Returning to Tybee.
Trump inherited a mess and he is trying his best to straight talk in the distant hope it will wake up those whom we have allowed to benefit from our own ineptness and possibly even to send a message to our own Congress it is about time you began to earn your salary and quit sloughing off your responsibilities .
Some of Trump's initiatives may fail, some of his approaches may be a bit brash but I give him credit for touching the third rail time and again, keeping his promise to the voters and making a tremendous physical effort in our behalf and against impossible odds and total rejection from the pathetic lefties.
They are being led down a path to oblivion by "Up Chuck," Pelosi, Waters and their kind. Sad indeed.
My friend writes about how America's "deplorables" and Israel are working to maintain a closer and mutually beneficial relationship after the wrenching years of Obama. (See 1 below.)
Manchin praises Kavanaugh but can't quite bring himself to cross the line as yet. (See 2 below.)
More from Victor Davis Hanson. Identity inter-sectional politics versus white privilege.
The incoherence of trying to define "diversity."(See 3 below.)
Netanyahu met with Putin before Trump to seek Putin's efforts in ridding Syria of Iranian forces. Bibi was not totally unsuccessful because Putin might eventually agree if he obtains some concession he wants from Trump. In any event, Iran will eventually become a thorn in Putin's side because Israel will not tolerate them being in Syria and yet, it may not have dawned on Putin he would be wise to assist America and Israel in down grading Iran. (See 4 and 4a below.)
At some point Jewish liberals may come to their senses but their ability to live in the comfort of their cocoon may block them from doing so. (See 5 below.)
These price correlations are gassers! (See 6 below.)
1)American Midwest Seeks Greater Cooperation with Israel
By Sherwin Pomerantz
Traditionally when Israel looks to cooperate commercially with America, people immediately think of the east and west coasts but rarely give serious thought to the center of the country. But a new initiative emanating from Illinois aims to change that perception and create a third center of interest for Israeli industry.
Toward that end ground was recently broken in Chicago for the Discovery Partners Institute (DPI), a new research institute there where world-class researchers will work side-by-side with students and businesses to foster next-generation innovation and workforce development.
The $1.2 billion institute will be operated principally through private donations and partnerships with business and industry. The institute is the inaugural step in the development of the Illinois Innovation Network (IIN), an initiative to spread DPI’s impact across the state and establish the Midwest as a major tech R&D center in the U.S.
To generate interest in this initiative and strengthen the interactions between the Midwest and Israel, a 14-member delegation from Illinois will be in Israel next week for a round of meetings and partnership discussions.
One group will represent the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences (ACES) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Headed by Dr. Elvira DeMejia, Assistant Dean for Research and Director of the University’s Division of Nutritional Sciences, the group of 7 will focus attention on tapping into the vibrant agri-tech community in Israel. They will be hosted by the Hebrew University’s Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment in Rehovot for the purpose of fostering cooperation between the two university communities. In addition, they will have a series of meetings with Israeli companies in the agri-tech space eager to identify new growth opportunities abroad.
The second group of 7 will represent the University of Illinois’ College of Engineering and the DPI. Headed by Ed Seidel, Vice-President for Economic Development and Innovation for the UofI’s system and Dr. Pradeep Khanna, Interim Associate Vice-President for Corporate and International Engagement, the group will meet with all of the major universities in Israel with whom they signed MOUs during Illinois Governor Rauner’s visit to Israel last November.
During the visit the delegation will also meet with a sampling of the close to 400 alumni of the University now resident in Israel.
This is just one of many efforts to re-direct the thinking of the Israeli business and academic community to consider the Midwest when contemplating activity in the US. Israel’s Consul General in Chicago, Aviv Ezra, has also been doing an outstanding job in promoting the concept of America’s heartland as a destination for Israeli companies.
