Abby and Brian become Gomez and Mortician and Dagny and Blake will dress us as their kids for Halloween. I am sure some with "downer syndromes" will object.
Fabulous: Heartwarming .....https://youtu.be/xZEj_a_Gdws
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ It will be interesting to observe Schiff head's pursuit of Trump viewed against the background of Trump's dogged pursuit of terrorists.
Th radical's pursuit of Trump's impeachment is not only based on hate and puerile harassment by sore losers but eventually will fall of its own incompetence. Just a matter of time.
Once again, Trump, the pragmatist president, was motivated by practical and financial considerations, ie. protecting the oil fields. Perhaps, he bases decisions on economic benefit more than he should but he continues to do what is best for our nation and we deplorables understand and appreciate his fortitude. We do not read the NYT's, WAPO and thus, are not poisoned by their bias and can remain more objective. Therefore, when he makes a gutsy decision we can praise him and our fantastic Special Forces and feel awe at their amazing accomplishments. (see 1 below.)
I do not watch a lot of television in general but I did watch the president's address this morning and then I heard from others about how the good news was being reported by other mass media outlets.
Then, I did catch a snippet of Pissy Fanny Pelosi who commented Trump let the Russians in before apprising her various impeaching committees.
First, does she not understand her hatred of Trump and what her radical party is doing and has been doing from the get go, to this man, does not allow her a seat at the table. Her radicals have dissed the opposition so she really has no call on what Trump does and when he chooses to inform. He serves the deplorables not her.
Second, he was wise not to bring her in because, as he said, they leak like a sieve and he was more interested in the lives of our troops than her desire to score political points with the NYT's and WAPO., etc.
How does it feel being on the outside looking in? You no longer have your crooked FISA folks spying for you.
When will the Chairman of AT&T , which owns CNN, wake up and realize he has a legal and moral obligation to make money and not allow a declining dinasor to spew ate and bias and quit beingtreated as a tolerable play toy? (See 1a below.)
Trump and the IMF. (See 2 below.)
Ex-intel chief praises Baghdadi hit, says Iran, Hezbollah should be next
The purported US killing of shadowy Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is an “impressive” US intelligence and operational feat, but it is important to remember that Iran – not ISIS – is the main threat in the Middle East, a top Israeli security analyst said on Sunday.
Amos Yadlin, a former head of military intelligence who today heads the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) in Tel Aviv, wrote in a Twitter thread that ISIS ceased being a territorial entity two years ago when it lost Mosul and Raqqa.
“For us Israelis, the threat from ISIS is secondary,” he said. “We would like to see the US act in a similar way against [Iranian Quds force commander Qassem] Soleimani, and [Hezbollah head Hassan] Nasrallah.”
Yadlin noted that the US is fighting militarily in the Middle East only against ISIS and not Iran, which he said is the most significant threat to Israel and its allies.
ISIS does not have a nuclear program, ballistic missiles, or a project to develop precision weapons, Yadlin said. He added that the US campaign of “maximum pressure” on Iran – without a military component to the harsh economic sanctions – “does not achieve its goals,” he said.
Quoting Leon Trotsky, who once said that “You may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you,” Yadlin said that the US is likely to be harmed by its withdrawal from the Middle East.
Yadlin said that a resurgent ISIS, Iranian hegemony in the region, and high oil prices will seriously harm America’s national security.
Yadlin said that while the US decision to withdraw its troops from Syria will not immediately or directly harm Israel – because of Israel’s capacity to deal with Iran – the increase in Iran’s self confidence and its understanding that the US has been deterred in the region could bring an Iranian-Israeli confrontation closer.
Yadlin, who last month came out against an Israel-US security pact – saying its costs outweigh its benefits – wrote that within the context of the informal alliance that exists now between the two countries, it is important for Israel to retain US support in the UN Security Council and that it would be a good idea to consider strengthening Israel as America’s leading, reliable and strongest ally in the Middle East, especially at a time when the US is leaving the region.
Yadlin also wrote that the action against Baghdadi was “very important for Trump, who is under bipartisan criticism for his actions and recent failures: the lack of a response to Iranian military action, and the abandonment of the Kurds.”
They have totally ruined their reputation…
Amos Yadlin, a former head of military intelligence who today heads the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) in Tel Aviv, wrote in a Twitter thread that ISIS ceased being a territorial entity two years ago when it lost Mosul and Raqqa.
“For us Israelis, the threat from ISIS is secondary,” he said. “We would like to see the US act in a similar way against [Iranian Quds force commander Qassem] Soleimani, and [Hezbollah head Hassan] Nasrallah.”
Yadlin noted that the US is fighting militarily in the Middle East only against ISIS and not Iran, which he said is the most significant threat to Israel and its allies.
