Like always when you do not have all the facts perhaps Trump will prove right about his recent decision to pull out f Syria. The problem for me is he still seemed to have acted peremptorily and that is what concerns me and still does.
As I read O'Reilly, it is evident Trump has personal flaws that are not suitable when you are president but might be acceptable for a brash, creative, brilliant real estate developer. Trump has strong views and the guts to act on them but it would be comforting to know he does so after seeking the advice of a large number who hold different views and, most importantly, he understands the ramifications of what he has the guts to do.
If he had honest opposition and could sit down and chat with Democrats it would be good for the nation but when people criticize you for everything you do and are the same ones who want to impeach you that is not a solid playing field on which the ball takes understandable bounces.
Schumer and Pelosi, and their radical brethren, are the most wretched and deceptive of politicians. Everything they do, in a political sense, is always slickly calculated.They have taken the position of enjoying the luxury of not having any responsibility and thus, are free to criticize without offering solutions. Were the roles different, the shoe on the other foot, it is reasonable to assume Schumer and Pelosi would be seen and doing things differently. Furthermore, they are evidently driven by hatred and animus so I discount everything they do and say. They have proven to be dishonest brokers.
Pelosi condones what Schiff head is doing, which is morally reprehensible, and Schumer is one of D.C's slimiest, https://spectator.us/pulling-
Israel's view of Trump's recent decision regarding the Kurds.(See 1 below.)
If there is "Omar" corruption then why does Pelosi choose to overlook it and has Biden been corrupt for years or just recently? (See 2, 2a and 2c below.)
Last night after being served softballs Biden said take the flashlight off me because it belongs on Trump. Bait and switch? (See 2 and 2a below.)
What we witnessed last night, and continues today, is what O'Reilly points out and shows why pro- Trumper's remain solid because they are sick and tired of the way typical politicians act and care more about their own political lives than our nation. They are beginning to comprehend the "impeachment ploy" against Trump destroys basic concepts like facing your accuser, laws that protect the accused and the list is endless.
Harris, who was a district attorney, slept with the most powerful politician in California while he was married, actually wants to get Trump's tweet account closed. Guess she does not know about freedom of speech.
I suspect today's Pelosi's "Hissy" might even have been planned to raise more questions about Trump's petulance. What have any of these Trump haters done for America? Impeach the president? Their evidence is, he colluded with Russians? When that failed it was he paid a bimbo and violated campaign funding laws, then he spoke on the phone to find dirt on "dirty?" Biden and withheld money going to a corrupt government. Then, they decided to investigate without allowing the public to know anything while they leak what they want but they will not vote on what they are doing because they do not want to expose themselves as they campaign for re-election. (See 2b below.)
Meanwhile, Pelosi is comfortable letting an unmitigated liar, by the name of Schiff head, continue his investigation pursuant to eventually impeaching Trump on a bunch of trumped up charges based on petty hatred.(See 2a below.)
Tragically, the biased mass media have so manipulated and tortured their responsibility they are probably the ones who deserve to be impeached
Finally, just for fun, let's match Trump up with some of the top Democrat Candidates and see what happens. (See 2b below.)
Trump is accused of stretching the truth and lying. Pocahontas would be hard pressed to make that charge stick because she has been caught lying and has DNA evidence to prove that.
Bernie has a health issue even though he dismisses it and is a proud socialist. Trump is also in his seventies and is a proud capitalist. Bernie's various proposals will cost trillions, yes trillions, and he will raise taxes to pay for them. If he becomes president his ideas would increase our debt to possibly unsustainable levels and his tax increases would undercut the benefits derived from Trump's tax cuts. Hard to criticize Trump as a spender when he is outdone by Bernie. Where can the Bernie socialist point to prove the economic and social success of socialism? Venezuela? (See 3 below.)
I am Sparticus. That comment smacks of an "uge"ego so Booker would be hard pressed to take on Trump' for having an "uge"ego.