Other initiatives abound as well. A relatively new group, WeLaunch, is an initiative of private individuals across the Midwest dedicated to connecting the “Silicon Prairie” with the “Startup Nation.” A number of government groups in the region also have economic development representatives here including the states of Illinois and Indiana, as well as the cities of St. Louis, Cincinnati and Dayton. Finally, the America-Israel Chamber of Commerce in Chicago has also been promoting such activity for some time with the newest arrival on the scene, the Michigan-Israel Business Accelerator also promoting bilateral activity.
With over 65 million people the Midwest accounts for 20% of the U.S.’ population and an equal portion of America’s GDP. So the area is ripe for further activity on behalf of Israeli companies.
Those of us who live in Israel used to say Haifa works, Jerusalem prays and Tel Aviv plays.. In a paraphrase, actor Michael Douglas said “I’m impressed with the people from Chicago. Hollywood is hype, New York is talk Chicago is work.” That sums up the attraction of the Midwest perfectly.
Sherwin Pomerantz is a 34-year resident of Jerusalem, President of Atid EDI Ltd., a Jerusalem-based business development consultancy and former National President of the Association of Americans & Canadians in Israel.
Manchin Praises SCOTUS Nominee Kavanaugh for Having ‘All The Right Qualities’ to Be Confirmed
The West Virginia Democrat stops short of saying whether he will vote to confirm the nominee
Sen. Joe Manchin (D., W.Va.) on Wednesday praised President Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee for having "all the right qualities." But he stopped short of giving a full endorsement, saying he will listen to his constituents about their opinions of the nominee.
Manchin appeared on West Virginia MetroNews, a statewide radio station, where host Hoppy Kercheval asked him whether he was going to to support nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
"Do you have a lean today?" Kercheval asked.
"No, I don’t have a lean. I think he seems to be a very fine person of high moral standards, a family person who’s very involved in his community, has all the right qualities. He’s well-educated," Manchin said. "And with that, you know, we have to just look at making sure that the rule of law and the Constitution is going to be followed, and that’s going to basically preempt anything else he does. "
"Most importantly, Hop, I intend to hear from West Virginians. And during that period of time, I just announced, I’ll be hearing from West Virginians and their opinion. And I think they have, also, a right. And that’s who I work for. They’re my boss. And we want to hear from them, too, during this process," Manchin continued.
A new poll released on Tuesday by Susan B. Anthony List (SBA List) indicated 59 percent of West Virginia voters want Manchin to confirm Kavanaugh.
Kavanaugh, who was nominated Monday night to replace retiring Justice Anthony Kennedy on the nation’s highest court, will now face confirmation hearings before the Senate Judiciary Committee. A vote before the full Senate will follow, assuming he clears the smaller committee. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) recently vowed that a vote will happen this fall before midterm elections.
While Manchin said his constituents will help him a reach a decision on how to vote after the confirmation hearing, he will face pressure from liberal groups to vote against Kavanaugh. A leader for the organization Indivisible Project, a progressive group formed as a reaction to the election of Trump, said on Tuesday night that his organization will be trying to pressure all Senate Democrats to unify against Kavanaugh. Many Democratic senators,politicians, and officials have similarly expressed the need to oppose Trump's nominee.
In contrast, conservatives have widely praised Kavanaugh for his adherence to the Constitution and immense qualifications.
The Strange Career of White Privilege By Victor Davis Hanson
Posted by Ruth King
Rich whites invent minority pedigrees to gain advantage while they condemn poor and working-class rural whites as racist.
You hear the phrase “white privilege” nonstop in America these days, as the slogan has transcended the campus and entered popular culture.
Historically, the term apparently refers to the original European settlers who came to the United States and later equated the protections of the U.S. Constitution solely with their own majority ethnicity and race — a tribal and chauvinistic mindset that still governs politics and immigration the world over, from China and Japan to most African and South American countries.
Yet the singular transcendent logic of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence was that all people innately were created equal. It took over two centuries on the ground to catch up to such lofty idealism.
