Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Staci RIP Is Blumberg"s Shadow Rising?


What’s more important: how you behave or how you feel? In this Fireside Chat, Dennis Prager explains how one determines the other and why an individual’s intentions are not what we should care about the most.
Not much memo material,. Daughter of dear friends passed away.  Staci was one of the sweetest most upbeat young ladies I have ever known and she was ill from her teen years to 40 but you would never know.  She taught school and was an amazing young lady.  Her passing normally,in view of her health, would be considered a blessing but in her case no.  She took on all the odds and always met them with good spirits.
Don't forget, Trump visited La. the day before this election and he must have had some influence. Democrats beware. (See 1 below.)
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The constitution is loose on setting rules of impeachment in The House. but recent tradition has always involved the rule of law.  Pelosi has chosen to Go Gulag.  This suggests they have to move swiftly because an election is around the corner,  Therefore, , why not let the election determine Trump's outcome and use the impeachment argument as campaign fodder. Is it possible , like Trump says,  Democrats know they are doomed unless they can resort to character assassination?

One of my dear friends and fellow memo readers is convince Hillary is waiting in the wings and I see the shadow of Blumberg forming.
A dear friend and fellow memo reader's view of why Trump acts as he is: "More and more, Trump is relying on his own instincts because vetting his ideas to the politicians and bureaucrats in DC just lead  to blah, blah, leaking and the media reacting in "horror."  He has discovered that he might as well act on his gut rather than delaying the inevitable.  And, by the way, I am sure Erdogan told Trump in advance, outlined why he was doing it to protect Turkey from Kurd terrorists, at least to his regime, and that he was giving the US time to get its troops out of the way.  I am glad no Americans got killed, especially if I were the Commander in Chief.  We should not be there if it looks so likely that there will be no regime change in Syria.  I think that has been proven. T--"

1) This is a very interesting story. We are separate on our political views, but on the same page when it comes to Israel & Judaism. If this trend continues in the USA President Trump will be reelected by a bigger margin than his first election. The Deplorable People will speak! These voters are more religious and patriotic and his re-election will benefit Israel because of that choice. Israel has benefitted more under Republicans than Democrats with Truman being a slight exception. Today he would be considered a republican. You cannot win the presidency without winning the south and he will succeed here . you may not like his etiquette , but you cannot argue with his successes. I think his moves will greatly be of benefit to Israel also although I know you disagree. The current situation in Turkey will turn out to our benefits. I think as stated before he has check mated the Russians, Syrians & the Turks and Iranians. He is right we don’t need to be the policemen for the world to wield a big stick of power even for Israel’s protection. Wars are totally different today than the last one. We can blow a country off the map with the push of a button thousands of miles away in seconds so why sacrifice the treasure of our youth for the stupidity of the generals and the politicians who are afraid to fight except for their big mouths. I too worry about Israel’s survival including your daughters and soon for that of you and Analia. Tikum Olam want save us when the bullets fly. There comes a time where survival must dictate being an SOB for the hard decisions for all to survive. This leftist liberalism really is a mental disorder.


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