Then we come to Kameaa Harris, whose personal history suggests she was Willy Brown's "Bimbo," Sort of neuters the charge of Trump's bimbo-ism . Also, she was, as I pointed out above, a district attorney who wants to take away Trump's right to free speech. Her efforts suggest she slept through constitutional law while in law school.
Biden bragged about how he got a Ukraine attorney general fired while his son sat on the board of the company being investigated. His son's personal history qualifies him for sitting on the board of nothing but a company making cannabis. Even if he/they violated not laws it smells bad enough for even them to have smelled the stench. How can Biden berate Trump for his productive and clean cut kids.
Biden's questionable behaviour will also lead to Obama and it is only a matter of time before several reports will finally lead us to the truth and this is why the Democrats need to create an impeachment diversion. It will be interesting to see, when the report(s) are leased what new diversions Pelosi and her low lifes conjure up to deflect more stench cause I believe it is going to the top.
Beto O'Rourke wants to take away our guns and is a "panderer." He should be in the D.C. Zoo and I seriously doubt taking away our weapons is going to sell well with the "deplorables." So Beto be the VP on the ticket for entertainment as he "shoots" off his mouth while flaying his arms.
Tulsi Gabbard is the only Democrat candidate who makes sense but would still lose to Trump. Her military record is not traditional for Democrats who would rather increase welfare and decrease our military capabilities.
So Trump is a committed capitalist whose policies have helped improve our economy and brought some financial relief to the downtrodden middle class. He has challenged those with whom we engage in world trade with us and who have benefited unfairly from agreements which hurt us in a myriad of ways.
He is addressing the issue of theft of our precious proprietary knowledge and technology development He has helped to rebuild our military and is trying to end endless wars and, in the process, reduce or cost of policing the world.
He is addressing our friends and allies in a more tough fisted way, causing heartburn but this will pass as these nations embrace the consequences of re-balanced relationships.
He has restored our relationship with one of our most reliable allies, Israel, and he and McConnell have begun to remake the courts by appointing more traditional judges and jurists.
This is an amazing amount of accomplishments which will produce long term benefits,if sustained, and it has happened against the most egregious efforts to gut his performance purely because Trump is attacking and disrupting the power of radical and progressives who have taken over the Democrat Party and who want to further shred our Constitution.
‘Entry of radical Islamist forces into northern Syria is disturbing,’ ex-Israeli intelligence official says
According to Israeli intelligence expert Brig. Gen. (res.) Yossi Kuperwasser, while events in northeast Syria are still at an early stage, there’s already a lot to worry about, from the resurgence of ISIS to Iran exploiting the situation to create a land corridor.
Israel has been closely monitoring Turkey’s brutal offensive against the Kurds in northeast Syria in recent days.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu condemned the Turkish invasion on Oct. 10, stating that Israel “warns against the ethnic cleansing of the Kurds by Turkey and its proxies,” and that “Israel is prepared to extend humanitarian assistance to the gallant Kurdish people.”
However, Israel’s concerns with regard to the Turkish operation extend beyond Ankara’s conflict with the Kurds.
Israel Defense Forces Brig. Gen. (res.) Yossi Kuperwasser, former head of the IDF Military Intelligence Directorate’s research division and director general of Israel’s Strategic Affairs Ministry, told JNS that the strengthening of Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated extremist Sunni forces in northeast Syria “should disturb us.” He stressed that Turkey had launched its offensive with “problematic, radical forces, who are exploiting the U.S.’s wish to leave this area.”In addition, said Kuperwasser, who is the director of the Project on Regional Middle East Developments at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, Iran could exploit the situation with its own Shi’ite militias.
“Iran could fill in the vacuum left by the United States in northeast Syria, which would enable them to establish a land corridor from Iran to Lebanon,” he told JNS. “It could project onto Israel, though not immediately.”
