Monday, October 14, 2019

Amazing MAX!! Barr Made A Great Speech - Does Anyone Care? Name A President Who Was Flawless.

                                                                                      Amazing MAX!!
This from a long time friend, a former institutional client and a fellow memo reader.: "Dick, thank you for the marvelous essay on your family life, history, etc.  I appreciate your candor, your point of view, and perspective. 

I too feel very blessed, and am just astonished at how any rational, thoughtful person can not see the flaws in the liberal agenda.

As one who enjoys reading history, at least in a superficial way, I am appalled at how and why our current leaders are so ignorant in missing the obvious lessons from mistakes made in the past.  We are in fact repeating those mistakes in manifold fashion, and will reap the whirlwind from the stupidity of those who would lead us down a corrupt, immoral, & manifestly deficient path. 

- B--"
Attorney General Barr made an important speech today at Notre Dame University lamenting the pressure from various institutions like  education, news and social media etc. attacking religion and those who hold religious beliefs..

If we wish to be a godless state like Russia we are well on our way.
The remaining Chapters in Part One mainly deal with Trump's financial problems.  He was terribly over leveraged and owed tremendous sums on his properties, including over $600 million personally.  All of this was happening while he was involved with  a Georgia girl named Marla Maples while still married to Ivana. He later married Maples and they had a daughter.

Rather than declare total bankruptcy, he played a gutsy strategy and told the various banks and other lending institutions, that he owed money to, to loan him more so he could ride out the storm and they would be paid as the economy turned upward. Otherwise they would lose everything.

He did bankrupt on several properties but his strategy worked and by 2000 he was able to recover, deleverage and stabilize a smaller group of real estate holdings.  It was at this time he began to invest in various golf clubs/resorts and also began The Apprentice.

In addition he finally felt he had established a brand, partly because of all the "buzz" about his personal romance with Marla and his divorce from Ivana.  What he began was loaning  his name to other developer's projects for which he received upfront fees. On of our family embers lived in the Trump Towers in Miami Beach to which Trump had loaned his name and for which he was paid annual fees in the millions.

It so happens the developer was an accountant from New York and former citizen of Russia who had made a fortune in real estate developing  the comeback of the area known as Chelsea.

O'Reilly also believes, during this period,Trump became increasingly serious about running for president and taking advantage of his world wide name and face recognition and the rest is history.  O'Reilly also gives Trump credit for the 11 years The Apprentice ran and the fact that impatient Trump winged a lot of the program because he tired of engaging in scripts and pre show taping etc.
That Trump is a master at promotion is patently evident. Another salient point is The Apprentice gave heft to the fact that Trump, the businessman,  was more than just a mogul real estate developer.

It should also be mentioned that during this difficult, self-inflicted period,Trump's relationship with his three kids deteriorated. His relationship has been restored and it is also to his credit that he weathered the storm by demonstrating he had guts and was not going down for the count. Of course, his detractors only speak about some of his declared bankruptcies and never reveal how he pulled himself up by his shoestrings , saved his diminished empire and repaid more than he would have had he taken the easier way out and declared personal bankruptcy.

O'Reilly also acknowledges Trump, like all humans, has his insecurities and covets attention and seeks praise.  O'Reilly also asserts  much of what you have  heard and read about Trump is largely fiction.  In this regard,O'Reilly is not defending Trump as much as he is taking a swipe at his fellow  TV commentators for their shallowness and need to connect Trump to unsubstantiated stories, wild gossip and rumors because it sells their articles.

In all of what I have read and O'Reilly has written the author has made no attempt to varnish his subject. His writing seems to be faithful and factual and he attributes this to the fact that Trump believes he has always covered him in a fair manner.  Thus, Trump was willing to be interviewed even though he did not like enduring it one bit.

I am now beginning Part 11
Of all people did Tom Brokaw blow a  whistle on Biden that no one heard? (See 1 below.)
It is difficult, if not impossible,for, some radicals, liberals, assorted Democrats to believe Trump stands between America and  tyranny. (See 2 below.)

Every president we ever elected had flaws. Trump had no formal education and went bankrupt and proved a great president because he read and knew history.

