Monday, August 22, 2022

Tide Turns, Adams Unhappy. Salena On Road. Taliban Corpsing. After FBI Raid, 74% Not Happy. Is America Losing It's Mind?

When tide turns Adams not happy.

 Finally, NYT alarmed over migrant invasion

Meanwhile, the migrants keep coming, Op-ed.

By Jack Engelhard

In a First, The New York Times finally admits that a migrant crisis is at hand.

Most Americans have a soft spot for immigrants. But not for this kind that keep crossing our border from Mexico.

That’s because these people, from all over Latin America, and in fact from all over the world... they do not wait in line.

Something about that turns people off. Especially affronted are individuals who came here legally, which meant sweating out the years until the proper papers came through.

Like your parents/grandparents and mine, in many cases, Holocaust Survivors.

Finally here, it is doubtful that they were greeted by FDR or the mayor of New York City, and then given free housing at luxury hotels on and off Broadway.

Perhaps steak, caviar, lobster, the key to the liquor cabinet – why not? Why yes, if you are an illegal migrant.

Today’s NYC mayor, Eric Adams, runs a sanctuary city, and he loves those trespassers.

He loves them enough to indeed put them up at the finest hotels…and then providing for them food, clothing, jobs, free medical services etc.; hospitality unavailable to true New Yorkers.

But there’s a catch.

He’s fine with 25, 50, maybe 100. After that it’s too much, and he’s furious. He wants the influx stopped. (Some 6,000 are already here in NYC; info being withheld from the public.)

He is especially furious not at Joe Biden, who opened the border, no, his gripe is against the governor of Texas, Greg Abbott.

Texas, New Mexico, California, and Arizona are the four states that border Mexico, and all of them are in the midst of a migrant invasion.

The numbers are staggering and historic. There has never been anything like this. Mostly single, able-bodied men are walking in at a rate of 20,000 per month.

But there is no way to keep an exact tabulation, because they keep coming, and the border patrol troopers assigned to manage the flow are overwhelmed.

It is estimated that since Biden took office, some two million have slipped through, some perhaps into your neighborhood. The number is likely much higher.

They are being federally dispersed throughout the country.

Among them are the good, but also the bad and the ugly. Drug smugglers, human traffickers, rapists, murderers, plus, Islamic terrorists, some of whom have been stopped.

How many got through?

Nobody knows. Biden doesn’t know. Biden doesn’t care.

He cares to the extent that these illegal migrants today, will be reliable Democrat voters tomorrow.

They are already being given ID cards, a form of instant citizenship. No need for them to wait the customary five years as it is with legal immigrants.

The Networks know the situation, but as they keep the Hunter Biden scandal under wraps, so this.

A sure way to manage the population, is to manage the news.

THIS JUST IN: Finally, as of moments ago, The New York Times has finally taken notice, and is not happy. Top story, front page, runs like this: “A Migrant Wave Tests New York City’s Identity as A Global Sanctuary.” The sub-headline goes on to say: “The city’s economy and vibrancy rely on immigrants, but an influx of new arrivals has further strained its social safety net.”

From the Times, this is a Scream! The paper goes on to blame Texas governor Greg Abbott, certainly not Biden. Never Biden.

Gov. Abbott’s plan all along was to share with NYC his state’s misery. Now, he’s got their attention as part of an information blitz for the entire country.

So NYC Mayor Adams is furious at Texas Governor Abbott because Abbott has been shipping in busloads of these illegals to give New Yorkers a taste of what it’s like for Texas.

For Texas, the illegals number in the thousands per day. Surely New York City can handle a few dozen busload by busload.

Sanctuary cities, sure, until the illegal migrants come home to roost.

Philly mayor Jim Kenney was once seen doing a jig when his town was officially declared a sanctuary city.

Lately, he is so fed up with what he’s wrought, he wants to quit his job as mayor, and he has not been seen dancing.

NYC Mayor Adams, he too has not been dancing much since being swamped with illegal migrants.

Al things considered, and as noted earlier, America and Israel are the world’s two powerhouses for the sake of preserving liberty.

