Sunday, November 3, 2019

A Warning To All Of True Faith. Watch What Trump and Demwits Do, Not What They Say.

A warning to all decent people of true faith. (See 1 below.)
When Trump authorized the attack which ended in the death of "Big Daddy," it disproved what Trump Haters want us to believe, ie. Trump cannot change his mind when confronted with overwhelming evidence.

The only problem is Trump could not admit he was wrong in his initial thinking.

This simply re-affirms what I have said and believe. I focus on what Trump does and not what he says.  In the matter of The Ukraine call he released the funds did he not and what he said was not illegal and broke no laws. Trump is narcissistic and is hated. Obama is narcissistic and beloved. Mass media bias?

So where's the beef?  Oh, the beef is Hillary still cannot digest her loss and Democrats hate the fact that Trump whipped their ass so they needed to pay him  back and chose to  impeach from the git go.  They said it and now are doing it so I also pay no attention to what they say only what they do. (See 2 below.)


Trump's Reverse Cover-Up, David Graham, The Atlantic
Free Speech as a Political Threat Brad Parscale, Townhall
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ross Rants again. (See 3 below.)
Zito interviews Cheney. (See 4 below.)
1)  A rabbi's warning to U.S. Christians


I am certainly not a Churchill. I am not even a Revel. I am having enough trouble just trying to be a Lapin. But I am issuing a very serious warning about deep consequences, just as they did. It is a warning about the earliest stages of what could become a cataract of disasters if not resisted now.

During the 1930s, Winston Churchill desperately tried to persuade the English people and their government to see that Hitler meant to end their way of life. The British ignored Churchill, which gave Hitler nearly 10 years to build up his military forces. It wasn't until Hitler actually drew blood that the British realized they had a war on their hands. It turned out to be a far longer and more destructive war than it needed to be had Churchill's early warning been heeded.
In 1983, a brave French writer, Jean-Francois Revel, wrote a book called How Democracies Perish. In this remarkable volume, he described how communism's aim is world conquest. For decades he had been trying to warn of communism's very real threat. Yet in January 1982, a high State Department official said: "We Americans are not solving problems, we are the problem." (Some things never change.) A good portion of the planet fell to communism, which brought misery and death to millions because we failed to recognize in time that others meant to harm us.
Heaven knows there was enough warning during the 1980s of the intention of part of the Islamic world to take yet another crack at world domination. Yet instead of seeing each deadly assault on our interests around the world as a test of our resolve, we ignored it. We failed the test and lost 3,000 Americans in two unforgettable hours.
I am not going to argue that what is happening now is on the same scale as the examples I cite above, but a serious war is being waged against a group of Americans. I am certain that if we lose this war, the consequences for American civilization will be dire.
Phase one of this war I describe is a propaganda blitzkrieg that is eerily reminiscent of how effectively the Goebbels propaganda machine softened up the German people for what was to come.
There is no better term than propaganda blitzkrieg to describe what has been unleashed against Christian conservatives recently.
Consider the long list of anti-Christian books that have been published in recent months. Here are just a few samples of more than 30 similar titles, all from mainstream publishers:
American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America
The Baptizing of America: The Religious Right's Plans for the Rest of Us
The End of Faith: Religion, Terror, and the Future of Reason
Piety & Politics: The Right-wing Assault on Religious Freedom
Atheist Universe: The Thinking Person's Answer to Christian Fundamentalism
Thy Kingdom Come: How the Religious Right Distorts the Faith and Threatens America
Religion Gone Bad: The Hidden Dangers of the Christian Right
What is truly alarming is that there are more of these books for sale at your local large book store warning against the perils of fervent Christianity than those warning against the perils of fervent Islam. Does anyone seriously think America is more seriously jeopardized by Christian conservatives than by Islamic zealots? I fear that many Americans believe just that in the same way that many pre-World War II Westerners considered Churchill a bigger threat than Hitler.
Some may say that today's proliferation of anti-Christian print propaganda is nothing to become worried about. To them I ask two questions:
First, would you be so sanguine if the target of this loathsome library were Jewish? Just try changing the titles in some of the books I mention above to reflect anti-Semitism instead of rampant anti-Christianism and you'll see what I mean.
Second, major movements that changed the way Americans felt and acted came about through books, often only one book. Think of Rachel Carson's 1962 error-filled Silent Spring that resulted in the pointless banning of the insecticide DDT and many unnecessary deaths. Other books that caused upheavals in our nation were Upton Sinclair's The Jungle, many of Ayn Rand's books and of course Uncle Tom's Cabin.
No, I would advise you not to underestimate the power of books to alter the behavior of the American public, and I fear for an America influenced to detest Christianity by this hate-filled catalog.
It is not just books but popular entertainment also that beams the most lurid anti-Christian propaganda into the hearts and minds of viewers. One need only think of who the real targets of the recent hit movie Borat are. The brilliant Jewish moviemaker Sacha Baron Cohen, as his title character, using borderline dishonest wiles, lures some innocent but unsophisticated country folk, obviously Christians, to join him in his outrageously anti-Semitic antics. Cohen then triumphantly claims to have exposed anti-Semitism. In fact, he has revealed nothing other than the latent anti-Christianism of America's social, economic and academic secular elites.
Even the recent PBS documentary, "Anti-Semitism in the 21st Century: The Resurgence," managed to do more attacking Christianity than defending Judaism.
Richard Dawkins, an Oxford University professor, is one of the generals in the anti-Christian army of the secular left. American academia treats him with reverence and hangs on his every word when he insists that "religious myths ought not to be tolerated."
For those with a slightly more tolerant outlook, he asks, "It's one thing to say people should be free to believe whatever they like, but should they be free to impose their beliefs on their children?" He suggests that the state should intervene to protect children from their parents' religious beliefs. Needless to say, he means Christian beliefs, of course. Muslim beliefs add to England's charmingly diverse cultural landscape.
The war is against those who regard the Bible to be God's revelation to humanity and the Ten Commandments to be His set of rules for all time. Phase one in this war is to make Christianity, well, sort of socially unacceptable. Something only foolish, poor and ugly people could turn to.
We have seen how a carefully constructed campaign pretty much made it socially unacceptable to drink and drive. For years, there had been stringent laws against drunk driving. They achieved little. In the end, the practice was all but eliminated by groups allied with Mothers Against Drunk Driving and their effective ways of changing the way Americans thought about it.
We have seen how a carefully constructed campaign has pretty much made it socially unacceptable to smoke. In the face of a relentless campaign (dare one call it propaganda?), Americans became docile and forfeited the right to make their own decisions. Nobody was willing to stand up to the no-smoking tyrants. Nobody even asked whether health was sufficient grounds for freedom to be reduced. Now, entire cities and even states have banned smoking, not only in public places but even in privately owned restaurants.
Tyranny comes when citizens are seduced into trading freedom for the promise of safety and security.
Considerably more intellectual energy is being pumped into the propaganda campaign against Christianity than was ever delivered to the anti-smoking or anti-drunk-driving campaigns. Fervent zealots of secularism are flinging themselves into this anti-Christian war with enormous fanaticism.
If they succeed, Christianity will be driven underground, and its benign influence on the character of America will be lost. In its place we shall see a sinister secularism that menaces Bible believers of all faiths. Once the voice of the Bible has been silenced, the war on Western Civilization can begin and we shall see a long night of barbarism descend on the West.
Without a vibrant and vital Christianity, America is doomed, and without America, the West is doomed.
Which is why I, an Orthodox Jewish rabbi, devoted to Jewish survival, the Torah and Israel am so terrified of American Christianity caving in.
Many of us Jews are ready to stand with you. But you must lead. You must replace your timidity with nerve and your diffidence with daring and determination. You are under attack. Now is the time to resist it.
2) Edward "Ed" Mezvinsky, born January 17,'ll probably say, "Who is Ed Mezvinsky?"

