Thursday, December 15, 2022

Happy Channukah, Merry Christmas A Safe and Healthy New Year.Much To Digest.

Why grow up?

These Responses to Loudoun Rape Cover-Up Are Downright Shameful
By Rebecca Downs
Frankly, I take issue with Eifrig. I believe it is everyone he disavows is lying to us.

You're Being Lied to!

I bet you never thought 
 things like this could happen in America.

Blatant lies from the highest level of the government…

Wall Street making billions on rising inflation…

All while millions of Americans have seen their retirement accounts tank, and are having to cut back on spending.

But what you might not realize is 
who is REALLY behind all this.  

It's not Putin…

Not Trump... or Biden…

It's not Congress... or even Wall Street.

It's someone much worse.

They've stacked the odds against you... and it's all starting to come undone.

Which is why my biggest competitor and I have cast aside our differences, and joined forces with what is likely 
the most important retirement warning of our careers. 

I strongly encourage you to get the full story immediately…

see the 5 simple steps  we believe could save everything you've worked for.

Here's to our health, wealth, and a great retirement,

Dr. David Eifrig, MD, MBA

Senior Partner, Stansberry Research
WTH Podcast
WTH Is Going On with the Spike in Antisemitism? Walter Russell Mead on the Myth of Jewish Power and His New History of the US-Israel Relationship
By Danielle Pletka and Marc A. Thiessen 
Kanye West, Nick Fuentes, and Donald Trump meet for dinner… and discuss what, exactly? Indeed, what does a white supremacist have in common with Kanye?? Yep, hatred for the Jewish people. The spike in antisemitism seen today can be explained away – bad economy, covid, whatever – but the sad truth is that Jew-hatred has been a perennial in American life for centuries. The truth, of course, is that America’s tiny percentage of Jews have been singularly unable to move the needle in favor of their own well-being or the well-being of the State of Israel. The reality and the tropes of antisemitism do not line up in any way. But when have facts ever gotten in the way of bigotry?

The rise in antisemitism, relations with the State of Israel and much more on today’s episode with Walter Russell Mead. Mead is the author of the new book, The Arc of a Covenant: The United States, Israel, and the Fate of the Jewish People. He is the Global View Columnist at the Wall Street Journal, a Distinguished Fellow at the Hudson Institute, and a Professor of Foreign Affairs and Humanities and Bard College. He is also a member of the Aspen Institute.


Poll: 72% of Palestinians support terror groups like Lions’ Den

Fifty-nine percent expect armed groups to expand and spread to other areas in Judea and Samaria CONTINUE


IDF chief to Iran: 'We're watching'; to Israel: 'We're ready' - analysis

Kohavi used the IDF hit on an Iranian convoy as an illustration of the IDF's ability to adapt to new situations and shape reality on the fronts.

IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Aviv Kochavi at a graduation ceremony of naval officers at the Haifa naval base in March (photo credit: FLASH90)

Tucked into the middle of Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Aviv Kohavi's 50-minute speech Wednesday on the IDF's challenges and capabilities was an admission that the IDF hit an Iranian convoy on the Syrian-Iraqi border in November.

"We could've been unaware of the Syrian convoy moving from Iraq to Syria a few weeks ago," Kohavi said. "We could've been unaware of what it was carrying, and out of 25 trucks in the convoy, number eight was carrying military equipment. That is where we need to send pilots to attack, hit, and return."

These words, understandably, attracted all the media attention and made headlines. 

What was interesting, however, was that they were said almost in passing, as an aside. It is not as if Kohavi stood up and, early on in his address, said: "In November, the IDF hit an Iranian convoy trying to smuggle arms to Hezbollah." Instead, he used this as an illustration of the IDFs ability to adapt to new situations, shape reality on the fronts where it operates, and integrate tremendous intelligence capacity with operational capabilities.

This was, in fact, the second illustration he used. The first was how during Israel's operation in Gaza in May 2021, Operation Guardian of the Walls, the IDF knew precisely when and where to hit 18 Hamas fighters moving north in an underground tunnel for an attack in Israel.

The IDF was able to neutralize them by knowing exactly how long the tunnel was and how deep it was, having the ordinance that would explode precisely at the depth of the tunnel and having skilled pilots able to ensure that the bombs fell exactly where they needed to fall, and not somewhere else. What is required is impeccable intelligence, the right equipment, and skill. 

The same precision operation was needed to ensure that the exact truck carrying the munitions from Iran to Hezbollah -- truck number 8 out of a convoy of 25  -- was the one hit. It was necessary to know what was in the truck, when and where the convoy would move, and then have the wherewithal and the capabilities to precisely attack it.  

