Conservative Logic:
Stop and think about this:
When government gets involved generally prices rise, results decline.
If that is factually correct, why do liberals/progressives want more/bigger government? Can't be because they truly want the best. Must be because they want more control and power.
Could it be because they actually fear freedom and independence?
If Democrat solutions cost more and accomplish less why have so many decided Socialism's failures are preferable to Capitalism's successes/productivity .
I daresay few liberals/progressives have read; "The Road To Serfdom.
Something else to think about.
The more ignorant we become and the less we know and understand about our blessed history the more likely we are to repeat its mistakes. Perhaps this helps explain why liberals and progressives favor programs that have resulted in government's degradation of our public school system and why they oppose charter schools. Maybe this is why the riots on college campuses, preventing the exchange of ideas, is now in vogue. Maybe this is why Secretary of Education, Betsy. DeVos, is hated by the left.
It is easier to control the ignorant than the informed.
Democrat voting blocs are less educated, more dependent and unemployed. Does this send a message they care about their constituents? Is this the America we want to create? If so then keep hating Trump, keep favoring obstruction and keep pursuing Obama's failed policies in the belief spending more money is the solution.
Nor am I suggesting Conservatism has all the answers. However, based on Professor Gruber's commentary about the ease with which Obama Care was passed because Americans have been dumbed down, conservative ideas find less favor among the dependent, less educated etc.
When it comes to the health care proposed bill and the attacks on the Republicans for being cruel, heartless etc. it is obvious when something is financially unsupportable and another group wants to take it away, logic goes out the window and hypocrisy and greed takes over.
Conservatives are always vulnerable (Newt Gingrich: "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas.") when they try to correct what Democrats want or have legislated which is either not affordable or is a train wreck
In the case of Obamacare, obviously, it is a fiscal disaster. Republicans, in wrestling with this monstrosity, made the situation worse because their bill takes away Medicaid funding while subsidizing insurance companies, pre-existing conditions etc.
Government should be out of the healthcare business except in the case of assisting those who cannot afford health care. One approach might be for government to provide everyone below a certain income level, enough money to purchase a basic free market policy of their choice that is transportable and allow for collective grouping to increase consumer buying power so policy prices are reduced.
Also, pass legislation that reduces frivolous law suits which raises the cost of insurance doctors have to pay and which is driving many out of the practice as their income plunges, expenses rise and red tape chokes..
Then the government should get out of the way and see what happens.
Is hysteria the pathological food source of liberals? (See 1 below.)
Amazing how quickly the latest Democrat special election losses are no longer discussed etc.
Suppose the Republicans had lost? We would still be reading and hearing about it.
Resistance is not a strategy but Democrats do not understand this simple fact. Basically, Americans are a can do people. They are not turned on by "aginners."
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