Yet given that immigration by the early 19th century was already bringing in millions of so-called non-white immigrants, in addition to Native and African Americans, America soon was at least evolving into a multiracial democratic nation united under one shared culture — a radical idea and the first such edgy experiment in human history.
During the civil-rights movement of the 1960s, the nation’s racial tensions were mostly still defined as a binary of a dominant white majority and an often discriminated-against African-American minority.
Years of past prejudice had sparked the idea of affirmative action, or federal reparatory programs accorded to a historically discriminated-against black minority.
However, by the 1980s, owing to new cycles of massive immigration, other minorities likewise explained their own inequality in terms of white-majority oppressors. They lobbied to be included in government reparation programs in job hiring and college admissions.
During the Obama administration, affirmative action was informally recalibrated again well beyond grievances by black and Latino groups against the white majority. Now it was superseded by a far more comprehensive notion of expansive “diversity” — a sort of update of Jesse Jackson’s old notion of a Rainbow Coalition of various aggrieved groups uniting to press their claims for various set-asides to a white majority.
The bizarre academic term “intersectionality” likewise followed, suggesting that gays, feminists, and minorities were united in focusing on supposed white-privilege pathologies. Yet no one quite knew how to calibrate all the competing claims of victim-hood by race, class, gender, and sexual orientation — as if a white trans-gendered actor should merit more grievance points than a black impoverished lesbian versus an Egyptian immigrant female CEO or a gay Latino policeman. Such musings are not caricatures, but the logic of the preambles to the usual progressive politicking, when a politico such as Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama did not welcome a crowd as a collective of Americans but ticked off all the various identity-politics groups present, all with claims against the majority.
Unfortunately, “diversity” was never exactly defined — and perhaps could not be. The ad hoc buzzword now referred to all white people on one side who enjoyed supposedly innate skin-color-based privilege, set against almost everyone else — at least sort of.
Those purportedly without white-based privilege included everyone from African Americans and Latinos to recent immigrants from Asia, Africa, and South America. A graduate student could be a descendent of a white Italian immigrant to Argentina, but have come to the U.S. as a “minority” because of his Latinate name and Spanish-speaking ability. The diversity assumption was that the minute a wealthy grandee from Buenos Aires applied for a teaching job in the U.S., he “counted” as a minority, although he could often be more affluent and whiter than those born with “white privilege” in the U.S.
“Diversity,” unlike prior affirmative action for blacks, rested on a number of other assumptions that soon proved even more incoherent.
What exactly did “white privilege” mean in an ethnically diverse society?
Mere appearance? Yet many Arab Americans and Latinos were indistinguishable from fifth-generation Southern European Americans or Armenian Americans. Politics had something to do with skin color, but how and why was inferred rather than defined. If a white-looking second-generation Arab American put on a head scarf and declaimed against U.S. policy, and if she had a name that was clearly not European in origin, then she too was a “minority” and could advance claims against “white privilege.” But should she dress in assimilated fashion and voice support for the state of Israel, then she probably possessed “white privilege” and joined the victimizers rather than the victims.
Intermarriage is increasingly common, if not the near norm. Millions of Americans are one-quarter something, one-half something else, and again one-quarter something still different.
Once race rather than character became preeminent, stranger ideas followed. In the racist past, a non-white or someone of mixed lineage sought to “pass” as white to obtain parity; in our racist present, someone of mixed descent seeks to pass as non-white to obtain advantage.
For the children of intermarried couples, it can be a career-changing decision to evolve from Robert Smith to Robert Garcia Smith (or even better Roberto Garcia Smith) to reflect one’s maternal Latino roots.
So, for careerist reasons, some Americans of mixed descent emphasized their supposed non-white lineage. They began ethnicizing, accenting, or hyphenating their names, knowing that their mere appearance might not easily prove that they were non-white. The number of students, friends, and associates I’ve known who, for careerist concerns in their adult years, re-calibrated their ethnic identity by nomenclature, fashion, and politics is legion.