Speaking before the Kurdish-led Syrian Defense Forces (SDF) signed a cooperation agreement with the Assad regime on Sunday night in response to the Turkish assault, Kuperwasser stated that “if the Kurds feel distressed, and American pressure can’t stop the Turks, they will try to link up with Assad, as well as with the Russians and the Iranians, with a request to cooperate with them.”
Islamic State, too, will likely benefit from events in Syria, said Kuperwasser, since “all of the others are busy with one another.” ISIS has been “hit hard,” he said, “but it is not defeated, and if pressure on it is relieved, it could come back.”
Retired four-star U.S. general Joseph Votel, former commander of U.S. Central Command, issued a stark warning in an op-ed for The Atlantic last week about the dangers of an ISIS resurgence.
Trump’s decision to pull special forces out of northern Syria, wrote Votel, “threatens to undo five years’ worth of fighting against ISIS and will severely damage American credibility and reliability.”
The decision, he wrote, “was made without consulting U.S. allies or senior U.S. military leadership and threatens to affect future partnerships at precisely the time we need them most.”
While Israel can provide humanitarian assistance to the Kurds of northern Syria and also apply diplomatic pressure, said Kuperwasser, military intervention is out of the question.
Asked how the rapidly escalating events in Syria might impact regional security, Kuperwasser said it is still too early to tell.
“The power of the various actors, and the weight of U.S. deterrence, is being tested,” he said, adding that “this is still at an early stage. It is not yet clear where it is headed. Hence in this context, we have to wait and see what the repercussions are.”
One thing that is clear, said Kuperwasser is that these events have no direct repercussions as far as U.S.—Israel relations are concerned.
“The depth of the U.S. commitment to Israel is very different” from its commitment to the Syrian Kurds, he said.
Regarding the ongoing threat posed by Iran in Syria, Kuperwasser said that Israel “has no choice but to defend itself by itself, and it will continue to do this.”
He added, however, that while Israel “is acting decisively to prevent an Iranian base in Syria, what is important in this context is that the economic American pressure on Iran continues.”
So long as sanctions are maintained, he said, “Despite pinpoint [Iranian] achievements on the ground, the infrastructure of Iran is still eroding. They can’t hold on for a long time without money. It all costs money in the end.”A Cure Worse Than the Disease by Mark Steyn
By Ruth King
“As we see in the UK, Canada, Europe and elsewhere, a permanent state power is ever more comfortable suppressing the possibility of political change. But in America the active partnership between the most lavish and secretive agencies on the planet and the Democrat-media complex is a threat of an entirely different order. Matt Taibbi understands that America can survive a “bad president”, but that it cannot survive the normalization of the Comey-Brennan-Clapper-McCabe rogue state.”
Happy Thanksgiving to our Canadian readers, Happy Columbus Day to our American readers, Happy First Day of Sukkot to our Jewish readers. We would wish our Ukrainian readers a Happy Defender of Ukraine Day, but we’re worried it might be the annual celebration of Hunter Biden’s latest oligarch-kissing sinecures.
~Matt Taibbi is a man of the left, but he is an iconoclastic one and The Washington Post‘s recent attempt to #MeToo him has probably made him more so. He’s also a much better writer than most lefties, hobbled as they are by the Downton-Abbey-for-progressives rules of identity politics. Ten years ago, I was very admiring of his evisceration of The New York Times‘ beloved comic figure Thomas Friedman:
Friedman frequently uses a rhetorical technique that goes something like this: ‘I was in Dubai with the general counsel of BP last year, watching 500 Balinese textile workers get on a train, when suddenly I said to myself, “We need better headlights for our tri-plane.”‘ And off he goes.
Indeed Taibbi can do Friedman rather better than the original:
After Thomas Friedman correlates (on the back of a napkin) freedom and the price of oil, Mr Taibbi correlates, rather more plausibly, happiness and the size of Valerie Bertinelli’s ass (with accompanying graph).