Israel keeps proving that it is up to the task.

But can America survive Biden and his leftist acolytes? Or has too much damage already been done?

Trouble is, America down means communist China up as the world’s central power.

Without America as the colossus for freedom, Western Judeo/Christian values are at risk.

So those cheering America’s decline and fall, careful what you wish for.

New York-based bestselling American novelist Jack Engelhard writes regularly for Arutz Sheva.

He wrote the worldwide book-to-movie bestseller “Indecent Proposal,” the authoritative newsroom epic, “The Bathsheba Deadline,” followed by his coming-of-age classics, “The Girls of Cincinnati,” and, the Holocaust-to-Montreal memoir, “Escape from Mount Moriah.” For that and his 1960s epic “The Days of the Bitter End,” contemporaries have hailed him “The last Hemingway, a writer without peer, and the conscience of us all.” Website:


DISPATCH: America On The Road 

By Salena Zito

For the past two weeks I’ve been driving across the country reporting on how we are doing in our country ahead of the midterms—but a bit neglectful in sending my work out—here’s what you missed: 

1.) Where did all the workers go? Some of them bought the farm:

2.) In the Pennsylvania Senate race, what motivates voters is complicated:

3.) That’s rich: How Fetterman lived off his wealthy parents ‘til he was 49 but now attacks Dr. Oz’s wealth in bitter Pa. Senate race: (Got to love those NYPost headlines)

4.) In travels across Pennsylvania, Mehmet Oz looks to capture anti-elite sentiment:

5.) The business of bees: Honey, money and the survival of humanity:

6.) Cinder girl growing up on America’s fringe:

7.) The American Road Side Farm Stand:

Corpsing with the Taliban 

By Mark Steyn

It is one year since the Fall of Kabul. The men responsible for a total humiliation far worse than Saigon are all still at their desks, waging new wars at safe distances. So this week we're re-running, in real time, the columns I wrote twelve months ago. This was first published on Wednesday August 18th 2021:

With respect to Afghanistan, the puppeteers waggling the dead husk that is Joe Biden have made a political calculation - that, on the home front, the fact of departure will count for more than the manner of departure. Joe's not a ubiquitous figure in the news cycle the way Trump was, so he can sit in the basement for a few more days - and, in electoral terms, America's total humiliation in its umpteenth un-won war in some krappistan no one can find on a map will ultimately work for the Dems.

The Taliban, for their part, seem happy to play along. The BBC reports that the female anchors are back on Afghan telly! They were hurriedly yanked from the screens on Sunday morning, presumably because the execs feared the ladies would be damned as whores of the infidels and taken off to Herat and Kandahar never to be seen again. But "Taliban 2.0" (as they're being called in all apparent seriousness) are playing a subtler game this time. So the Rachel Maddows and Joy Reids of Tolo News are back on air - and, with bare-faced cheek, quizzing the fiercely bearded jihad boys about their plans for the restored Islamic Emirate:

This is Kabul, of course, where the savvier Talibs are in charge. Out of town, things might play out more traditionally: The BBC reports that in Jalalabad the local holy warriors are already firing on protestors, and al-Jazeera says Khost, too. In Taleqan, in the far north near the Tajikistan border, a woman was reported to have been shot dead for not wearing a burqa.

Even so, even in Kabul, why would the Taliban be giving cordial interviews to non-burqaed babes? Why aren't they getting back helter-skelter to the good old days of head-chopping and child sex-slaves and crushing homosexuals under walls constructed specifically for that purpose?


Short answer: They're not as stupid as we are.

What's the big takeaway from Sunday? That a bunch of psycho decapitators are back in the saddle in Hoogivsastan? Or that "a pitiful, helpless giant" (in Nixon's famous phrase) is on its back having lost a war even more stupidly than it lost all the other wars?

You don't have to be a graduate of some Ivy League madrassah to figure that one out.The Taliban presser:

Taliban spokesperson Zabiullah Mujahid says 'We have defeated a great power.'

Why step on that message by taking the cat o' nine tails to uncovered women?

