Protesters know not why they are protesting . They are ready to protest anything for $15/hour. (See 1 below.)
Once again, the mass media and the liberals will protest anything Trump does and they are simply burying their future political prospects. If the Democrats keep playing games the market will lose conviction Trump will be able to accomplish his espoused goals.
The march that should be taking place is by citizens demanding Congress earn their pay and attend to the nation's problems and knock off their petulant and puerile gamesmanship.
The new Schumer ploy is Democrats need more information before they can vote on Trump nominees.
This reminds me of the joke about the women who walks into a butcher shop,and starts examining the chickens.She looks up every orifice, lifts the wings, smells them etc. The butcher watches and then asks, "lady could you pass such an inspection? "
Is Saul Alinsky alive and well.?(See 2 below.)
We have great next door neighbors but we only ask them to pick up our mail and papers when we are away. (See 3 below.)
20 'Vetted' Refugees Who Turned to Terrorism After Being Allowed Into America

While the lying media is perpetuating the lie refugees do not pose a terrorist threat, the facts show otherwise.
Senator and soon-to-be Attorney General Jeff Sessions compiled this list of refugees-turned-jihadists in 2016 while Obama was pushing to dramatically increase the amount of so-called “refugees” allowed into the United States.
Senator and soon-to-be Attorney General Jeff Sessions compiled this list of refugees-turned-jihadists in 2016 while Obama was pushing to dramatically increase the amount of so-called “refugees” allowed into the United States.

– On May 25, 2016, in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas, Bilal Abood was sentenced to four years in prison for making a false statement to the FBI. Abood, an Iraqi translator for the U.S. military, was admitted to the United States through the Special Immigrant Visa program for Iraqi translators in 2009, and subsequently became a citizen. Abood enlisted in the Army and went through basic training at Fort Jackson in 2010, but left for unknown reasons. According to court documents, after being prevented from boarding an international flight, Abood told FBI agents that he intended to go to Iraq to visit family. Subsequently, Abood left the United States through Mexico and then traveled through various countries to get to Syria to join ISIS. A subsequent search of his computer revealed that he pledged an oath to the leader of ISIS, despite denying that he had ever made such a pledge.

– On January 7, 2016, in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California, Aws Mohammed Younis Al-Jayab was charged with providing materially false, fictitious, and fraudulent statements and representations to the United States government. He was separately indicted on March 17, 2016 for attempting to provide material support to acts of violence overseas. Al-Jayab — a Palestinian born in Iraq — was admitted to the United States as a refugee in 2012. According to the criminal complaint, beginning in October of 2012 — the very same month he first arrived in the United States — Al-Jayab began communicating with numerous individuals about his intention to go to Syria and fight for terrorist organizations. In April 2013, Al-Jayab made multiple statements to another individual (later identified as Omar Faraj Saeed Al Hardan) regarding his experience handling weapons and killing individuals in Syria. In November 2013, just one year after being welcomed to the United States as a refugee, he traveled to Syria and posted on social media that he was fighting with various terrorist organizations, stating “America will not isolate me from my Islamic duty. Only death will do us part.”

– On January 7, 2016, in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas, Omar Faraj Saeed Al Hardan was charged in an indictment with attempting to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization, making false statements, and attempting to procure citizenship or naturalization unlawfully. The indictment states that he attempted to provide training, expert advice and assistance, and personnel — specifically himself — to a terrorist organization. Al Hardan — a Palestinian born in Iraq — was admitted to the United States as a refugee in 2009, and obtained a green card in 2011. When applying to become a U.S. citizen, he knowingly responded, certified, and swore untruthfully that he was not associated with a terrorist organization when, in fact, he associated with members and sympathizers of ISIS throughout 2014. During an interview in October 2015, Al Hardan falsely represented that he had never received any type of weapons training, when in fact he had received automatic machine gun training. According to media accounts, Al Hardan told his wife “I will go to Syria. I want to blow myself up. . . . I am against America.”

– On August 12, 2015, in the U.S. District Court for the District of Idaho, Fazliddin Kurbanov was found guilty of conspiring and attempting to provide material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization and possessing an unregistered destructive device. Kurbanov is a native of Uzbekistan who came to the United States as a refugee in 2009. U.S. Assistant Attorney General John Carlin stated that he “conspired to provide material support to the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan and procured bomb-making materials in the interest of perpetrating a terrorist attack on American soil.” According to press reports, Kurbanov began his life as a Muslim, but his family claimed that they faced persecution after they converted to Orthodox Christianity. After coming to the United States with his family as a refugee, Kurbanov is said to have converted back to Islam and radicalized.

