Monday, October 21, 2019

Our Let's Make A Deal President and Republicans Could Have and Did not. Why?



I thought Ken Starr's, who believes the impeachment of trump is political nonsense, characterized Trump as the"Let's Make a Deal President."


Vietnam POWs Reunion at the Nixon Library - 40th Anniversary - YouTube
Salena discusses Democrats and Middle America where plenty of deplorables live. (See 1 below.)
Trump is getting more attention for his properties now that he offered and withdrawn his offer regarding the Doral.

Actually Trump's properties would benefit even if he gave any profit back because the management at last received income that covers continuing operating costs. Once again, however, the press fell for his ploy and now Trump is receiving free advertisement.

He continues to manipulate them to his benefit. I also believe it was an unwise decision in view of what  Biden allowed his son to do.

We all know why the Democrats are seeking to impeach Trump and we also know the Republicans  could have impeached Obama for the IRS scandal, for Benghazi and the many lies, for the guns sold to drug dealers and for the pallets of cash shipped in the dark of night because a treaty was done in the name of a deal but they did not.  Why?

Will the Democrats miss Middle America again?

By Salena Zito
"There are a healthy amount of middle-class suburban voters who are looking for an alternative to their options currently. It appears only two on that stage understood the lessons of 2016 and 2018: the mayor of a Midwest city and the senator from a Midwest state. The rest seem to be repeating the mistakes of the former senator from New York."

Click here for the full story

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