Thursday, March 16, 2023

Conservative Not Narrow. Herzog Seeks Reform. Double Standard Justice.

I am conservative but not narrow minded. Therefore, I wonder why I am narrow throat-wise? My pulmonologist gave me an apnea sleep test and concluded I need to use a C Pap because I stop breathing in my sleep. My man cave has my shake and bake jacket and machine, our bed room now houses a small C Pap machine and I am wondering where "what next" will go. I am plugged up to science.

Netanyahu: Herzog’s judicial reform proposal perpetuates imbalance of power
“The issues presented by the president were not agreed upon by the coalition, and key clauses in his outline ... do not bring the necessary balance between the branches,” said the Israeli premier.
Over the ensuing months it will get interesting watching the stray sheep return to the fold and begin bleating why we never deserted the wishes of The Founding Father's  We are not against law and order, we never chose to defund the police, we never believed it wise to desert our borders blah, blah, blah.

Biden has perfected the big lie and believes politicians are allowed to switch back and forth in terms of their political views and voters will not notice they have no political allegiance. They can bounce all over as they please. Politics is simply a game.

Maybe Hillary was right.  After all, she smashed her cell phone, paid no price, called her fellow citizens deplorables, paid no price. Even Obama told us we were bible thumping gun total fools, he paid no price. Maye we are the suckers who have been played as the fools we actually are.  I would hate to think so but no one seems to be held accountable. Our two system of justice is alive and well. How sad indeed.



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