Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Aunt Fay Turns 100.Off To "The Rotten Apple." Racism Wrong Focus According To Woodson, Sowell Other Articles.

Friday, if I am physically up to it, we leave for "The Rotten Apple" to participate in a family tribute to Lynn's Aunt Fay who is turning 100. The celebration ends Sunday.

Then we will drive to Kingston, N.Y, to spend time with Granddaughter Emma and our newest-grand -son-in law and spend several days driving around and exploring this beautiful area of America.  

Scott and Emma fled Brooklyn and we want to see them in their new setting.

Memos should cease 

We have totally allowed racists to intimidate us into wearing the wrong slip on's. They are flooding our school system with garbage/ espoused by the likes of BLM, CRT and communist union advocates. Our focus, as Bob Woodson reminds us every time this eloquent self made black speaks, we waste our time on the dregs while we fail to recognize and support the accomplished.

We are told money is the root of all evil. Money is not the issue, just like a car at rest, money does not influence until it is used for such purpose, nor does a gun locked in a cabinet kill. Only in the hands of a human does it become deadly.  When man, seeks power, then cars, weapons, money can become activated and used for evil/dangerous intent.

The ability to influence laws, to pass legislation, to engage in political activities for the purpose of controlling lives can become the pinnacle of power driving "man.".

Politics is a flame, a magnet that attracts. All too often the very worst, the most manipulative are drawn to politics.  Until recently, power and access was the primary attraction but now money and wealth have entered the arena.  

America, like Russia, now has it's cadre of influential and wealthy oligarchs   One of the most dangerous is a man named Soros.

And then, of course, there is Thomas Sowell, the brilliant economist who is the antithesis of evil

The Point of No Return
Thomas Sowell

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of

This is an election year. But the issues this year are not about Democrats and Republicans. The big issue is whether this nation has degenerated to a point of no return -- a point where we risk destroying ourselves, before our enemies can destroy us.

If there is one moment that symbolized our degeneration, it was when an enraged mob gathered in front of the Supreme Court and a leader of the United States Senate shouted threats against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, saying "You won't know what hit you!"

There have always been irresponsible demagogues. But there was once a time when anyone who shouted threats to a Supreme Court Justice would see the end of his own political career, and could not show his face in a decent society again.

You either believe in laws or you believe in mob rule. It doesn't matter whether you agree with the law or agree with the mob on some particular issue. If threats of violence against judges -- and publishing where a judge's children go to school -- is the way to settle issues, then there is not much point in having elections or laws.

There is also not much point in expecting to have freedom. Threats and violence were the way the Nazis came to power in Germany. Freedom is not free. If you can't be bothered to vote against storm-trooper tactics -- regardless of who engages in them, or over what issue -- then you can forfeit your freedom.

Worse yet, you can forfeit the freedom of generations not yet born.

Some people seem to think that the Supreme Court has banned abortions. It has done nothing of the sort.

The Supreme Court has in fact done something very different, something long overdue and potentially historic. It has said that their own court had no business making policy decisions which nothing in the Constitution gave them the authority to make.

Get out a copy of the Constitution -- and see if you can find anything in there that says the federal government is authorized to make laws about abortion.

Check out the 10th Amendment, which says that the federal government is limited to the specific powers it was granted, with all other powers going to the states or to the people.

Why do we elect legislators to do what the voters want done, if unelected judges are going to make up laws on their own, instead of applying the laws that elected officials passed?

This is part of a very long struggle that has been going on for more than 100 years. Back in the early 20th century, Progressives like President Woodrow Wilson decided that the Constitution put too many limits on the powers they wanted to use.

Claiming that it was nearly impossible to amend the Constitution, Progressives advocated that judges "interpret" the Constitutional limits out of the way.

This was just the first in a long series of sophistries.

In reality, the Constitution was amended 4 times in 8 years -- from 1913 through 1920 -- during the heyday of the Progressive era.