A lot of us were content to do low comedy a decade back. But these are ever more fevered times and Matt Taibbi has written a sobering piece after three years of what he calls “a permanent coup“. The nub of his argument:
My discomfort in the last few years, first with Russiagate and now with Ukrainegate and impeachment, stems from the belief that the people pushing hardest for Trump’s early removal are more dangerous than Trump. Many Americans don’t see this because they’re not used to waking up in a country where you’re not sure who the president will be by nightfall. They don’t understand that this predicament is worse than having a bad president.
The Democrats, the media and a big chunk of the media are now proposing to impeach and remove the lawful elected head of state on the word of a lone anonymous witness who happens to be a CIA officer working for a rival presidential candidate.
That’s banana-republic-level bananas. As I like to say to judges in my endless court cases, a reasonable man should draw reasonable inferences. When hitherto more or less normally functioning levers of power go brazenly wacky, there are two possible conclusions:
a) they really are bananas (the “Trump Derangement Syndrome” theory);
b) they’re sane people desperate to avoid the uncovering of something truly awful.
As you’ll know from last week’s “Outsiders“, I’m betting on the latter.
~North of the border, Ottawa’s Mister Dressup, unable to get back to the old boot polish for another week or two, is making do with an ostentatious and lumpy bulletproof vest, out of concern “for the safety of my family and for all the Canadians in the room“. In which case why’s he the only one to get the bulletproof vest? Mr Trudeau puts this down to what he calls “an increase in polarization in election campaigns” – which is a not so subtle way of implying that his political opponents are violent goons who seek to kill him.
That’s an odd card to play in one of the oldest and most placid multi-party democracies in the world. It’s not as bad as America’s “permanent coup” but it is part of the same malign trend: the de-legitimization of political difference.
Meanwhile, across the pond in the Mother of Parliaments, we are at the beginning of the last week in which to leave the EU with a deal – or alternatively not to leave at all. As in the United States, there has been a three-year battle from the losing side (here, in a presidential election; there, in the Brexit referendum) to maintain its control of all levers of state power and subvert the other chaps’ victory.
Thus, my old boss Boris Johnson presides over a government that cannot govern because it has no parliamentary majority; at the same time, the parliament he does not command prefers to keep him in office without power rather than force a general election. As in America, the civil service, the courts and the media obstruct him ever more openly, and thereby nullify a vote they have never accepted.
There is, however, a critical difference. To return to Matt Taibbi’s essay:
The Trump presidency is the first to reveal a full-blown schism between the intelligence community and the White House. Senior figures in the CIA, NSA, FBI and other agencies made an open break from their would-be boss before Trump’s inauguration…
And that “open break” has gaped ever wider with each passing month – so that we now think it entirely normal that a foreign president or prime minister cannot have a private conversation with the Oval Office without risking the transcript being on the front page of the papers. The latest wrinkle – the arrest of two Ukrainian-American contacts of Rudy Giuliani – is the usual brazen bollocks from a corrupted Department of Justice: The indictment even redacts the date (page 20, above the signature line) lest it betray the politically motivated timing of its enforcement.
So we live in a world where an unsubstantiated “dossier” of lurid kompromat sluiced by Russian disinformation through a foreign spook paid by the President’s political opponent provides sufficient of a fig-leaf for a high-level White House briefing by the head of the FBI:
I said I wasn’t saying this was true, only that I wanted [Trump] to know both that it had been reported and that the reports were in many hands. I said media like CNN had them and were looking for a news hook. I said it was important that we not give them the excuse to write that the FBI has the material or [redacted] and that we were keeping it very close-hold.
So “close-hold” that it was then leaked to the media and the fact that the President was briefed on it by such high-level officials turned out to be the only “news hook” anyone needed – as almost all the heads of the “intelligence community” had planned in advance.
As we see in the UK, Canada, Europe and elsewhere, a permanent state power is ever more comfortable suppressing the possibility of political change. But in America the active partnership between the most lavish and secretive agencies on the planet and the Democrat-media complex is a threat of an entirely different order. Matt Taibbi understands that America can survive a “bad president”, but that it cannot survive the normalization of the Comey-Brennan-Clapper-McCabe rogue state.
