Saturday, July 30, 2022

Missive From Girlfriend. Be Thankful. War Ages. Dufus Lied Again. Democrats Li. Take Iran's Threat Seriously.

From one of my dearest girl friends:

Couldn't agree with you more about the local paper..  I can't stand their editorial staff and have told them as much.  BTW, your recent Letter was sooooo good.  I'm surprised that they printed it.

When I got to the end and saw your name, I was so happy.  It was a great letter.
Always be thankful:

 war ages:
Dufus lied again

Why Do Democrats Lie So Damn Much?

By Derek Hunter


As previously noted:


The Dobbs ruling on abortion didn't take rights away; it gave them back

Also on our Substack, Jefferson Shupe writes that the recent Supreme Court decision “didn’t seize control over the abortion issue. Quite the opposite, actually. They gave it up.” He also notes that while many are feeling disempowered over the ruling, “state control over abortion allows us to better coexist.”

I know that some readers do not feel empowered right now, as their state might have a trigger law that gives them less latitude on this issue than they had before. But let’s separate these things for a moment. The Dobbs ruling is not an abortion ban. In fact, from what I can find, it doesn’t even frown upon the practice. This was the justices handing us the keys with an apology note: “Found this in a drawer, belongs to you. Sorry for keeping it so long.”

This should be good news to both sides. For one, state control over abortion allows us to better coexist. That unity that I spoke of? We don’t need to be united on this.

Read the Full Article


After it is too late we might begin to take Iran's threats seriously:

The video declared Iran’s regime can move its “peaceful nuclear program to a nuclear weapons program” at a fast pace.

Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps is planning to construct nuclear warheads and has threatened to pulverize New York, it said on two of its affiliated Telegram channels on Saturday.  

Iran expert Ben Sabti tweeted that an IRGC “Telegram channel threatens to produce atomic warhead for missiles," citing the channel's message: “Iran can immediately return to Emad project and build an atomic bomb if Natanz facilities are attacked.”

The Emad, cited in the message, is an Iranian long-range missile.

The IRGC-linked Bisimchi Media (Radioman Media) Telegram channel published a video titled "When Will Iran's Sleeping Nuclear Warheads Awaken," according to the London-based Iran International news outlet. 

Turning New York into hellish ruins

The short video declares that Iran’s regime will develop nuclear weapons in a rapid-fire period of time “if the US or the Zionist regime make any stupid mistakes.”

Per Iran International, the video states that Iran’s ballistic missiles have the capability of “turning New York into hellish ruins,” in an ostensible reference to Iran’s space program.

“The nuclear facilities of Fordow have been built deep under mountains of Iran and are protected against trench-busting bombs and even nuclear explosion"

“The nuclear facilities of Fordow have been built deep under mountains of Iran and are protected against trench-busting bombs and even nuclear explosion… all infrastructures required for nuclear breakout have been prepared in it,” the video said, according to Iran International.

The news organization paraphrased the video as stating that “the facilities at Natanz may be highly vulnerable to a possible attack by Western powers and Israel but Fordow will immediately assume war footing and begin the nuclear breakout project within a short time if Natanz comes under missile attack.”

The video declared that the regime can move its “peaceful nuclear program to a nuclear weapons program” at a fast pace.

According to the report, the video noted that Iran’s uranium enrichment process to build a nuclear weapon in the underground facilities of Fordow, near Qom, has enabled it to be on the brink of nuclear breakout and membership in the club of nuclear powers.

The US government has classified the IRGC as a foreign terrorist entity.




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