– On April 20, 2015, in the U.S. District Court for the District of Minnesota, Guled Ali Omar was charged with conspiracy and attempt to provide material support to ISIS. Omar was born in a Kenyan refugee camp, and sources indicate he came to the United States as a refugee when he was a child, obtained a green card, and subsequently applied for and received citizenship. Omar is the younger brother of another indicted fugitive, Ahmed Ali Omar, who left the United States in 2007 to fight for Al-Shabaab. Another one of his brothers, Mohamed Ali Omar, was convicted in March of 2015 of threatening federal agents when they came to the family's residence to interview Guled Omar. During a press conference, U.S. Attorney for the District of Minnesota, Andy Luger, said that Omar “never stopped plotting,” and had previously attempted to leave the United States.

– On April 20, 2015, in the U.S. District Court for the District of Minnesota, Abdurahman Yasin Daud was charged (along with six others) with conspiracy and attempt to provide material support to ISIS. Daud, a Somalian refugee who came to the United States as a child, and subsequently obtained a green card. Daud and another individual drove from Minnesota to San Diego to attempt to get passports, cross the border into Mexico, and fly to Syria in to join ISIS.
– On February 18, 2015, Al-Hazmah Mohammed Jawad was arrested as he attempted to board a flight to Jordan to join and fight with ISIS in Iraq. Jawad was admitted to the United States in 2013 as an Iraqi refugee and he subsequently obtained a green card. Jawad was charged with making a false statement to U.S. government officials. He also stated that he “had been to the shooting range and had been running to get in shape and prepare for his upcoming travels,” and that a uniform was waiting for him in Iraq.
– On February 5, 2015, in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas, Abdinassir Mohamud Ibrahim was sentenced to 15 years in federal prison for conspiring to provide material support to Al-Shabaab, a designated foreign terrorist organization, and for making a false statement in his immigration paperwork. Ibrahim is a native of Somalia who came to the United States as a refugee in 2007 at the age of 22 and subsequently obtained a green card. Ibrahim knowingly lied on his citizenship application and previously lied in his request for refugee status, by falsely claiming that he was of a member of the minority Awer clan in Somalia and subject to persecution by the majority Hawiye clan. Ibrahim was actually a member of the Hawiye clan and not subject to persecution. In fact, according to court documents, “Ibrahim's family was famous . . . [and] [t]hrough his clan lineage, Ibrahim was related to known Somali terrorists[.]” Ibrahim also admitted he lied on his citizenship application by having previously lied on his refugee application by falsely claiming that he had not provided material support to a terrorist group, when he had in fact provided material support in the form of cash to an Al-Shabaab member.

– On February 5, 2015, in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, Abdullah Ramo Pazara was named in an indictment against six individuals. Pazara, a native of Bosnia who sources indicate came to the United States as a refugee, later obtained a green card and became a citizen in 2013. Pazara was never charged in this case because he is believed to be dead. According to court documents, the others who were indicted provided material support to Pazara, who left the United States to go to Syria and fight with ISIS just 11 days after becoming a citizen. Among other things, Pazara allegedly told an individual about a mission where they “captured a large area, killed eleven individuals, captured one, and added that they intended to slaughter the prisoner the follow[ing] day.” According to press reports, at the time Pazara was purportedly killed in Syria, he was a deputy to one of the top ISIS commanders.

– On February 5, 2015, in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, Ramiz Zijad Hodzic was charged with conspiring to provide material support and resources to terrorists, providing material support to terrorists, and conspiring to kill and maim persons in a foreign country. Hodzic is a native of Bosnia, and a purported Bosnian war hero who came to the United States as a refugee. According to the indictment, among other things, Hodzic obtained money that he used to “purchase materials and supplies including: United States military uniforms, tactical combat boots, military surplus goods, tactical gear and clothing, firearms accessories, optical equipment and range finders, rifle scopes, equipment, and supplies . . . intending that the materials and supplies would thereafter be transferred to, and used to support” Abdullah Ramo Pazara and ISIS.

– On February 5, 2015, in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, Sedina Unkic Hodzic was charged with conspiring to provide material support and resources to terrorists, and providing material support to terrorists. Sedina is the wife of Ramiz Zijad Hodzic and a native of Bosnia who came to the United States as a refugee. According to the indictment, Sedina, along with her husband, collected money from third parties and wired it to terrorists abroad. Also according to the indictment, Sedina shipped six boxes of U.S. military uniforms, combat boots, tactical clothing and gear, military surplus items, firearms accessories, rifle scopes, optical equipment, first aid supplies, and other equipment to terrorists abroad.