Sometimes even slight changes in self-identification have consequences. For the children of intermarried couples, it can be a career-changing decision to evolve from Robert Smith to Robert Garcia Smith (or even better Roberto Garcia Smith) to reflect one’s maternal Latino roots – an effort especially appreciated by universities and employers. As I have written in the past, if George Zimmerman had focused on his Afro-Peruvian mother’s lineage and become re-branded as Jorge Mesa or at least Jorge Mesa Zimmerman, an exasperated New York Times might not have reinvented Zimmerman as a “white Hispanic,” and the entire Trayvon Martin national controversy would have been retold as a fatal fight between an Afro Latino and an African American — and not become a supposed national referendum on white supremacy and racism. Unfortunately for Zimmerman, his name instead conjured up victimizing Germanic racism, not a victimized indigenous person.
In some cases, the more desperate have invented minority pedigrees out of whole cloth, like the false but self-serving and opportunistic claim of Senator Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) that she was Native American (on the basis of “high cheekbones” or family mythology), or Professor Ward Churchill’s similar fake Native American get-up that got him hired as a minority at the University of Colorado.
But even if we were all to wear DNA badges and could agree on a magical non-white percentile that qualifies us for minority status, contradictions would still surround the construct of “white privilege.”
Does the white Appalachian coal miner in West Virginia really have an innate leg up on the Punjabi immigrant exec in Silicon Valley on the basis of his appearance? Yet somewhere along the line in a supposed racist America, being a white male in Fayette County, W. Va., did not innately trump being a techie immigrant from Mumbai in Menlo Park. Does multi-billionaire Oprah Winfrey have less privilege and opportunity than a white cook in Provo, Utah?
Does the recently arrived undocumented immigrant who has lived his entire life in the Mexican state of Oaxaca become eligible for career and job enhancement because he does not superficially look like the out-of-work lathe worker in southern Ohio? Is the theory that the minute the immigrant crosses the border to the U.S. from his formerly racist society, his children will become eligible for federally mandated advantages on the reasoning that from now on, they will face racism as a non-white in the country to which he fled in order to avoid racism in the country of his birth?
Federal statistics reveal that in terms of average median household income, those who loosely identify as Asian are far wealthier ($80,720 per year) than whites ($61,349). Do they enjoy “Asian privilege” of having on average $20,000 more as a family to spend each year than whites?
In terms of the most indigent counties in the United States, four of the five poorest have overwhelmingly white populations.
More specifically, the top three ethnic income groups in the United States are not categorized as “white”: Indian American ($110,026), Taiwanese American ($90,221), and Filipino American ($88,745). What sort of non-privilege allowed them to vastly outdistance their supposedly racist white-majority hosts — superior education, smarter professional choices, more cohesive family structures, all of which somehow trumped their outward appearance?
In terms of the most indigent counties in the United States, four of the five poorest have overwhelmingly white populations. That might suggest not only that the term “white” is increasingly undefinable, at least in terms of status, class, and privilege, but that “white” includes a vast array of disparate cultures and experiences that make impossible any conclusive idea of white-privilege solidarity.
In many ways, the greatest polarization in the country today is along class, not racial, lines, especially between lower- and middle-class whites and rich, coastal-elite whites — as we were reminded by Hillary Clinton’s recent disdain shown the “deplorables” and “irredeemables.”
Trump rode to victory in part on the furor of voters in the Midwest and rural states who were derided for their privilege (though they did not seem to have much) by those who most certainly did enjoy privilege.
One of the strangest elements of the American obsession with superficial appearance is the habit of very well connected and affluent whites faulting poor whites for their “white privilege.” It has become a sort of rite-of-passage virtue-signaling in which rich, white college students at tony universities damn white privilege and the supposedly racist, nativist, xenophobic, and sexist Trump Neanderthals. With this, they establish their spiritually pure fides or, more practically, earn a sort of insurance policy in case the all-seeing eye of the diversity tower turns its focus on them someday.
