Thursday, July 21, 2022

Military Must Be Re-built. Erickson Speaks Out. Changes In Arab Textbooks Accelerates. No Truer Words Ever Spoken. Pulpits Infiltrated. Mkt Comment.

Question: How many times must we fix the military?

Answer:  After every Democrat President we elect.


Erickson explains: Democrats cannot stop the bleeding

so they have to offer standard nourishment.


Here's Why the Democrats Are Focused on Climate, Abortion, and Transgenderism

By Erick-Woods Erickson

There are 332 million Americans. Of that, roughly 75% are eligible to vote. Only 50% are actually registered to vote. On average between midterm and presidential elections, only 40% of the 332 million go vote. A presidential year may swing up to about 47%, and a midterm may swing down to 33%. The average is about 40%.

Of the 40% of Americans who vote, are registered to vote, and who do vote, you need 21% to win.

But of that 40%, about 13% will vote Democrat in every case and 12% will vote Republican in every case. It varies by state, but generally, the GOP and Democrats are at parity in the nation now.

That leaves 15% of Americans who really shape the election.

4% of Americans are single-issue voters. They only care about guns (gun-control vs gun rights), abortion (pro-life or pro-abortion), the environment (lean left or stay home), or other random issues and will only vote on those issues or stay home if they don’t like where any of the candidates land on the issue. On guns and abortion, the majority in each group have tended to lean to the GOP, offsetting the Democrats’ generic ballot advantage.

That leaves 11% of Americans to decide the election. Of that 11%, you have to get the votes of 5.51% of those Americans.

It is impossible in some districts and states because the percentages at the state level vary. But in swing districts and swing states, that really matters. You have to target 5.51% of the population, find them, persuade them, and hold them once you have your base locked down.

To you and me, Biden’s team seems off the rails right now. The number one issue in America is inflation, encompassing the economy, jobs, gas prices, food prices, etc. Everything else is incidental.

What is Biden doing? He is focused on a supposed climate crisis, abortion, gun control, etc. The real question is why?

The answer is not that the Biden team is incompetent at a political level. It is that they know doom is coming. They are having to mitigate the damage

In geometry, you learn a sine wave is negated by cosine. A wave of amplitude x can be offset by a reverse wave of amplitude -x. Biden’s team is trying to grow a wave of Democrat voters to help mitigate the coming Republican wave.

Their strategy is to turn out the 15% of Americans who will always, in every circumstance, vote Democrat and also maximize the turnout of those single issue voters who care about abortion, the environment, and guns in ways Democrats care about them. Some of those neutralize each other, e.g. gun control voters vs gun rights voters. But at the margins, perhaps more pro-abortion advocates turn out over single issue pro-life voters.

The danger here is that this further alienates non-white Democrats and those voters continue their shift to the GOP. But if the Democrats want to do their best not to cancel the GOP’s wave but reduce its impact, they need to pull in as many Democrat and single-issue left-leaning voters as possible.

What you and I see as nuts for them abandoning inflation and the economy as the big issue is actually smart politics when they know doom is coming and they want to ensure the GOP only wins 20 seats in the House, not 40, and the GOP wins the Senate by 1 seat, not 5.

The behavior of the White House and Democrats is a tacit admission that the GOP wave really is coming and really is big, and their strategy is to reduce its size and scope, not actually stop it from happening at all.


Changes in Arab text books is critical and has begun:


In Case You Missed It

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EMET has long argued that the best litmus test for whether or not a nation is ready for peace is to examine how they educate the next generation. Education can be used as a tool for liberalization, for tolerance, for openness to “the other, and for planting the seeds of democracy and human rights. Or it can be used to indoctrinate children towards hatred of “the other” and towards extremism and violence.

IMPACT-se has just released its 2022 annual update on Saudi textbooks, depicting an overall trend of improvement following major reforms since 2020. Whereas only a decade ago, focus was put on encouraging students to prepare for jihad and martyrdom, the majority of references to violent jihad justifying and praising violence and murder on behalf of the Prophet Muhammad have now been removed from the textbooks. While some problematic content, such as negative depictions of Jews, Zionism and Christians, remains or has even been made worse, others, particularly instances of the kind of antisemitism based on modern European tropes, have largely been removed.