– On February 5, 2015, in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, Armin Harcevic was charged with conspiring to provide material support and resources to terrorists, and with providing material support to terrorists. Harcevic is a native of Bosnia who came to the United States as a refugee, and subsequently obtained a green card. According to the Indictment, Harcevic collected money from third parties and wired it and his own funds to terrorists abroad.

– On February 5, 2015, in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, Nihad Rosic was charged with conspiring to provide material support and resources to terrorists, providing material support to terrorists, and conspiring to kill and maim persons in a foreign country. Rosic is a native of Bosnia who sources indicate came to the United States as a refugee, obtained a green card, and subsequently applied for and received citizenship. According to the indictment, Rosic sent funds to terrorists abroad, and attempted to travel to Syria to join terrorists in Syria and Iraq. According to press accounts, Rosic was a truck driver and former mixed martial arts fighter who had previously been charged with endangering the welfare of a child after punching a woman in the face while she held a child, and in a separate incident, was charged with assault after allegedly beating his girlfriend with a belt.

– On February 5, 2015, in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, Mediha Medy Salkicevic was charged with conspiring to provide material support and resources to terrorists, and providing material support to terrorists. Salkicevic is a native of Bosnia who sources indicate came to the United States as a refugee, obtained a green card, and subsequently applied for and received citizenship. According to press accounts, Salkicevic was formerly an employee with a cargo company that deals with items coming in and out of Chicago's O'Hare International Airport. According to the indictment, Salkicevic collected money from third parties and wired it and her own funds to terrorists abroad.

– On February 5, 2015, in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, Jasminka Ramic was charged with conspiring to provide material support and resources to terrorists, and providing material support to terrorists. Ramic is a native of Bosnia who sources indicate came to the United States as a refugee, obtained a green card, and subsequently applied for and received citizenship. According to the indictment, Ramic collected money from third parties and wired it and her own funds to terrorists abroad.

– On January 29, 2015, in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, a federal warrant was unsealed for the arrest of Liban Haji Mohamed for allegedly providing material support to Harakat Shabaab Al-Mujahidin, also known as Al-Shabaab and Al-Qaeda. Mohamed is a native of Somalia who sources indicate came to the United States as a refugee, obtained a green card, and subsequently applied for and received citizenship. He is believed to have left the United States on July 5, 2012, with the intent to join Al-Shabaab in East Africa. Mohamed previously lived in the Washington, D.C. area and worked as a cab driver, and is believed to have snuck across the border to Mexico after being placed on the no-fly list. Carl Ghattas, Special Agent in Charge of the FBI's Washington, D.C. Field Office emphasized the importance of locating Mohamed, “because he has knowledge of the Washington, D.C. area's infrastructure such as shopping areas, Metro, airports, and government buildings . . . [t]his makes him an asset to his terrorist associates who might plot attacks on U.S. soil.”
– On January 31, 2014, in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California, Ahmed Nasir Taalil Mohamud was sentenced to six years in prison for conspiracy to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization. Mohamud was admitted to the United States as a refugee from Somalia. He worked as a cabdriver in Anaheim, California where he raised money for the terrorist organization Al-Shabaab. According to the Department of Justice, “[t]he United States presented evidence that Nasir . . . conspired to provide money to al Shabaab, a violent and brutal militia group that engages in suicide bombings, targets civilians for assassination, and uses improvised explosive devices.”
– On November 18, 2013, in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California, Issa Doreh was sentenced to ten years in prison for “conspiracy to provide material support to terrorist, conspiracy to provide material support to foreign terrorist organization, conspiracy to launder monetary instruments, and providing material support to foreign terrorist organization.” Doreh was admitted to the United States as a refugee from Somalia and subsequently obtained a green card and became a citizen. Doreh worked at a money transmitting business that was at the center of the conspiracy, which also involved Ahmed Nasir Taalil Mohamud.

– On January 29, 2013, in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Kentucky, Waad Ramadan Alwan was sentenced to 40 years in federal prison, followed by a life term of supervised release for a number of offenses related to terrorism. Alwan is a native of Iraq who was admitted to the United States as a refugee in 2009. According to the Department of Justice's press release, “Alwan, whose fingerprints were found on an unexploded IED found in Iraq, pleaded guilty earlier in the case on December 16, 2011, to all counts of a 23-count federal indictment. He pleaded guilty to conspiring to kill U.S. nationals abroad; conspiring to use a weapon of mass destruction (explosives) against U.S. nationals abroad; distributing information on the manufacture and use of IEDs; attempting to provide material support to terrorists and to AQI; and conspiring to transfer, possess, and export Stinger missiles.” (emphasis added). During the investigation, while “unwittingly working with an FBI informant, Alwan drew diagrams of roadside bomb models and boasted about attacks on American troops in Iraq.” In a discussion with an FBI informant, Alwan allegedly said that he was skilled with a sniper rifle, and that his “lunch and dinner would be an American [soldier].”