2) FLASHBACK: Biden Lied for Years
the Driver Involved in His Wife &
Daughter's Death
By Stephen Green
While it's impossible to measure the grief of a man who loses his young wife and infant daughter in a car collision, it's both possible and necessary to take the measure of a man who spent years falsely claiming the other driver may have been drunk.
During Joe Biden's 2008 run as Barack Obama's running mate, Pamela Hamill -- the daughter of that other driver -- asked that the then-senator make a public apology for the years he'd spent impugning her father.
Curtis Dunn was driving the tractor-trailer that collided with the car driven by Biden's first wife, Neilia. Neilia was carrying their 13-month-old infant daughter with her, and young sons Beau and Hunter were in the car, too. They were on their way to buy a Christmas tree when the accident occurred. Police at the time made the determination that Mrs. Biden drove into the path of the oncoming truck, possibly because she was looking the wrong way at a stop sign. Neilia and the girl died of their injuries, despite Dunn's attempts to provide first aid, and the Bidens' sons were also hurt very badly. POLITICO wrote in January of this year that a friend of Biden’s looked into the accident at the time and concluded, "She had a stop sign. The truck driver did not."
When Hamill made her apology request, the Newark Post reported that the chief prosecutor at the time, Jerome O. Herlihy, said that "there is no evidence" supporting Biden’s longstanding assertion that Dunn might have, in Biden's words, "drank his lunch" that terrible day. And yet, as Post reporter Carl Hamilton noted:
Biden has been alluding to alcohol being involved in the crash for nearly a decade. During a speech in 2001, Biden told an audience at University of Delaware that a drunken driver crashed into his family.
He told a similar story during a public appearance in 2007.More recently, the vice presidential candidate’s misrepresentation of Dunn has found its way into major newspapers, including the New York Times.It also has been repeated on radio and on television by major news journalists, including CBS anchorwoman Katie Couric.Yet Hamill said she had no idea Biden had been misrepresenting Dunn until late August.
Although Dunn was not at fault and was quick to render assistance, he was haunted by the accident for the rest of his life. Dunn passed away in 1999, 27 years later, but as his daughter told the Post, "He always got very solemn around Christmastime because the anniversary was Dec. 18, and he never wanted to celebrate the holidays."
After an exhaustive online search, I can find no mention of Biden ever apologizing to Hamill or to her family. And that POLITICO piece by Michael Kruse I quoted above? It was headlined, "How Grief Became Joe Biden’s Superpower," which is enough to make you sick after learning how Biden twisted the facts -- and his own grief -- for, what, a slicker stump speech?
Or as Jack Fowler asked back in April of this year, "It was a heartbreaking story all around, and with officials leaving no doubt of the truck driver’s complete innocence, what was the point of doing or saying anything more than letting Neilia and Naomi Biden rest in peace?" The answer to Fowler's question would seem to be revealed by that POLITICO profile: Biden chose to weaponize his grief, and any collateral damage be damned.
As a husband and as the father of two young boys, ages 9 and 13, I can all-too-well imagine the horror of receiving of phone call like the one Biden received on December 18, 1972. But to then spend years impugning the innocent driver who tried to save my own loved ones, despite just have been nearly killed himself? That I can't imagine, and suspect you couldn't, either. We can, however, safely assess the character of the man who would do such a thing -- and then neglect to apologize when called on it -- as thoughtless, cruel, and very, very small.
I admit to some personal bias here. From the first time I became aware of Biden, during the 1988 presidential primaries, I found his demeanor annoyingly fake and cloyingly off-putting. My 19-year-old self had no way to know just how correct that assessment was.
Ilhan Omar Continues To Divert Campaign Funds To Alleged Boyfriend’s Company
By Jim Hayek
Democratic Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar’s political campaign ramped up its spending to a firm owned by the man she’s alleged to be having an extramarital affair with in the third quarter of 2019, according to Federal Election Commission (FEC) records.
