Friday, December 16, 2022

Dear Friend Validates. Wonderful Terrorists Flood The Land. RNC Blows It. Buddy Carter Responds. Dufus Dazed. More.

This from a very dear friend who knows because he was very involved and he also happens to be a fellow memo reader:
Your take on the FBI is spot on. It’s rooted in an enormous agency wide arrogance coupled with an equally enormous ego. We were co-equals in federal law enforcement, they being under Justice, we being Treasury. We had some overlapping jurisdictions and had to work with them on occasion. All too often, their agents were insufferable. I won’t go into all the stories, but I have plenty of personal experiences over 34 years to support my opinion. They have some good people, but a disproportionately large number of buffoons. Arrogant, egotistical buffoons with power are dangerous people, but unfortunately, that’s what we’re dealing with. T----

Democrats have allowed some wonderful terrorists to enter our society. Good going .


Michigan Jihadist Charged for Synagogue Threats

Hassan Yehia Chokr, 35, of Dearborn, Mich., was charged with two counts of ethnic intimidation after he made antisemitic and racist threats to parents, young children and security at a synagogue in Michigan.
A video posted by Chokr to a now-deleted Instagram account titled "freedomfighter1212" shows Chokr harassing individuals outside Temple Beth El in Bloomfield Hills.
Chokr has a second Instagram account, "freedomfighterhassan," which still exists. The account features videos of Chokr stating that the “soldiers of Allah” are “coming for you all. Read More


Iranian Pleads Guilty for Plan to Blow Up High School With Suicide Vest

Erfan Salmanzadeh, a 33-year-old naturalized citizen of the U.S. born in Iran, pleaded guilty to use and attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction.

Salmanzadeh, who lives in Amarillo, Texas, set off a bomb in his backyard, stashed a suicide vest in his alleyway, and privately plotted to blow up a local high school.

Salmanzadeh now faces up to life in federal prison. Read Now

How the RNC Flushed Millions Down the Drain

By Matt Vespa


As I have been saying:


By Mark Tapson

Prior to Joe Biden’s ascension to the White House in early 2021, it would have been difficult for many American patriots to believe that a worse president than Jimmy Carter or Barack Obama could sit in the Oval Office. Then Biden wasted no time proving those patriots wrong. From Day One he has been such an unmitigated disaster for the country that only 19% of Americans said in a poll last Sunday that they want Biden to run again in 2024. A July poll revealed that only 13% of Americans believe the country is on the right track. Apparently few believe that Biden is building back better, much less making America great again.

His incompetence (or conversely, his competence in carrying out a destructive agenda) has done more than just bring the country to the brink of a failed state after only half a term, though; it also has endangered Americans in many ways, and its legacy will continue to do so for generations. Indeed, bestselling author Nick Adams, in his new book from Post Hill Press, labels Joe Biden The Most Dangerous President in History.

Adams, 38, Australian-born but a naturalized American citizen and proud of it, is the author of several bestselling books such as Retaking America, Green Card Warrior, and Trump and Churchill: Defenders of Civilization. He is a tireless public speaker and social media influencer, as well as a frequent commentator in the news media such as at Fox News. In addition to having been appointed by President Trump as a scholar to the Smithsonian, Adams also runs a nationwide nonprofit called FLAG, the Foundation for Liberty and Greatness, whose mission is to educate Americans about the values and principles that make our country exceptional.

His new book, The Most Dangerous President in History, lays out some of the principal ways in which our Divider-in-Chief Biden is running the ship of state aground. In chapters on shutting down the economy instead of the coronavirus; on flooding our southern border with migrants and flooding cities across the U.S. with Afghan refugees; on demonizing concerned parents at school board meetings as domestic terror threats; on undermining our military; and on demonstrating weak leadership regarding China and Ukraine, Adams makes the case that Biden is creating crises that threaten our national security and put American lives at risk.

On Biden’s border policy, for example: the Left likes to paint anyone concerned about the open floodgates of our southern border as racist and anti-immigration. In fact, conservatives simply think it’s sensible to have a system in place for the vetting of people who want to come here, and to have reasonable restrictions or guidelines about the flow of people we let in. There isn’t another country in the world that doesn’t do that. But Biden’s party isn’t satisfied with anything less than an unlimited number of potential Democrat voters streaming across the border – and drug cartels, human traffickers, and terrorists along with them.

