Friday, September 24, 2021

Sharpton Vs. Elder. Satirical Rebuttal To Those Who Hate America Yet Remain Here. Rep Deutch RespondsTo Tlaib.

Welcome to the Democrat's future if you are an American citizen. 
If you are an illegal just say so and they will let you in.


 This trouble maker flies allover causing issues based on being a racist and owes millions in back taxes. I seriously doubt I could intimidate government and a bunch of corporate whiteys and get away with it and I seriously doubt many of my memo readers could either.

Read More...


Contrast Larry Elder  with the Reverend lout.

I want to thank the distributor of my articles, Creators Syndicate, for allowing me to take eight weeks off from writing my weekly column so I could campaign...



David Horowitz was once a radical Hippy leftist, bordering on being a Communist. One day he became "woke," looked in the mirror and said to himself: ' I been living a dream which has become a nightmare.' He no longer recognized who he was because he had a lice ridden beard, was wearing a smelly headband  and beads that were partly broken.  

He looked the part of a radical, had tons of unemployed radical friends who attend band concerts, most had even been to Woodstock. They smoked weed and sat around all day complaining. They also voted for Democrats because they had no intention of working, hated America and believed they were entitled to free lunches paid for by rich white people who were undertaxed. 

Then David turned into a conservative and decided the Kool Ade he had been drinking was destroying his brain. Now he hears himself spout the opposite of what he once believed and writes things like what is attached below..

David is a rational conservative, like myself, and no longer has mass media friends or friends who defecate in the street and take whatever they want after breaking store windows etc.. 

David now  makes a good living telling about his experiences and why he chose to leave his past life and opt for a new one. He is now hate and called bad names. 

If you choose to free yourself of what you once thought, you too run the risk of being abandoned.  So you see, there is always a price to pay when you become a conservative because you are the enemy of those who leach off the land but also hate the land.  You get typed very quickly and even run the risk of being physically attacked by those who call themselves peace-nicks.

If you are confused by all of this hypocrisy and begin to ask questions to better understand why these people think of you as they do you could have a frozen water bottle thrown at you and even worse, a brick through your car window.  If somehow you also voted for Trump and you reveal this you are really in danger of losing your life, having your dinner disrupted or worse, your head bashed by a woman carrying a peace sign.

Finally, don't even think of going to the police because their precinct building has probably been destroyed by a fire begun by another group of hate America peace lovers called ANTIFA. Most police have left town and are seeking work elsewhere because they have been told they must not arrest law breakers. Why you ask?  Because there are no laws against rioting and burning and you could be arrested yourself  by the rioters and put in jail for seeking to stop those engaged in what is now known as free speech rioting. 

This may be frustrating because those who could arrest you also do not believe in free speech for everyone. They support selective free speech. You are free to read from their teleprompters but not your own. They also do not like what the constitution says because they believe America is systemically a racist nation and was founded for the sole purpose of killing black people who are free only to pick cotton and do other menial chores.

A lot of people died fighting to change these conditions and after the Blue's won over the Gray's  the black slaves were free to pick their own cotton and do chores for themselves.  A lot of these former slaves left the south and went north and the white man passed laws that segregated them and did terrible things to keep them poor and uneducated.

After many decades, all evil laws were made unconstitutional but organizations like BLM were unwilling to accept the changes because that meant they would be like everyone one else who worked and had to be responsible citizens.

So they complained and the government passed new laws that called for reverse segregation so they could stay poor, dependent and uneducated but they felt so much better because they could now get jobs they eventually could not keep because they were not actually qualified. Many were athletic and got jobs playing basketball, tennis and football and became very wealthy but there were not enough such open positions.

Even so, they continued to vote for the Democrats. They did not realize they were being taken advantage of because they were used to being patted on the head and told things they were good for them.  Actually they were not being physically mistreated but were led to believe no one expected much from them and that was psychologically more evil.

