Sunday, December 4, 2022

Why Fix What Ain't Broke?

The inherent feature of Globalist agenda in The Great Reset of Klaus Schwab 


The ESG Index sort of died this year because it excluded energy and because of the FTX disaster.

Florida just divested  it's ESG related stocks and most state and university  pension funds underperformed. Once again this ideological investment strategy, that Kerry, Greta, SOROS and Schwab have been pushing, never made investment sense and now has begun it's death spiral .

Whether you like it or not, energy will be around for a long time and currently represents about 6% of the S&P up from 2% and down from over 30%. Technology underperformance  is part of the reason as well.  Many of these behemoths have serous operational issues they must correct and witness the recent CEO change at Disney and it's most recent failed homosexual movie.

The lesson? How to destroy a brilliant franchise because of succumbing to intimidation.

I remember when Coca Cola decided to get rid of  regular Coke. Consumers nearly torched Atlanta again.

Liberals and progressives love to fix what ain't broke. 

Admittedly, these same radical, vicious idiots are having more success destroying America.  I have no rational explanation why one would think to disturb sleeping dogs, as it were.  I guess progressives are either radical and destructive or restless and destructive.

 Meanwhile, conservatives get too comfortable and drop their guard and off we go into la la land.

God, if there is such a being, gave man choice and a brain.  Perhaps those were two of his biggest mistakes because some ideas are so stupid only liberals and progressives (read Democrats) would embrace them.  But then, Republicans ain't too bright either.

Also, don't let women off the hook. Think Angela Merkel.


Dear Reader,

Bryce Paul

Back in 2017 Elon Musk warned the world...

"I have exposure to the most cutting edge [tech], and I think people should be really concerned by it."

Five years later, on November 28, 2022...

Joseph Carlsmith, research analyst at the Open Philanthropy Project...

Confirmed Musk's worst fears.

Carlsmith wrote that non-human AI agents will soon be...

"In an adversarial relationship with humans who don't want them to succeed."

A battle for power between humans and AI might be coming.

But what the elites are doing to control the rest of us now — in some cases using AI technology — is even worse.

  • Your money is no longer safe.
  • Your livelihood is in danger.
  • And what they plan next is unthinkable… but true.

I explain everything in my new documentary....

America's Last Stand.

Because there's no time to waste.

You either prepare now to fight back and win...

Or get blindsided like everyone else.

The choice is yours.

Bryce Paul
Crypto Revolution


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November 30, 2022 at 12 PM ET

As China’s global ambitions – militarily, technologically, and economically – remain unanswered by the U.S., the world’s only superpower with the capability and wherewithal to meet global challenges, threats to our standing and the security of our allies around the world are growing at a frightening pace. As the U.S. withdraws on the world stage and realigns its interests both domestically and internationally, China’s rise may reach the point of no return. David P. Goldman joins us to discuss these critically important issues and what, if anything, we can do to stop China’s march to develop a new pax Sinica in the Middle East, replacing the pax Americana that the Obama administration ended, and a regional hegemony in Asia that will project power – and fear – far and wide 

About the speaker: David P. Goldman is Deputy Editor of Asia Times and a Washington Fellow of the Claremont Institute. He headed research groups at Bank of America, Credit Suisse, and other Wall Street firms, and was a partner at Reorient Group, a Hong Kong investment bank. He has consulted for the US Department of Defense and the National Security Council. His most recent book is You Will Be Assimilated: China's Plan to Sino-Form the World.


The Middle East Forum cordially invites you to a webinar. 

The Battle to Bankrupt the Jihad

with Nitsana Darshan-Leitner

Shurat HaDin (the Israel Law Center) has bankrupted jihadis and their financiers in the courtroom for nearly two decades, resulting in $2 billion in judgments and $300 million collected on behalf of over 450 victims. What lawsuits are currently underway against Hamas, the Palestinian Authority, and Iran? What are the complications and challenges in these cases? How does this battle affect the global jihad?

Monday, November 28, 2022
1:00-1:30p.m. ET

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Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, the founder and president of Shurat HaDin, has a law degree from Bar-Ilan University and an MBA from Manchester University. She is the author of Harpoon: Inside the Covert War Against Terrorism’s Money Masters (Hachette Books, 2017).


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