Saturday, July 28, 2018

Great Weekend At Hilton Head With Dear Friends. Trump Tries and Will Take Time. The Unwilling,Haters and Why. Another Rant.

We have returned from Hilton Head and a delightful and relaxed weekends with dear friends.  Though I brought my new I Pad with me, that my number two daughter bought me for my birthday, I only checked and responded to e mails and did nothing by way of memo writing.

A lot has happened in the last few days and I will use this time to make a few comments and post several meaningful op eds and articles etc..

While away it was announced on Friday that GDP advanced to 4.1% and I caught a few playbacks on TV where Obama said it would never happen and an assortment of Trump Haters and mass media dunces made various comments about it not being sustainable, flash in the pan, all due to anticipatory buying because of impending trade wars and/or  due to Obama because everything was on the way up just as he left office.

Trump was right as was JFK.  Cut taxes, take some other positive actions and the economy will expand, consumer confidence will improve.  Meanwhile, hatred, denial and stupidity saves one from seeing the light.

Here is what I see Trump trying to accomplish and I continue to recognize, if he can, it will take years because these are momentous and knotty issues that have been foot-balled or made worse by failed efforts etc.

Trump is trying:

a)  to correct trade abuses and level the playing field. With respect to Europe he might be making progress after the recent visit by the E.U's Trade representative..

b) to get the leader of N Korea to realize he could become  a positive  historical leader if he renounces his nuclear program, turns his nation around and allows it to become part of the world community,  by adopting a semblance of capitalistic economics to N Korea and allow his citizens to prosper.

c) to get Russia and China to assist him by permitting N Korea to move in the above direction among other hopes.(See b above.)

d) to return our economy to a more favorable growth rate which will produce more revenue to reduce the deficit and  improve enough to reach unemployment levels that have become systemic.

e) to get Europeans to join him in supporting the Iranian Street in the hope the Mullah's will be overthrown.  Trump hopes, through sanctions and other economic efforts, war can be avoided.

f) to rebuild our military capability because, through strength, his efforts on the above issues are more likely to carry weight, be deemed credible by our adversaries and thus, possibly succeed. (A lot of what Trump is trying is taken from Reagan's playbook.)

Perhaps those who prefer chaos, the radical left that now controls the Democrat Party's messaging, prefer war. Trump seems he is trying to avoid war but also is willing to prepare for it should it become unavoidable.

g) to reduce government restraints on entrepreneurship by cutting senseless rules, regulations and crippling red tape that serves the narrow selfish power seeking  interests of bureaucrats so business will flourish.

h) to give veterans a fairer shake when it comes to America's commitment with respect to health care and other entitlements because of their valid/self-less service.

And what about Trump's efforts to get our military dead returned?

i) to reduce illegal efforts by those who want to challenge our rule of law governance, penetrate our borders, defy government laws claiming state right's prevail. In other words, Trump does not agree with those who pursue and/or benefit from chaos . (See 1 below.)

Again, I emphasize these above efforts will take time and, since our system allows for presidential change every 4 years, anyone, who cares deeply about peace, betterment, should be disgusted with  Democrats, Trump haters and mass media efforts to focus on everything that throws roadblocks in Trump's way.  They should be asking themselves why?

There are several answers:

a) First the assortment of haters find Trump not to their liking as a person.  He falls short of their high standards but of course "Ole Bill passed muster along with a lot of Hollywood scum etc.

b) Second, Trump is out to disrupt their desire/ability to cling to power and enjoy the fruits of their failed policies.

c) Third, they get re-elected by professing they care for various racial/social blocks that stupidly continue to vote Democrat.  In essence they are shocked their game of political alignment and identity politics being disrupted because they are now able to find work and can take themselves off the dole of dependency.

An elegant  black woman , who also happens to be a college professor, speaks out.  (See 1a below.)

d) They are concerned that everything they said would not happen, could not happen is proving they are more like naysayers than "true" progressives.  Yeah-what have you got to lose?

e) Again, let's not forget the chaos crowd who benefit from war, from floods of immigrants, from discord etc.