As Adams points out in his book, instead of policing our borders, the Department of Homeland Security is instead obsessed with a domestic terror threat that the Biden administration is greatly concerned about: parents expressing their outrage at school boards over the Critical Race Theory indoctrination and gender ideology sexualization of their children. The branding of these rightly-concerned citizens as violent terrorist threats is one of the most disgusting smears the Left has ever used against its political opponents.

But potentially the most serious threat Biden and his administration present is in its subversion of our military – through diversity/equity/inclusion wokeness, the mandating of COVID vaccines to weed out potential dissidents, and the leadership’s focus on climate change and “whiteness” as our greatest existential enemies. Adams addresses this in a chapter that details, among other things, the debacle of our withdrawal from Afghanistan, and Gen. Mark Milley’s treasonous warning to China during the Trump years.

The book concludes with a chapter about Biden being compromised on China and Ukraine, a national security threat that our complicit media don’t want to talk about, much less investigate. And then of course, there’s Joe’s embarrassment of a son, Hunter. The Biden family has no compunctions about selling America out to our enemies or dragging us into a nuclear war with Russia.

Adams notes that Biden is dangerous not only not only on his own, but also because of the people with whom he has surrounded himself in his administration, such as the Secretary of Transportation diversity hire Pete Buttigieg, the epically incompetent Vice President Kamala Harris, and Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, who infamously declared before Congress that she couldn’t define the word “woman” because she isn’t a biologist. There doesn’t seem to be a single appointee in the administration that is there because of actual merit and qualifications.

The Most Dangerous President in History, like Nick Adams himself, is a bracing shot of patriotic common sense. If the book has a failing, it is that it does not include more of the ways in which the grouchy old radical Biden and his administration are putting this country at serious risk (admittedly, doing so would have made the book too unwieldy to lift for anyone but bodybuilders).

But to add one more reason to the mix – one Adams couldn’t have included because it arose just after the publication of his book – consider the recent, treasonous prisoner exchange of the billionaire Russian arms dealer Viktor “Merchant of Death” Bout for women’s basketball star Brittney Griner, who was serving a nine-year sentence in Moscow for drug possession. Besides the fact that the Biden administration left retired U.S. Marine Paul Whelan, unjustly-imprisoned in Russian custody since 2018, this shocking capitulation to Russian demands demonstrated to both our allies and our enemies that America under Biden is pathetically weak, and it exposes Americans to an increased threat of being kidnapped by foreign powers again.

Only the most ideologically deluded Democrat sincerely believes that Joe Biden is anything but a catastrophic failure, both domestically and abroad, as the Leader of the Free World. Nick Adams’ new book demonstrates this abundantly well, but also points the way optimistically forward to the presidential election of 2024 – if we are as committed to taking our country back as the Left is to fundamentally transforming it.


When you follow a Communist the results are what you would expect.


Bernie Sanders’ City Feels the Effects of Defunding the Police

By Tim Young 

Over Thanksgiving weekend, I made my first visit to the land of Bernie Sanders: the city of Burlington, Vermont. The experience was more or less exactly what I expected. Progressive propaganda was on full display across the city, from the “F— Trump” stickers plastered around the walls of local bars to an ocean of Ukraine flags flying from homes—with precious few American flags to be seen.

Seeing leftist propaganda in a liberal hipster city like Burlington is nothing new, especially since my last two stops were Austin, Texas and London, England. What was most notable from my trip, however, was the willingness of the locals to discuss openly about how progressive policies have hurt the city—specifically, the “Defund the Police” movement.

I was staying in town with my fiancée’s family, all of whom have been lifelong Democrats (with the exception of my fiancée, of course, who became a registered Republican after witnessing the dark side of Democrat policies when she moved to Los Angeles). They explained to me how the city council voted to cut the police department’s budget by 30 percent and allocate the funding to “social services” and “racial justice needs,” which went just about as well as anybody with the most rudimentary critical thinking skills could have predicted.

Shootings in the city quickly rose. Burlington averaged two shootings per year between 2012 and 2019. Twelve people were shot in 2020, 14 in 2021, and it’s 23 and counting in 2022. Granted, these are nowhere near the numbers I was familiar with growing up in Baltimore—but a 10-fold increase in shootings in three years is of note.

