Monday, July 4, 2022

Gascon Pleads. No One Will Come. English Student Barred From College. Why Hearsay Should Be Barred.


Los Angeles DA George Gascon plea to supporters on recall: They will ‘reverse our progress’
By Louis Casiano, Fox News

Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascon told supports that LA will lose progress if they oust him out of office. Los Angeles Times via Getty Imag

Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon is making a plea to supporters to fight back against a recall attempt to oust him from office as his opponents edge closer to bringing the matter before voters. 

In a fundraising message, Gascon called the recall a political power grab that is attempting to “circumvent the democratic process.” 

“The Republican-led recall effort in L.A. is on the ‘cusp’ of qualifying for the ballot this November,” it reads. “And if they’re successful, they will reverse all our progress.”


Gascon and his supporters have tried to paint the recall effort as one being led by right-wing mega donors and police unions. The Recall George Gascon campaign told Fox News in mid-June it was close to collecting the 567,857 signatures needed from registered voters to put the recall question on the ballot.

“The only person talking about partisan politics is George Gascon himself because he has no defense for his failed record,” the recall campaign told Fox News in a statement. “Whether he’s intentionally gaslighting or just delusional, Gascon’s continued dismissal of victims and the legitimate concerns of residents is part of the reason why he’s going to be recalled in a landslide if we qualify.  

A spokesperson for the recall told Fox News the group will make a final push to collect more signatures over the holiday weekend. 

Fox News has reached out to the Gascon campaign. 

Numerous people have called for Los Angeles DA George Gascon to be ousted from his position.Numerous people have called for Los Angeles DA George Gascon to be ousted from his position.Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images


Much of the opposition against Los Angeles County’s top prosecutor stems from his progressive directives that critics have blamed for an uptick in crime and emboldening criminals they say no longer fear harsh consequences from the DA’s office.

Those include, not seeking cash bail, sentencing enhancements or trying juvenile offenders as adults. 

A number of cases critics point to helped the recall cause in recent months. A transgender child molester convicted of sexually assaulting a young girl when she was weeks from turning 18 was sentenced to time in a juvenile facility instead of prison, prompting backlash from officials, law enforcement and Gascon’s own prosecutors. 

There has been a growth in popularity over the last few years to oust George Gascon from office.There has been a growth in popularity over the last few years to oust George Gascon from office.Jason Armond / Los Angeles Times via Getty Images


Most recently, a woman who was walking with a baby stroller when she was attacked during a hit-and-run came out against him. Rachel Hart fought for the toughest charges possible against her attacker, who was a juvenile out on probation at the time of the incident. Ultimately, he was charged with two counts of assault with intention to harm and one felony hit-and-run.

“I still thought, ‘OK, maybe he’ll get five years.’ For me, that was a really low bar,” Hart said on “Fox & Friends First” Thursday. “Five months is what he got.”

Earlier this month, Gascon defended his policies after it was revealed that a suspect who killed two El Monte police officers was out on probation at the time after getting a plea from his office. 

“The current case he’s arrested for possession of drugs, possession of a gun. He could have, even under my directives, he could have gone to jail. As a matter of fact, had the case been set to trial, then it was very possible he could still be waiting for a trial date. He was on bail, he was out on bail,” Gascon said.
Lot of speculation:

Israeli's know no one will come.
Israel Should Take Heed From Experiences of Ukraine
By Martin Sherman, NEWSMAX      

Recently, this writer attended a dinner at which the keynote speaker was Yossi Cohen, the former director of Mossad, Israel’s external intelligence service.

The focus of Cohen’s address was the impact of global events on Israel’s strategic security.

No One Came to Save a Single Infant . . . 

Although he touched only briefly on the ongoing war in Ukraine, what he said was perhaps more policy-relevant than his observations on topics to which he devoted most of his time— Iran, the Arab world, the Russian deployment in Syria, and the United States.

After giving a brief tour d’horizon of the combined military might of NATO, he pointed out poignantly, that despite this potentially awesome prowess, “no one came to save even one Ukrainian baby.”

Indeed, for Ukrainians, the situation must be particularly galling.

After all, it was barely 20 years ago that the Budapest Memorandum was signed, in which Russia, the U.S., and the UK pledged to refrain from threatening or using military force or economic coercion against Ukraine and undertook to respect Ukrainian independence and sovereignty in the existing (1994) borders.

Clearly, there have since been blatant Russian violations of the Memorandum

Western Democracies are Unreliable

In a caustic review of Ukraine’s fate — and the chain of events that led up to it — Erielle Davidson of George Mason University berates the “stark failure of the Budapest Memorandum.”

She writes, ” . . .  Western democracies are unreliable and fickle. International agreements involving the abdication of strategic assets in exchange for vague ‘assurances’ of undefined future support are not worth the paper they are written on.”

Extending the scope of her analysis of Ukraine’s experience, Davidson continues”: “Ukraine is not the only country the U.S. and European countries have insisted make dangerous concessions for paper peace with an undemocratic, bellicose neighbor.”

Demanding Jerusalem Repeat Kiev’s mistakes?

She then goes on to trace the pertinence of the events in Ukraine for the situation Israel is facing in the conflict with Palestinian-Arabs and the wider Arab world.