No, I too find Trump hard to take at times.  Yes, he has led a playbook lifestyle but, then, so did the Camelot Kennedy's and what about Lyndon?. Donald has an enormous ego which can cause problems because he is often headstrong.  Incidentally so was our revered FDR.

What I continue to focus on is what Trump's ideas are accomplishing and you know the rest.

As for Democrats,, assorted Trump haters and mass media pathetic's you seem to have led yourselves into a Collusion Corner, so now they are trying to reverse course by focusing on anything and everything pertaining to Trump prior to his becoming president.  The latest revelations come from Trump's gum-shoe lawyer who seeks to avoid a Mueller jailing but, eventually, will be disbarred for selling what little vestige of professionalism he ever had.

Bernie, Pocahontas - how do you respond?


VIDEO: D'Souza shocks with truth about Democrat racism - Dinesh D'Souza
Another Rant Rave. (See 2 below.)


Open letter to Brennan. (See 2a below.)
Only liberals could. (See 3 below.)


Reality vs. an idealistic dream!


1) Major American City Shuns Trump's Deportation Squad
By AAN Staff

The City of Philadelphia revealed further steps it intends to impose on local law enforcement to further limit cooperation with ICE. (Associated Press)

Philadelphia will stop giving U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement access to a real-time arrest database, accusing the agency of misusing the information to target people who are in the country illegally but are otherwise not accused of any crimes, the mayor announced Friday.

“We’re not going to provide them with information so they can go out and round people up,” Democrat Jim Kenney said.

The decision by the mayor means the city will not renew the contract with ICE that expires Aug. 31.

Two of three stakeholders in the contract — the city, the district attorney and the city courts — had to vote to end it. District Attorney Larry Krasner had said this month he would not renew the contract, saying it promotes oppressive practices.

1a) Enough with the Victimhood: Millionaire Athletes and Their Lost Cause;  finally someone pointing out the true culprits behind this nonsense!
by Sylvia Thompson

You can click on Sylvia Thompson to read about her background, and you can google her name and pull up her credentials (U. of Oregon Dr. Sylvia Linan-Thompson).1 October, 2017

I must admit I have never in my life purchased a ticket to a sports event. I am not a sports enthusiast. But I am an American black citizen, and I have had it up to the gills with black people who embrace victimhood. I also highly resent my being expected to do the same in order to affirm my “blackness.”

Black victims these days, for the most part, are the product of decades of Black Americans being used primarily by white progressive leftists to advance an anti-American agenda.

The current brouhaha surrounding the despicable behavior of NFL athletes toward the National Anthem and the American flag is a prime example of what the Left has done to my race

One must assume these players and their guilt-conflicted white coaches and owners (and victimhood-inflicted black coaches) are being manipulated by the Left, because no intelligent, thinking people would deliberately cut themselves off at the knees. Essentially, what these young misguided mostly black men are doing is ensuring the demise of their lucrative paychecks. Further, I would wager that if these teams consisted of all white athletes, none of this idiocy would be allowed. We are witnessing this travesty because the vast majority of players are black and can whine “oppression” if appropriate action is taken against them for their unconscionable behavior.

The twisted reasoning that claims these protests are to highlight “injustice” and “police brutality” is a laughable crock. What they do in fact is dishonor valued symbols of this nation’s heritage and cover over truth about black crime.

Black males bear the brunt of police encounters because black males commit disproportionately more crimes. Police encounters with black men are so often confrontational because so many of these men, especially the young, don’t think “compliance” applies to them. They foolishly assume they are above the law and disrespect for police officers is an act of honor.

These young blacks, sadly, took much of their direction from racists Obama and Eric Holder during Obama’s destructive, eight-year regime and Holder’s corruption of the Justice Department. These two men, abusing their federal powers, gave young blacks the impression they need not heed the law, because laws are somehow unjust when they are applied to black Americans. The NFL lot, and any other athletes taking a similar stance, are also influenced by Obama’s and Holder’s disdain for law and law enforcement.