Well, he is a former Democrat congressman who represented Iowa's 1st congressional district in the United States House of Representatives for two terms, from 1973 to 1977.

He sat on the House Judiciary Committee that decided the fate of Richard Nixon.

He was outspoken saying that Nixon was a crook and a disgrace to politics and the nation and should be impeached.

In March 2001, Mezvinsky was indicted and later pleaded guilty to 31 of 69 counts of bank fraud, mail fraud, and wire fraud.

Ed Mezvinsky embezzled more than $10 million dollars from people via both a Ponzi scheme and the notorious Nigerian e-mail scams.

He was found guilty and sentenced to 80 months in federal prison. After serving less than five years in federal prison, he was released in April 2008 and remains on federal probation.

To this day, he still owes $9.4 million in restitution to his victims.

About now you are saying, "So what!"

Well, this is Marc and Chelsea Mezvinsk 

That's right; Ed   is Chelsea   Clinton's   father -in   law

Now Marc and Chelsea are in their early thirties and purchased a $10.5 million dollar NYC apartment (after being married in George Soros' mansion).

Has anyone heard mention of any of this in any of the media?

If this guy was Jenna or Barbara Bush's, or better yet, Sarah Palin's daughter's father-in- law, the news would be an everyday headline and every detail would be reported over and over.pan>

And yet say there are no double standards in political reporting.

And then there is possibly Chelsea for president in our future!

The   cycle   never   ends.

