A little humor is good for the soul:
Nancy Pelosi is a horse parading as a politician. I say this because she is always trying to win in a stretch. (See 1 below.)
The Democrats are now choking on Reid's rules, proving that what goes around comes around.
Meanwhile Trump now seems to have added another hurdle for Democrats. How can they possibly oppose legislation that imposes a sentence on an illegal immigrant when they are engaged in crimes? Yet, it seems liberal mayors of sanctuary cities believe they are entitled to Federal money while thumbing their nose at the very entity that sends them these funds.
Kate's law should be passed and Trump should take away funds from mayors who refuse to obey the law. (See 2 below.)
Meanwhile, it appears Trump is following through and acting in accord with his beliefs and pledges. (See 2a below.)
Do you know your State's Preamble?
Not only do I not know Georgia's preamble, I do not even know what preamble means.
Sounds like a slow walk down memory lane.(See 2 below.)
We left later today than I thought we would so I am sending this last memo before we leave for the weekend.
1)Nancy Pelosi Told This Absurd Lie
Politicians have been known to stretch the truth.
Nancy Pelosi is no exception.
But the whopper she just told stands out as maybe the most absurd lie she’s ever told.
Now that Republicans control both houses of congress, as well as the Presidency, they can finally make good on their promise to repeal and replace Obamacare.
Democrats used the process known as reconciliation to pass the health care law through the Senate after Scott Brown won the special election to fill Ted Kennedy’s seat and the Democrats had lost their 60 seat super majority.
Reconciliation allows laws to pass on a simple majority vote and bypass a Republican filibuster.
Not a single Republican in the House or Senate voted for Obamacare.
Yet Pelosi has attacked Republicans for wanting to use the same process to repeal Obamacare.
In a press conference exchange with CNS News, she defended those attacks by claiming Obamacare was bipartisan legislation.
Breitbart reports on the exchange:
“CNS: You expressed yesterday opposition to repealing Obamacare and defunding Planned Parenthood through reconciliation. How do you square that with that’s how the Democrats were able to put Obamacare in place in the first place?Pelosi: Actually – thank you for asking that question. The Affordable Care Act was passed not under reconciliation when it first came to the Congress.So the main part of the bill – House and Senate – was not under reconciliation. The final version, which was just some tweaks — I would have liked more – were what were done under reconciliation.But the bulk of the bill – if you look back to the history of it – the bulk of the bill was done … on the 60-vote rule, not under reconciliation.CNS: But it passed without a single Republican vote.Pelosi: Well … 60 Democrats then and then the two bills passed and then the Senate bill was a little bit different from the House bill, so some of those changes were not, shall we say, structural; it was just some changes in the legislation that did go under reconciliation. But by and large the whole process was done with the 60 votes – hundreds of hearings, bipartisan, over and over again.Some Republican amendments taken, some Democratic amendments taken; some Democratic and Republican amendments modified; some Democratic and Republican amendments rejected. They were treated in a similar fashion.”
Pelosi is telling a massive lie.
The original Obamacare bill passed the Senate with 60 votes in December of 2009.
But the House bill differed from the one passed in the Senate.
One of the big differences was the “Cornhusker kickback” which funneled $100 million in Medicaid funding to Nebraska, which essentially purchased the vote of Senator Ben Nelson and allowed the bill to break a Republican filibuster.
That would normally mean both bills needed to be worked out in conference committee and the legislation it produced would need to be voted on again by both Houses.
But when Scott Brown won his special election, it denied Democrats a filibuster proof majority in the Senate making that strategy impossible.
So what the Democrats did was have the House pass the same bill as the one that made it through the Senate in December of 2009 and the Democrats amended using reconciliation in the Senate.
Without reconciliation, the legislation never would have passed, since no Republicans actually voted for the bill and the Democrats never would have been able to break a GOP filibuster.
And Nancy Pelosi is lying about it on multiple fronts.
2) Be sure to read the message in red at the very bottom!
Alabama 1901, Preamble We the people of the State of Alabama, invoking the favor and guidance of Almighty God, do ordain and establish the following Constitution..
Alaska 1956, Preamble We, the people of Alaska, grateful to God and to those who founded our nation and pioneered this great land.
Arizona 1911, Preamble We, the people of the State of Arizona, grateful to Almighty God for our liberties, do ordain this Constitution...
Arkansas 1874, Preamble We, the people of the State of Arkansas, grateful to Almighty God for the privilege of choosing our own form of government...
California 1879, Preamble We, the People of the State of California, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom...
Colorado 1876, Preamble We, the people of Colorado, with profound reverence for the Supreme Ruler of Universe...
Connecticut 1818, Preamble. The People of Connecticut, acknowledging with gratitude the good Providence of God in permitting them to enjoy.
Delaware 1897, Preamble Through Divine Goodness all men have, by nature, the rights of worshiping and serving their Creator according to the dictates of their consciences.
Florida 1885, Preamble We, the people of the State of Florida, grateful to Almighty God for our constitutional liberty, establish this Constitution...
