The Democrat Pooch keeps circling and smelling his own poop.

This from a friend and fellow memo reader regarding the attacks on Trump from the slime at MSNBC: "I agree, the part about the Facelift was uncalled for, I didn't have a problem with the rest of it, these
two, especially Scarbourgh, who plays the 'Conservative" on the show have been unrelenting in their attacks on Trump, calling him a 'thug' a 'psycho' and saying he needs to be 'lobotomized.'
When Senator Kristen Gillibrand of New York can give a speech and say "if the Republicans and Trump can't help the people, they can go fuck themselves -- she said it twice; you know that political discourse has reached a new low -- and she deliberately said it in front of a young crowd because her "handlers" told her it would help her relate to young people! Says something about how we raise and teach our kids.
But get used to it, Trump has a couple hundred thousand tweeter followers and unlike past presidents he doesn't have to be a " hostage" of the MSM. 95% of his tweets relate to his policies and programs and successes, like the travel ban ruling and Sanctuary cities, and Kate's law -- which the MSM ignore.
I do wish he would "dial it back" on the tone of the personal attacks, but when you realize he is the most personally attacked President since Lincoln -- who didn't have tweeter - you can see his problem. R-----"
Podesta and his Russian connection.(See 1 below.)
Podesta and his Russian connection.(See 1 below.)
When it comes to Trump, the real collusion seems to be on the part of feckless Republican's
unwillingness to defend their president against scurrilous attacks and fake news reports. (See
1a and 1b below.)
My ultimate purpose in writing these memo missives is not to convince the reader I am right but to get readers to ponder whether their own views are defensible.Yes, there are times when I am hard nosed and convinced I am right, ,ie. capitalism is preferable to socialism.
I am not a party person just a conservative and therefore, I find myself aligned with Republican principles but most Republican Politicians have lost their way and are not very principled. They simply want to get re-elected. They are not likely to fight very hard if doing so would threaten their re-election.
I also am firm in my conviction that Americans gave abdicated their chance to continue being a great nation around the time of The Viet Nam War and the disastrous '60's. The problems that plague us today have been building since Wison but Viet Nam was the clincher. The wounds of that period spawned a widened division, a wound which has never healed and was re-opened by Obama.
We remain a great nation when compared to the other pygmies in Europe, renegades in Asia, The Undemocratic Middle East and radical Islamic tribal factions and then there is Africa. I fear our slope is downward.
I am perfectly willing to be challenged and I take to heart the positive, cheery prattle of Warren Buffet but have yet to be convinced that my pessimism is unfounded.
The basis of my concern remains how we have shredded public education, elected a judiciary that has contempt for our constitution and elected politicians who believe in free lunches lacking any nutrition.We have embraced a paternalistic government that has made us dependent and have destroyed the family unit in the process.
I take no comfort is being pessimistic but I see no reason to disregard the signs of dry rot either.
To offset the heaviness I throw in some cartoons from time o time.
As always I welcome comments.
Have a meaningful and great 4th!
Hillary Clinton campaign chair John Podesta on alleged Kremlin-backed investment: It’s not true
During an interview with the FOX Business Network’s Maria Bartiromo, John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign chairman, pushed back on claims that his investment in a small energy company, Joule Energy, was backed by the Russian government.
Podesta sparked a heated debate with Bartiromo after she stated that he was “given 75,000 shares in a Russian company.”
Podesta had a different take. “I did not have any stock in any Russian company so go back and get your facts straight Maria,” he said.
Bartiromo pressed Podesta. “That’s not true John, we know that you own 5,000 shares, you were on the board of [Joule]."
“I didn’t have any shares in any Russian company," Podesta said. "I was on the board of an American company that did business here and only here. The Russian company had a small investment in that company,” Podesta replied.
The back-and-forth continued, with Bartiromo asserting that "it’s been widely reported that that company has been backed by the Kremlin and they gave you 75,000 shares that you had to disclose when you went into the Obama Administration."
Podesta insisted the reporting was wrong.
“Maria you can keep leveling this charge. It is not true. They didn’t give me anything," he said. "They had a small investment in a company I was on the board of. It was a clean energy company that was trying to deal with the issue of trying to produce energy liquid fuel from a biotechnology process. It was based in Boston and the Russian company had a very small investment in it.” Podesta suggested that Bartiromo may have been looking at information from InfoWars.
“No I’m not. This is Politico… The New York Times… The Wall Street Journal—that’s what I’m looking at John,” Bartiromo replied, turning the focus to Podesta's meeting with the Senate House Intelligence panel probing Russia’s interference with the 2016 election.