When the people wanted the Constitution amended, it was amended. When the elites wanted the Constitution amended, but the people did not, that is called democracy.

Another great sophistry was using the federal government's authority to regulate interstate commerce to call all sorts of other things interstate commerce. In 1995, elites were shocked when the Supreme Court ruled -- 5 to 4-- that carrying a gun near a school was not interstate commerce.

States had a right to ban carrying a gun near a school, and most of them did. But the federal government had no such authority. Nor did the Constitution give the federal government the right to make laws about abortion, one way or the other.

What both state and federal laws do have the right to stop is threats against judges and their families.

This is not a partisan issue. The Republican governor of Virginia is providing protection to Supreme Court Justices who live in that state. But the Republican governor of Maryland seems to think that harassing judges and their families is no big deal.

Voters need to find out who is for or against mob rule, whether they are Democrats or Republicans. We are not going to be a free or decent society otherwise.


One of our most popular 5-Minute Videos of 2021

He’s an economist, a historian, a philosopher, and one of the greatest social theorists America has ever produced. His name is Thomas Sowell, and he might be the most important scholar you’ve never heard of. Jason Riley, Senior Fellow at the Manhattan Institute, tells his inspiring story.

Other meaningful articles:
Even Biden’s Favorite Economist Says Inflation Reduction Act Won’t Reduce Inflation
By Joseph Simonson

The $433 billion Inflation Reduction Act will have no meaningful impact on consumer costs, according to the economist President Joe Biden cites most often.

By the end of 2031, the latest Democratic reconciliation bill would shave just .33 percent from the Consumer Price Index, the traditional inflation metric, according to a report from Moody's Analytics chief economist Mark Zandi. The current CPI is 9.1 percent, the highest in over 40 years.

Zandi and his coauthors say the Inflation Reduction Act will only "nudge the economy and inflation in the right direction." And that conclusion strains the definition of "nudge." Americans will see no change in inflation due to the bill, the report states, until the third quarter of 2023—a .01 percent decrease.

Zandi's analysis is often shared by the White House or the president himself. During a February 2021 speech, Biden cited Zandi's work twice while pitching his economic agenda. In July of last year, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) called on lawmakers to read Zandi's favorable report on the bipartisan infrastructure bill.

But Zandi's latest findings have not deterred the White House. Both Chief of Staff Ron Klain and Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates retweeted a CNN reporter's tweet that quotes the report as saying the bill will "meaningfully address climate change and [reduce] the government's budget deficits."

The White House's celebration of the report signals how desperate they are to pass a budget reconciliation package before the midterm elections. Initially named "Build Back Better," the bill has seen a number of rebranding attempts as voters increasingly sour on Biden's presidency over the economic concerns.

Zandi and his coauthors conclude that the inflation reduction bill lowers consumer costs for some medications, something the White House highlighted, although they decline to specify the total savings. Moreover, the deflationary benefits from lower health costs, the authors write, do not kick in until "mid-decade."

"Moreover, large corporations will attempt to pass through some of their higher tax bill to consumers in higher prices for their wares," the authors write, although they add that this may be difficult "in competitive markets."

The immediate impact of the bill may also slow growth as well, the authors find. Starting in late 2023 for over a year, according to data in the report, the bill will slightly shave off expected GDP growth. Despite those data, the authors say the Inflation Reduction Act will add "an estimated 0.2 percent" to GDP by the end of 2031.

The Inflation Reduction Act contains $433 billion in spending and purports to raise $750 billion in revenue from higher taxes and lower Medicare prescription drug costs. A report from the nonpartisan Congressional Joint Committee on Taxation found that, despite White House claims, Americans making below $400,000 a year would see higher taxes.

Sen. Joe Manchin (D., W.Va.), who led negotiations on the bill, grew defensive when asked by Fox News about tax provisions in the bill and whether the bill will meaningfully address inflation.