Georgia 1777, Preamble We, the people of Georgia, relying upon protection and guidance of Almighty God, do ordain and establish this Constitution...
Hawaii 1959, Preamble We, the people of Hawaii, Grateful for Divine Guidance ... Establish this Constitution.
Idaho 1889, Preamble We, the people of the State of Idaho, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom, to secure its blessings.
Illinois 1870, Preamble We, the people of the State of Illinois, grateful to Almighty God for the civil, political and religious liberty which He hath so long permitted us to enjoy and looking to Him for a blessing on our endeavors.
Indiana 1851, Preamble We, the People of the State of Indiana, grateful to Almighty God for the free exercise of the right to choose our form of government.
Iowa 1857, Preamble We, the People of the State of Iowa, grateful to the Supreme Being for the blessings hitherto enjoyed, and feeling our dependence on Him for a continuation of these blessings, establish this Constitution.
Kansas 1859, Preamble We, the people of Kansas, grateful to Almighty God for our civil and religious privileges establish this Constitution.
Kentucky 1891, Preamble We, the people of the Commonwealth are grateful to Almighty God for the civil, political and religious liberties..
Louisiana 1921, Preamble We, the people of the State of Louisiana, grateful to Almighty God for the civil, political and religious liberties we enjoy.
Maine 1820, Preamble We the People of Maine acknowledging with grateful hearts the goodness of the Sovereign Ruler of the Universe in affording us an opportunity ... And imploring His aid and direction.
Maryland 1776, Preamble We, the people of the state of Maryland, grateful to Almighty God for our civil and religious liberty...
Massachusetts 1780, Preamble We...the people of Massachusetts, acknowledging with grateful hearts, the goodness of the Great Legislator of the Universe In the course of His Providence, an opportunity and devoutly imploring His direction
Michigan 1908, Preamble We, the people of the State of Michigan, grateful to Almighty God for the blessings of freedom, establish this Constitution.
Minnesota, 1857, Preamble We, the people of the State of Minnesota, grateful to God for our civil and religious liberty, and desiring to perpetuate its blessings:
Mississippi 1890, Preamble We, the people of Mississippi in convention assembled, grateful to Almighty God, and invoking His blessing on our work.
Missouri 1845, Preamble We, the people of Missouri, with profound reverence for the Supreme Ruler of the Universe, and grateful for His goodness - Establish this Constitution...
Montana 1889, Preamble. We, the people of Montana, grateful to Almighty God for the blessings of liberty establish this Constitution..
Nebraska 1875, Preamble We, the people, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom. Establish this Constitution.
Nevada 1864, Preamble We the people of the State of Nevada, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom, establish this Constitution...
New Hampshire 1792, Part I.. Art. I. Sec. V Every individual has a natural and unalienable right to worship God according to the dictates of his own conscience.
New Jersey 1844, Preamble We, the people of the State of New Jersey, grateful to Almighty God for civil and religious liberty which He hath so long permitted us to enjoy, and looking to Him for a blessing on our endeavors.
New Mexico 1911, Preamble We, the People of New Mexico, grateful to Almighty God for the blessings of liberty..
New York 1846, Preamble We, the people of the State of New York, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom, in order to secure its blessings.
North Carolina 1868, Preamble We the people of the State of North Carolina, grateful to Almighty God, the Sovereign Ruler of Nations, for our civil, political, and religious liberties, and acknowledging our dependence upon Him for the continuance of those...
North Dakota 1889, Preamble We, the people of North Dakota, grateful to Almighty God for the blessings of civil and religious liberty, do ordain...
Ohio 1852, Preamble We the people of the state of Ohio, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom, to secure its blessings and to promote our common.
Oklahoma 1907, Preamble Invoking the guidance of Almighty God, in order to secure and perpetuate the blessings of liberty, establish this
Oregon 1857, Bill of Rights, Article I Section 2. All men shall be secure in the Natural right, to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of their consciences
Pennsylvania 1776, Preamble We, the people of Pennsylvania, grateful to Almighty God for the blessings of civil and religious liberty, and humbly invoking His guidance...
Rhode Island 1842, Preamble. We the People of the State of Rhode Island grateful to Almighty God for the civil and religious liberty which He hath so long permitted us to enjoy, and looking to Him for a blessing....
South Carolina, 1778, Preamble We, the people of the State of South Carolina grateful to God for our liberties, do ordain and establish this Constitution.
South Dakota 1889, Preamble We, the people of South Dakota, grateful to Almighty God for our civil and religious liberties.
Tennessee 1796, Art. XI.III. That all men have a natural and indefeasible right to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of their conscience...
Texas 1845, Preamble We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
Utah 1896, Preamble Grateful to Almighty God for life and liberty, we establish this Constitution.
Vermont 1777, Preamble Whereas all government ought to enable the individuals who compose it to enjoy their natural rights, and other blessings which the Author of Existence has bestowed on man.