IMPACT-se has also released an extensive review of the Palestinian curriculum used in our UNRWA schools. This report analyzed textbooks and new “study cards” produced by the Palestinian Authority (PA) for the 2021–22 school year, which are used in the curricula of the West Bank, Gaza, East Jerusalem, and UNRWA schools, and includes selected examples from several hundred pages of educational content. Contrary to the assurances made by the PA to its international partners that improvements would be made rapidly to improve the 2020–21 curriculum, IMPACT-se found that there were no revisions to the PA curriculum for the current 2021–22 school year. In addition to the lack of PA-assured textbook revisions, research on the supplemental online learning materials called study cards found that the PA Ministry of Education published the same or worse content in violation of international standards of peace, tolerance and non-violence in education.

About the speaker: Marcus Sheff was a political reporter at The Nation, an editor at The Jerusalem Post, and a foreign correspondent before heading The Word Shop, a strategic communications firm, for a decade. He worked for Dow Jones International and Advanstar Inc. and was CEO at Intermedia, an international business development firm, before becoming Executive Director at The Israel Project. He has for two decades been involved in in global healthcare, briefed world leaders, spoken at the United Nations and parliaments, and appears regularly on media. He studied political science and international relations at Leeds University where he was an elected leader of the student union, and international relations at Tel Aviv University.

In Case You Missed It

To sponsor this or future webinars, contact us here.

EMET has long argued that the best litmus test for whether or not a nation is ready for peace is to examine how they educate the next generation. Education can be used as a tool for liberalization, for tolerance, for openness to “the other, and for planting the seeds of democracy and human rights. Or it can be used to indoctrinate children towards hatred of “the other” and towards extremism and violence.

IMPACT-se has just released its 2022 annual update on Saudi textbooks, depicting an overall trend of improvement following major reforms since 2020. Whereas only a decade ago, focus was put on encouraging students to prepare for jihad and martyrdom, the majority of references to violent jihad justifying and praising violence and murder on behalf of the Prophet Muhammad have now been removed from the textbooks. While some problematic content, such as negative depictions of Jews, Zionism and Christians, remains or has even been made worse, others, particularly instances of the kind of antisemitism based on modern European tropes, have largely been removed.

IMPACT-se has also released an extensive review of the Palestinian curriculum used in our UNRWA schools. This report analyzed textbooks and new “study cards” produced by the Palestinian Authority (PA) for the 2021–22 school year, which are used in the curricula of the West Bank, Gaza, East Jerusalem, and UNRWA schools, and includes selected examples from several hundred pages of educational content. Contrary to the assurances made by the PA to its international partners that improvements would be made rapidly to improve the 2020–21 curriculum, IMPACT-se found that there were no revisions to the PA curriculum for the current 2021–22 school year. In addition to the lack of PA-assured textbook revisions, research on the supplemental online learning materials called study cards found that the PA Ministry of Education published the same or worse content in violation of international standards of peace, tolerance and non-violence in education.

About the speaker: Marcus Sheff was a political reporter at The Nation, an editor at The Jerusalem Post, and a foreign correspondent before heading The Word Shop, a strategic communications firm, for a decade. He worked for Dow Jones International and Advanstar Inc. and was CEO at Intermedia, an international business development firm, before becoming Executive Director at The Israel Project. He has for two decades been involved in in global healthcare, briefed world leaders, spoken at the United Nations and parliaments, and appears regularly on media. He studied political science and international relations at Leeds University where he was an elected leader of the student union, and international relations at Tel Aviv University.