None of that is a given, Kohavi stressed.

But beyond its use for illustrative purposes, the story -- and revelation of how much detail Israel had -- sent a clear message to the Iranians. Even if Israel never claimed responsibility, Iran knew who acted against them. They, too, have intelligence. They may not have known, however, the degree of resolution in the Israeli intelligence picture. This is something that Kohavi shed some light upon on Wednesday.

What were the messages?

Why Wednesday? First the mundane reason: he happened to have a public speech that day planned at the Reichman University In Herzliya. Second, to send a signal to Iran, Hezbollah and Lebanon that Israel knows exactly what they are doing, and will act if necessary. 

Why send that message now? Because of reports that Iran is using Beirut's airport to smuggle in weaponry via Iran's civilian Meraj airline, which recently began direct flights from Tehran to Beirut.  If Israel can pick out the eighth truck in a long convoy and destroy it because of the arms inside, it can take action against planes smuggling arms, even if they land at Beirut International Airport.

There was another message in Kohavi's address as well, which was to the Israeli public. Don't lose heart; the security situation in Judea and Samaria is difficult, but keep things in proportion, the situation on all of Israel's fronts, including in the West Bank, could and has been much worse.

Kohavi, whose stint as chief of staff is to end on January 17, said that if the situation in Gaza remains quiet, then by April, this will be the quietest two years in the south in the last decade and a half. He recalled that just two years ago Israel was dealing with near-daily mass demonstrations on the Gaza fence, inflammable balloons setting fields in the south alight, and rockets fired at Sderot almost every Friday.

That situation, he said, has ended. It ended because of the success of Operation Guardian of the Walls, which significantly degraded Hamas' military assets, including their underground tunnels. An enormous gap was created between Israel's achievement in downgrading Hamas's capabilities, and any lack of achievements Hamas could show from that war.

Hamas' strategy has changed

As a result, Hamas' strategy has changed, something evident in the fact that the organization did not respond to the Flag march in Jerusalem earlier this year, did not respond when Israel arrested Islamic Jihad senior officials and responded forcefully to that group’s rocket fire from Gaza following those arrests, and did not respond when the IDF killed Hamas members during nightly operations in the West Bank.

The use of force over the last seven years in Syria has also thwarted Iran's dream of having thousands of precision-guided missiles in Syria and Lebanon, tens of thousands of militiamen, and a new Hezbollah in southern Lebanon, Kohavi said. 

"As a result of this, and other actions against Iran, the deterrence of Iran has increased significantly, he said, "most of it done covertly, but not all of it, and this is through the uses of force only."

His point: military might can shape reality on the ground. And though there are other ways to shape reality, other tools -- diplomatic and economic -- have limited impact in dealing with Hamas and Iran. The force used needs to match the theater of operation. And one of the army's strengths, he said, is an ability to change and adopt tactics -- using cutting-edge technology -- to the different fronts. 

In the middle of his address, Kohavi quoted from a book written by one of his predecessors as chief of staff, Motta Gur, who recorded a number to horrendous terror attacks that began in May 1974 with the attack Ma'alot and culminated two years later with the Entebbe raid. He then quoted from a recent book by another predecessor, Yitzchak Mordechai, who wrote that from Mach 1969 to August 1970, 507 IDF soldiers were killed during the War of Attrition, and over 3,000 were wounded.

His point: keep today's security situation in perspective. Things have been a lot worse, and they could be a lot worse, and they are not a lot worse because of the IDF's ability to adapt to the changing realities on the ground and, with skilled manpower and state-of-the-art technology, remain ahead of the curve.


Netanyahu on coalition partners: ‘They are joining me, I’m not joining them’


PM-designate says prospective Public Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir has “modified a lot of his views,” and that “with power comes responsibility...and I certainly will ensure that that will be the case.”


I asked Dan Brunner, my friend, who spoke at our home on Hydrogen Fusion to make a few comments about what we have been hearing regarding the Livermore Facility (NIF.)  Dan and his two partners are the ones who raised $2 billion and their facility is being built at this time. I asked him  to contrast his efforts with that of NIF.

This is what he was kind enough to send regarding NIF.:

The recent news about progress at the National Ignition Facility (NIF) at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California is an important demonstration for the feasibility of fusion energy, but, depending on the news source may be over hyped.

