Saturday, November 10, 2018

Stealing "Fair and Square?" Oh Those Educated Suburban Broads. Quiet Will Come At A Price.

'Dear Lord:
Thank you for bringing  me to Timmy's house and not to Michael Vick's --  AMEN!'
This from a friend of a very dear friend who became a recent memo reader. He is very articulate himself so what he wrote is doubly gratifying: "Hello Dick,

After reading many of your recent blogs, I am truly amazed at your tremendous insight and ability to wade through much of the political “noise.”     I must say that since reading and following your explanations and thinking, I feel more educated and in addition my sense of understanding is so much clearer.    I do agree with much of what you write and the conclusions you reach as a result of your research.

I am truly amazed at the wealth of information and subject matter you have in your arsenal.   I’ve often asked S------ if she knows whether you get any sleep?    I realize the amount of time it takes to put your words and thoughts on paper and then to disseminate the information to all of your blog readers.

Thank you for all your information and hope you continue writing for many years.    You are brilliant man and even more important, you have the “guts” to put your thoughts on paper for all to read.   So many people, as you know, are afraid to make their thoughts and feelings known because they fear social reprisals.   

I wish you and your family greetings for the upcoming holidays.

Best wishes

E---- H----"

"I responded that I was glad I did not wear a hat."
A very "broad" op ed about educated suburban women.  Are they "Abigail's?" (See 1 below.)
Lerner turns cynical but is probably correct. You cannot buy quiet.  It will come at a very high cost.  Just a matter of time.  (See 2 below.)
Apparently the Democrat's are taking a page from Hillary's play book and their new game in town is to deny losing elections and, if that does not work, then set about to steal it "fair and square."

This can become a winning ticket for them because it spreads distrust regarding  one of the most sacred rights we have - belief  that our votes count and the system is free of taint. If Democrats still lose they have, at least, created doubt  that the winning candidate from the opposition is illegitimate.

For those who read what I write, they know this is a theme of mine as to how radicals can destroy our nation.
1) Why Suburban Women Cost the Republicans the House

Did suburban women cost the Republicans the House of Representatives?

Most suburban women can be easily persuaded to vote for Democrats because they do not think seriously. Serious thinking in the political sense is concerned with where we are going as a nation, our moral values, our long-term prosperity, our security, our freedom and its inherent responsibilities. G.K. Chesterton said, “Thinking means connecting things, and stops if they cannot be connected” (Orthodoxy, 1908).

Don’t get me wrong – there are many intelligent, serious conservative women in Fairfax County (not to mention the nation as a whole), but they are sadly in the minority. From my limited and unscientific perspective, the reason most suburban women voted for Democrats can be divided into three categories:
  1. They don’t have to think seriously.
  2. They have never been taught to think seriously.
  3. They really don’t want to think seriously.
They Don’t Have to Think Seriously

Suburban women in modern America can live wonderfully pleasant lives without ever having to face the hard choices and difficult circumstances of past generations. Many live very comfortably with two big paychecks entering the household bank account every month. They and their husbands probably have jobs that are not subject to being shipped overseas, and get raises that mostly keep up with inflation. They have benefited from, and thoroughly enjoyed, the “Everything Bubble” created by trillions of new dollars sloshing around in the system. Those excess dollars are courtesy of the Federal Reserve money-creation scam and Congressional deficit spending that steals from the future. Housing prices are up, the stock market is up, interest rates are still low, and they may now be able to buy that beach house they always wanted. Anything can be bought by jumping in the car and pulling out the VISA card, so there is no need to worry about tomorrow. They live in safe neighborhoods where crime is never a consideration. They probably have never fired a gun, don’t have one in the house, and think guns are for policemen and Neanderthals. They don’t hunt or fish, and think those who do are poorly educated bumpkins. Good medical care is assured through employer-provided insurance, but those unfortunate souls who don’t have health insurance should be given care for free -- it is a right, you see.