I am not familiar with one case where a black suspect to a crime was not proven legally to have caused the behavior against him, particularly in cases where the police officer involved was exonerated by facts. Michael Brown of “hands up, don’t shoot” infamy is one good example. Blatant lies were spread to cloud the truth about Brown’s case.

Back in the day when I was growing up in the racially segregated South, the opposite prevailed in many cases. There was much injustice particularly toward black men, but not today. Today, too many blacks have been fed the notion that it is now “pay-back” time, and they can flaunt their lawlessness because some whites flaunted theirs during an earlier time in our nation’s history.

Although Obama and Holder no longer wield power in this country, some of their minions continue on the pernicious path of “paying back” American whites for wrongs, real or imagined. But as the saying goes, there is a new Sheriff in town and he is not guilt-conflicted. He expects fair play under law and tolerating pay-back is not part of his agenda. Black Americans, when they break the law, can no longer claim victim status simply because they are black. Those days are over.

American laws and law enforcement personnel will be respected in America, again; our traditions and values will not be impugned in America without consequences, again. Anybody unsettled about this turn of events is welcome to leave this country. I suggest all the black players try a country in Africa, and see how successful they will be at making millions playing games. They will all soon learn what oppression really means.

Some self-directed, independent-thinking blacks (and there are many of us) have offered that if these millionaire protestors want to tackle some real problems, they might consider the thousands of black children killed in abortions annually (by the progressive Left), or perhaps the many, many young blacks murdered routinely on inner-city streets by other young blacks (in cities run by progressive, leftist Democrats), or the downright criminal state of education of black inner-city children, orchestrated by the progressive leftist National Education Association (NEA). The NEA’s aim is to produce unintelligent pawns to feed the cause of progressivism.

I am annoyed by the expressions of “sincerity” gracing the faces of the NFL protestors—as if to convey the “hallowedness” of their cause. In actuality, they provide a picture of grown men allowing themselves to be made fools of by the progressive Left. I don’t doubt, however, that some of these men have been coerced into compliance with this lost cause, either through threats of violence or shunning (from coaches and players). Alejandro Villanueva of the Pittsburgh Steelers and former Army ranger is very likely a victim of such threats. He was publicly castigated by his leftist coach for his patriotism. The coach demanded unity behind an ignorant cause.

And finally, this issue has nothing to do with First Amendment rights. President Trump’s speaking out against the clownish behavior of the athletes, on behalf of the majority of American citizens, does not mean he can or would stop any of these misguided people from making fools of themselves. To restrict them, as a government entity, would indeed be a violation of the First Amendment. But their employers, if they were to develop even a modicum of testicular fortitude, could and should fire them for doing major damage to the bottom line of the business. The rest of us non-millionaire “Joes” would certainly be pink-slipped by an employer if we dared to be so clueless about the necessity of profits and so disdainful of the sensibilities of customers.

I will wait patiently for the true sports enthusiasts to vent their rage by simply boycotting the games. It will be sweet revenge to witness the slain goose cease producing its golden eggs.
2) As predicted, the EU blinked. Trump won very big. That must make my liberal readers cringe, but it happened exactly as it was supposed to. The EU was in no position to fight the US in a trade war. It would have been very harmful to Germany if we put on the auto tariffs, and other tariffs. This was a giant change to trade policies for the world. A deal with Mexico is soon to follow.  Then Trudeau will have no choice but to give in. All the screeching in the press and by economists and politicians was just nonsense noise by weak people who have no idea how to stage a tough negotiation NY style. You have to never give in until the other guy realizes you do not care what pressures are on you, or what other people say. You persevere until he taps out and you win. Now there will be major changes to the China negotiation as the EU will be aligned with the US in pushing back on China for IP theft, forced technology transfer, state owned company subsidies, steel dumping, and much more. The WTO will be revised to actually work as intended. It is impossible to overstate the impact of the agreement with the EU. Everything now changes, and China will have to really worry with the major trading nations aligned. . It also means the EU will be working much more closely with the US on NATO, and against Russia. The new pipeline may now never get built. US LNG will be exported in massive amounts which Obama tried to stop by keeping LNG ports from being built and by restricting fracking. The export of large amounts of LNG  will help increase GDP growth in Q3  and beyond by a considerable amount, TBD.   The stock market now will head to 26,000 and higher. The Republicans just won in November, barring some unexpected event. If your total portfolio is not up by at least 6% YTD, get a new strategy, or new advisor. You are missing out on a major increase in your net worth.