ISIS does not have a nuclear program, ballistic missiles, or a project to develop precision weapons, Yadlin said. He added that the US campaign of “maximum pressure” on Iran – without a military component to the harsh economic sanctions – “does not achieve its goals,” he said.
Quoting Leon Trotsky, who once said that “You may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you,” Yadlin said that the US is likely to be harmed by its withdrawal from the Middle East.
Yadlin said that a resurgent ISIS, Iranian hegemony in the region, and high oil prices will seriously harm America’s national security.
Yadlin said that while the US decision to withdraw its troops from Syria will not immediately or directly harm Israel – because of Israel’s capacity to deal with Iran – the increase in Iran’s self confidence and its understanding that the US has been deterred in the region could bring an Iranian-Israeli confrontation closer.
Yadlin, who last month came out against an Israel-US security pact – saying its costs outweigh its benefits – wrote that within the context of the informal alliance that exists now between the two countries, it is important for Israel to retain US support in the UN Security Council and that it would be a good idea to consider strengthening Israel as America’s leading, reliable and strongest ally in the Middle East, especially at a time when the US is leaving the region.
Yadlin also wrote that the action against Baghdadi was “very important for Trump, who is under bipartisan criticism for his actions and recent failures: the lack of a response to Iranian military action, and the abandonment of the Kurds.”
Breaking: CNN Forced To CUT CAMERAS During Trump Announcement
By Buzz News
They have totally ruined their reputation…
In what could be called one of the most biased moves in CNN’s history, the network cut away President Trump’s speech on the dealth of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
However, surprisingly MSNBC, often known to be extremely liberal, stayed with the speech as CNN cut it off.
“All right, as the press conference and announcement turns into lesser matters about who will be invited to the White House to thank them, let’s talk about the momentous announcement President Trump just made,” Jake Tapper stated.
Twitter users quickly noticed and called CNN out on their bias:
2)The IMF is warning that “global economies” will contract by $455 billion next year due to the ongoing trade conflict between the U.S., China, the EU and to a lesser extent, Japan.
President Trump will cost the “Global Economy” $455 billion…. because that money will be transferring back to the America First economy. That’s what happens as MAGAnomics reverses the IMF trade (wealth distribution) model.
China and the EU have devalued their currency in an effort to block the impacts from President Trump and the ‘America First’ trade policy. Because those currencies are pegged against the dollar, the resulting effect is a rising dollar value. In essence, the globalist IMF is now blaming President Trump for having a strong economy that forces international competition to devalue their currency.
In the bigger picture is why President Trump is the most transformative economic President in the last 75 years. The post-WWII Marshall Plan was set up to allow Europe and Asia to place tariffs on exported American industrial products.
Those tariffs were used bY the EU and Japan to rebuild their infrastructure after a devastating war. However, there was never a built in mechanism to end the tariffs…. until President Trump came along and said: “it’s over”!
After about 20 years (+/-), say 1970 to be fair, the EU and Japan received enough money to rebuild. But instead of ending the one-way payment system, Asia and the EU sought to keep going and build their economies larger than the U.S. Additionally, the U.S. was carrying the cost of protecting the EU (via NATO) and Japan with our military. The EU and Japan didn’t need to spend a dime on defense because the U.S. essentially took over that role. But that military role, just like the tariffs, never ended. Again, until Trump.
The U.S. economy was the host for around 50 years of parasitic wealth exfiltration, or as most would say “distribution”. The term *exfiltration* better highlights that American citizens paid higher prices for stuff, and paid higher taxes within the overall economic scheme, than was needed.
President Trump is the first and only president who said: “enough”, and prior politicians who didn’t stop the process were “stupid” etc. etc. Obviously, he is 100% correct.
For the past 30 years the U.S. was a sucker to keep letting the process remain in place while we lost our manufacturing base to overseas incentives. The investment process from Wall Street (removal of Glass-Stegal) only made the process much more severe and faster. Wall Street was now investing in companies whose best bet (higher profit return) was to pour money overseas. This process created the “Rust Belt”, and damn near destroyed the aggregate manufacturing industry.
Unfortunately, putting ‘America First’ is now also against the interests of the multinationals on Wall Street; so President Trump has to fight adverse economic opponents on multiple fronts…. and their purchased mercenary army we know as DC politicians.
No-one, ever, could take on all these interests. Think about it… The EU, Asia, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, China, Russia, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Iran, U.S. Congress, Democrats, U.S. Senate, Wall Street, the Big Club, Lobbyists, Hollywood, Corporate Media (foreign and domestic), and the ankle-biters in Never Trump…. All of these financial interests are aligned against Main Street USA and against President Trump.
Name one individual who could take them on simultaneously and still be winning, bigly.
They say he’s one man. They say they have him outnumbered. Yet somehow, as unreal as it seems, he’s the one who appears to have them surrounded.
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