And then there are the four families who have controlled California for over 40 years.
3)The jobs report was far better than anyone expected, and the August , September numbers were materially increased after updating information. If anyone had any question about the strength of the economy, this should put all that to rest. Keep in mind, that this good report was during the GM strike, so it is especially good. This should make the holiday season possibly record breaking. Now the Chinese say they have agreement in principal with the US on the  phase I trade deal. We don't yet know what that means, but apparently it is very good. Pressure is now building to very heavy for the Dems to bring USMCA to a vote , which will be positive. Together this is all excellent news for the US economy, and the stock market. I continue to follow my strategy of all in on equities.

Powell has made the case that the economy is slower, but basically strong. He even said the Fed survey outreach to low income communities has revealed that people in those communities who he labeled as the formerly left behind, have stated that "they believe their job opportunities and lives are better than any in their lifetime." He basically made the Trump case that there really is trickle-down economics now, and that low income and minority communities are seeing economic advancement that, in their words in surveys, has never been this good. In essence he completely blew away the Democrats rhetoric that the Trump economy is just for the rich, and that millions are being left behind. While there are some who are incapable of getting any job, most anyone who wants to work can get a job now. If Trump just quotes Powell, he wins a lot of minority voters in 2020. Powell also made other very key points which are critical to the growth and stability of the US economy. Consumer balance sheets, in the aggregate . are strong, and getting stronger, as individuals get higher wages and pay down debt. Consumer spend is continuing to be very strong, and consumer confidence remains very high. The labor market remains strong with a shortage of qualified labor. Banks remain very strong, as most are over capitalized. The housing market is growing nicely now that rates are down so much. The one caveat he stated was that corporate debt is too high, but for now not at a dangerous level. He said there are no bubbles in the system , so the risk of a bubble bursting is nil.

His big concern of the Fed is that inflation remains very low , and is not rising to the 2% level the Fed believes is needed. He sited the trade war and the uncertainty this has created for capital expenditure which at the moment is negative. In the case of inflation, for the reasons I have stated in the past, I believe it has changed structurally with the advent of online transparent shopping, highly efficient logistics, new technology, and with the very slow economies of the EU and China.  2% might not be achievable for years to come until the weak economies begin to prosper again. It may also be that AI is now being infused into so many jobs, that costs of production are stable or declining, and keeping inflation low. It is likely a combination of all these things. In the case of the EU, real recovery is years away, even if Brussels could get its act together to make the structural reforms and banking reforms needed. One of the key points made by Powell is that rates will not be increased again until inflation rises materially and surpasses 2%. He implied this could be a quite a while.  My view is it may be a few, or more, years before rates are increased, unless the economy booms again. That has huge implications for housing and investing, as investments in fixed income instruments makes no sense for maybe years to come, and that will power stocks higher. Bonds are at real risk of losing value when rates do rise again, and they will pay nil real return in the interim. Bonds and annuities are a dumb place to have your cash now. The other stock market factor is that many investors have been sitting on hundreds of billions in cash or short term bonds. These are now starting to move back into the stock market, and if there is a deal with China , and the economy stays looking strong, that cash might flood back in , pushing stocks much higher. That is what I predict is beginning to happen.

Powell cited the trade war as a major issue holding back capital investment, and that if there is a signing of the phase one China deal in November, and if USMCA passes, and if Brexit goes ahead more smoothly after the December election, then the attitude of corporations to invest should improve markedly due to a lot of uncertainty being lifted. All of those things look much more likely now. We will know all of that before year end. Add to all of this, the material improvement in the housing market, which is now growing again as rates have declined, and will likely improve further with this latest rate decrease.  All of these things also mean the holiday sales season should be at a record. That will combine with the approval of the trade issues, and together, set the stage for capital investment and a stronger economy in 2020. If all of these things do come to pass, then the stock market in 2020 will go much higher. Trump will be reelected.

Trump will get a much higher share of the black vote than anyone expects if black unemployment remains at historic lows, and goes even lower. Maybe as much as 20%-25%. Based on the Fed surveys in low income communities, there may be a very real shift in culture which comes with real jobs and real , honest incomes, and opportunities never seen before in those communities.  We will have to wait a year or more to see if this comes about. It could be that the greatly improved economic opportunities for blacks, and getting up to go to a real job every morning, changes the whole single mother culture, and the belief of young blacks in a good education and the opportunities in the law abiding world.

Jobs are continuing to grow more than many forecast. Wages continue to rise well and especially for low income workers. That is even more reason minorities might vote for Trump.  Low income wages continue to grow at 6% , which is very noticeable to those workers at that level. It changes their life style over time. It provides hope for a better life. The Dems only talk about higher taxes and free tuition and Medicare for all, paying off college loans, breaking up Facebook and banks, and shutting down the fossil fuel industry which is currently providing hundreds of thousands of good paying jobs for unskilled workers, but nothing about job creation for low income workers. Their lives are much improved and getting better under Trump, and would get much worse under the Dems.