Donald Trump rode to victory in part on the furor of voters in the Midwest and rural states who were derided for their privilege (though they did not seem to have much) by those who most certainly did enjoy privilege.
Do not underestimate the Trump voter. When they channel-surfed cable news, or heard of the antics that took place on college campuses, or saw street-theater demonstrations on television, they boiled at the idea that they had often worked at minimum wage, saw their jobs outsourced, never discriminated against anyone, and yet were being damned by smug youth who in a few years would draw on their college B.A. cattle brand, their parents’ lobbying, and the good-old-boy network of being rich, white, and from the proper zip code to inherit their rightful place in business, investment, politics, entertainment, the media, or the university. Google all the rich, white, privileged pundits who at one time or another, both in jest and in all seriousness, have called to deport the deplorables and in their stead give amnesty to illegal aliens or import “better” people from abroad.
In sum, the terms “diversity” and “white privilege” have now been stretched to denote so many things, and yet they encompass so many paradoxes and contradictions, that they have become words that mean nothing much at all.
How odd that the current revolutionary mode is to keep these reactionary Byzantine classifications and programs that no longer sync with reality, and to damn as reactionary the truly revolutionary act — which would be to start treating people as unique individuals whose appearance is a secondary consideration.
Netanyahu off to Moscow for 9th meeting with Putin in three years
Before taking off, Netanyahu told reporters he will discuss with Putin Syria, Iran and “Israel’s security needs.”
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu left Wednesday morning for a 24 hour trip to Moscow, where talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin are expected to center not only on Iran’s presence in Syria, but also Putin’s upcoming talks with US President Donald Trump.
Before taking off, Netanyahu told reporters he will discuss with Putin Syria, Iran and “Israel’s security needs.”
Netanyahu said he “very much appreciates the excellent direct contact I have with President Putin. It is very important to Israel’s national security.”
Netanyahu is expected to stress Israel’s continued opposition to any Iranian presence in Syria. While that is Israel’s public position, the talks are expected to concentrate on ensuring that Iranian forces, Hezbollah or Shia militia forces do not penetrate into southern Syria along with Syrian Resident Bashar Assad’s forces.
Netanyahu is scheduled to meet Putin this evening, just prior to the World Cup semifinal in Moscow, which he then is expected to attend along with Putin. Netanyahu will bring two young cancer patients he invited to join the trip to the game, which he will attend with his wife Sara.
No other meetings are on Netanyahu’s itinerary, and he is scheduled to fly home Thursday morning.
This will be Netanyahu’s third meeting with Putin this year, and the ninth since Putin moved into Syria in September 2015.
Before taking off, Netanyahu told reporters he will discuss with Putin Syria, Iran and “Israel’s security needs.”
Netanyahu said he “very much appreciates the excellent direct contact I have with President Putin. It is very important to Israel’s national security.”
Netanyahu is expected to stress Israel’s continued opposition to any Iranian presence in Syria. While that is Israel’s public position, the talks are expected to concentrate on ensuring that Iranian forces, Hezbollah or Shia militia forces do not penetrate into southern Syria along with Syrian Resident Bashar Assad’s forces.
Netanyahu is scheduled to meet Putin this evening, just prior to the World Cup semifinal in Moscow, which he then is expected to attend along with Putin. Netanyahu will bring two young cancer patients he invited to join the trip to the game, which he will attend with his wife Sara.
No other meetings are on Netanyahu’s itinerary, and he is scheduled to fly home Thursday morning.
This will be Netanyahu’s third meeting with Putin this year, and the ninth since Putin moved into Syria in September 2015.
4a) Ex-IDF intel chief: Iran footprint in Syria may be to hide nukes from IAEA
A major purpose of Iran wanting to enlarge its footprint in Syria may be to hide aspects of its nuclear program from the International Atomic Energy Agency, former top IDF military intelligence official Yossi Kuperwasser said Wednesday.