Mr Mujahid grasps the key point:

America lost. All the rest is details.

We are playing Strong Horse/Weak Horse, as articulated by Osama bin Laden twenty years ago, and as quoted shortly thereafter in the front of my America Alone:

When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, by nature they will like the strong horse.

Strong Horse/Weak Horse is a subtler concept than you might think: for example, waddling down an Afghan street in the full Robocop is not a Strong Horse thing, not when you've been occupying the country for twenty years and the guys you're losing to ride around in the back of pick-ups with no body armor other than a full beard and a shalwar kameez.

Osama may even be overstating things: you don't have actively to like the Strong Horse; you simply have to recognize that the other guy is the Weak Horse, and therefore a bad bet for your future. And Weak Horse status can get conferred incrementally:

~China swallows Hong Kong with nary a peep of protest from the west: Weak Horse;

~The Wuhan Institute of Virology infects the planet and pays no price from America and Europe: Weak Horse;

~Washington approves Russian pipeline to Germany while canceling Canadian pipeline to America,and then begs the miraculously resurrected Opec to increase production - which they decline to do: Weak Horse.

Western analysts often purport to be baffled by Islamic support for China when Beijing is putting hundreds of thousands of Muslims in concentration camps and harvesting their body parts. I even mention it in our Chinaman song, as one of the only available rhymes for "Uighur":

Global Muslim complaints are meagre

- at least when compared with continuous denunciations of western "Islamophobia". To be sure, a lot of the more ramshackle Islamic backwaters have simply been bought off by Chairman Xi, but if it were just about the benjamins the profligate Yanks would have won: on Sunday the "President" of Afghanistan flew the coop with $169 million.

He would have taken more, but he couldn't jam any more cash into the chopper.

Being unable to buy an Afghan "president" for less than a fifth of a billion is a pitiful Weak Horse thing. By contrast, the Chinese spend cautiously but, to the Organisation of Islamic Co-operation, Chairman Xi's brutal chastising of domestic opposition (even Muslims) signals he's a serious Strong Horse.

And, of course, to Biden the Uighur genocide is merely different cultural norms.

The Taliban have had a lot of time to think about this. Khairullah Khairkhwa, the alleged brains of this spectacular operation, spent over a decade at Gitmo, where the Great Satan flies in a former Ritz-Carlton pastry chef to make the post-Ramadan baklava (I'm being serious; I met the guy in 2006) and is so solicitous of jihadist feelings that he hangs every new inmate's complimentary Koran in a surgical mask on the cell wall so Ahmed will know his holy book is perfectly hygienic. Thereby teaching the jihadists that we implicitly accept Islam's critique of us - that we infidels are unclean.

Mr Khairkhwa had twelve years of that tender regime before Obama swapped him and four other A-listers for the traitor Bowe Bergdahl, whom the 44th President then chose to honor in the Rose Garden as a returning hero. Between them, Bergdahl and Thoroughly Modern Milley couldn't organize a piss with a self-lubricating catheter. But the five guys (and many more) returned east with something the Taliban had never previously had: years of valuable insight into the psychology of the Great Satan.

You can sort of deduce that from Zabiullah Mujahid's press conferences, which, whatever one feels about the chap, are way better than Jen Psaki's. I mentioned that, when asked about free speech, he replied that that question should be directed at Facebook - which is funnier than anything Jimmy Fallon, Trevor Noah and the other leaden jesters of American late-night telly have said in at least five years, and he didn't need thirty-seven writers, either.

But Mr Mujahid's bon mot also hints at another leg of Weak Horsiness. We are not who we were twenty years ago:

The Taliban's strictures upon women - cover your face, don't leave your home - are now routine throughout the "free world".

In Western Australia, a lady has just appealed a prison sentence she was given for taking her dying father for a last picnic on a Bunbury beach.

In Victoria, if one wishes to "hook up" and make the beast with two backs, one has to register online the name of the other back.