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 No truer words were ever spoken:
Marxists infiltrate the pulpit

Over the last half-century, every structural institution in our society, including organized religion, has been quietly subverted from within by Marxists in our midst. Unless this insidious effort is rolled back, and soon, tomorrow’s children will never know what it’s like to live in a free country. If you need evidence of how bad things are, look no further that this Dennis Prager article, which reports that one of the oldest and most beautiful churches in the country, the Church of the Covenant in Boston, is displaying a large banner that declares the following: “And God said … Protect Abortion Access 4 All … Ensure Black Lies Matter … Defend LGBTq+ rights …. End voter suppression … Abandon fossil fuels … Abolish prisons.” Each of these Democratic Party political themes are based on victim vs. oppressor ideology, the central tenet set forth in The Communist Manifesto. The article below tells more about the left in this country is attempting to purge every vestige of America’s predominant religion from the public arena. We are living in perilous times. -JE
Virtue-Signaling Pastors On The Religious Left And The Rapid Rise Of Communism In America
By John Eidson

Formerly known as “The Protestant Hour,” a religious radio program called Day 1 billed itself as an affiliation of what it referred to as “mainline” Protestant churches that embrace “the progressive worldview.” In other words, Day 1 is an affiliation of churches led by people who vote Democrat.

By describing itself as “mainline,” Day 1, unwittingly or otherwise, projected the scurrilous notion that churches not led by progressives—in other words, ones led by conservatives—are outside the Christian mainstream, and are therefore of suspect religious virtue.

(Note: Perhaps because I sent an earlier version of this article to several of its guest pastors, Day 1 no longer refers to itself as an affiliation of “mainline” churches led by progressives; it now self-identifies as an affiliation of “historic Protestant denominations that proclaim a positive, passionate faith for the real world.”)

Many sermons delivered by Day 1 guest pastors are steeped in religious virtue-signaling, especially on the politically charged issues of race, LGBTQ & transgender rights, illegal immigration and climate change. The often holier-than-thou undertone of Day 1’s guest pastors comes across loud and clear: we are morally superior Christians because we are tolerant and inclusive progressives; conservative Christians are not really Christians at all—they’re racists, bigots, white supremacists, homophobes, xenophobes, etc.

Day 1 guest pastors never come out and make such hateful accusations directly, but that is what they’ve been taught to believe by the identity politics election strategy of the political party they support. The Democrat presidential nominee in 2016 summed up the progressive view of conservative America when she denounced those who voted against her, including millions of devout Christians, as “a basket of deplorables.”

How has America come to have a branch of Christianity whose members see themselves as morally superior because of their political affiliation? The answer requires understanding the frightening extent to which Marxist ideology has been quietly infused throughout the entire spectrum of American society, including an uncomfortably large segment of organized religion.

In his best-selling book The Naked Communist, former FBI Special Agent W. Cleon Skousen listed 45 communist goals to subvert America from within. One of those goals calls on communist warriors to “Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with social religion.”

Revealed religion is religion based on Scripture. The communist concept of social religion teaches citizens to look to government, rather than to God, for their daily salvation. Scripture-based religion is about individual salvation. Social religion is about collective salvation, a concept that does not exist in Christianity.

In many churches on the religious left, the communist goal of replacing revealed religion with social religion has largely been accomplished, as evidenced by the constant refrain of progressive pastors who sanctimoniously sermonize about their undying commitment to the cause of “social justice,” as if their counterparts on the religious right couldn’t care less about a just and fair society.

Social justice is a progressive term used to describe justice within a society as meted out by a socialist government that allocates wealth, opportunity and privileges according to the Marxist directive “from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.”

An innocuous-sounding term that suggests the utopian concept of fairness and equality for all, social justice and its pernicious offshoots—economic justice, housing justice, food justice, migration justice, health justice, climate justice, etc.—are progressive code talk for forced wealth redistribution, the central tenet of communism.

In pushing the alleged virtues of Marxism, social justice crusaders in progressive-led churches tell parishioners that socialism is about sharing, a subtle way of advancing the fallacious notion that socialists are morally superior because they believe in sharing. Christian sharing is a voluntary act of love; socialism is forced sharing.

Since the 1960s, the tentacles of communism have snaked their way throughout the fabric of our culture, including its Judeo-Christian heritage. Marxist infiltration of America’s churches has had remarkable success on the religious left, where parishioners are taught the absurd notion that the values of socialism are in sync with the values of Christianity. Anyone who believes that need only ask Christians who fled the Soviet-dominated countries of Eastern Europe.