Omar’s campaign disbursed about $146,713 to Democratic consultant Tim Mynett’s E Street Group LLC between the beginning of July and the end of September, according to records the campaign filed with the FEC on Tuesday. The payments were primarily for digital advertising and consulting services, however, about $3,000 were payments for “travel expenses.”
The third-quarter spending figures from Omar’s campaign represent a significant uptick in the spending it has dedicated to Mynett’s firm. In the 10-month period prior, from August 2018 to June 2019, her total spending with the firm was $223,000.
About 30% of Omar’s spending in the third quarter went to Mynett’s firm, according to The Washington Free Beacon, which first spotted Omar’s filing Tuesday.
Omar began reporting payments for E Street Group’s travel expenses in April, around the same time Mynett’s wife alleged in a divorce filing that he had admitted to having an affair with the congresswoman, the Daily Caller News Foundation previously reported.
Mynett’s “more recent travel and long work hours now appear to be more related to his affair with Rep. Omar than with his actual work commitments,” his wife’s divorce filing stated.
Omar faces an FEC complaint alleging she illegally used campaign funds to pursue a romantic affair with Mynett.
Omar and Tim Mynett have been pictured together at multiple events in recent months. Most notably, the pair was pictured sitting together at a fundraiser for CAIR in late March where the congresswoman described the 9/11 terrorist attacks as “some people did something.”
Omar’s attorneys dismissed the National Legal and Policy Center’s FEC complaint, calling it a baseless “political ploy.”
Omar denied in a late August interview with a local news reporter that she was having an extramarital affair.
“Are you separated from your husband? Are you dating someone?” WCCO reporter Esme Murphy asked her.
“No, I am not,” Omar replied. “And like I said yesterday, I have no interest in allowing the conversation about my personal life to continue.”
But in early October, Omar filed for divorce from her husband, Ahmed Hirsi.
“There has been an irretrievable breakdown of the marriage relationship,” Omar’s divorce filing stated.
The Omar campaign did not immediately return a request for comment.
2b) Trump Breaks Silence, Admits Why Democrats REALLY Pushing Impeachment
By Buzz News
It’s the truth, but the left will never admit it…
It’s no shocker that President Trump was unamused by the recent Democratic debate and he gave us his own personal opinion about it.
Trump spoke out against the “impeachment witch hunt,” which was the first topic all the Democrats talked about.
“You would think there is NO WAY that any of the Democrat Candidates that we witnessed last night could possibly become President of the United States. Now you see why they have no choice but to push a totally illegal & absurd Impeachment of one of the most successful Presidents!” Trump tweeted.
President Trump later tweeted:
The Incredible Vanishing Whistleblower
By L.Brent Bozell111
The partisans at The Washington Post pretended in a front-page Sunday "news" article that somehow, President Trump was losing his marbles in rage, going "beyond his often-untethered bounds." Readers were supposed to be highly disturbed about his mental state after learning he held a raucous rally in Minneapolis and said supposedly crazy things like how the Democrats are carrying out "a brazen attempt to overthrow our government."
What is this attempt to impeach and remove Trump, if not overthrow him? Democrats might argue that even if Trump were removed, Vice President Pence would remain and, thus, there would be a continuum. But does anyone believe Democrats would be satisfied with that? The Post recently published a kooky article laying out how they could also take down Pence and make House Speaker Nancy Pelosi president.
Pelosi placed House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff in charge of this impeachment attempt, and the whole thing is getting stranger and more secretive by the hour. First we were told that an allegedly patriotic whistleblower must testify to underline how Trump committed some kind of impeachable high crime on a phone call with the president of Ukraine. This whistleblower wasn't even present at the scene of the supposed crime.
