Thursday, November 14, 2019

It's Both Ways - Political and Call Me Doris! Vandgirl Vanilitary. Used Brain.

A whistle blower on Schiff's staff sent to me.
Don't tell Schiff.

For those who read my memos they know I am now reading Donald Jr's " "Triggered."  As I noted in an earlier memo,  it is a delightful book for 3 basic reasons:

a) It is extremely well written and, at times, delightfully humorous.

b) It gives insights into his father as he describes his relationship with the president that are both revealing and confirming.

c) It mocks the radical Democrat Party but in a factual way, not in a mean spirited way.  In fact, Donald is bewildered at how stupid and dangerous Democrats have become as they go off road into the world of political and economic  fantasy which he describes throughout the book  but particularly in Chapter 7 which he entitles: "Not Your Grandfather's Democrat Party."

Donald's two grandfather's had a tremendous influence on him and helped to shape his values. He worked his entire life and feels comfortable among "deplorables" more than the fancy folk. He refers to his father as the "Blue-Collar Billionaire" and sees himself in much the same light less the reference to net worth.

He talks about how union bosses are corrupt and the Democrat Party has caused union members to lose jobs and middle class status due to outsourcing (NAFTA) and was not at all surprised when his dad captured their vote.  He talks about how the mass media could have seen what he saw but were fixated on their belief Hillary was going to win against Trump, the racist buffoon.

As for the Democrats, they enacted welfare programs, raised taxes to pay for these bloated programs that only made the poor, poorer and more dependent.  As Trump said: "What have you got to lose?"

His concerns related to free speech, university campus life etc. mirror mine and in Chapter 11, entitled:"Miss Gendered," Donald Jr. gets into the insanity Democrats have allowed/support when it comes to determining who you want to be and how you wish to be called.

After reading his logical discourse about the illogical way Democrats have allowed PC'ism to creep into the crib, I have decided I no longer want to be called Dick but prefer to be known as Doris and referred to as 'they."

My reasoning is simple.  I can do this without a sex change operation and because I love to play tennis but am starting to lose most of my matches due to 8 knee operations, one hip replacement and reaching 86,  I believe, if I play with women, I can become more competitive and show them a thing or two.  The women will have to allow me to play with them because they would be discriminating if they did not.

I have yet to tell my other half, Lynn, but will do so when the appropriate opportunity appears.

From this point forward my memos will be signed DORIS and I am seriously considering becoming a Looney Democrat if they will accept me.
Landman want it both ways.  Soon he too may change his sexual preference.  He could become Landgirl. (See 1 below.)

The doctor came in looking tired and somber. "I'm afraid I'm the  bearer of

bad news," he said as he surveyed the worried faces.

"The only hope left for your loved one at this time is a brain transplant.      It's an experimental procedure, very risky, but it is the only hope.     Insurance will cover the procedure, but you will have to pay for the BRAIN     The family members sat silent as they absorbed the news. After a time,  

someone asked, "How much will a brain cost?"      The doctor quickly responded, "$5,000 for a Democrat's brain; $200 for a

Republican's brain."     The moment turned awkward. Some of the Democrats actually had to try not

to  smile, avoiding eye contact with the Republicans.      A man unable to control his curiosity, finally blurted out the question  

everyone wanted to ask, "Why is the Democrat's brain so much more than a 

Republican's brain"

The doctor smiled at the childish innocence and explained to the entire group,

"It's just standard pricing procedure. We have to price the Republicans'

brains a lot lower because they're used."

1) The Deep State Does Exist and Vandman Is Proof
By Jim Hayek

A Federalist article published on November 12, opened with this provocative lead:
Lt. Col. Alexander Vandman is living, breathing, testifying proof the Deep State exists. He has shown his true colors and the agenda of the self-appointed elites who think they run this country.

The author, Jim Hanson, is spot on in his assessment (emphasis mine).
Let me state categorically that I am not implying dual loyalty or questioning Vandman’s patriotism or even his devotion to duty as he sees it. I’m questioning his judgment about where that duty lies and the execution of those duties as a military officer and civil servant.

Hanson goes on to provide perhaps the most useful aspect of his article…a good definition of “Deep State.”

Deep State (noun): The permanent, professional bureaucracy of the U.S. government, specifically those who believe their judgment and continual service makes them better suited to run the country than elected officials or political appointees.
I couldn’t agree more. As I watched the testimony of two Department of State bureaucrats during the so called “impeachment inquiry,” I could see that example in full force. Although this investigation was supposed to be about alleged misconduct by President Trump, there was absolutely no testimony from the witnesses that led me to believe that either of them had directly observed any illegal or even improper act.

While a goodly part of their testimony focused on rumor, innuendo and conjecture, most of it appeared to be these careerists opining about how “Foreign Policy Business should be conducted.” Their whole shtick centered around an apparent belief that President Trump “wasn’t doing things their way and that was bad.”

LTC Va-ndman manifested much the same attitude with his statements on US-Ukraine policy, opining that President Trump “was undermining U.S. Policy.” As I’ve written previously, this Commissioned Officer, appointed by the President, needs to understand that it’s The President who sets policy, not him and certainly not some pickup group of un-elected bureaucrats.

Here’s Hanson’s money paragraph, emphasis mine.

The interagency he mentions is a collection of staff from the major agencies like the State Department, Department of Defense, and intelligence agencies, who meet to coordinate and plan implementation of policy. They most certainly are not supposed to decide what policy the United States will follow. That is 100 percent the purview of the president.

Hanson goes on to cite chapter and verse, actions and statements by Vandman that demonstrate that he truly believes that permanent bureaucrats who are part of “the Interagency,” are the only ones who should be deciding matters of foreign policy.

Hanson also uses LTC Vandman’s own statements under oath to demonstrate his singular and gross lack of maturity, citing an incident where he chided newly-elected president Zenlinky, regarding meddling in U.S. elections and did so in front of senior U.S. and Ukrainian officials. I cannot imagine a circumstance where a duly accredited Ambassador, much less an Army Lieutenant colonel, would publicly chide the president of a foreign country.

Hanson has written a devastating article. I recommend you read it in detail. LTC Vandman is but a small symptom of the rot that has not only infected the Civil Service bureaucracy, but it would appear also, my beloved Army. President Trump has promised to drain the swamp. Vindman et al obviously don’t want to be drained and are fighting back. Stay tuned for further words on how this has infected our Military.

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