Thursday, September 9, 2021

Worth Reposting. Fitton To The Rescue. Waiting For Elections Like Waiting For Firetruck While House Burns. Thanks OBUMMER. Oh Yeah and Ross Rants.

Too good not to repost
So evil must be reposted:
So rational must be reposted

Disquieting and Dangerous

Our founding documents now have a "trigger warning" (Not a joke)

HeadlineNational Archives Slaps ‘Harmful Content’ Warning On Constitution, All Other Founding Documents

The First take: This is not The Onion or any other satirical website. This actually came from the National Archives. 

One of the interesting tragedies of this Democracy is we wait for election cycles rather than respond immediately. Consequently, bad things become imbedded and it is often too late to eliminate their permanent effect..

Those with evil intent  and desire to destroy are far more purposeful, zealous and dedicated to their goal it seems and those under attack are often late in responding and lose any advantage the system offers.

To make matters worse, again in America, our major cities are run by Democrats who side with the radicals more often than not. The Mayor of Seattle, New York, the Governor of California, the Mayor of Portland, The entire city f Chicago, The District Attorney in Philadelphia, among many others,  are downright supporters of the views of radicals and they set the tone for the rest of the nation and/allow untold suffering and misery to be visited upon their citizens when it comes to the break down in law and order etc..

It cannot be denied 
Dear Mr. Berkowitz,

If you’re as unnerved as I am about the radical, racist propaganda creeping into our classrooms, our government, our corporations, even our military…you’ll be pleased to know that Judicial Watch attorneys are pursuing a number of cases challenging this madness called Critical Race Theory. 

We’re going after school districts, government agencies, politicians and bureaucrats who push this radical revolutionary agenda, and we’re suing the U.S. Department of Defense to expose how even the U.S. Military Academy at West Point is forcing this radical left-wing agenda on its cadets. Incredible!

We’re also suing the Pentagon to uncover coordinated social media attacks on Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, after Carlson criticized its focus on advancing their new Critical RaceTheory training. That’s why I hope you will make your best donation to Judicial Watch right now.


Under the guise of “equity,” “diversity” and “anti-racism,” leading leftists are promoting this blatantly racist and un-American Critical Race Theory in our classrooms, in the halls of government, our military and even our corporate boardrooms.

The radicalism of Critical Race Theory springs from the most thoroughly Marxist segments of the radical academic elite.

According to Critical Race Theory, all Western cultures – especially America – are infused to the core with “white supremacy,” “white privilege” and “institutionalized racism.” It is repackaged Marxism whose proponents want to end America as we know it.

This extreme ideology is infecting our whole society. And our tax dollars are being abused and our rights attacked. But your Judicial Watch is fighting back through litigation and education. In fact, Judicial Watch has litigated against Critical Race Theory and its Marxist predecessors for many years.

You might recall news reports a few years back of so-called “diversity trainers” coming in to lecture federal employees that the Founding Fathers were racists. It was your Judicial Watch that brought that ugly episode to light. 


And more recently, after being alerted by taxpayers and parents we filed Maryland Freedom of Information requests demanding all records dealing with Montgomery County’s Critical Race Theory program. The county delivered 685 pages of heavily redacted documents -- which were shocking…

…among the propaganda being taught schoolkids was a “pyramid of covert white supremacy” where students were taught that the phrase “Make America Great Again”was covert racism! And the propaganda didn’t come cheap. The records revealed that the school district paid $454,000 to the “Mid-Atlantic Equity Consortium” to deliver this so-called “Anti-racist system audit.” Unbelievable.

But there’s more…

In Wellesley, Massachusetts, we found outright segregation in public schools. In response to our open records requests for information, the school district was forced to turn over documents showing it was promoting outright racial segregation… all in the name of “diversity, equity, and inclusion.”

These 111 pages of documents we uncovered included language detailing their “equity plan” with a stated goal to “amplify student voices by offering affinity spaces.” In plain English, they segregated areas for students not based on their belief or parties or interests…but simply on the color of their skin!

And in Dedham, Massachusetts, Judicial Watch is in federal court on behalf of a high school football coach who was fired after he spoke out against Critical Race Theory and Black Lives Matter propaganda in his daughter’s classroom.