In New York City, restaurateurs who serve unvaccinated persons will be fined $2,000. Yes indeed, under Bill de Blasio, the deep south has moved north, and Democrat rednecks are once again denying service to their Negroes, three-quarters of whom have declined to get jabbed.

Oh, but the Taliban are savages! Yeah, but in the lawless precincts of Woke America a customer can be attacked inside a bank ATM lobby by a man wielding a hatchet. Just for the record, it was an Hispanic chopped up by a black guy - so it even has the whiff of the same irredeemable tribalism as Pushtuns and Uzbeks.

I'm interested in urgency. On Sunday, some guy wanted me to help get his hashtag "trending": #F**kTheTaliban.

Er, hashtags aren't a thing; they're a way of pretending you've got a thing, when in fact you're just a big nothing. Try using a hashtag against a hatchet, in Manhattan or Mazar-i-Sharif, and let me know how it goes. Likewise, these "owning the libs" points about Twitter banning Trump but letting every firebreathing imam have the run of the joint are pathetic. If that's "conservatism", you'll be transitioning your son and marrying him to Mullah Bigbeard.

The Taliban guys think our moral preening is a joke, and they may not be wrong about that. Beyond the more lurid contradictions of our position, this is an existential crisis. America came to global dominance not as an imperial power but as a good neighbor happy to bankroll global community infrastructure projects. So it set up not district commissioners in pith helmets, but transnational institutions under the UN.

How'd that turn out? Well, the World Heath Organisation is an instructive example: we pay for it, but it's under the total control of our enemies.

Strong Horse/Weak Horse, even in public health.

The Taliban wags get the grand comedy of that, even if court eunuchs like Jimmy Fallon don't.


Mark Steyn is an international bestselling author, a Top 41 recording artist, and a leading Canadian human rights activist. Among his books is "The Undocumented Mark Steyn: Don't Say You Weren't Warned". (Buy it at a 54% discount by clicking hbere or order in KINDLE edition at a 67% discount by clicking hereSales help fund JWR)



74% of voters say country is on the wrong track, Biden’s job approval stays low: poll

By Mark Moore

Nearly three-quarters of Americans believe the country is on the wrong track, according to a poll released on Sunday that shows President Biden’s job approval ratings mired in the low 40s as the midterm elections close in.

Representative of the deep dissatisfaction among Americans, 74% say the US is headed in the wrong direction, 58% believe the country’s best days are in the rearview mirror and 61% say they are so steamed they would be willing to march around for a day with a protest sign, the NBC News poll found. 

Asked what the signs would say, Democratic voters chose “women’s rights,” “abortion rights,” and “prosecute Trump” — while Republicans said they would tote “impeach Biden,” “protect our freedom” and “protect 2nd Amendment” banners.

With 77 days to go before the November elections, and with Democratic control of Congress hanging in the balance, Biden’s job approval rating hasn’t budged in months. 

The poll shows 42% of American voters approve of the president, but 55% disapprove — numbers that have remained virtually unchanged since October 2021. 

Biden’s strongest support comes from Democrats (79%), black voters (58%), urban residents (50%) and women (47%). 

It also found that 47% of registered voters prefer that Republicans take control of Congress, with 45% backing Democrats. 

The poll was taken between Aug. 12-16, after Congress passed the Inflation Reduction Act which includes a range of climate and health care initiatives. 

Inside the dire numbers, Democrats can find a slight ray of hope for the midterms in that members of their party have begun to close the enthusiasm gap. 

The poll shows that 68% of Republicans express a high level of interest in November’s elections – registering either a 9 or 10 on a 10-point scale – while Democrats are at 66%.

But that 2 percentage point GOP advantage represents a 17-point drop since March. 

Pollsters credit the Supreme Court’s ruling overturning Roe v. Wade for motivating Democrats. 

“The Supreme Court ruling has shaken up the electorate,” Jeff Horwitt of Hart Research Associates told NBC. 

The poll was also conducted after the FBI raid on former President Donald Trump’s Florida resort in a search for classified documents he removed from the White House. 

Asked about the investigations into Trump, 57% believe they should continue, while 40% say they should end because they are politically divisive. 


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