Monday, November 18, 2019

Bob Weiterman RIP. Pelosi Gets It But Doesn't Care. Obama Persona Non Gratis.

I have been asked by Dorisanne Weiterman, to let those who played tennis with Bob know that after 5 years of fighting a very rare type of cancer he succumbed several days ago..

In the latter stages of his cancer, I would see Bob at his oncologist as I was undergoing some therapy myself.  Bob was a wonderful guy, a good tennis player, very soft spoken, had a wry sense of humor and a sweet smile.

If all goes as planned, there will be a memorial service at 11 AM ,  Thursday, Dec. 12, followed by a celebration of his life at Plantation. The service is at St James Catholic Church. 
In view of the Holidays I was ready to lower the vitriol but then Pelosi decided it was time to accuse Trump of being an impostor and invited him to come and prove his innocence.

It is as if  Walt Disney invited Bambi to come in range because those radical imbeciles, who are marching to Schiff's orders, keep missing their target.

When will Pelosi learn, in America, you do not have to prove your innocence?  Actually, I am sure she knows, she just not give a damn because politics comes first.(See 1 below.)

Meanwhile, the Democrat Party is becoming so radical I doubt even Obama would now be an acceptable nominee: 

"Members of the Left Turn On Obama After He Warns Them About Going Too Far LefT

House Democrats Getting “Bored” with Impeachment
Impeachment Alerts Daily Email
⏱️ Interesting : “They’re kind of tired, They’re kind of worn out, They’re kind of bored” - REP. VAN DREW 
On Fox News Channel’s Sunday Morning Futures, Rep. Jeff Van Drew (D-NJ) revealed that some of his Party colleagues are expressing “concern” about the impeachment inquiry against President Trump.
Van Drew was one of two Democrats who voted against the initial impeachment inquiry back on Halloween night.
Here is a partial transcript from Breitbart News of the exchange between Van Drew and journalist Maria Bartiromo
MARIA BARTIROMO: We’re expecting an impeachment vote sometime in December. How will you vote?
REP. JEFF VAN DREW: I would imagine I’ll be voting “no.” Now, I always have a codicil if there’s something new, something we haven’t heard, something that really rises to the level of treason or a high crime, that would be different. But we don’t see that. We see little different variations, hearsay, discussions that somebody heard something that somebody else said. Impeachment, as you know, our founding fathers had vigorous debates over whether they would even allow impeachment in the Constitution. You don’t disenfranchise voters, millions upon millions of voters. Voters choose their leaders in America.
BARTIROMO: Are you hearing from some of your colleagues in some of the states that President Trump won that they may also vote “no?” Are you hearing some concerns amongst your colleagues or are you sort of a lone wolf in all of this?
REP. VAN DREW: I don’t know how other folks will vote, because in all honesty, originally, I thought there were going to be a few more, not that it matters to me if I’m one or I’m 101. I do what I believe is right. There is some discussion among some of them quietly, privately, of concern, certainly. What I’m hearing out in the street is with most people is, they’re kind of tired, they’re kind of worn out, they’re kind of bored, most folks, and they really want to move on. Unless there’s something new and amazing, we know the end game here.
2) In a major upset for the Democratic Party establishment, Rep. Joe Crowley of New York lost his primary election unseated by a young progressive newcomer who reflects restiveness in the left wing of the party.  
Ocasio-Cortez did not defeat Crowley alone. She was recruited and supported by a political organization working to hijack the Democratic Party. Our Revolution, the largest Marxist front in America. And yes they love social media--its so easy to fool people there.

In 2016, a political action committee called the Justice Democrats held auditions for candidates willing to endorse their far-left platform. It received over 10,000 nominations. Ocasio-Cortez’s brother submitted her name for the position while she was working at Flats Fix, a taco restaurant in Manhattan. The Justice Democrats selected Ocasio-Cortez and 78 other candidates to run against moderate Democratic incumbents.

Of these candidates, seven won seats in the House of Representatives: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for New York’s 14th District, Ayanna Pressley for Massachusetts’ 7th District, Ilhan Omar for Minnesota’s 5th District, Pramila Jayapal for Washington’s 7th District, Rashida Tlaib for Michigan’s 13th District, Raúl Grinalva for Arizona’s 3rd District, and Ro Khanna for California’s 17th District.