And there’s much, much more where these examples are coming from. 

Your tax-deductible gift today will help Judicial Watch file more lawsuits and further expose and stop this anti-American Critical Race Theory agenda at every turn.

Our legal battles and their successes are impossible without your support. Thank you.


Tom Fitton, President
It is being reported and written, Biden wants to move beyond Afghanistan and thinks American voters will forget as well come the Mid Term Election. This is why he wants to pass infrastructure legislation which is mostly sop for vote buying.  Meanwhile, The Taliban will continue to extract tax payer money for holding hostages . 

The cynicism of Biden is amazing and would generally be an insult to intelligence but Americans ain't that bright any more having been dumbed down over the years because they learn little of value in school any more. Then, when they get to college they fear expressing themselves and are attacked by radials and given low grades by equally radical professors.

America has become a nation captured by radicals, cowered by radicals and pitiful by former standards of what it meant to be an America. This situation will continue as long as the current Democrat Party remains in control of our nation and politicians like Pelosi can seal off those who are elected to serve from those theoretically being served and their president is willing to do business with enemies sworn to destroy us because he has no plan to retrieve Americans he abandoned and allowed to be taken hostages .

Again, those like me, who are fed up with what has been allowed to happen to our nation, are told to knock on doors so people will vote the rascals out, knowing full well the next election will be fraught with fraudulent efforts to allow non citizens to vote, ballots stuffed when needed to change the vote tally and virtually every election will be tainted and results deemed unacceptable.

 It's the "gotcha game" in full bloom.

What difference does it make she was soon going to be holding up Sharia Laws!

You ain't seen nothing yet! Thank OBUMMER!

T. Belman. Lately, I have been thinking that the reason Israel is talking so much about attacking Iran (which is not her style) is because Biden asked it to in order to push Iran towards negotiations.

Blinken warns: U.S. close to giving up on Iran deal

U.S. Secretary of State Blinken says the nuclear deal was in peril of getting nixed due to Iran’s repeated infractions.

by Majid Rafizadeh, GATESTONE INSTITUTE  

  • Apparently desperate to revive the nuclear pact, the Biden administration at once began appeasing the ruling clerics of Iran.
  • From the perspective of Iran’s mullahs, Biden’s desperate efforts to resurrect the nuclear deal manifested his weak leadership and therefore a delectable opportunity for Tehran to buy time, get more concessions, advance its nuclear program and become a nuclear state.
  • +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ross Rants:

Job growth has slowed and real wages are declining due to inflation exceeding wage rises. We may be entering into a stagflation situation now- slowing growth and higher inflation. Given how short everyone is of qualified labor, it is possible wages may rise faster than inflation, but right now that is not happening. Delta is a cloud, but may not be a problem for much longer. Consumers may also be curtailing spending due to inflation for food and energy-gas. I still expect the economy to do well the rest of the year, and corporate earnings to remain strong, although maybe not as good as we had expected if spending remains curtailed. The most important thing is the vast amount of liquidity sloshing around across the world now, and no good place to go other than US stocks, and some commodities. There has been a material underinvestment in mines and processing of commodities, so that inflationary cause is not going away anytime soon. Bringing on a mine takes time, and the world is reopening much faster. Even as the Fed tapers a little, that will not make any major difference. One other drag will be the end product supply problems. If cars and appliances were readily available then retail sales would probably be much better. It seems lately that almost everything is in short supply, driving prices higher.

Stock market performance: over the past ten years equities have returned an annual 13.6%, and over 146 years an average of 9.2% per year. Between 1965-2020 the market returned annualized 10.2%. The only down year recently was 2018, down 4.4%. This does not mean every year will be good, nor even positive. There have been periods where the market declined or stagnated for several years. The Dow hit 1000 on Nov 14, 1972, then crashed in 1973 and did not hit 1000 again until late 1982. However, if you are a long term investor like me, then over time you should do very well. However the timing of when you go in, and when you sell, can have a material impact. For example, I have over 1000% return on HD because I bought it years ago, and just held on. That is an outlier, but shows what can happen if you buy a very good company when the stock is down and then just sit for several years.