Reagan was thought a second grade movie actor yet had been a good governor of  California and was a union executive who had to negotiate with louie B. Mayer.

Clinton was governor of a small state but a great politician who could change and accommodate.

Kennedy's life was cut short but he brought style to the office for a brief period.

Carter was very smart but insecure and  spent his military life beneath the sea and never traveled much above the water prior to becoming president and he projected weakness.

All presidents are human and have flaws and are a product of their own past, family history and all have warts.

Trump is unique because he breaks the historical mold but he also is a fighter, he also approaches the office and sees the world through a different prism and has begun addressing and tackling a lot of issues that harmed America and needed correcting. Most of all he was dealt a very difficult hand.

Obama came into office and brought a lot of hope because he was black but the change he wrought turned out to be what we did not need and laid the foundation of much of today's discord.

It would be nice, even patriotic, if the Democrat Party could care more about America than choking over their inability to swallow their defeat in 2016. Apparently that is too much to ask so, at least Pelosi should move for a vote to impeach so we can go forward but she is gutless and spineless and so are Schiff, Schumer, Waters and their  candidates are even worse.

Tom Brokaw Sounded The Alarm On Joe & Hunter Biden’s Corruption in 2008 [Video]

By Jim Hayek

Tom Brokaw calling out Joe-Hunter Biden’s corruption in 2008:

‘Wasn’t it inappropriate for someone like you in the middle of all this to have your son collecting money from this big credit card company while you were on the floor protecting its interests?

Brokaw calls attention to a 2008 article from the Wall Street Journal about the Biden Corruption:

Brokaw told Biden:
“That’s a reference to your son being hired right out of law school by a big company here in Delaware that’s in the credit card business, MBNA. He got about $100,000 a year, as I recall. You received $214,000 in campaign contributions from the company and from its employees. At the same time, you were fighting for bankruptcy bill that MBNA really wanted to get passed through the Senate making it much tougher for everyone to file bankruptcy. Senator Obama was opposed to the bill. Among other things, you couldn’t in fact claim that you had a problem because of big medical bills. You voted against an amendment that would call for a warning on predatory lending. You also opposed efforts to strengthen the protection of people in bankruptcy. This is an issue that you’ve heard about before. Your son was working for the company at the same time. In retrospect, wasn’t it inappropriate for someone like you in the middle of all this to have your son collecting money from the big credit card company while you were on the floor protecting its interests?”

Biden responded as expected…with complete denial!
2)Trump Stands between America and Tyranny

The movie Titanic had one really good scene.  The ship had already swiped the iceberg.  The behemoth continued sailing along and appeared to be doing just fine.  But one person on the ship, Thomas Andrews, knew that it was doomed.  Andrews was a naval architect who was in charge of the plans to build the ship.

After he tells the captain and some other key people on the ship that it is going to sink, they react in disbelief.  One declares that the ship can't possibly sink.

Andrews responds, "She's made of iron, sir!  I assure you she can.  And she will.  It is a mathematical certainty."

It's one of cinema's great scenes as men wrestle with approaching doom, made all the stronger by Victor Garber's superb performance.  It's also the perfect metaphor for our current moment in history.

People pay too little attention to math because numbers lie far less effectively than words.  There comes a point when a nation has raced over the cliff, but it may take years before that reality becomes obvious to everyone.

This movie scene was on my mind heading into election night in 2016.  All indications were that Hillary Clinton was going to be elected.  Based upon the math, America as a nation appeared doomed.  Clinton was eyeing the White House like a ravenous wolf and relishing the opportunity to cast misery across America.

But Wisconsin and then Michigan and finally Pennsylvania vomited on her pantsuit.  On election night, I had no idea what we had just elected, but the fact that it wasn't Clinton was more than enough for one night.

Three years later, President Trump has shattered conservative expectations and may go down in history as one of the greatest U.S. presidents.  It brings to mind another historical surprise.  Winston Churchill was elevated to leadership during England's darkest days against all odds.  He was under withering attack by both the opposing party and his own in those early months, and his survival as leader was very much in doubt.