Virginia 1776, Bill of Rights, XVI Religion, or the Duty which we owe our Creator can be directed only by Reason and that it is the mutual duty of all to practice Christian Forbearance, Love and Charity towards each other
Washington 1889, Preamble We the People of the State of Washington, grateful to the Supreme Ruler of the Universe for our liberties, do ordain this Constitution
West Virginia 1872, Preamble Since through Divine Providence we enjoy the blessings of civil, political and religious liberty, we, the people of West Virginia reaffirm our faith in and constant reliance upon God ....
Wisconsin 1848, Preamble We, the people of Wisconsin, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom, domestic tranquility....
Wyoming 1890, PreambleWe, the people of the State of Wyoming, grateful to God for our civil, political, and religious liberties, establish this Constitution...
And we weren't founded as a "Christian nation"? After reviewing acknowledgments of God from all 50 state constitutions, one is faced with the prospect that maybe, the ACLU and the out-of-control federal courts are wrong!
2) Sanctuary Suites: Defiant mayor vows to harbor illegals at Boston City Hall
Boston Mayor Martin J. Walsh proposed turning City Hall into a taxpayer-funded hotel for illegal immigrants and vowed to reject federal funds if it meant caving on policies designed to protect the undocumented from deportation.
2) Sanctuary Suites: Defiant mayor vows to harbor illegals at Boston City Hall
Boston Mayor Martin J. Walsh proposed turning City Hall into a taxpayer-funded hotel for illegal immigrants and vowed to reject federal funds if it meant caving on policies designed to protect the undocumented from deportation.
“If people want to live here, they’ll live here,” Walsh said yesterday. “They can use my office. They can use any office in this building. Any place they want to use. They’ll be able to use this building as a safe space.”
At one point, he chastised a reporter who used the term “illegal immigrant” in a question.
“Undocumented immigrants,” Walsh said. “I’m not sure what an illegal immigrant is.”
Walsh — facing a re-election challenge from City Councilor Tito Jackson, who wants to make Boston a sanctuary city, and trying to distance himself from an ongoing extortion scandal — appears to be courting a public war with President Trump to rally support in a city where 82 percent voted for Hillary Clinton in November.
The mayor’s emergency press conference also overshadowed what would have otherwise been the big City Hall story of the day — the revelation that Walsh sat in on two meetings about the Boston Calling music festival during “the relevant time period” of the U.S. Attorney’s Office’s probe into union strong-arming.
Walsh yesterday also promised the city would reject federal taxpayer dollars if it meant easing protections on illegal immigrants.
“If there’s strings attached to federal money coming out of Washington, D.C., that’s supposed to help our city, and there’s strings attached, then the money’s not worth taking,” Walsh said.
Boston is technically not a sanctuary city, but did pass the Trust Act, which limits law enforcement’s ability to detain illegal immigrants for ICE.
Trump signed two executive orders yesterday to begin constructing a wall across the Mexican border within months and cut off federal funds to sanctuary cities. The actions also direct the Department of Homeland Security to hire 5,000 additional Border Patrol agents and to triple the number of ICE officers.
Today the president is also expected to announce a ban on Syrian refugees and a 120-day suspension of the nation’s broader refugee program.
But Bay State Democrats quickly bashed Trump’s new policies, often using emotional and dramatic rhetoric to make their point.
“Today, Lady Liberty weeps at Donald Trump’s executive actions that fly in the face of our nation’s history as a beacon to those seeking a better life in America,” Massachusetts U.S. Sen. Edward J. Markey said in a statement.
Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone of Somerville — a sanctuary city — stood in front of a poster with a heart-shaped American flag that read “Hate has no home here” and referenced Trump aides who have touted his “big heart.”
“I ask him to open that heart and his mind and to look at these people … as human beings, seeking a better life, like my family did and many of our families did, for themselves and their children,” Curtatone said.
He added that his city would go without certain federal funds, rather than bow to Trump.
“We’re prepared to tighten our belts,” Curtatone said. “What we’re not going to do is react to a Damocles of money hanging over our heads to abandon our democratic, human principles of civility. We’re not going to run away from our fellow man for a bucket of money.”
While Democrats insisted Trump’s proposals would tear apart illegal immigrant families through deportation, the president yesterday read the names of children killed by illegal immigrants over the years.
“These families lost their loved ones,” Trump said. “Then they endured a system that ignored them, while at the same time constantly rewarding those who broke the law. For these families, it’s been one injustice after another. But that all turns around, beginning today.”
2a)Today’s Top Stories (Honest Reporting)
1. According to the New York Times, the Trump administration is moving to cut US funding to various UN organizations. Palestinian membership is one of the red lines:
Those criteria include organizations that give full membership to the Palestinian Authority or Palestine Liberation Organization, or support programs that fund abortion or any activity that circumvents sanctions against Iran or North Korea. The draft order also calls for terminating funding for any organization that “is controlled or substantially influenced by any state that sponsors terrorism” or is blamed for the persecution of marginalized groups or any other systematic violation of human rights.
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