Suggesting that Democrats have much deeper ties to Russia than Republicans, Podesta responded by saying he was surprised she wasn’t more ”concerned” about Vladimir Putin interfering in the U.S. election.
“Actually I am concerned about it John,” Bartiromo said. “Everybody knows that Russia’s trying to undermine the U.S.—has been for years. That’s not a new story. The story that the Democrats have been riding and this Trump collusion is simply not true and we have no evidence of it.”
“Well look you’re talking to the wrong guy,” Podesta answered, “you should be talking to his people about whether they colluded.”
1a) A plea for Republican unity
The lead story in the New York Times, June 30, reported that President Trump drew "condemnation from his fellow Republicans" for rebuking Mika Brzezinski for her anti-Trump rants.
There the the Republicans go again, ready to join the left in denouncing Donald J. Trump for daring to defend himself against attack. Is it any wonder that the country has yet to get legislation on health insurance that does not ravage the middle class -- and health care -- in the U.S.? The Republicans who will not defend President Trump against personal, ad hominem attacks, are the same Republicans who cower in the face of leftist demagoguery, generally. All it takes is a Democrat or two to say Republican action on health insurance will kill people, and Republicans cower and defer to the de facto Socialists.
Concerning the president, the pattern has long been apparent: he gets viciously attacked by his enemies; he exercises what, at the UN, is called "right of reply" and Republicans denounce him -- not the accuser -- to the great joy and amusement of leftists, who are encouraged to believe that they can control government while lacking congressional majorities -- and with a Republican in the White House. How is this possible? Republicans would rather twitch -- than fight.
Consider: why is there a special counsel looking at an investigation concerning "collusion with Russia"? Because Republicans are afraid of their shadow, that's why. Chuck -- either Schumer or Todd, same difference -- says "boo" and Republicans cringe and cower -- to the exasperation and consternation and embarrassment of voters who were naive to believe congressional Republicans would join with President Trump in his program to "make America great again."
If Republicans had any sense that the voters chose them to be the governing party, Congress, by nhow, would 1) have repealed ObamaCare, 2) enacted sensible tax reform; 3) put an end to media/intelligence attempts to undermine the Trump presidency, and 4) GOP members of Congress would have rapidly responded to malicious attacks on President Trump -- obviating any need for him to defend his name and his presidency.
Alas, with congressional Republicans influenced by cowardly-lion leaders, anti-Trump hate speech will become the lingua politica, the nation will get a single party -- as well as single-payer -- system, and the cry of liberty will no longer be heard throughout the land.
After the terrible shooting of Rep. Steve Scalise, Speaker Paul Ryan called for unity. Mr. Speaker, how about some unity encompassing the president, congressional Republicans -- and us deplorables?
1b) GOP Congress Uses Trump Tweets as Excuse for Its Own Ineptitude
He was the best of Trumps. He was the worst of Trumps. He was....
One of the more amusing aspects of the media/Democrat avidity to see Trump impeached is that he would be replaced by Mike Pence, a real conservative. That's how much they dislike Trump. They'd probably even want to impeach him if Recep Erdogan were the vice president. (Hey, he'd undoubtedly lift the travel ban, even if he killed a few thousand Kurds into the bargain.)
1b) GOP Congress Uses Trump Tweets as Excuse for Its Own Ineptitude
He was the best of Trumps. He was the worst of Trumps. He was....
Oh, forget it. The world needs another Dickens pastiche about as much as it needs another discussion of Donald Trump's tweets.
Haven't we known about the president's outré social media habits for the better part of two years now (it seems like a century)? And what have we learned from this?
Well, nothing really. It has been a complete distraction, absolutely useless. Who cares what Donald Trump thinks of Joe Scarborough or the reverse? Or any similar battle — past, present, or future. At one point he was supposed to disdain Carly Fiorina and Ted Cruz and now they're all pals. Next week they'll be sniping again. It goes on.
Trump has his "Twitter eruptions" the way Bill Clinton had his "bimbo eruptions." The media makes a big deal about them for, largely, commercial reasons, and, in Donald's case, because they obviously just can't stand him. They despise Trump far more than Clinton, even though both are, relatively, centrists. Go figure.
Nevertheless, the media are the media. In a word — swine. And not really worth discussing anymore.
What is worth discussing is just why GOP senators and congressmen feel they have to comment on every Trumpism when, in reality, they don't. Their job is to comment on — and hopefully, enact — Trump's actual proposals or something more or less similar. And Trump makes that fairly easy for them because he gives them a rather wide berth on the specifics. He's far from a dictator, although he is constantly accused of being one. Laudably, he just wants to get things done.