Emma's, our oldest granddaughter, is now engaged to Scott.He proposed in Siena, in a grove of olive trees.She said yes...as you can see from the joy in their first photo as an engagedcouple. We are very happy for them and delighted to welcomeScott into our expanding family. Both are in the art field.
Emma works for a large Magazine Publishing Company. Scott is self-employed and helps museums install exhibitions, works with sculptors and their exhibits and is very adept with his hands, makes furniture etc.
The Wife Song
Rockets rain down on Israel. Hamas is not involved but another renegade Palestinian group is. Meanwhile Israeli homes and facilities are being damaged, members of the IDF are unable to go to work, Israelis are injured and the cost to Israel mounts.
Gazan Palestinians are continuously being undeserved by Hamas. Being the hawk that I am, it is way past the time for Israel to level Gaza.
Another Rant. (See 1 below.)
Listen to what this certified Democrat idiot had to say. (See 1a below.)
Schiff lies so much he cannot remember what he has lied about.
So far no need for whistle blower to testify because he never heard anything directly. No quid pro quo because those who claimed there was same did not hear anything directly and even those who claim they heard everything second hand have been tested as deaf.
Reminds me of the song: "Second Ear Rose!" Oh well! (See 1b below.)
Apparently no beef. (See 2 below.)
1) It appears that the Chinese figured they could pressure Trump to roll back tariffs by announcing it just before there was a signing, making it hard for him to say no. They were wrong. Once again they failed to understand Trump and his NY style approach. You try to jam me and I will just push back harder. It seems there are still many world leaders, especially Kim and the EU, who just think he is a rude nasty guy and do not understand the real nuances of his hard ball tactics. They still think it is supposed to be all nice playing in the sand box, and cave to some public pressure, like it was in the past. After this week I am guessing the Chinese finally get it. I am not sure the EU ever will. The pressure to approve USMCA is now at a exploding point, and Pelosi will have to go ahead quickly, or burn several of her key state Congressmen who will lose in 2020. It must be killing her to have to let it go to a vote and let Trump have a big win next to a China signing. There is a chance they might both get signed around the same time. There is no chance it will go to a vote as long as impeachment circus is playing for TV and selling the Dem attack scenario. Better they should attack Trump than do something good for the country. They will pay a big price for this in November. You will not see Horowitz until after this circus is over as they do not want to have impeachment steal the news cycle. So may not be until January, and by then maybe Durham indictments just as the Iowa caucus starts. What fun that would be
If you had any remaining question about online sales, Alibaba blew them away this week with $32 billion in 24 Hours. Just stop and think about that and the logistics of meeting all those orders. It speaks volumes about the advances in logistics and online reach. It suggests Amazon and Wal Mart will have an extraordinary holiday season. It also says the Chinese consumer now has some excess cash on hand. There are now more billionaires in China than the US. The transition of the Chinese consumer just over the past ten years is hard to grasp. This was a peasant nation now transformed into a sophisticated, well- educated, partial middle class nation of over several hundred million, almost overnight. I saw this happening when I was there about 5 years ago, but it has progressed a lot since then. However the trade war turns out, China today is a totally different country, and while the police have total control over the people through technology, there will be a day when this well-educated and internet savvy generation wake up and decide they want freedom, just as they now are doing in Hong Kong. Hong Kong is a very dangerous situation for everyone now. It could totally blow up very soon. It has reached a point of out of control, and Terry Lam has no idea what to do. It is still a key financial center for the world doing business in China and Asia. The outcome is very unpredictable.
My general strategy is to concentrate my investment dollars in a small number of diversified stocks, taking decent size positions in each. Less than 20, but all top quality companies in diverse industries. Sometimes you can have one stock take a big dive temporarily, but the others in the mix may hold up and mitigate the temporary loss. If there becomes some reason ,like with Macy a while ago when it was at 73, that the stock is not going to rally, just sell out. In a rising market, this strategy wins.
Iran says it discovered 50 billion barrels, Apparently Equator is now exporting 750,000 barrels a day. Experts believe there will be more such finds just as demand decreases. Technology now allows massive finds nobody knew existed. Question is, will poor people India and other similar nations who are getting motor scooters and cars in place of bikes, make up in demand what is lost due to alternative energy. It is unclear if anyone really knows, but it is clear that oil demand is near the top, just as supply is increasing. Prices have been stable as Iran has gone off line, so what happens to price went they or Venezuela come back. It seems safe to assume oil prices might be around their peak in 2020. Then slowly down from there. Barring war in Iran. That is a huge good thing for lower income Americans, and low inflation in the future. It has been estimated that the average family saves around $2000 a year on cost of gas since about a year ago. That has a major positive impact on spending, on top of wage increases and tax savings.
