Sorry, not suppose to know the whistle blower.
Obama Left An Ambassador to Die, But We’re Supposed to be Outraged Over Trump's Yovanovitch Tweet?
This from a wonderful friend and fellow memo reader and a true patriot: "Bobby Riggs tried your trick a while back and got smoked - but that was way before political correctness set in. J---"

Donald Jr, in his closing chapters of: "Triggered" makes some cogent points. First he says his
father won in 2016 by: "...ignoring every single rule of American Politics." He believes his
father will win again if they fail to play by his rules.
He also commented on some of the Democrat candidates.
a) Biden - corrupt and out of touch.
b) Sanders - the ultimate Commie Capitalist who owns three luxury homes.
c) Warren- a consummate liar lacking serious judgement and a conscience and talks down
to voters as if they are the dumb kids in her class and she is better than they are.
Does have ideas but they re unworkable and un-affordable.
D) Kamala Harris -her record as California's Attorney General is deplorable and worse for
black citizens.
e) Mayor Pete - nice guy, optics all wrong.
f) Beto O'Rourke - Irish Guy with Hispanic first name for effect.
g) Cory Booker - Has an imaginary friend named T Bone and uses it to burnish his "street crowd."
In his last chapter entitled: "Trump 2020"he discusses the "corrupt higher up establishment types"
arrayed against his father and their entire family and believes they will never receive the sentences
many are due. He talks about what Hoover and his high level agents did to MLK.
He writes about the fake news, the Lawrence O'Donnell's of he world and why his father decided
it was time for him to run and that drives him to this day. He lists the many accomplishments of the
administration and reminds the reader the stakes are higher than in 2016 because we have so much
more to lose, ie. full employment, a better economy, trade re-balancing and a nation again respected etc.
Don Jr is a man's man and in the Trump family tradition a fighter.
"Triggered" is a worthy read.
Roger Stone found guilty of lying to Congress. Congress lies to us and even to themselves all the time.
We only get every other year to tell them what we think about their lies.
White House Releases First Ukraine Call Transcript
Has No Mention of Biden and No Quid Pro Quo:
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