Trump was also elevated under extraordinary circumstances that many would regard as a historical anomaly.  As a New York real estate mogul and non-politician, he was declared unelectable by prominent and respected Republican pundits.  The media initially pushed his candidacy with glee, assuming he would be the easiest Republican for their paramour to knock off in the general election.  They were spectacularly wrong.

Both Churchill and Trump were leaders chosen, like Esther in the Bible, for "such a time as this."  Interestingly, both men were also considered beneath the dignity of the office by their manifest and often self-righteous critics.  Both also survived relentless and withering political and cultural assaults while dealing with formidable foreign foes, with China supplanting the authoritarian great power threats of yesteryear.

When Trump became president, leftists controlled nearly every lever of power in America: academia, media, the Judiciary, the government bureaucracy, and entertainment among others.

Trump is wresting one of those key institutions out of their hands, which is almost a necessity before effectively opposing the others.  Where Trump has inflicted the greatest damage to the Left, and why he may yet save America, is in the reshaping of the Judiciary.

The importance of this cannot be overstated.  He has already placed 152 judges on the court with more than a hundred vacancies still waiting to be filled, undoing the tremendous damage that had been done in the eight years prior.  This incredible achievement does not get the attention it deserves.  Anyone who shrugs at what he has accomplished here does not understand the significance.

If Clinton had won, she would have appointed three young liberal Supreme Court judges by now, even as Ruth Bader Ginsburg had moved into retirement.  Liberals would have a 6-3 majority on that critical court, and it would have been nearly impossible to save constitutional governance.  Every court in American would be firmly in the Left's hands.

Leftists would be relentlessly engaging in lawfare across America, and conservatives would be almost defenseless to resist.  Tyranny would be in full ascent, even as the nation was eclipsed by China on the world stage.  Despite all this, Clinton would be a near shoo-in for reelection.

We remain at an important historical inflection point.  This is why the 2020 election is so critical.  President Trump, particularly if the Republicans also hold the Senate, can continue to build a hedge in the courts and undo some of the worst of the damage that was done to America.

But eight years is not enough to completely reverse the rot.  The math remains terrible.  Support for socialism is rising among Democrats, illegal immigration in combination with birthright citizenship is flipping key states to the leftists, the debt is spiraling out of control even as Democrats promise obscene record spending, and liberals continue to control nearly every cultural institution in America.

The war was almost lost, and America remains in great peril.  America will likely elect a socialist in the not so distant future.  While perhaps not quite a mathematical certainty yet, that is an excellent bet when factoring in all the variables.

But holding the courts might just enable America to survive the damage and find its way back to constitutional governance.

Far too many NeverTrump Republicans do not understand the significance of the moment they are living in or understand that we are now in an existential struggle.  America might not survive.  Give up the White House in 2020, and Republicans may never win it back.  The Republicans' sole hope to hold the White House in 2020 is President Trump.  End of story.  Now is not the time for Romneyesque moral preening to earn a few head pats from a hostile media.

One of the most insightful recent observations was when Sarah Sanders observed that "I'm pretty sure they [Democrat presidential candidates] don't even like America."

They don't.  This is not some loyal opposition party that disagrees on the ideal size of government.  They hate America and want to destroy everything it was created to represent.

Anything that damages Trump will help an American-hating socialist who promised to run her choice for secretary of education through a child-abused 9-year-old girl dressed in a suit.  That was a mildly instructive moment in the insane CNN LGBT town hall in that you had a false Cherokee pandering to a false boy in the modern leftist version of Peter Pan.  Truth is always one of the first casualties of leftism.

The entire town hall was one giant promise to relentlessly persecute Christians while shredding religious freedom in America.  Once tyranny fully ascends, darkness will follow.  Far too many Americans are still blinded by their bias toward the now.  It is hard for people to imagine everything they know overturned.  Up until this point, the anti-American socialists have moved slowly, and America has been like the frog in the boiling pot of water.

But this election has shown that they are transitioning to the next stage, when they will move openly toward authoritarianism.  

We are at a pivotal moment in history.  That's not hyperbole.  It's a mathematical certainty.  It's long past time for all NeverTrump Republicans, if they truly believe in conservative ideals and are not just camouflaged leftist collaborators, to return to the fold before it is too late.

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