The longer the bull market lasts, the more cash sitting now on the side is creeping back in. We are looking at $1 trillion, or more, coming into the stock market over time, and fast if the China and USMCA get signed. Jamie Dimon, the guy with the best handle on the economy and consumers, said this Sunday, that he thinks the economy will remain good, and there will be no recession. Most people will have a very happy Thanksgiving. I thought the interviewer on 60 minutes sounded like a biased fool who understood nil about the economy, and just wanted a sound bite which she got about inequality out of context.
So the whistleblower prepared his report in conjunction with Schiff's staff, and Schiff said he had to testify. Now his lawyer said in 2017 "the coup has begun and will lead to impeachment. He worked for Brennan, and Biden at one time, but now that there are real issues about who really prepared the report, Schiff says Republicans are staging a sham by demanding to question him. Now he has possibly violated the law with a crowd funding effort. The whole issue is about Hunter, and it is now known for sure he was hired to pressure State to back off Barisma. So now Schiff says there is no reason to interview Hunter as he is 'not relevant" and just a Republican diversion. He is the whole focus of this mess, but not relevant???? Schiff knows interviewing him in public will blow up the whole impeachment story and kill off Biden's candidacy and Democratic hopes. The Republicans will be interviewing him one way or other in the Senate as more facts come out showing Joe knew, (his entire staff knew, but not him???) and lied about knowing, and there likely was a real bribe underway and a real quid pro quo by Joe. Kent, one of the star witnesses for the Dems said Hunter situation needs to be investigated. The Dems are going to be sorry they started this. Nothing changed at the hearings, and from here I suspect most people will tune out. It was pointed out by Jordan that in fact, Ukraine did work with Fusion GPS to go after Trump.
If you heard the full Trump speech Tuesday, you heard the campaign. And it is an excellent story. Most people do not care if he pushed Ukraine. They care that their economic life has never been better and the left wing Dems will take all that away. Clearly the stock and bond markets are ignoring the whole circus which is very indicative that money is uninterested. Very clearly now it is apparent that the Dems do to have a candidate and so several new people are entering. The real candidate has not yet started to run. Deval Patrick is not their savior, nor is Bloomberg. Ah yes- here comes Hilary again. Won't that be fun. The bartender from the Bronx and her anti-Semitic buddies are going to get blown away and she may lose her seat. They will scream about it being rigged when Bernie and Liz are not nominated. They will be right.
If you still do not fully appreciate what is happening in higher ed in the US and the danger it presents to the future of the country, listen to the link of a speech by judge Jose Carbanes, one of the country's leading jurists and former legal counsel at Yale. It is long but a must listen.
1a) This whole thing is a sham…
Republican were floored Wednesday after Democrat Rep. Mike Quigley (IL) stated that "hearsay" was "much better evidence than direct" evidence.
In a strange and flustered statement, Quigley stated, "And, if gets to closed primer on hearsay, I think the American public needs to be reminded that countless people have been convicted on hearsay because the courts have routinely allowed and created, needed exceptions to hearsay."
Adding, "Hearsay can be much better evidence than direct … and it's certainly valid in this instance." You can view a clip of the statement here.
Shocked, Trump Jr. tweeted, "Can you believe this insanity? "Heresay can be much better evidence than DIRECT EVIDENCE" according to Democrat Mike Quigley. Are you fricken kidding me? 3rd and 4th party info better than hearing it yourself?" You can read the full story from The Daily Wire here.
1b) Adam Schiff EXPOSED For LYING Under Oath
According to Breitbart, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) broke his silence and exposed House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) for blatantly lying about being unaware of the whistleblower's identity.
McCarthy during a press conference stated, "Adam Schiff and his staff met with the whistleblower. Adam Schiff and his staff met with this whistleblower before this whistleblower had an attorney, before this whistleblower went to the inspector general."
After being asked if he thought Schiff was lying, McCarthy simply said "yes." You can watch a clip of the press conference here.
On Thursday, Ukraine's Foreign Minister Vadym Prystaiko told reporters that Gordon Sondland, the U.S. Ambassador to the European Union, did not link military aid from the United States with investigations into Joe Biden and his son Hunter.
"Ambassador Sondland did not tell us, and did not tell me exactly, about the relation between the [military] assistance and the investigations," Prystaiko said. "I have never seen a direct link between investigations and security assistance. Yes, investigations were mentioned, you know, in a presidential conversation. But there was no clear connection between these events," he added.
The alleged linkage between the aid and the investigation was crucial to the Democrats' argument of a quid pro quo, which they are now trying to impeach President Trump for.
This lines up with Sondland's closed-door testimony when he testified that when he asked Trump what he wanted from Ukraine Trump said, “I want nothing. I want no quid pro quo. I want Zelensky to do the right thing... to do what he ran on.” Sondland's amended testimony also makes clear that he has no idea why military aid to Ukraine had been temporarily suspended.
So, let's consider the state of the Democrats' case against Trump: The Democrats' witnesses do not have any direct knowledge of any linkage between the military aid to Ukraine and investigating the Bidens or a public anti-corruption statement and Ukraine officials were not aware of any linkage.
Can someone explain to me how this impeachment inquiry is not a witch hunt?
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