Speaking at a Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs conference on the Iran nuclear situation, Brig. Gen. (ret.) Kuperwasser noted that IAEA inspectors are limited to inspecting Iran’s territory.
He made the comment as he discussed the fact that the Iran nuclear deal lacked granting IAEA inspectors complete access to Iranian scientists.
Based on that limited access, Kuperwasser said Iran could move and conceal its nuclear scientists and various nuclear activities in Syria.
Earlier at the same conference, Energy Minister Yuval Steinitz said that he believed the current US sanctions would succeed at getting Iran to make further compromises regarding its nuclear program and overall behavior because “in six to 12 months, the [economic] situation in Iran will be extremely grave.”
Steinitz said that the key to understanding how Iran will respond to the current US economic pressure was to understand that even as the US is acting alone, it secondary sanctions could be even more suffocating for Iran’s economy than prior UN sanctions which most of the world signed on to.
He was pressed afterward by The Jerusalem Post about whether the EU’s retaliatory sanctions and vow to prop up any of its companies who continue business with Iran as well as the Trump administration’s trade wars would limit US sanctions’ impact.
The energy minister responded that he was less concerned about EU actions to prop up the agreement, but was concerned that if the Trump trade wars were drawn out for a long time that this could reduce the power of US secondary sanctions.
Quite simply, he explained that if EU, Chinese and other foreign companies were already being limited from access to the US economy by broader trade war issues, that they would not view Iran-related sanctions as causing them new damage.
How Many Times Can U.S. Jewish Liberals Cry 'Nazi!' at Trump?
Reasonable people must stop buying into the lunacy that Americans are living in the moral equivalent of the last days of the Weimar Republic. And that applies to Jews making offensive Holocaust analogies too
For many on the American Jewish left, President Donald Trump’s nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court is the last straw. Like his "zero tolerance” immigration policy, the prospect of ensuring a solidly conservative majority on the high court is viewed with horror by many who see this as the beginning of the end of liberal democracy.
Indeed, Trump’s presidency is so abhorrent to those who deplore his policies that they have ceased to view politics as something on which decent people can agree to disagree.
That’s the only explanation for why even normally sensible people like historian Laurel Leff, whose book about the way The New York Times covered up the Holocaust is still essential reading, would essentially defend the public harassment of Trump administration officials on the specious grounds that Jews who opposed the Nazis in the 1930s were also viewed as not being civil to Germans (The Trump Civility Debate Isn't New. In the 1930s, America Debated Whether It Was Civil to Shun the Nazis.)
Whatever you may think about the enforcement of existing U.S. immigration laws or about the future of the U.S. Supreme Court, Holocaust analogies to what is happening in the United States are as unhelpful to helping us understand what is going on as they are egregiously wrong.
There is a lot to criticize about Trump but, as the battle over the court reveals, most of what he’s done as president are things that any Republican would have done since, to some surprise, he has largely governed as a conventional conservative.
The left’s apocalyptic rhetoric notwithstanding, after nearly 18 months in office, evidence of tyranny, as opposed to policies Democrats oppose, is scant. Freedom of the press and the right of free assembly continues. If the American people are so outraged about what is going on in Washington, they can vote out Congressional Republicans in November and do the same to Trump two years later.
But that’s not the way it feels to many Americans. Even some mainstream liberals truly appear to believe American liberty is hanging in the balance, and nothing short of active "resistance" is required in order to prevent the country from sliding into fascism.
Part of this can be put down to the fact that Americans no longer read, watch or listen to the same media, a trend that has been worsened by the rise of social media, allowing us to isolate ourselves from all opposing views.
That has fed not merely an inability to listen to the other side but a sense of despair about politics and society and a belief that opponents aren’t just wrong but have bad intentions. That explains both the over-the-top rhetoric as well as the breakdown of civility that allows otherwise decent people to justify insults and harassment of people whose only crime is to hold different political opinions.
