Thursday, December 29, 2022

"My People" And Antisemitism.


Of late I have been posting a lot about the increase in antisemitism and the impact on "my people."

As antisemitic events rise, I believe this signifies all is not well in the world. People are uncertain, frightened, not happy,  Covid confused and it reflects itself in negative thinking and anti-social actions. Also the influx of so many radical Islamists into our country, most particularly Palestinians, has resulted in the spread of false commentary and lies and the mass media loves to stir the pot because controversy sells and they take comfort in aligning with their obeisance to Democrats.

Finally, Pelosi abdicated and turned her party's message over to the radicals led by AOC and her band of self-absorbed ignoramuses.

Why Jews, until Israel, have chosen certain professions is because so many others were closed to them. When you have to flee you cannot take land with you nor can you take all your possessions so they developed their intellect, dealt in skills pertaining to smaller items like diamond cutting and made loans to foresters. Diamonds are transportable and possess a high value content relative to size etc.

Now that we have a nation of our own, which we had to defend after being given it by The UN, we have proven developing our intellect was not a wasteful endeavor.  But we also proved we can farm and cultivate with the best.

An attached article entitled": "THE JEWS" By Debbie Jones Thornton  is a bit boastful but also quite factual.

The fact that we disproved the haters heightens jealousies, particularly among those who thought Israelis would lose all the wars thrust upon them.

The Palestinians are among the biggest losers for two reasons. First, though they were urged, by the Israelis, to remain in their homes, they fled thinking they would be able to return and have more.

Second, they succumbed to greed and lousy leadership. With respect to the latter, nothing has changed. Palestinians have been treated as pawns while their leadership's bank accounts grew astronomically. Like black hustlers, Palestinian leaders have played the West for fools while maintaining the refugee status of their people. Israel, meanwhile, has taken in and resettled tens of thousand of refugees why have not the Palestinians?  The main reason is UNWRA workers have no incentive to lose their 'cushy' jobs and the money flows, to Palestinian leaders, would stop if the refugee problem was resolved.

I am not suggesting Israel's decisions, with respect to Palestinians, have always been ones of munificence but history is replete with Palestinian rejections. Also, Palestinians seem to prefer killing Israelis over living peacefully with them and when they are not able to commit murders they resort to stirring up trouble by resorting to lies and barring others of their various freedoms, ie campus protests etc.

Am I biased, for sure, but what I have written is also factual.

Having said the above, I also am very disheartened when many of "my crowd" have overthought by using distorted intellect, done great and disruptive harm and engaged in terrible anti-social activities.

Here Karl Marx, the Epstein's, Weinstein's, Schiff's, Schumer's, Zuckerberg's, Fink's,  Madoff's, Milken's, Soros' come to mind among hundreds of others. These renegades are a blight on myself and those like me who make every effort to be good, law abiding and generous citizens.

Their aberrant behaviour and radical anti-capitalist and democratic ideas allow those seeking to project their prejudice an easy path. Our numbers make us vulnerable and we only have ourselves to look to so we  must learn  to outsmart the antisemites.  We must not allow anxiety to dictate our response. We are a miraculous people.  While antisemitic acts are rising the number of those who harbor such prejudice is decreasing and we can take comfort from that fact.

We must never forget we are an eternal people and we must never disavow our connection to God. We must not  shy away from our identity and we must remain united for in unity there is strength.

These truths are equally applicable to America's "deplorables" whose voices have been stilled by intimidation and an out of control government that has become a threat to our have the elites who seek to maintain power at all costs.


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