What I have written is a quick, somewhat tongue in cheek, kaleidoscope of where we are today.  America is no longer a bad place for anyone who is willing to work and take responsibility for themselves.  Not everyone can be at the top.  Most still remain at the bottom but mobility is something that works in everyone's favor and today many black citizens have made significant contribution to the nation far too many of them still hate because of something that happened 175 years ago.  It is hard to let go of hate when you are being exploited  by cynical politicians who want you to continue hating so you enslave yourself all over again by voting for Democrats.

America is not perfect but America, unlike other countries, has made progress, changed and all those that hate it , for some reason, refuse to leave and go elsewhere. That does not make sense to me.

Another thing that contradicts  the argument of those who hate America is why are so many people trying to come to a land that many of their own kind hate? Either I or the haters are missing something.

I wrote this little satire as a introduction to something Jason Riley recently wrote and which I posted and now David Horowitz.

Make up your own mind while you are still free to do so. Read it hurriedly though because your freedoms are at risk and attempts to shred them are occurring every day.

The Greatest Existential Threat to America (American Thinker)

By: David Horowitz

Our Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin - a leader who presided over the worst, most incompetent, most humiliating military defeat in the history of our nation - is black. Of course, he’s black. He was appointed by Biden to display the wonderful diversity of the most progressive president in history. He wasn’t chosen because he was a brilliant military leader (obviously). He was chosen because he was a political hack ready and willing to embrace even the most suicidal left-wing policies. (Note: Left-wing policies are by their very nature suicidal because the defining characteristic of the left is that it hates America and wants to “dismantle” it and replace it with the left-wing fantasy of a socially just future.)

In February 2021 - with the deadline for withdrawal in Afghanistan a bare three months away - General Austin was not ordering a military alert to prepare for what was going to be a major humanitarian and military reckoning. Instead, he was ordering a military “stand down” to indoctrinate all America’s troops in Black Lives Matter hate white people and hate America propaganda.

In passing may I note that 85% of the troops who gave their lives in Afghanistan to protect the American homeland and to give the Afghan people and especially women the right to breathe free – were white. So much for real diversity.

Diversity Training as it is practiced, is a racist scam whose promoters have the hateful mentality and low I.Q. level of the Jim Crow bubbas of the past. Their goal is to demonize white Americans and (white) America, and to promote an anti-American agenda that strikes at the heart of a soldier’s military oath to defend the Constitution and the nation it created.

Here is a dose of the beliefs that our soldiers were being indoctrinated in during the two-month stand down during the run-up to the Afghanistan debacle:

“that the country was founded by racists, that the country has always been racist,

“that the Constitution’s ratification codified white supremacy as the law of the land,

“that whites are inherently racists (whether they realize it or not), and

“that the country must transform and become something altogether different than what it was and is.”

We know this is the diversity training curriculum because a courageous patriot, former Lt. Colonel Matt Lohmeier - a commander in the Space Force and head of a unit tasked with identifying ballistic missile launches - experienced it first-hand.

Lohmeier had the personal courage and love of country to tell the non-military world about the rot that is eating away the confidence and patriotic dedication of the military. He did so in a learned, self-published book called Irresistible Revolution from which this passage comes.

For this gesture of patriotism and dissent, the Space Force removed Lohmeier from his command and then kicked him out of the military altogether. They then stripped him of his pension, earned during fifteen years in the armed services. From his testimony we know that to criticize the Marxist, insurrectionists and pathological liars of Black Lives Matter or their poisonous doctrines is forbidden in today’s military, presided over by diversity commander-in-chief Lloyd Austin.

What is the impact of these doctrines on the troops? How do you take an oath to defend a constitution that institutionalizes “white supremacy”?

Lohmeier tells you. “[It] is wrecking young people’s motivation to serve in the US military, regardless of their political leanings. Many of those who believe these false narratives are finding their motivation for continued service shattered. Many of those appalled by the accusations are likewise demotivated. These narratives are teeing up a lose-lose scenario for the uniformed services and for the American people. I know because I am hearing about it all the time from people at my own base and elsewhere.”