What is interesting is CNBC, a business channel, did not report the tariff deal until later, and then  it was the seventh story below a story about Facebook and other far less important things.  CNN initially made it a second level story. MSNBC initially did not even report it. I listened to NBC evening news just out of curiosity,  and they barely mentioned today’s tariff news, until mid-show, and instead focused on the Cohen tape, and had some non-descript lawyer claiming that even though nothing happened, and the tape is incomplete, Trump is guilty of criminal conspiracy. Then they went on to talk about the price of Jeeps, and other cars costing thousands more due to tariffs etc, from tariffs, failing  to mention there will be no tariffs. And they wonder about why nobody but the far left bothers with the media anymore. The liberal economists I spoke to claim nothing really happened. NBC even played a tape of a farmer lamenting tariffs, but not mentioning the tariffs have been cancelled, more soybeans will be exported,  and tariffs and EU regulation will no longer apply to most farm products. It is a shame that most of America is getting a false newscast instead of objective news like the old days of Walter Cronkite and Chet Huntley.  As usual, the left just cannot let themselves accept Trump actually did a very good thing on trade. We will instead see it play out over the next several weeks despite the media.

Most earnings reports and forecasts are excellent, and will continue to be so. Boeing, a major Dow component,  was off a bit, but their backlog and defense business are excellent, but it held down the Dow actual increase. After Friday when the GDP number is reported at over 4%, the market is likely to move higher, unless there is a major surprise to the downside, which nobody expects. Oil remains below $70, commodities remain lower, and wages still have not increased to a point of worry, the ten year stays under 3%, and oil stays under, or around $70.   In short, inflation is still under control. It is too early to know what to make of the serious decline on home sales in southern CA until we get more data from elsewhere. The problem seems to be home prices there have skyrocketed. We need to see the rest of the country to understand what is going on. 

Chinese real estate investors in US assets were net sellers in Q1, and this is likely to continue as the Chinese government forces more sales. If you have been around  long enough, you know this is a usual pattern, Arabs, Japanese, Chinese, Russians were all long term investors who overpaid, until they were not.  It is the same story over and over, decade after decade. I am not sure which ethnic group comes next, but the story never changes. Some country, or group, gets a windfall, invests in US real estate at inflated prices, claims to be long term investors, and then the story changes and they sell, and go home nursing their losses.  It is an old story. So don’t fall for it when the next group shows up with their windfall cash. Sell to them, and then wait until they are forced to sell it back.  The idea they are long term investors is just a lot of BS. The reality is, it is all flight money until they need to cover their problems at home. The story never changes decade after decade.

The far left is taking over the Dems, and it is like the tea party threatening the Republicans years ago. It will fail miserably. The R’s will win NJ senate seat. Menendez loses. Kavanaugh gets confirmed. Rand Paul votes yes, as does Collins. Manchin votes yes, but still loses.

Here is the bad news.  I have seemingly reached an age where no matter how much tennis I play- now 4-5 days a week, I just do not improve very much. This is of much greater importance to me than the tariff deal or anything else.


Dear Mr. Brennan,

I understand that you are a political opponent of the current President of the United States. I understand that you are an American citizen, and you have the right to freedom of speech. I encourage you to utilize that right. I encourage you to speak your mind. I encourage you, as I do all Americans, to be heard.
I implore you, however to cease and desist from continuing to attempt to portray yourself in the public media as some sort of impartial critic concerned only with the fate of the republic. I beg you to stop attempting to portray yourself as some sort of wise, all-knowing intelligence professional with deep knowledge of national security issues and no political inclinations whatsoever.