Over the summer, my fiancée’s Uber driver told her a concerning story of a previous passenger, a trainee at the local police academy who claimed they were being taught not to report shootings unless a bullet actually struck somebody. It’s part of an effort to keep the crime statistics low.

In addition to the shootings, Burlington has also experienced a rise in car and bike theft, drug trafficking, and retail theft. My soon-to-be mother-in-law explained that at the local grocery store she frequents, a man walks in each day, takes a bottle of wine, and walks right out. The staff is well aware the man is stealing. They’re not supposed to report nonviolent crimes due to the lack of police support. In addition—and not at all a shock to anyone—many officers have left the police force because, for some reason, some people don’t want to put their lives on the line for a city that hates them.

Burlington’s attempt to appease the Black Lives Matter fanatics has backfired, both in the streets and in the press. The city made national news when its newly appointed “director of police transformation” (whatever that’s supposed to mean) was caught in a plagiarism scandal, highlighting the problem with progressives in government just using woke issues to cash in without actually putting in effort for their community.

Even one of Burlington’s more liberal city councilmembers, Zoraya Hightower, admitted that defunding the police force had “unintended consequences” and led city officials to “a situation I think nobody wanted us to get to.” And yet, she maintained her support for defunding the police. She even gaslit citizens who are reasonably concerned, because that’s always a good way to treat the people who decide if you get reelected or not.

According to NBC News, when told by a store owner that his staff no longer felt safe working in the evenings, she snarkily remarked, “In Burlington, Vermont?”

When I see the real-life implications of these failed progressive ideas that I’ve been warning against since before they were put into practice, it can be easy to take a non-empathetic stance on people’s complaints. But when you talk with the people of Burlington, it’s clear their virtue signaling does not have deep roots.

Burlingtonians have found themselves in a similar situation to many Americans all across the country. Democratic leaders have absolved themselves of actual leadership and instead allowed radical progressives to bully them into submission. Evidently, they’d rather fail the cities they were elected to protect than risk being tarred as bigots. Progressive demands are constantly changing, and by the time one policy fails, another flawed one is proposed.

The problem is far from Burlington-exclusive. Many “socially liberal” moderates and classical liberals across the country saw progressivism as the shiny new thing and an innovative way of looking at community organization. Now that they’re paying the consequences, they must ask themselves a very important question—will they learn from their mistakes or continue to kowtow to radical progressive demands?

If the answer is the former, we may actually have a chance at mending some of the political divide in this country, allowing people of all backgrounds and political beliefs to experience a better quality of life.

But should liberals choose to act as stubbornly as Burlington’s city council, cities across the country will continue to crumble—and Americans will suffer more than ever before.

Which will it be?


Buddy Carter responds:


Washington Democrats passed another irresponsible, short-term funding bill because they can’t seem to get their priorities straight.

Rep. Earl L. “Buddy” Carter (R-GA) spoke to Newsmax to shine a light on this fiscal malpractice. In case you missed it, here are the highlights:


“All this money going to the different Senators' ‘pet projects’ and you got the two primary authors of this bill, they’re not gonna be responsible, they’re gonna be gone.

“We are gonna be left holding the bag, we the citizens of America, the taxpayers.”


“The will of the people, which is a Republican majority, that should be honored.

“This is no way to run a railroad, this is ridiculous.

“This is not our fault, this is the Democrats' fault. They’re the ones who waited ‘til the end of the year to get serious about the budget.”


“There’s gonna be a new sheriff in town, we have got to get back to regular order.

“We have to get back to fiscal responsibility, we have to get back to balancing our budget.

“This is intergenerational theft, this is a mugging of the taxpayer. It has got to stop. We’ve got to practice fiscal responsibility.”


“I’ve got legislation that says the Executive Branch will be defunded until [the President] gets his budget presented. I’m all for no budget no pay. Let’s hold our feet to the fire.”


Dufus is dazed



WEIRDO JOE: ‘Beautiful Little Girl, Gave Me a Kiss, Said ‘Thank You for My Daddy’

Joe Biden creeped out countless Americans this week when delivered a bizarre statement about a “beautiful little girl” who “gave me a kiss.”




President Biden Once Again Can't Find His Way Off Stage

After giving his remarks at the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit in Washington, DC, Biden can be seen looking off-stage for instructions on how to exit.





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