NIF was built primarily for "stockpile stewardship". That is, since the US is prohibited by treaty from testing nuclear weapons, it built a facility in which it could verify that its nuclear weapons still worked as they aged. NIF is an incredible, world-class scientific facility that uses the world's most power laser system to heat up and compress tiny pellets of nuclear material. It has a variety of systems to watch and measure what is going on as the fuel is compressed and nuclear reactions progress within it. Its scientists compare those results with their simulations to predict the performance of the US' nuclear weapons stockpile. This is generally a classified program and the results are not publicly available.

A secondary purpose for NIF was to test compressing pellets of fusion fuel to try to get more energy out of them than goes into compressing them. If successful, such a facility could then be used as an energy source. The big deal that's being reported in the news is that they, for the first time, got more energy out of the pellet from fusion than they put into the pellet. This result was expected when they built the facility. However, it took over a decade of running experiments at NIF to finally achieve this it; this is a testament to how challenging it is to do such a thing as well as to the ingenuity and skill of their scientific staff.

Yet, despite the hype, economic fusion energy from a facility like NIF is a long way off because of a host of technical challenges. These include: the large expense for each precisely made pellet, needing to scale up from about 1 shot per day to 10 shots per second, needing very large improvements in the energy efficiencies of their lasers, and needing large improvements in the energy fusion out from the pellets.

The most likely candidate for the first generation of fusion power plants use very strong magnetic fields to hold onto the fusion fuel. If scientists and engineers are able to make the improvements needed for fusion from a NIF-like facility, which may take decades, it may some day be a next-generation fusion power plant.


Pennsylvania School Board Bigotry


School Board Rejects ‘Cis, White Male’ As President

Dark periods of American history included blatantly discriminatory policies that denied individuals the ability to work, own property, or fully engage in society because of their race or gender.

Now, leftist activists intent to make up for those historical wrongs have pushed the pendulum so far to the other side that straight, White males are being openly denied similar opportunities.

The most recent example of this troubling trend can be found in a recent decision by the Upper Moreland School Board in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.

As the body considered two candidates to serve as its next president, board member Jennifer Solot offered an enthusiastically bigoted reason for her opposition to Greg D’Elia.

Solot, who also serves as the board’s treasurer, acknowledged that D’Elia would make an “excellent” president but voted for April Stainback instead because she is not a “cis, White male.”

She claimed that D’Elia would not reflect the board’s “message,” which is apparently rooted in antagonism toward straight, White men.

It is worth noting that the same school district a White male was deemed incapable of effectively representing is comprised of a student body that is roughly 76% White.

“I believe that Mr. D’Elia would make an excellent president,” she declared. “However, I feel that electing the only cis, White male president of the board of this district sends the wrong message to our community — a message that is contrary to what we as a board have been trying to accomplish.”

Solot’s screed went on to include her opinion that “it’s important that we practice what we preach, and that our words have strength when they are spoken, whether we speak them from the neighborhood sidewalks or from behind these tables.”

When the vote took place, D’Elia received only one vote: his own. Even the board member who nominated him reportedly sided with Steinback in the end.

Unfortunately, this incident is just one of many examples that reveal a growing bias against White males. One recent poll showed that nearly 17% of hiring managers surveyed said that they had been instructed to “deprioritize White men when evaluating candidates.”

A slightly lower percentage said they received similar advice about White women and a majority — 55% — indicated that they were compelled to reject applicants who were deemed “not diverse enough.”


Today's sell off (Dec. 15,) from everything I can gather, is Wall Street's message to The Fed and Powell read the statistics.  In other words, recognize  inflation is declining, the consumer is reacting to the level of inflationary pricing and The Fed's hawkishness, if it persists, could throw us into an unwanted, un-necessary recession.

In previous memos, I have suggested The Fed may have to accept 4% inflation instead of 2% or it will over-react and cause a bigger headache, ie. a steep recession.


Though I am agnostic, I have said, time and again, mankind must believe in an entity beyond self.  I believe our nation has turned away from religion and this lack of faith is the basis for many of our problems.  We have lowered our values, we have reduced our morality and we have sailed away from our adherence to law and order.  

A Godless and irreligious America will not survive.


U.S. Church Membership Falls Below Majority for First Time
GALLUP (edited.)


According to Gallup, Americans’ church membership dropped below 50% for the first time in their 8 decades of polling on religion…

That’s down from 70% at the turn of the century!

Richard, this trend could have ALARMING implications for our nation’s social and moral fabric. As such, House GOP Polling is conducting an emergency audit of our contacts to verify this information among our own respondents...



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