"I know people who don't like the president and don't like Democrats might be upset," Manchin said. "It is not whether you like the president or you like Democrats. Do you like America? Do you want to fight inflation? This bill does it."
Louisiana AG to Reveal ‘Treasure Trove’ of Biden Admin Documents

George Soros Is Singlehandedly Destroying American Criminal Justice
By John Dempsey

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of

George Soros Is Singlehandedly Destroying American Criminal Justice

Crime is rapidly rising in major American cities, primarily where liberal District Attorney's (DA) received large sums of money from liberal billionaire George Soros in their election campaigns. Many of these DAs take it upon themselves to dismiss charges for various reasons – whether it is income, racial, or status based, ignoring the law. Liberal George Soros DAs, like any other politician, do what their largest donor wants them to do. In the case of American criminal justice, we see what George Soros wants: criminals who get away with crime and victims who never see justice.

America is a unique country. We are a nation guided by the Constitution which provides Due Process, prohibiting the government from depriving a person of his or her day in court. It means that someone cannot be accused of a crime and thrown in jail, making the court process an integral part of our criminal justice system should the accused want to face their accuser. 

But what happens when the justice system is made a mockery by a liberal billionaire donor such as Soros? Simple: There will be no justice system, and society will start to crumble. 

Soros is perhaps the godfather of woke criminal justice reform. He has also dolled out tens of millions of dollars into district attorney races. The candidates he supports are primarily in large left-wing cities, and we are starting to see the fruits of his labor in crime spikes. Violent crime is rising at an unprecedented rate, and Soros is primarily to blame, whether he accepts reality or not. 

In New York City, Jose Alba, a bodega worker, was attacked by Austin Simon after Simon believed Alba mistreated his girlfriend's minor daughter over a bag of chips. After Simon began to assault Alba, he managed to stab Simon, who died of his injuries. A clear case of self-defense that was captured on surveillance footage. Soros-funded District Attorney Alvin Bragg levied murder charges against Alba. Later, after outrage and a review of surveillance footage, the charges were dropped; the arrest should have never occurred.

Alba's case is just one out of thousands where Soros-backed attorneys hold victims accountable for crimes they did not commit. Criminals remain accessible on the streets to cause havoc, destruction, and social disintegration. All the while, Soros denies the reality that he is responsible for the degradation of American criminal justice and the freedom to walk down city sidewalks without fear of being mugged, seeing homeless urinating in public, or stepping in feces. 

Completely detached from reality in his billionaire ivory tower, Soros claimed that his progressive DA's policies are not the reason for crime spikes in large cities after he was called out in a Wall Street Journal opinion piece. In his defense, Soros claimed that Republican-led states have more crime but could not back up his claim. Like many other leftists, he is devoid of reality and is more focused on power, reform, and so-called equality than reality. 

The reality is that crime is spiking in major American cities where Soros is responsible for donating enough money to get progressive, light-on-law prosecutors elected; however, citizens are starting to realize the damage of progressive prosecutors. One of the most liberal cities in America recalled San Francisco prosecutor Chesa Boudin, with received a 61% of voters wanting him out of office – a message that should reverberate across the country. Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon is likely to face a recall vote as well. If Gascon gets recalled, we will see two of George Soros' picks kicked out of office. 

Removing Soros-backed DAs is essential for the safety of communities. However, voters must realize that left-wing legal policies are unsuitable for their community or the country. When liberals or leftists say they want progressive prosecution, they want to decriminalize crime for politics; law enforcement and politics should never hold hands. 

Soros' DAs must get recalled and replaced with prosecutors who believe criminals should be held accountable. Right now, major American cities are quickly decaying and turning into a real-life Gotham City. However, even Batman cannot save them, for he will be arrested and charged by a progressive Soros-backed district attorney.
Xi demonstrates his insecurity by reacting like a bully.  Xi  wants to replace America as the world's dominant nation and we have allowed it to happen in many aspects.

Xi is like a college student who moves into the dorm and takes over the assigned room of his roommate.



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