There's an obvious reason why they have obscured this alleged hero's identity. It was reported that he worked with Joe Biden in the White House on Ukraine issues. A story worth explaining? The whole scheme began to look like a Democratic plot. And suddenly, the incessant pro-impeachment media went dark on their central figure.
His testimony was no longer the piece de Resistance. Pardon the pun.
Susan Ferrechio at the Washington Examiner noted that Republicans planned to ask this whistleblower all kinds of questions about when he met with Schiff's staff and how they coordinated. "But it is appearing more likely Republicans will never have the chance to ask the whistleblower any questions at all about how closely he worked with Schiff's team," she said.
Even some of the liberal "fact-checkers" felt pressed to admit Schiff lied when he claimed on national TV that he and his staff never met with this whistleblower. Clearly, he doesn't want any more questions about how coordinated this impeachment plot is. A GOP source told the Examiner, "At some point, both Schiff and the whistleblower came to the conclusion that his personal testimony stands to do more harm than good to both of them."
The backpedaling has been furious. Schiff appeared on CBS' "Face the Nation" and said, "given that we already have the call record, we don't need the whistleblower who wasn't on the call to tell us what took place during the call." Both Schiff and CBS' Margaret Brennan agreed the most important priority of this probe is keeping the identity of the whistleblower a secret — without questioning for a moment how that could be considered fair to the president, who's the subject of the impeachment inquiry.
Imagine the Republicans had tried to impeach then-President Bill Clinton in 1998 for some phone call he made to a foreign leader, and that they'd said they had an anonymous whistleblower who never heard Clinton's phone call. The press would have mocked all of it as an enormous waste of time and money and a huge distraction from the legislative "business of the people."
Their completely different and partisan reaction to this only underlines how much collusion goes on between the journalists and the Democrats. They're hard to distinguish from one another. They use all the same talking points and catchphrases. They've had a shared goal of impeaching Trump since the day he was inaugurated. There is no balance or fairness in anything the media "reports" on this brazen attempt to overthrow this administration.
3) Sent to me by a dear friend and fellow memo reader. hIS FRIEND IS A MEDIATOR:"Allow me to explain...
In my ten years of mediating yesterday represented an all time LOW in Eviction Court (landlord’s attempt to dispossess their tenants). Until two years ago our average Tuesday caseload averaged between sixty and seventy cases. The calendar yesterday contained only nineteen cases (two of which apparently settled beforehand and none of the parties showed up.) The new norm has been in the mid-twenties.
Likewise, on our regular Civil calendar credit card cases, where the cc companies are pursuing former cardholders for non-payment, have also been in a markedly downward trend.
Along those same lines, we are experiencing fewer and fewer cases where one party is suing another for non-payment of car payments, repairs, etc., etc.
So why is this a HIGH? For the most part, the defendants are low income folks who heretofore struggled to pay rent and their mounting bills. Now, as a result of an improved economy they are working and as such no longer face the fear of being tossed out of their homes or getting sued for a myriad of other monetary reasons. That is the HIGH that makes me feel a lot better for them and their families.
I might add, the aforementioned are the actual facts, not rhetoric. Thus, when you hear falsely that only the rich are benefiting from this robust economy I ask you to please consider the source, motivation, and veracity of the claims!"
China Unveils New ‘Flying Saucer’ Secret Weapon
China has unveiled a new state of the art secret weapon: an attack helicopter that is black, stealthy and resembles a UFO. As Fox News reports:
An experimental attack helicopter that looks like a flying saucer has been unveiled in China.The strange flying machine, dubbed the Great White Shark, is loaded with an arsenal of high-tech weaponry and could take to the skies as early as next year.
“Attracted by the futuristic design of the aircraft, Chinese military observers pointed out that the aircraft’s high-speed and stealth capabilities could give the weapon an edge on the battlefield.”
It’s unclear just what the highly secret weapon system is capable of, or even if it’s truly a helicopter as the Chinese have initially claimed. It’s potentially highly advanced stealth capabilities may enable to not only spy on the American military, but perhaps US citizens as well.
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