None of this is true.
You were never a spy. You were never a case officer. You never ran operations or recruited sources or worked the streets abroad. You have no idea whatsoever of the true nature of the business of human intelligence. You have never been in harm’s way. You have never heard a shot fired in anger.

You were for a short while an intelligence analyst. In that capacity, it was your job to produce finished intelligence based on information provided to you by others. The work of intelligence analysts is important, however in truth you never truly mastered this trade either.
In your capacity as an analyst for the Central Intelligence Agency, while still a junior officer, you were designated to brief the President of the United States who was at that time Bill Clinton. As the presidential briefer, it was your job to read to the president each morning finished intelligence written by others based on intelligence collected by yet other individuals. Period.
While serving as presidential briefer you established a personal relationship with then President Bill Clinton. End of story.
Everything that has transpired in your professional career since has been based on your personal relationship with the former president, his wife Hillary and their key associates. Your connection to President Obama was, in fact, based on you having established yourself by the time he came to office as a reliable, highly political Democratic Party functionary.
All of your commentary in the public sphere is on behalf of your political patrons. It is no more impartial analysis then would be the comments of a paid press spokesman or attorney. You are speaking each and every time directly on behalf of political forces hostile to this president. You are, in fact, currently on the payroll of both NBC and MSNBC, two of the networks most vocally opposed to President Trump and his agenda.
There is no impartiality in your comments. Your assessments are not based on some sober judgment of what is best for this nation. They are based exclusively on what you believe to be in the best interests of the politicians with whom you long since allied yourself.
It should be noted that not only are you most decidedly not apolitical but that you have been associated during your career with some of the greatest foreign policy disasters in recent American history.
As CIA Director for Barack Obama you:

-Presided over the Iran nuclear deal, which allowed Iran to escape from decades of containment and set the Middle East on fire.
        -Watched while Russia annexed Crimea and then reestablished itself as a hostile force in the Middle East.
        -Dithered and tinkered with organizational wiring diagrams at Headquarters while China annexed and fortified the entire South China Sea
The extent to which you are tied directly to the Clintons, Barack Obama and the Democrat Party is clearly evident in the emotional nature of your recent commentary.
Ever since this president was elected there has been a concerted effort to delegitimize him and destabilize him. This has been an unprecedented attempt to undermine the stability of the republic in order to achieve partisan political advantage. You and your patrons have been complicit in this effort and at its very heart.
Now as the Mueller investigation collapses of its own weight and the extent of this conspiracy is beginning to become clear you are in evident panic. You should be.
You are free to do as you wish politically. Stop representing to the American people that there is anything else at play. You abandoned any hope of being a true intelligence professional decades ago and became a political hack. Say so.
Meanwhile, Senator Rand Paul’s assessment of you stands:

“John Brennan started out his adulthood by voting for the Communist Party presidential candidate. He’s now ending his career by showing himself to be the most biased, bigoted, over-the-top, hyperbolic sort of unhinged director of the CIA we’ve ever had.”

Mr. Faddis’ letter was first published in

Charles Faddis is a retired CIA operations and case officer, and the author of “Beyond Repair: The Decline And Fall Of The CIA

•Turn the murder of a child into a "choice"
•Turn a terrorist in to a "victim"
•Turn a criminal like an illegal alien into an " undocumented worker"
•Turn returning a war hero into a " terrorist"
•Turn a scheme to provide guns to drug lords into an excuse to disarm HONEST PEOPLE
•Turn Sunday school into a "hate group" •
Turn an illegal Muslim Marxist into POTUS
•Turn a sacred institution like marriage into a haven for PERVERSION
•Turn spanking your child into "abuse"
•Turn our Constitution into " a living breathing document"
•Turn our military into THE YMCA ( remember The Village People )
•Turn asking for ID to vote into " discrimination"
•Turn our school system into SOCIALIST INDOCTRINATION CAMPS
•Turn the American dream into "The evils of capitalism"
•Turn free speech into a "HATE CRIME"


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