I am getting a little more optimistic about the market going into September because I now believe there is no chance the full $5.5 trillion will be passed. It may still be a small $1.25 or $2 trillion, with a 25% corporate tax, but even those amounts may not be acceptable to the radicals. The Dems have figured out that they do not come close to paying for the massive spending, so now they are dreaming up all sorts of new taxes to levy. They seem not to understand when you levy taxes on companies and producers, those are then part of the cost of sales, and so prices rise, and wage increases decline. The various lobbyists are now geared up for a all out effort to kill the tax pieces, and after Afghanistan many voters are no longer supportive of Biden and Dems. A recent poll shows Biden in the mid-30s approval among independents, and even among Dems he is below 50%. The next three weeks will determine everything. The infrastructure bill is likely to pass after Ida.

Here is a simple lesson. Under Obama, corporations were fleeing to Ireland. Real wages were stagnant, as was household income. Unemployment was still high, especially for blacks. The US had the highest corporate tax rate in the developed world, and over regulation. We were uncompetitive. Trump cut taxes and regs, nobody moved to Ireland, and over $1.6 trillion of corporate cash was repatriated. Black unemployment hit historic lows, as it did for women and other minorities. Real family income rose for the first time in ten years, as did real wages. Inflation was well below 2.0%. Corporate profits have soared. Now we have declining real wages, inflation at 5% +-, slowing job growth when there are10 million jobs going begging, increased unemployment for blacks in August, and the Dems have not even passed their $5.5 trillion disaster yet. Is there something I failed to understand in this picture. The 28% corporate tax plus state taxes would put US companies back higher than all of the OECD and the G7. And the Dems claim they are pushing new spending and regs to make the US more competitive????.

The jobs report was mainly a result of Delta. Despite the WSJ claiming the $300, plus the massive increase in food stamps, and guaranteed $3000 per child, had no effect, they are wrong. Business owners seeking to get staff to return, or to recruit new staff, are being told by the workers that the extra subsidies is why they don’t come to work. In numerous anecdotes, workers get hired and then leave after a few days and go back on the dole. The Dems have it all upside down. They claim they need to pass the $5.5 trillion to create jobs, when the reality is they need to not pass it and cut the subsidies, and people would flock back to work. Passing the bill will just create more huge subsidies to keep people from working. The biggest absurdity is Biden claiming that by spending another $5.5 trillion, that will reduce inflation. We know he is stupid and lies, but that defies even simple common sense.

The population is aging on average, and that has major implications. More older retired people means more Social Security payments, and the declining birth rate means less younger people to cover it. More older people means more health care costs, and that hits Medicare. More docs refuse to take Medicare, and that will create a growing coverage gap.. Older people generally downsize instead of buying bigger houses and new furniture They travel more, but buy less things. Demographics matter a lot. Much more than climate, and the trends are not favorable.

It is unclear if Biden understands what is really happening, or if he is just so ingrained as a politician in the swamp, that all he cares about is the spin to make excuses for his own disastrous and disgusting behavior. Just like his call to the president of Afghanistan-“change the perception and make it sound good”, regardless of the facts. How could he look at his watch during the removal of the bodies, and how could he talk about his son who died of a common brain disease, and not in combat, when he spoke to the families at Dover. The reports from the families of what took place at Dover are so disgraceful that it is sickening. We are watching the worst of the DC swamp, and the low point they have sunk to. Biden acts like the Americans left behind are no real issue, and it was their fault for not leaving, and he and the MSM try to just move on. Reality is, the people left behind will be used as ransom and propaganda. To say we left 10% behind, and act like no big problem, defies any sense of reality or honor. It is disgusting. We now have a report that has been verified that 1600 people are on planes to get out, and the state dept is holding up approval for them to land at Doha. There are several thousand more ready to leave. All through private groups, which is why State has delayed approval. This is horrendous.

Rick Grinnell on Friday said this is all being run by Susan Rice and Obama. Tony Blinken was Rice’s deputy, and the guy who is now DNI was also a deputy for her. She is nominally head of domestic policy, but he says that is just a cover title, and she is really calling the plays on foreign policy, and we all know she works for Obama. Biden just follows the teleprompter. Grinnell said he has first-hand info that the generals are lying about the vetting of the immigrants. At Ramstein they are rushing people through vetting. SIV approvals were set up to take weeks or months. Now they are being done in hours. There is no real vetting as some of the immigrants have no papers and no ID, and are just arriving at Doha or Ramstein. On the southern border there is no vetting at all. We are very possibly going to have a terror incident in the next year. But the Dems are more interested to pass their $5.5 trillion tax and spend.