They Have Never Been Taught to Think Seriously

Many suburban women in modern America have never been taught to think seriously, and that is a shame. Serious thinking relies on knowledge of history, facts and logic, which are in very short supply to those who graduated from a liberal arts education in the last 30 years. They have never been taught real American history and the sacrifices made by our forefathers, how a Constitutional Republic is supposed to work, how classical economics actually works, Judeo-Christian underpinnings of our society, and how guns save lives. They don’t understand how our prosperity is a historic miracle only possible through free markets, property rights, entrepreneurial risk taking, and minimal meddling by past governments. If they go to church, they probably never heard a preacher thundering about how judgment is soon coming to America because we have government-sanctioned infanticide and homosexual marriages. Most likely, they get their news from mainstream morning shows that are very good at providing holiday recipes and showing personal makeovers. However, they probably have not heard that China and Russia are gearing up for a conflict with us. They don’t know that countries all over the world are buying gold and figuring out how to ditch the dollar. And those alternative-media watchmen who are warning about troubles coming straight at us are conspiracy-theorists, doom-and-gloomers, or religious crackpots.

They Really Don’t Want to Think Seriously

Modern suburban women are generally nice people who want peace and prosperity, but understanding how to actually achieve it is beyond their grasp. It is much easier to use feelings and show how much they care. Intentions are much more important than results. Democrats appeal to feelings, so voting Democrat seems like the thing to do. Besides, Democrats talk about supporting “women’s rights”, code words for abortion rights. The suburban women may or may not have had an abortion in the past, but supporting the Ya-Ya Sisterhood feels like the right thing to do. And all of those poor people from Central America should have a job and a house, so why don’t we just be nice and help them? No matter that some of them have criminal records or terrorist ties. We are rich enough to take them all -- aren’t we? And suburban women really don’t care if the couple next door is two men or two women, except they secretly wish it was a nice normal family. If the sacrifice of traditional marriage is the cost of feeling good, so be it. Thinking seriously is hard work, and all of us avoid it if we can.

I don’t know what is going to happen over the next two years. Are we in the Kondratiev Winter, the Fourth Turning, or the Last Days? Maybe God will show us his displeasure through more serious natural disasters. Maybe, the financial system will experience the reset as predicted. Maybe, a war will unite us if it is not too late. Whatever the case, I hope suburban women figure it out before 2020.
2)Weekly Commentary: Israel Yields To Blackmail for Gaza Quiet - But Quiet Is
A Facade
Dr. Aaron Lerner:

Just days after Israel Television Chanel 2 news featured a Gazan wounded in
the fence riots cursing Hamas for failing to honor their promise to pay
rioters for getting wounded, Israel facilitated a $15 million cash Qatari
pay-off in the desperate hope that this would insure quiet.
Yes. We are the ones who are desperately addicted to quiet.
Quiet in Gaza and quiet in Lebanon.

We ostensibly continue activity in Syria but we are so addicted to quiet in
Lebanon that we are now allowing Hezbollah to upgrade their missiles in
Lebanon with kits that turn "statistical" missiles that randomly slam into
Israel into guided missiles with an accuracy that facilitates targeting any
facility or building they choose to destroy in the opening round of a war.
We know that the kits are in Lebanon. We know that the equipment for
attaching the kits is in Lebanon. Prime Minister Netanyahu even boasted
that we knew the locations of the upgrading facilities in Beirut when he
spoke at the UN.

Hezbollah subsequently moved the project to other locations inside Lebanon.
And we aren't doing anything.

Because we are addicted to quiet.

So "quiet" in Lebanon means Hezbollah is dramatically upgrading their
ability to harm the Jewish State.

And in Gaza?

The "quiet" we are addicted to doesn't just mean Hamas pouring many millions
of dollars into coming up with variants of the attack tunnels that our
gizmos can't detect.

There is an ongoing open program to develop bigger and better missiles.
And when one considers the relative size of the missile upgrade kits and the
precedent that we won't lift a finger against the kits in Lebanon, its only
a question of time before they are smuggled into Gaza.

The Gazans are investing heavily in unmanned airborne platforms that can
deliver bombs, etc.

And the Gazan armies openly train for war.

This is not the ragtag bunch of terrorists randomly firing AK-47's that we
faced years ago.

And there's a lot more going on.

There's every reason to believe that there are various 3-D printers as well
as the complete complement of computer driven metal working equipment.
These days instead of smuggling in a weapon you can send the SolidWorks

And frankly speaking, given that our addiction to quiet allows the Hezbullah
missile upgrade in Lebanon, it could very well be that Israeli intelligence
is already aware of mind boggling weapons programs underway in Gaza that we
don't dare attack out of fear that this will undermine the quiet.

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