Sunday, November 18, 2018

Why The Divide Which Will Last. Spke Lee's Black Klansman. Trump's Vulnerability. My Mentoree. Viictor Davis Hanson.

I heard something on TV last night that rang true.  Progressives and radical Democrats accuse Conservatives and Republicans of being  racists whereas Republicans and conservatives simply disagree with the thinking of progressives and radical Democrats. Therein, lies the reason we are and will remain a divided nation.

A very dear friend and extreme liberal jokingly refers to me as a Klan member.  It rolls off my back but I know he actually feels comfortable in being able to say this because it is the way he thinks and is a natural response because he drinks the Kool Aid.

I watched the new movie "Black Klansman" by Spike Lee a few nights ago.  It is a documentary of a true event and was interesting but Lee could not help sneaking in subtle digs at Trump.  I found that sad indeed because it was pure propaganda and presented unwarranted digs. It was fake nonsense and began with Alec Baldwin and ended with videos of Charlottesville.

There have been times when Trump was insensitive and his words portrayed him in a bad light and provided fodder for his enemies but he is not a racist, nor am I nor does he support hatred of others.  He is tough when it comes to his support for our laws.  We used to be a nation that was based on a foundation of the rule of law but we have drifted away from this embrace and that is both sad and dangerous.

I do believe Trump is not a 2020 shoe in and is vulnerable for a variety of reasons:

a) He has turned off a lot of voters who, otherwise, lean towards him because of his crude, combative manner.
b) The mass media are committed to his defeat and will continue to do everything they can to paint him in the worst light at every turn.
c) Lamentably, haters generally have the upper hand and Radical Progressives have honed their negative messages in an appealing manner.
d) The world scene is unstable and our continued deficit spending  remains a ticking time bomb.
e) Now that Democrats control The House their goal is to make life miserable for Trump regardless of the impact on the nation they profess to care about.

What I also believe we are experiencing is another eruption and period of discontent by many in the black community who still have not worked through their latent resentment and aggrieved feelings. They remain unwilling to focus on the vast improvement they have made and their acceptance.  The Ellison's, Booker's, Harris, Water's , Abrams et al are leading the new generation. They are the new Sharpton's and Jackson's.

They embrace the mistaken belief equality means equality of results as opposed to equality of opportunities.

We have Obama to thank for this eruption and new discord/discontent.

I mentor a black graduate of Savannah State and he is a wonderful young man.  Courteous, thoughtful and so very appreciative of everything I do for and with him.  I have introduced him to some of my closest friends and they find him as I do.  I have every confidence he will make his way in life because he has all the ingredients to land on top.

He came to our home to hear Avi, Tuesday and sent me the most thoughtful email. He gets it. I wish I could put him in a Xerox machine.
I have been in pursuit of Victor Davis Hanson as a President's Day Speaker. In my opinion he fills the void left by Charles's Krauthammer.  He does not like to travel, has hundred of invitations to speak and resides and teaches in California. My goal is to have him be our Feb 17, 2020, SIRC speaker.

He was being interviewed by Mark Levin tonight.

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