So who came up with the plan for Marxist warriors to infiltrate America’s churches? His name is Antonio Gramsci, a 1920s Italian communist known as a leading Marxist thinker of the 20th century. Disappointed that communists were unsuccessful at inciting a Bolshevik-style revolution in Italy, Gramsci came up with a plan to overturn capitalism in western countries by non-violent means. That under-the-radar plan is known as Cultural Marxism, the process of gradually infusing Marxist doctrine into a society through its culture.

Realizing that communism faces an uphill battle in Christian nations—where citizens look to God rather than government for their daily salvation—Gramsci developed a stratagem to assault and diminish Christianity in western societies. Part of that stratagem calls for infiltrating churches with closet Marxists who use deceit, manipulation and misinformation to quietly supplant revealed religion (religion based on Scripture) with the communist concept of social religion. Gramsci summarized his stratagem for subverting Christianity in western nations thusly:

Socialism is precisely the religion that must overwhelm Christianity. Socialism will triumph by first capturing the culture via infiltration of schools, universities, churches and the media by transforming the consciousness of society.

Gramsci referred to his stratagem as “the long march through the institutions,” i.e. infiltrating a society’s cultural institutions and surreptitiously replacing their traditional values and principles with those of communism. Operating via stealth and deception, Gramsci’s disciples in this country have diligently labored to grind down every cultural institution in America, including its predominant religion, Christianity.  

Gramscian Marxists have infiltrated the leadership of every major branch of Christianity, including the Catholic Church. In February 2020, Pope Francis announced his support for the Global Education Pact, a United Nations-backed initiative to usher in a “new humanism” under which God “withdraws” so “all of humankind can be free.” Under the Pact, children of the world will be indoctrinated with social justice propaganda designed to pave the way for a New World Order under the banner of global communism.

Marxist infiltrators have seized control of the Vatican in a way that went virtually unnoticed by most Catholics until after the fact, just as Gramsci planned. Pretending to do God’s bidding, Marxist pastors hiding under the ecclesiastical robes of the Christian faith are knowingly subverting their professed religion from within. 

In contemporary America, social religion is connected at the hip with social justice, a noble-sounding code term that’s self-righteously trumpeted by religious-left pastors who cleverly weave the universally failed promises of socialism into their sermons.

A false idol ideology pursued with religious fervor by its proponents, socialism is doomed to fail where ever it is tried, because it is in eternal mortal conflict with the basic human instinct that those who work hard, educate themselves, employ their ingenuity and risk their capital have an inborn expectation to do significantly better than those who don’t. That is an immutable human condition that will never change, even in the face of socialist lies propagated by virtue-signaling pastors on the religious left.
I have not made a market comment in several weeks so here goes "nothing."  People I respect believe we are in for a rally in concert with earning releases which have already begun. I am happy to defer to them. Never met a rally I did not like.

Where we go next is the important issue and if The Fed raises rates by more than 3/4's of a point that would be somewhat more bearish and possibly more damaging because, I believe the recession has already begun.   

Inflation has a self-correcting ability because, at some point, it begins to slow demand and capital spending and thus, business activity.  So, we have two questions to resolve at the very least.  How severe/polonged will the recession be and what will be the earnings impact?  

Prior to the decline, multiples of earnings had reached a lofty level of 20 plus and the recent correction brought them to around a 15 level.  Lower earnings elevate PE's.

This suggests a somewhat severe recession could reduce Dow Ind. Earnings by 4%  to a level around $1600 and with a multiple around15. Thus the market would still have a downside in the vicinity of another 8000 point or some 20%.

From this point forward a defensive posture remains warranted and that would still include energy because supply remains the problem and any recovery will only exacerbate price. Add to energy, health related, possibly insurance companies (mainly life) whose bond portfolio's would rise along with interest rates.

Inflation should begin to reverse with the 3rd quarter at which time I would expect high quality technology would lead the parade.


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