He discussed the repo issue , and the liquidity problems which now seem to be solved. The Fed is buying bonds again to feed cash to the capital markets and will continue to do so. There will be no reduction of the Fed balance sheet for a long time, as that created the liquidity problem. Banks are also sitting on much larger cash reserves than needed or required, but possibly this will change when the Trade deals get completed and uncertainty lifts. Banks pull back on loans when there is great uncertainty in the economy.

When you take all of this together, stocks are likely to continue to rise, bonds are likely to fall in value, especially once the Phase I deal is signed, and especially if there is a real clause of some kind related to IP. Bonds are not where you want to be based on Powell stating that rates will remain low for a long time. The opportunity cost to own bonds is very high, and the reward very low. The risk return is clearly strongly in favor of equities at this time. The old mantra of 40% bonds, and time dated portfolio management, are big losing strategies, as are annuities. The S&P is up over 21% this year, while bonds are now losing as the ten year rises. Not being in equites this year has cost you a small fortune as there is a chance this could turn out to be one of the two or three best years in history for equities.

Trump made a passing comment that everyone seems to have missed, but may be the most important thing he has said about Syria. His comment-The Kurds needed three days of attacks to get the message. It sounds like what maybe what really went down is that the Kurds refused to pull back peacefully, so Trump let Turkey stage a limited attack to force the issue, and get the Kurds to move back, and then have the ceasefire.

The Dem race seems to be down to four, and none can ever win. Biden, Warren, Bernie and Butabug. Three are way left, and have no chance, and Joe just gets looking more out of it as time goes on. Warren actually admitted that two million lose their jobs under her Medicare for all. That does not include the hundreds of thousands who lose jobs when fossil fuel gets shut down.  Don't believe Warren will get the nomination. Pelosi will not allow that. Unknown yet is the much more likely candidate. It seems this is the real reason for the stepped up impeachment circus. They are  desperate. They may come with a lot about Giuliani in Ukraine, and various people's interpretation of the Trump Ukraine call, but none of this constitutes a crime. The colonel could only suggest that Trump was in the power position, so that made it a quid pro quo.  That is only his interpretation, but not a fact of a crime. Morrison said there was no crime. Bottom line is the Ukrainians said there was no pressure and no quid pro quo.  They got the arms and there was no investigation, so where is the crime. There is nothing more than another Trump bad wording and pushing the envelope, but that is not a crime. The new resolution on how to proceed is flawed as to fairness , and that will get obvious in public hearings. The Dems are going to hurt themselves far more than they hurt Trump and Republicans, and the economy will continue good, with a very happy holiday season for most Americans. That matters far more than the impeachment circus. If the Republicans can devise a good health plan, they win back the House. What I am finding more and more, is that die hard Trump haters who are devoted Democrats say they are likely to just not vote. If Warren were to get the nomination, the amount of cash flowing to Republicans and Trump will be huge from those who normally would have donated to the Dems. If the Chinese really do buy $40 billion of farm products, Trump and the Republicans own the Midwest and Florida. Farmers will never see it any better.

We are now decimating ISIS. We killed the top two leaders in one week, and it is very likely we are quietly killing off the next tier down with the intelligence they got in the raid. Now we can undo the money networks and really crush them. It is still a long hard battle to win, but the raid was far more than just killing Baghdadi. The problem is the camps with the families who are now turning into ISIS II. The women are worse than the men were, and the kids are being brainwashed. They may end up  killing a lot of the captives before this all ends. Whatever happens it is going to be ugly and nasty. It will not be over for many years.

Note that there has not been another Iran action of any kind in weeks since the oil refinery attack. My guess is something happened to make the Iranians stop and think. It is highly unlikely everyone is just sitting around on either side. Maybe we launched a strong cyber attack. We are likely to never know, but it is curious how quiet that confrontation has become.

The only thing missing in CA is locusts. The exodus after this is going to get huge. No power, massive fires everywhere, and homeless using their sidewalks as toilets. The third world is more livable. And now there is a law that says people who shoplift do not get punished. So we now have open markets for stolen goods and there is nothing the cops can do. So, on top of everything else, if you own a shop, you have no rights to stop thieves. Bad enough they use your shop's front door as a bathroom, but now they get to rob you, and you have no recourse. Welcome to the land of progressive politics. The exodus has just begun.

My interview: Liz Cheney considers a potential Senate future 

BySalena Zito

CHEYENNE, Wyoming — The Perry family will have a lot to talk about over the holidays.
Beyond the catching up necessary in a family of seven, this crew will have weightier questions to answer. One of them is whether or not the family matriarch, Rep. Liz Cheney, whose husband is attorney Philip Perry, will run for the open U.S. Senate seat in Wyoming next year or seek reelection for the House seat she already holds.
"I'm going to really take time over the holidays with the family and talk it through and then make an announcement after the beginning of the year," said Cheney in an interview with the Washington Examiner.

Click here for the full story.

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