But while conservatives may scoff at liberal nightmares, they also ought to sound vaguely familiar
During the 2016 campaign Michael Anton’s article "The Flight 93 Election," published in the Claremont Review, caused a sensation. His belief was that for many on the right, the election was a last chance to save the republic.
Just like the passengers on United Flight 93 on 9/11, who were forced to charge the cockpit even though the odds of survival were minimal, many on the right believed Hillary Clinton had to be stopped. For them that justified supporting a candidate like Trump, who didn’t share their values, so long as the liberal transformation of the courts and the nation due to President Barack Obama’s policies, was stalled.
Trump’s conservative judicial appointments and other policies have justified the faith of those voters. The right’s fear that liberals were trying to effectively eradicate religious freedom for conservatives is, at least for the moment, assuaged.
But for liberals, this is their "Flight 93" moment.
The debate about immigration has become one in which all border-security measures - and not just the cruel ones - are demonized to justify some of the apocalyptic rhetoric being employed. And now a conventional ideological battle over control of the Supreme Court is being sold as nothing less than Armageddon, as if preventing the confirmation of a fifth conservative justice is all that stands between America and "The Handmaid's Tale" becoming reality.
Think what you like about Trump and the Republicans, but it’s time for reasonable people to stop buying into the lunacy that the sky is falling and that Americans are living in the moral equivalent of the last days of the Weimar Republic. For all of the country’s problems, this sort of Flight 93 analogy and the panic it feeds is as dangerous a fantasy for the left as it was for the right.
In particular, Jews need to resist the temptation to invoke the Holocaust in this discussion because it is an offense to history. But more than that, like a lot of Trump’s rhetoric, such talk coarsens and inflames the tone of political debate to the point where all that remains is unreasoning hate and an all-consuming left/right culture war that is the true threat to democracy.
Jonathan S. Tobin is editor in chief of JNS (the Jewish News Syndicate) and a contributing writer for National Review. Twitter: @jonathans_tobin
Jonathan S. Tobin is editor in chief of JNS and a contributor to the National Review, the New York Post, the Federalist, Haaretz and the New York Jewish Week. He can be reached via e-mail at: jtobin@jns.org. Follow him on Twitter at @jonathans_tobin and on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/jonathan.tobin.3
All these examples do NOT imply that gasoline
is cheap;it just illustrates how outrageous some prices are.
This puts things into perspective.
Diet Snapple, 16 oz , $1.29 .. $10.32 per gallon!
Starbuck's Reg. Coffee 16 oz, $2.10... $16.80 per
Lipton Ice Tea, 16 oz , $1.19 .. $9.52 per gallon!
Gatorade, 20 oz , $1.59 ..... $10.17 per gallon!
Ocean Spray, 16 oz , $1.25 .. $10.00 per gallon!
Brake Fluid, 12 oz , $3.15 ... $33.60 per gallon!
Vick's NyQuil, 6 oz , $8.35 .. $178.13 per gallon!
Pepto Bismol, 4 oz, $3.85 . $123.20 per gallon!
Whiteout, 7 oz , $1.39 ........ $25.42 per gallon!
Scope, 1.5 oz , $0.99 ....$84.48 per gallon!
And this is the REAL
Evian water, 9 oz , $1.49 ..$21.19
per gallon!
$21.19 for a gallon of
and the buyers don't even know
the source!!(Evian spelled backwards is
Ever wonder why computer printers
are so cheap? So theycan hook you for the ink. Someone
calculated the cost ofthe ink; you won't believe it but it's
true: $5,200 a gal.
$5,200 A GALLON!!!
So, the next time you're at the
pump, be glad yourcar doesn't run on water, Scope,
Whiteout, Pepto Bismol, NyQuil
or, God forbid, Printer Ink!!!!!
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