Our Landings' Clubs are starting to use paper straws .
I believe they are actually made out of kale which is the new PC must eat health food for those who buy into every trend Hollywood liberals start. Every time I suck out of them I see Peter and Jane with their friends.
Plastic straws kill whales I am told. Being a conservative I am old fashion. I do not throw refuse on the ground as do climate protesters. When Tea Party conservatives paraded several years back the park was as pristine at the end as when they began, not so with the PC crowd who were upset about climate change and left littered trash all over the place.
We have an entire community of homeless living under The Truman Parkway in Savannah. I am told San Francisco is being over run with homeless. Lower your guard and the sanctuaries will fill.
Today is Nacho Day #500
500 days that Hillary is nacho president.
Illegal aliens cost American tax-payers over $113 BILLION last year. And "Up-Chuck "Schumer refuses $10 billion to build a wall
I told you, liberals cannot add because they are educated in their own schools that place memorization over reasoning..
These were the days:
Democrats are so distraught/hysterical they are fighting over a nominee who has yet to be announced. Even Pocahontas Warren has declared she is going on a 24 hour hunger strike to protest Trump's immigration policies. Give her a kale smoothie.
China trade with Mexico explodes. . (See 1 below.)
Saturday, we begin our 42d year of going to Tybee for a first cousin's vacation. This tradition started when Lynn's parents began to have grandchildren and we have kept it going, so doubt there will be memos for a week or so. After Tybee, Stella and Dagny remain for another week of tennis camp.
Monday evening Trump will tell us who the Democrats can officially hate and the trauma begins. Be prepared for unrestrained behaviour that will top anything Ted Kennedy and his ilk did to defeat Bork when he was nominated and the same for Thomas.
It is foam and moan time for liberals and assorted radical types.
Liberals truly believe The Supreme Court is their play pen and they will stop at nothing to make sure the sand is PC pure.
Yes, it is also Michael Moore re-appearance time.
Frankly, I love it because their behaviour is not sitting well with the "deplorables" and the unwashed , uncommitted who are repulsed by what they see and hear and are, most likely, being driven in a direction other than Up Chuck, Maxine and Pelosi intended.
You can call conservatives Nazis all you want but it is not effective because we are not wild eyed, we are not vicious, we are not insane and passionate. We are reflective, we are generally reasonable and we are turned off by hysterical and hypocritical behaviour. We see Trump's warts but we can also look beyond and mostly like the direction in which the nation is headed.
Bless their hearts.
1) The Sino-Mexican Influence in America's Backyard
After receiving approval this past week, the Bank of China will become the second Chinese-owned financial institution with a presence in Mexico after the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) began operations in June 2016. The Bank of China -- Mexico and ICBC (Mexico) both state their strategic purpose as providing comprehensive financial services to support Chinese (largely state owned) enterprises operating in Mexico, which are expanding at a rate that should cause alarm within the national security community.
When China and Mexico established diplomatic relations in 1972, trade between the two countries barely tipped the scales at $13 million. By 2016, trade had exploded to almost $75 billion with Mexico being China’s second largest Latin American trading partner behind Brazil, and China being the second most important export market for the Mexican economy.
Between 2014 and 2016, Mexico signed more than 40 investment deals with Chinese firms valued at more than $4 billion. Just this week, the Chinese ambassador to Mexico described increasing trade ties coming at a time when relations between the two countries were at an all time high: “[p]olitically these relations are at their best.. China considers Mexico as a strategic partner, a very important partner not only in Latin America, but globally.”

China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) successfully bid for two of eight deep water blocks in Mexican territory in the Gulf of Mexico in 2016. China is thought to be considering involvement in the development of the Trans-Isthmus Rail Corridor in the Tehuantepec region of southern Mexico as part of its broader global Belt and Road Initiative. Estimated at a cost of $7 billion for the first year of construction alone, this would mark a significant increase in infrastructure investment into Mexico from China. These ventures confirm the ongoing transition from raw material extraction to infrastructure investment that is part of China’s longer term Latin American strategy.
Due in no small measure to the North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Mexico’s strong manufacturing base provides efficiencies for factories and businesses located in the country while also ensuring a ready supply of intermediate goods for the manufacturing process and a well integrated production supply chain. Chinese companies are increasingly recognizing the value this environment provides to investments in the country, taking advantage of the build-up in the Mexican industrial base under NAFTA that came at American and Canadian expense.
With the Unites States’ withdrawal from the Transpacific Partnership and the ongoing NAFTA renegotiations, this shift in balance of trade and foreign direct investment within Mexico represents a consequential realignment of economic influence in the country. Such a blatant and direct move into the United States’ sphere of economic influence should not go unanswered. However, the policy prescriptions are complicated, leaving an unclear path forward.
The U.S. cannot allow Mexico and Canada (which is also being courted by China) to engage in economic blackmail, using threats that they must pivot towards authoritarian communist regimes for their economic survival if the United States will not subsidize their inefficient economies via badly constructed trade arrangements. This is a moral hazard that invites demands for perpetual and ever-increasing wealth transfers from America to its two neighbors. Given the pre-existing and expected future U.S. debt burden, the money simply does not exist to economically prop up two other major economies any longer. Over the long term, the U.S. also cannot outbid China in a direct contest for control of the Mexican and Canadian economies. On purchasing power parity terms, China's economy is already 24% larger than that of the United States, and the gap continues to widen more rapidly over time.
The progressive encroachment of Chinese interests on the U.S. southern and northern borders represents a core national security threat in America's most immediate sphere of influence, particularly with the election of leftist Andrés Manuel López Obrador as president of Mexico on Sunday. What remains as the only viable long-term option to keep U.S. adversaries from gradually purchasing control of Mexico and Canada is one that a war-weary America undoubtedly does not like to hear: demands for Mexico and Canada to exclude foreign influence from American adversaries, to be backed up by the use of military force if they do not comply. If this sounds unappealing, consider that the alternative is even less desirable -- a 2,000-mile U.S.-Mexico border and a 5,500 mile U.S.-Canada border, with geopolitical adversaries controlling much of what is happening on the other side.
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