A Holiday Rant. (See 1 below.)
1) Third quarter revised GDP numbers are out and they are slightly better than expected, but one must look behind the number. It is partially better due to inventory buildup, which is large, and will need a very strong Christmas to help whittle that down, or GDP for Q4 and Q1 will be pushed lower as inventory is worked off. The other issue is corporate profits before tax were down. Margins are getting squeezed. In my view that is because there is so much price transparency now with online shopping, not just for consumer goods, but also for industrial products, that price increases are hard to achieve to cover increasing wages. Were it not for low interest rates, low energy costs and low logistics costs, things could be a lot more negative. None of this is a real concern as none of those costs will rise much next year, but a lot will depend on a very strong Christmas to help move these issues to a more positive situation. None of this means a recession. It just means a slower growth trajectory, and possibly a slower increase in stock prices if corporate profits do not improve. As of now, stock prices are running up substantially faster than profits, and at some point profits need to grow, or stock prices will decline. With the job markets till strong, and some early indication that the world economy might be stabilizing, then with the trade deals, cap ex should improve and eventually profits will improve. Consumer spend over the holidays will make a big difference where stock prices go from here.
Mid-sized companies in manufacturing, transport and similar industries are feeling pessimistic, and are worried about the election. They fear a Dem president and Congress who would undo all the good deregulation and tax cuts of Trump, and tank the economy, and the stock market. As a result they are not doing any cap ex. Fear and uncertainty are their guide right now. The other result is many of these companies are looking at mergers and spinoffs to position themselves to be bigger and better for what they fear could be a recession if their fears are realized. If this fear reverses, then the economy will pick up materially and stock prices will rise further. The whole effort by the Dems to tarnish Trump by any means possible, is doing real harm to the economy by instilling this fear in company managements that someone like Warren or Budaboy might be elected president. Unfortunately, the mainstream media keep feeding this fear with their daily attacks on Trump, and with their continual pushing the impeachment scenario. It is unlikely that until the election is decided this fear and uncertainty will go away. My own view is that Trump will be reelected and the House has a small chance to revert to Republican. The more impeachment is pushed, the more chance the Republicans have to retake the House. The Dems are losing the independents.
As we head into the holiday shopping season, it is interesting to note that tariffs do not seem to have had much impact on retail prices. One of my friends manufactures a specific type of girls make up kits. He has been hit with 25% tariffs. Solution, instead of 8 pieces to a pack, there are 6 at about the same price. Wal Mart ate a little of the cost and raised the price very slightly, Target did not. The consumer saw minimal rise in price of a package, but they do not seem to notice the lesser number of units per package. Manufacturers in China seem to have been able to adjust some costs, plus the decline of the Yuan helped. Next year this particular product will be manufactured in Thailand. In the end China loses, and the US consumer still bought the product at about the same price although at a higher per unit cost. I believe this story is typical of what is happening. Tariffs just have not had the large negative impact on prices, nor the devastating economic impact many had forecast. Having said that, when tariffs are lifted, and there is a signed deal, the economy will respond well as it, and the signing of USMCA, will lift the uncertainty that is holding down cap ex spending. Whatever many said about tariffs being the wrong way to do this, it appears they worked. China did not pay the tariffs, but their economy and currency will have paid a big price. Farmers may have had a tough time, but in the end they will win big, and that was what they counted on. USMCA will pass by year end as Dems in the Midwest come back to DC and demand it get passed. Both trade deals get done, the stock market and 401k's go up, farmers are happy, the economy improves and impeachment goes nowhere. The Durham indictments start, and Trump wins in a landslide in the electoral college. That is a very realistic scenario.
If you want to better understand why there is no inflation, just look at which retailers are doing great, and which are failing. Amazon, Wal Mart, TJ Max, Costco, Best Buy are big successes, while department stores and ordinary chains are failing. Sears and JC Penny are badly managed, and never understood how to operate in the new retail environment. Online and low prices at brick and mortar are where most shoppers now go. Price transparency has completely changed retail and inflation expectations. Nobody has to pay a higher price anymore when there is easily the same, or similar product to be found online at a lower price. Even wealthy people now shop online and look for bargains. And shipping is free in many cases, which also cuts the cost to the consumer materially. Advances in AI driven worldwide logistics, and robotic warehouses have made a real difference in inflation. Add on fracking bringing very low energy prices, and one understands that inflation is a very different situation than in the past. It is not clear to me that the Fed understands that. It is very clear the Dems and college kids have no understanding of how fossil fuels at very low cost due to fracking improves the standard of living for low income families by leaving more cash in their pocket. But the Dems want to end fracking and take us back to depending on the Arabs.