– On January 29, 2013, in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Kentucky, Mohanad Shareef Hammadi was sentenced to life in prison for a number of offenses related to terrorism. Hammadi is a native of Iraq who was admitted to the United States as a refugee in 2009. According to the Department of Justice's press release, “Hammadi pleaded guilty on August 21, 2012, to a 12-count superseding indictment. Charges against him included attempting to provide material support to terrorists and to AQI; conspiring to transfer, possess, and export Stinger missiles; and making a false statement in an immigration application.”
President Trump's refugee ban is common sense.
There is no reason any of these people should have been allowed into our country.
If President Trump is to be criticized for anything, it should be for not making his ban even broader.
Considering Donald Trump's expert "rope-a-dope" bouts with the media, I'd like to offer a slightly different take on President Trump's boxing matches.
Let's start with some of the President's (and his staff's) most oft-quoted lines:
"[We] gave alternative facts."
"I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally."
"I will build a great, great wall, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall."
"Barack Obama's birth certificate is a fraud."
"[Vladimir Putin is] running his country and at least he's a leader."
All these comments have one commonality.
Leftists, of course, claim they are utterances of an evil fool and his minions. And while I will not try to defend his most, shall we say, colorful locker room-type comment, I will offer a take on the rest that might come as a surprise.
Barack Obama and his minions perfected the art of Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals – thirteen tactics devised to disrupt, disorganize, and demoralize proponents of conservative society. In previous American Thinker articles, I added two new rules to Alinsky's list, demonstrating how leftists had modernized and effectively utilize these tactics today. My Alinsky amendments state:
RULE 14: "Confound the enemy with allegations he cannot possibly disprove." Whenever possible, turn the enemy in on himself. Look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety, and confusion. (Watch how organizations flail helplessly when blindsided by irrelevant arguments they cannot refute.)
RULE 15: "Push the enemy so hard with outrageous situations and allegations that he is forced to push back." Whenever possible, cause the enemy to respond, and when he does, hold him up for ridicule; then push harder. (By threatening his security and way of life, you will always elicit a reaction that can be turned against him.)
We know how often and effectively these tactics were (and are) used on conservatives. For example, Rule 14 was applied whenever we disapproved of Obama. We were labeled as racist – an allegation nearly impossible to refute. Rule 15 came into its own when the left pushed conservatives so hard that the Tea Party emerged, which was then attacked by the IRS and labeled as a terrorist threat.
So now could the shoe be on the other foot?
Politico Magazine just published a fascinating article in which it rates, on a scale from one to ten, the importance of various actions taken by President Trump in his first week of office. Serious policy actions such as those taken on Obamacare (scoring 4 in importance) and the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the North American Free Trade Agreement (scoring 6) paled in importance to leftists when compared to President Trump's "crowd size lies" and "illegal voter lies," both of which scored a 9 in importance.
Why would that be?
The answer is in Alinsky's rule 15 – "By threatening his security and way of life..."
Take the most recent frothing from leftists regarding presidential counselor Kellyanne Conway's "alternatives facts" defense of White House press secretary Sean Spicer's claim that "this was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration[.]" This is the focus of Politico Magazine's discussion of Trump's "crowd size lies," seriously important to liberals because Trump is fighting – with stunning effectiveness – their heretofore unchallenged and Orwellian dissemination of "fake news."
Derisive laughter has abounded from all corners of leftist-esteemed newsrooms and ivory towers at the notion of "alternative facts." Cries of the Trump administration's "pure lunacy" are being made in article after article, in newscast after newscast. It's as if leftists cannot stop themselves, seemingly taken over by some outside power, like a flu bug that persistently convulses the stomach, forcing them to vomit all manner of liberal diatribe.
And that is, precisely, the genius of Saul Alinsky's tactics, by which conservatives have been fantastically tormented for decades.
How about Politico Magazine's concern regarding Trump's "illegal voter lies"? Calling it "rank baloney" like Trump's "whoppers about his inaugural crowds," Politico Magazine and the left are nearly unhinged on this one – for good reason, as this issue drives deeply to the heart of their power base, security, and way of life (Rule 15). Leftists are none too willing to recall or admit that Obama toiled insidiously to bring illegal immigrants into the country for the specific purpose of bolstering votes for Democrats.
