Thursday, November 21, 2019

Stay Tuned! Quid Pro Quo Instances By The "Disloyal Opposition." Odious Misdeeds.

Trump is a president who does things not many president have ever done.  He keeps his campaign commitments and is willing to touch third rails. He does not favor foreign aid, nor does he want to fight endless wars. He is willing to put our nation first and yet, is willing to negotiate with other nations who are governed by brutal dictators. He truly cares about America and the working "stiffs" and understands one of the best things he can do for their happiness, well being  and security is help provide a strong economy that offers job opportunities.

He realizes government and the bureaucracy are impediments to growth along with inane legislation and burdensome red tape regulations

He is not beholden to that many constituencies.

His approach toward governance is motivated by impatience and a desire to get things done because that is the way he ran/built his various business enterprises.

He cuts corners in the process, embellishes just about everything when he talks, uses a few choice words/ has a limited vocabulary to explain things and is brash and vulgar.

He is not a reader and, because of his personal  experiences, has a deep and justified distrust of many buried in the bowels of government and Obama holdovers.

As I have said,  time and again, he is unorthodox.  He is not your "establishment" president and therefore, is seen as a threat to their ingrained ways, means and manner of governance - much unlawful.

Because he is often a bull in a china shop and is willing to fight back rather than stand in the corner and absorb blows his protagonists have been seeking ways of ridding him through the impeachment process.

There is not doubt he has done some things that one can call his hand for but they do not reach the level our founders had in mind when they drafted the rules/guidelines required to impeach.

The Trump haters cannot digest/cope with the fact that 62 million Americans were disgusted with the status quo and were willing to endure his unorthodox style and mannerisms in order to put America's train back on the tracks, so to speak.

Schiff's current impeachment hearings can only end in of of two ways.  Pelosi will count noses and may dismiss the effort or The House will vote to impeach.

Then, the Senate will either go through a long process of trying Trump or end it in short order.  The choice will depend upon the measure of pain McConnell wishes to impose on radical Democrats prior to the 2020 campaign because he will have  the subpoena power to call anyone in America to testify. There are many skeletons in "Democrat Closets" that need airing from The Steele Dossier to the prison cell that housed a man named Epstein.

Trump will remain in office and Schiff's travails will eventually boomerang. Trump will be granted a second term because the odds favor this scenario. Why? Because Trump has turned out to have been correct in many of his efforts thus, productive and effective and has proven the mass media wrong. In doing so, he has exposed the mass media's bias and should the economy continue to perform, as it has, voters will not abandon ship for a swim in an ocean full of socialist sharks offering alternatives that are beyond logic.

Stay tuned.
Now let's take a look at radical progressive transgressions by "disloyal" Democrats  that equate with quid pro quo actions/behaviour. The mass media reported these events all of a few days and then quit the pursuit and/or reported them in a manner that one could say was all whitewash.

Obama:  He traded billions of cash in a deal if Iran would defer going nuclear.  Subsequently, Israel revealed stolen documents that proved Iran had broken the deal.

Obama: retrieved an American soldier who went AWOL, which resulted in the death of several American soldiers sent in search of him. Eventually a trade was made and we released captured radical Islamists we held in captivity in a prisoner swap which Obama denied was  a quid pro quo trade.

Obama: Unaware the "mic" was on, told Russia's president if Putin would wait til he was re-elected he would be in a better position to be more relenting in various subsequent negotiations.

Hillary:  When Sec. of State,  traded , through a Canadian entity, one fourth of Americas's uranium to a Russian company for which her husband Bill made a speech for $500,000 and these funds were  deposited in their Charitable Foundation.

Now that Hillary is no longer Sec. of State, Bill is hiding  from Epstein connections etc. their Charitable Foundation is bereft of quid pro quo largess.

Biden: During his tenure as V. President, was in charge of diplomatic oversight relations with  Ukraine.  We have a video showing him telling several people that, unless Ukraine fired an investigator of his son, foreign  aid would be withheld.  He then boasted the investigator had, in fact, been fired.  This occurred at the time his son was receiving significant director fees from  a corrupt Ukrainian energy company on whose board his son was serving .

We now know, the Ukrainian government was a conduit  through which Russia was able to interfere in our 2016 presidential election.

A second incident also relates to Biden's son, a known druggy who was summarily discharged from the navy, and some nefarious friends, one the son of former Sec of State Kerry, another a famous mobster from Boston who was jailed for murders he committed and then dismembered while in jail.  In this deal,  the Chinese Central Bank (this bank is controlled by the Chinese Government,)  deposited $1 billion in a hedge fund Biden's son and other friends had established.   

I cite these quid pro quo's, which are factual, were never aggressively reported by the mass media in a manner indicating they were responsible ombudsman engaged in executing their professional duty as America's "fourth estate." Why?  Because we know the mass media are biased, are constantly engaged as the organ which covers for the Democrat Party instead of reporting factual evidence of skulduggery when it comes to the "disloyal" opposition. 

We also know, Trump has been the victim of much of this skulduggery and various members of the "disloyal opposition" engaged  senior members/heads of America's intelligence agencies.

The hope is, in a few weeks or months,  two investigative reports will reveal all that has occurred and the further hope is it might result in legal penalties against those who were involved in treasonous acts and other such crimes.

This is why the Democrat "Masters of the Universe" are so anxious to pin the tail on Trump and are so actively engaged in sham efforts to rid our nation of a duly elected president, they hate,  in order to cover up their own foul, odious misdeeds.

Yes, Trump has contributed, by some of his own actions, to claims he was acting"un-orthodox" but nothing he has done, or was alleged to have done,  measures up to trashing the rule of law upon which our nation was founded.  The Schumer's, Pelosi's, Nadler's, Schiff's , Water's, Brennan's, Comey's etc. and their ilk and the "four radical renegades" must be brought to justice .  If their mis-deeds cannot be revealed and justifiable punishment meted because our system of government cannot overcome their efforts at resistance then our republic, as we know it,  is finished.

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