In October 2020, Lohmeier attended a discussion group, set up as part of the military’s indoctrination program. It was led by a black female officer who assigned a book by Ijeomo Oluo called, So You Want to Talk About Race. Oluo is a Nigerian and a Black Lives Matter star. Her book has been widely read and praised. Here is its wisdom as Lohmeier reports it: “The book teaches that the United States is ‘a white supremacist society’ that must be ‘dismantled piece by piece.’ It teaches that speech that makes ‘people of color feel unsafe’ is ‘an act of violence,’ but that if whites are uncomfortable, ‘do not allow [them] to be treated as if harm has been done to them.’” Could Oluo’s mind-numbing racism be any clearer?

This racist garbage would be of little consequence if it were not the dominant theme in America’s culture today, promoted by the White House, the popular culture itself, and corporate giants like Google and Apple who have instituted the same racist indoctrination programs for their employees and everyone within their reach – which is everyone.

What makes these doctrines sinister is that the Marxists who devised them always had the goal of dismantling America in the process. Their success in Afghanistan should be a code blue warning to every American who loves their country.

America’s current corrupt leaders are always talking about “the existential threat to America.” And their answer is always the same “white supremacist domestic terrorists.” And where are they exactly? Our leaders deploy this fiction for one reason, and one reason alone: to empower their witch-hunts against patriots and conservatives like Matthew Lohmeier who is a prime victim.

But any patriotic American not seduced by the Black Lives Matters’ lies knows that the opposite is the truth. Anti-white racism, and ignorant attacks on the American founding – these constitute the greatest existential threat to America. The fact that Black Lives Matter’s racist fictions make up the crippling doctrine of our military leaders should awaken everyone to the menace we face. There never has been a greater threat to our patrimony and freedom since the darkest days of the Civil War.

David Horowitz is the author of The Enemy Within: How A Totalitarian Movement Is Destroying America, and the forthcoming (October 5th) I Can’t Breathe: How A Racial Hoax is Killing America.


Dear Dick

There were two major developments on Capitol Hill this week, as the overwhelming majority of Democrats and Republicans once again spoke in a unified voice in support of Israel.

Yesterday, by a vote of 420 to 9, the House of Representatives approved $1 billion in supplemental funding for Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system.

Why this matters: This vote reinforces the solid bipartisan consensus in support of Israel’s security and repudiates efforts by those in Congress who are pursuing a dangerous agenda to undermine the U.S.-Israel relationship, weaken Israel’s security, and place Israeli and Palestinian lives at greater risk.

ACT NOW: Click here to thank your representative for taking this critical vote to stand with Israel and ensure our ally can defend itself.

The extremists who voted against this funding want to cut off the vital American support that Israel needs to defend itself and keep civilians safe.

I encourage you to watch Rep. Ted Deutch's response to Rep. Rashida Tlaib, included below my signature.

Late last night, the House authorized funding U.S.-Israel missile defense cooperation, strengthening U.S.-Israel cooperation and taking steps to counter Iran.

These provisions include:

$500 million for U.S.-Israel missile defense cooperation.

Expanding U.S.-Israel cooperation to combat PTSD.

Streamlining U.S.-Israel defense cooperation.

Strengthening U.S.-Israel cybersecurity cooperation.

Targeting Iran's regional aggression.

These developments showcase the strength of our pro-Israel friends in Congress and what is possible when the broader pro-Israel community comes together.

I will keep you updated as these bills continue to move through Congress.

Below are more key news items form the week.

Alisha Tischler

AIPAC Southeast Regional Director 

Rep. Ted Deutch Responds to Rep. Rashida Tlaib


In a passionate defense of our ally Israel yesterday on the House floor, Rep. Ted Deutch 

stood up to the vicious, dangerous lies spoken by Rep. Tlaib about our democratic ally.




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