What makes the Justice Democrats unusual is that it has partnered with another political action committee: Our Revolution, the largest Marxist front in America. The goal of both committees is to transform the Democratic Party from within. The Justice Democrats and Our Revolution were formed out of the Bernie Sanders 2016 presidential campaign. Claiming more than 100,000 members in 50 states, Our Revolution acts as a front for the three most influential Marxist organizations in America: the Democratic Socialists of America, the Communist Party USA, and the Freedom Road Socialist Organization.

Our Revolution is recruiting far-left candidates to run as Democrats in state and local elections, while Justice Democrats are recruiting potential far-left candidates for federal office.

Of the seven current congressional representatives that the Justice Democrats helped win office, two are card-carrying members of the Democratic Socialists of America: Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Rep. Rashida Tlaib.

Most of the Our Revolution leadership comes from the Democratic Socialists of America. But some are members of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization or Communist Party USA. Communist Party USA leader John Bachtell explained their strategy for hijacking the Democratic Party in an online webinar on May 23, 2018, when he told an audience of activists from the Democratic Socialists, Freedom Road and Communist Party USA that they must campaign for openly socialist candidates within the Democratic Party as a means of challenging President Donald Trump.

It is not a coincidence that nearly every major proposal of today’s Democratic Party—from single-payer health care, amnesty for illegal aliens, normalization of relations with Communist Cuba, $15 per hour minimum wage, etc—originated with the Communist Party USA or Democratic Socialist of America. Ocasio-Cortez and Tlaib may be the only official dsa members in Congress, but all 96 members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus are affiliated with political action committees that are effectively part of the world Communist movement.

Now you know a little more of who AOC really is and who is actually behind her.
3) The Great Revolt enters a new phase: How the populist uprising of 2016 will reverberate in 2020​
By Salena Zito 
WESTBY, WISCONSIN — In a country increasingly engaged in national politics and divided, the next 12 months may feel like 12 years. Voters in both trenches are eager to vote, convinced not only of victory but also of vindication. The shocking result in 2016 wasn’t a black swan, an irregular election deviating from normalcy, but instead the indicator of the realignment we describe in The Great Revolt: Inside the Populist Coalitionnow available in a new a paperback edition in time for the 2020 election season.
The story of America’s evolving political topography is one of tectonic plates, slowly grinding against each other until a break notably alters the landscape with seismic consequences — a sudden lurch long in development. The election of President Trump cemented a realignment of the two political parties rooted in cultural and economic change years in the making. Although he has been the epicenter of all politics since his announcement of candidacy in 2015, Trump is the product of this realignment more than its cause, a fact that becomes clear as you travel the back roads to the places that made him the most unlikely president of our era.
Thirty-year-old dairy farmer Ben Klinkner doesn’t consider himself a member of either political part. “I am a Christian conservative,” he says matter-of-factly.
Sitting at conference table at the Westby Co-op Credit Union, the sixth-generation family farmer has a master’s degree in meat science, Klinkner explains when he left to attend college at the University of Wisconsin River Falls and then North Dakota State University in Fargo for his master’s he vowed he was never going to milk another cow again.
“And I’ve been doing just that every day for the past six years.”
“I chose my life because, not for the money obviously, but because I get to see my family every day. That's what it's about. I got to see my parents every day growing up. And my kids get to see that too,” said Klinkner, the father of three with another one on the way.
On Trump, Klinkner is pragmatic, “I am very happy with his policies, I just wish he’d put that Twitter down,” he said of the president’s unorthodox style of communicating. This cuts against the national media’s narrative that farmers will dump the president because of the trade uncertainty.
And yes, Klinkner will vote for him again.
Trump’s 2016 victory came in spite of his historically weak performance in the suburbs long dominated by Republicans. The key was that he more than overcame his suburban weakness with the mass conversion of blue-collar voters in ancestrally Democratic bastions of the Midwest, and his inspiration of irregular voters who mistrust both parties. We traveled to the counties in the Great Lakes states that Trump wrested away from Democratic heritage to find examples of the voter archetypes that define the Trump coalition.

Click here for the full story.

Courtesy Is Dead and We’ve Cursed Its Grave

We have far too little of civility, respect, self-awareness, politeness, and plain old-fashioned nice in the world right now. I fear that with the rise of social media, and generations world-wide who have never known life without it, there is no going back to the days when it mattered.
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