The Afghans still stranded will get killed, and Biden is responsible, and now will have blood on his hands. It has reached a point that it is hard to know if Biden says anything that is true. He even exceeds Trump when it comes to lying and blaming others. We need someone in the high level of the Pentagon to tell us the truth of what really happened in the planning meetings, and what did the military and CIA really tell Biden. According to the WSJ and other media, Biden has lied totally about what his advisors knew, and told him needed to be done. According to some reports, he ordered no more than a few thousand troops to secure the airport and the embassy, and the Pentagon was left with no room to do what was needed, and no way to hold Bagram, which Miley said would require 10,000 troops. Biden lied and 13 heroes died. Ambassadors from across the world are reporting that the US is now considered an unreliable ally. The severe damage to the US national security is enormous and will take years to repair. The EU is already seriously considering forming its own army as a result.

Meantime Pelosi goes on vacation and refusing to convene Congress in the midst of a major crisis. She refused to allow a motion on Tuesday that would have dealt with the 13 dead, and instead she adjourned. When she does reconvene, they will move right to their $5.5 Trillion tax and spend, and act like those Americans trapped don’t exist. This is so bad they will not be able to simply proceed with that after they hear from the voters back home who are getting enraged as the dead marines are all over the news. The White House and the Dem leaders of Congress have sunk to a new low that is completely devoid of reality, empathy and American values. The voters will not forget nor move on. What is really scary is Biden is still president until 2025, and Pelosi is still speaker until January 2023. Just think of what else they will do that will be disastrous. Harris becoming president the only reason Biden will never be impeached.

Kerry went to China to demand they comply with the climate dictates of the US and Paris. China responded-no problem- since the US considers climate to be the greatest threat, then if the US commits to never backing Taiwan and not defending it, then China will commit to some climate change reductions. Check mate. It never dawned on the idiots in the White House that by saying climate change was an existential threat, it left itself open to this sort of quid pro quo.

Just to compound the disgrace of the left, 61 illegals died crossing the border last month, fentanyl deaths are rising now due to the huge increase in drugs coming across the border. Thousands of unaccompanied kids are now in the US. But so what, we are conforming to the radical left ideology of open borders and helping those “poor people” who are coming here. So what if a large number of the illegals have Covid and are being shipped all over the country, and especially to FL.

This is what happens when you have leaders who never served, and who never held a private sector job, and never had to meet a payroll. They are professional swamp dwellers who have lived in DC their entire adult lives, and they socialize with each other all the time. They only know how to lie. They know nothing of geopolitical power negotiations, and they do not understand making nice with the bad guys is just a show of weakness that leads to wars and dead people. Leaders of superpowers need to demonstrate they are willing, and will kill top level bad guys as Trump did. Nothing like taking out a key Iranian general to let the top bad guys everywhere know they could be next.

In the latest radical effort to make excuses for blacks under-performance in school, and the failure of teachers to do a good job, NYC has decreed that there should be no more honor roll, or other recognition of getting the best grades. Instead teachers should ignore bad test scores and award students if they just do a little better on the next test, or do other things judged “good” by the left. They use the university victim ideology which decrees that by pointing out that some students excel through effort, it makes the rest of the lower performing kids feel bad, and so they need to eliminate these things that point out that some kids work harder and so do better. We sure do not want to reward hard effort and study. This is BLM ideology. Hard work is considered white supremacy. Another message this gives to black kids- you don’t have to work hard and try to be your best. Just do OK, and that is good enough to get rewarded. And then they complain that blacks do not earn as much as the whites and Asians. The left wing teachers are so indoctrinated in college, that they have seemingly lost all sense of the goals of teaching.

CA has now made it law that there must only be gender neutral toys. No more blue or pink. No more boys toys sections in stores. Did anyone in CA ever take a class in biology, or observe how boys and girls play in differing ways.

The only bright side of all of this is the Republicans will sweep in November 2022 & 2024.


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