The WSJ apparently conducted a study of SAT scores and compared them to neighborhoods and schools. All of us could have told them the results before they started. Kids in poor minority neighborhoods, with a single parent , poorly educated mother, and poor quality schools, scored much worse than white kids from homes with two educated parents. Duh. The education world seems to think they need to take circumstances of growing up into account to excuse the lack of preparedness for elite colleges. That misses the point. The kid is still not prepared to do the work and making excuses for him does not change that reality.
The solution, as I have said in the past, is not to just admit these kids into elite schools where they are not prepared for the high level of work and competition. They do not have the cultural nor high school background to succeed in these schools, and eliminating the SAT, as many now are encouraging, will not change anything other than to have more unqualified students admitted to top schools where they will fail. If you admit a kid just because he is from a bad home or neighborhood, he will not succeed any better in an elite school for which he is not prepared, and remedial classes will not make the difference. Until cities instill discipline in the schools so those kids who want to learn, can learn, and until they break the unions, nothing is going to change. That is why non-union charters and vouchers are the best chance for these kids.
There also needs to be a major cultural change in these neighborhoods where they believe in education and opportunity to have a good life, which they now can see with the historic low black unemployment rate. Instead of pushing these kids into diversity admission to universities they are not prepared for, the high school should push them into state colleges, or vocational schools where they can actually learn and do well, and succeed in life. You can get a very good education at many state and small schools. The local high schools need to not only kick out disruptive kids, but they need to use more online courses and extensive use of up to date computers. They also need the teachers to not just do the minimum allowed by the union, but they need to instill the benefits of education into the kids since they do not often get that at home. It is often a good encouraging teacher who can make all the difference in someone's life. That takes leadership by the superintendent.
We need to stop the I am a victim scenario of, my failure to be successful is due to racism, and get back to, it's up to the individual to decide to make something of himself in spite of the home or neighborhood situation. There are many people I know who came out of bad homes and bad neighborhoods, but they were determined to do well, and they did. That attitude needs to be instilled in these poor black communities to change the culture. Successful blacks need to go into the schools and show the kids they too can make it, and not just as basketball or NFL players. Obama and Holder would do far more good for blacks if they made videos for elementary and high school kids that said- see, I made it to the very top and so can you. They need to change the script from, you can't make it due to racism that those two have been playing since Ferguson, which is what has created this everything is racist mantra on campus and social media. I blame those two for starting what has become the victimization script. Instead successful blacks and the press need to change the script to: you now have wide open opportunity if you study hard and stay out of trouble. A lot of Asian kids grow up poor in NY today, but they are determined to succeed, and they study hard to get ahead. That is why they are now such a large percentage of the students in special high schools in NYC, and why DeBozo wants to stop the competitive tests and just take in kids who do not qualify other than skin color. The answer is culture and home life, not money, or shifting where kids go to school to have more desegregation.
Don't be surprised if Trump gets 30% of the black vote. There are those on the left who now are saying even if we are much better off financially under Trump we should give that up if necessary to not have him as a racist president. That is a really dumb position when for the first time ever, blacks are enjoying the work and financial opportunities to get ahead that they always said were denied them, and Obama never gave them.
Pocahontas is done. The bartender from the Bronx has had her moment in the sun. Bernie was never really in contention. Budaboy is a flash in Iowa and that is it. What these three plus Schiff have done is hand the Republicans a major opportunity to retake the House and control of all three branches. If impeachment goes to the Senate, Biden is finished. The longer impeachment and the Dem primaries go on, the better the Republicans will do. It will come down to Biden and Bloomberg, and then possibly Obama will try to broker a deal to make Patrick the nominee.
The below is worth reading. Heather is part of our small group trying hard to change the anti-free speech situation on campus. Take special note of all of the administrative deans she mentions of head of bias response, sexual issues, gender issues, etc. This is where all the wasted tuition dollars go and why student loans are so high. Those people are who are pushing the students to think anyone not toeing the party line is speaking hate speech and should be barred, and they are the ones who are muzzling free speech. They are dangerous to your kids and American democracy. (See 1a below.)
Here is a very good series of examples of how horrible campus has become and why we all need to demand our alumni stop this or there are no more donations. (See 1b below.)
1a)Why Are College Students So Afraid of Me?