air defense systems that would make it harder for Israel to attack its nuclear sites. And without an anti-Iran coalition in the Middle East, Israel’s options are limited, Avivi said.

Israel and its Arab neighbors that fear a nuclear Iran "need the West to wake up and react to this development," Avivi said. "At the moment, the U.S. is sitting on the fence, not deciding to lead and build a coalition that will stabilize [the region] and challenge" the Iran-Russia alliance.

The Biden administration’s failure to address these fears pushed Saudi Arabia—a nation that was warming up to Israel during the Trump administration—to ink a peace agreement with Iran that was brokered by China. The Saudi-Iran relationship has long been on the rocks due to Tehran’s regional terrorism operations, but China stepped in this month to broker a deal that restores diplomatic ties between the countries. China’s leading role in the agreement signals the Communist regime is replacing the United States as the region’s power broker and could spell trouble for Israel as it tries to unite its Arab neighbors in opposition to Tehran.

"We were very concerned that the consequences of the U.S. not being proactive in the Middle East would push the Saudis into the China-Russian axis," Avivi said. "However, this is not irreversible. The U.S. must make it clear that they will be very active in the Middle East—enough to gain the confidence of allies that they will not abandon them."

The United States appears hesitant to assume this role, and it has kept the door open to diplomacy with Iran surrounding the 2015 nuclear accord. The Biden administration has also been a vocal critic of Saudi Arabia’s human rights record and recent moves to cut oil production, with the president vowing "consequences" last year for these actions. Chilly relations with the United States have pushed the Saudis to embrace diplomacy with both China and Russia.

For Israel, these developments could accelerate plans to preemptively strike Tehran’s nuclear sites, according to Avivi, who said Israel’s military recently received one of its largest budgets in history. The IDF budget is typically a hotly debated issue in the country, but the latest one allocated the military 100 percent of what it requested.

Israel also has stayed quiet about a recent report alleging Iran is enriching uranium to 84 percent purity—the highest levels ever and just shy of weapons grade nuclear fuel.

Asked about Israel’s silence, Avivi said, "a barking dog does not bite. When you don’t hear anything from Israel, this means we are done talking."

Russia’s decision to arm Iran also has accelerated Israel’s timeline for a possible strike.

"We managed for many years to prevent the Russians from giving the Iranians many capabilities, mainly air defense," Avivi said. "But now the Russians are so dependent on Iran that they’re willing to assist Iran further. Israel needs to take into account that it’s not only about this red line, but our ability to act."

The Biden administration could stave off this action by uniting the West in opposition to Iran, according to Avivi.

"Let's say tomorrow morning the U.S. says to Israel, 'Listen, that's it. We are leading a coalition. We are going to, in our words, kick the Iranians' ass, Israel will say, ‘You know what, what do you need? You want us to help Ukraine? We’ll give them whatever you want,’" Avivi said. "It will be a game changer even in Ukraine once the Israelis really start to help. But this is if the U.S. leads a credible threat of attack on Iranian installations."
I have several conservative friends who will not vote  for Trump under any circumstances. 
It is not the American way to disregard the bullying of a person because you do not like their  personality and to punish them unconstitutionally and deprive him of their livelihood. 
Obama sold us out to the Muslims and told us he was going to transform us and apparently Biden and his family are selling us out to the Chinese and is lying and denying.

Emotions run deep and thwart logic.
Need a lawyer to earn big bucks so can get paid for causing police to over-react?

This from long time dear friend and fellow memo reader.

 Let's never get rid of newspapers - we need the laughs!






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