She observes: ” . . . this has been the entire blueprint of Western democracies’ approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: push the Israelis to cede strategic territorial depth in the hopes that governments run by terrorists will behave. In exchange, Israel would ride a brief wave of Western plaudits and vague assurances of assistance, if the Palestinians were to seek to destabilize or attack the smaller Israel.”

According to Davidson, “An Israeli deal with the Palestinians would surely be met, like the Budapest Memorandum, with fanfare and goodwill in the short term. The world, supposedly, would have become a more peaceful place.”

However, as she asserts: ” . . . Ukraine’s concessions in the 1990s are hardly remembered today . . . the Ukrainian war . . . represents the failure of a Western peace process — a failure that our ally Israel should certainly remember when an unchastened American and European foreign policy establishment inevitably asks Jerusalem to repeat Kiev’s mistakes.”

Israel: The Failure of International Guarantees

Indeed, in a paper entitled When International Agreements Utterly Failed, David Makovsky, distinguished fellow at The Washington Institute, analyzes the events that led to the 1967 Six-Day War, which erupted after Egypt closed the Tiran Straits to Israeli navigation.

This comprised a critical blow to Israel, which at the time relied on strategic oil imports from Iran supplied via the Straits.

Israel dispatched then-Foreign Minister Abba Eban on an urgent trip to urge the international community to re-open the Straits and avert war. However, Eban encountered an apathetic and cynical international response.

Thus, even though the then-French president, Gen. Charles De Gaulle conceded that a commitment had been made to Israel to keep the Tiran Straits open, he curtly dismissed the pledge, declaring, “that was 1957 . . .now [is] 1967.”

No Guarantee Can Guarantee a Guarantee

Accordingly, Israel’s strenuous diplomatic efforts to persuade the western powers to pressure Cairo to reopen the Straits proved to no avail.

Along with the closure of the straits, Egypt began mobilizing forces along Israel’s southern border — thus triggering Israel’s preemptive strikes against Egyptian positions and airfields that heralded the outbreak of the Six-Day War.

In his paper on failed international guarantees, Makovsky remarks: “we should not forget . . . cannot be based on abstract international guarantees about the future”; and laments: “When the political context changed  . . .the guarantees evaporated.”

Indeed, as the late Menachem Begin reportedly once remarked to then-U.S. Secretary of State Cyrus Vance a decade later, ” . . .  there is no guarantee that can guarantee a guarantee.”

No One Will Come . . .

For Israel, the message is starkly unequivocal.

It must be remembered that should it cede vitally important strategic territory at the behest of foreign governments, this could well tempt its adversaries to launch a deadly assault on it.

Moreover, it should remember it can expect scant support from other countries, unwilling to come to its aid.

For, as Yossi Cohen warned in his address, if Israel is attacked, it must assume that “no one will come.”

Martin Sherman is the founder and executive director of the Israel Institute for Strategic Studies and served for seven years in operational capacities in Israel’s intelligence community. Sherman lectured for 20 years at Tel Aviv University in Political Science, International Relations and Strategic Studies. He holds several university degrees — B.Sc. (Physics and Geology), MBA (Finance) and Ph.D. in Political Science/International Relations. He was the first academic director of the internationally renowned Herzliya Conference and has authored two books as well as numerous articles and policy papers on a wide range of political, diplomatic and security issues. He was born in South Africa and has lived in Israel since 1971.  Read Martin Sherman’s Reports — More Here.
Student Removed From College For Supporting Deporation Of Illegals

( A student in the United Kingdom was denied a second year at Burnley College for supporting the conservative government’s immigration policy, because he believed that illegal immigrants in the country should be deported.

“Today my college has refused to take me on for a second year because I made some tweets they didn’t like about Rwanda,” tweeted Liam O’Malley. “That is the state of Modern Britain.”

The conservative immigration policy has been thus far blocked by activists, according to Summit News. The policy, seen as discriminatory and racist, would deport Rwandans seeking asylum back to their country if they show up illegally in the country.

In a respectful exchange, O’Malley responded to one user who said that he just wanted a chance at a better life. “That life can be had in the beautiful country of Rwanda,” O’Malley tweeted.

In another tweet, O’Malley responded to Former UN Special Advisor, Steven Chalke, who compared the UK deporting Australians 250 years ago to deporting Rwandans.

“The people we transported to Australia ended up building a great nation, maybe that’s what Rwanda needs?” O’Malley wrote.

These are the tweets that have caused the 17-year-old his admittance into Burnley College. Critics are reportedly petitioning the college to readmit and apologize to the student.

Summit News reported that this is another example of leftist “cancel culture” attempting to ruining someone’s life over comments that they do not find agreeable. The irony in the college’s action over O’Malley’s tweets is that the young student is claiming Rwanda to be a beautiful country whose refugees have an opportunity to build it up into a great nation.

Ten years ago, the English magazine Prospect wrote that Britons will become a white minority in the country, overtaken by immigration in a little more than 50 years. The magazine wrote that immigration accounted for 52% of the population growth, with foreign-born mothers contributing 25% of all births in England and Wales.

More recently, it was reported that British white people will become a minority in Birmingham, “with 50,000 locals unable to speak English.”

There's a Reason Why Hearsay Is Barred from Trials 

By Kurt Schlichter


Why Don’t Haitians Immigrate to Cuba, Paradise for the Poor According to Many Democrats?
By Humberto Fontova
Ex-Obama Adviser: Things Are 'Out of Control' Because Biden Is Not 'In Command'

By Matt Vespa



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