Which side is in the right on these issues of Trump's "lies" may be of some importance, but something much more fascinating – groundbreaking – is taking place: President Trump is using the left's playbook to stunning effect. I am not alone in seeing the connection between Alinsky's Rules and Trump's approach. In Real Clear Politics, Richard Porter notes that "the folks that seem to have best learned from Alinsky's instructions … are Steve Bannon and others on the Trump team."
Again and again we see leftists flailing helplessly, shouting their own coarse vulgarities. (Recall the sign reading "f--- you, you f------ f---" poetically marched down Washington's streets during the women's march.). Just as Alinsky foretold, behavior such as this deeply undermines claims to sanity and legitimacy and simultaneously forces its believers to consume precious time and energy defending their way of life.
Perhaps inadvertently, Politico Magazine portrayed the left's confusion and anxiety when it published these words: "It's hard to know when Trump is just being Trump and when he's fundamentally transforming the American experiment."
Whether or not the president knows it, he is giving Alinsky a run for his money.
Mr. Reddy's legal and gun rights thriller, By Force of Patriots, available at Amazon, is a prescient story of Americans rising up against a leftist federal government.
3) Ex-Army Sniper Takes Out Neighbor’s Home Intruders From Bedroom Window
By Travis Henderson -
(El Paso, Texas) -- Jeremy Elmore, a 42-year-old retired Army Sniper currently residing in El Paso, Texas, is being hailed a hero after he saved a neighborhood family from 3 violent home intruders late Tuesday evening.
Elmore, who retired from the Army at 41 after giving 21-years of service was spending the night home alone as his wife and 3 young children are visiting family members in Indiana. According to Elmore, he wasn’t quite ready to go to sleep when he retired to his bedroom around 1:15 AM- so he decided to engage in one of his favorite activities – breaking down and cleaning one of his firearms. The firearm that Elmore decided to break down and clean was his M24 Sniper Riffle (officially referred to as the M24 Sniper Weapon System).
At approximately 1:50 AM – after cleaning and reassembling the rifle, Elmore rested it on the sill of his bedroom window to adjust its scope. While adjusting the scope it unintentionally landed on one of his neighbor across the street’s open windows; Elmore told police and reporters that he was amazed at what he saw happening inside. Elmore told local ABC affiliate reporter Karen Lodestone, “I honestly thought I was dreaming hallucinating at first – it took over a minute for the situation to fully register in my brain”. What Elmore saw through the high-powered scope on his riffle was – his neighbors, Fredrick and Lydia Cole tied to chairs in their upstairs family-room. The couple’s 2-children Douglas (11-years-old) and Daniel (6-years-old) were sitting near their mother – also tied to kitchen-style chairs.
According to Elmore, the mother and children had what looked to be duct-tape around their mouths and 3 masked-intruders appeared to be focusing primarily on Fredrick Cole. The 3 masked-intruders were holding handguns and were acting in a very violent manner – often destroying the Cole’s property or striking Fredrick Cole in the face with their pistols.
Things seemed to be escalating quickly at the Cole residence and Elmore used his bedroom telephone to call 911. After notifying authorities, Elmore continued to monitor the situation across the street. According to Elmore, while waiting for the police to arrive things continue to escalate rapidly at the Cole residence and he was greatly concerned for the family’s safety. Elmore told reporters that his military training and instinct kicked in and he knew that he had to do something to intervene.
Elmore proceeded to load his rifle with the custom 7.62 x 51mm ammunition and stationed himself at his bedroom window. As Elmore continued to watch the situation unfold across the street, the home intruders became increasingly more violent. As one of the intruders held his handgun (later identified as a .45 caliber Taurus 1911) to Mrs. Cole’s head – Elmore took the first shot from his rifle immediately striking his intended target.
According to Elmore and members of the Cole family – the home intruder instantly fell to the floor dropping his weapon in the process. The remaining 2-home intruders were visibly stunned and confused by the incident and gave Elmore enough time to fire 2 additional rounds striking both remaining intruders before they had an opportunity to retaliate.
Police arrived shortly after Elmore’s intervention and discovered 2 of the 3 home-intruders dead upon their arrival. The surviving intruder – since identified as Charles L. Brooke was treated for his injuries at a nearby hospital and has since been arrested and booked into a county jail.
Among those singing praise for Elmore’s heroic actions are the members of the Cole family who have told reporters they owe their lives to Elmore and will never be able to thank him enough or fully express their gratitude for the retired Army Sniper.