Thursday, September 30, 2021

Will Manchin Hold The Line? It Is Blibbit Time. Why Educate Women? Semper Fi Comes At A High Cost. No Cost When oou Write A Check. Who Is Biden ?


It's about time some Jews stood up and spoke out:

Blibbit time is upon us and how much crap will Democrats be able to extrude from Manchin and how big the sack?

Manchin's late night statement has Democrats scrambling 

HeadlineManchin Slams Dem Spending Plan As "Definition Of Fiscal Insanity", Will Not "Reengineer Social Fabric" With 'Vengeful' Taxation

The First take: The good news... this is likely over today. Which way will it go? A month ago we would have bet Senator Manchin would have caved by now. Right now, Las Vegas has this one rated a "toss up." 

Will there be a spill over financial effect instead of a viral one this time?



The Taliban are so contemporary. Why educate women only to mistreat them? GO MUSLIMS!

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Semper Fi but never be critical in public of your superiors who are a disgrace to your uniform.

Marine who blasted Afghan withdrawal being held in military lockup

By Yaron Steinbuch


WHY? Biden admin blocked charter plane from Kabul carrying more than 100 Americans and green-card holders from landing anywhere in the US: report


Biden sets the pace and his appointed follow suit:

A former ICE director came forward to explain what DHS Secretary Mayorkas is up to. He’s lying about the number of Haitians and what’s really being done with them at the border.

We’re dealing with unprecedented numbers at the border. Some are granted entrance while others are not. Yet, the liberals keep looking the other way in hopes of getting new voters.

Read on to see how Mayorkas is deceiving everyone.

Fighting for Freedom,

Riley Daniels


According to Dufuss and Pelosi if you write a check for what you spend there is no cost.

Stupidity is not a basis for impeachment but it does give you some insight into the thinking of idiots. And when that idiot happens to be your President and Speaker then you really have to rethink whether you want to vote for them again.


Seeking over $3 trillion, which will ultimately grow much higher, is simply dumping money into a bigger government pit. When did placing more money, in the hands of bureaucrats, ever serve the public well?

Furthermore, Biden's appointment of radicals, who believe in Socialism and Communism and whose training aligns with these bankrupt systems, is dangerous. Why is Biden doing this, or why are his handlers doing this? You decide. I already have.

What I cannot figure out is who is Biden working for, who does he represent? If Obama was a Manchurian Candidate who the hell is Biden?

An example is Biden has a son who is an addict yet, he is allowing the nation to be flooded with narcotics from cartels? Why.

Terrifying: Biden Is Nominating Soviet-Trained Radicals Now BY STEPHEN GREEN Presidentish Joe Biden wants to put an actual Communist — self-proclaimed “radical” Cornell University law school professor Saule Omarova — in charge of the nation’s banking system. Omarova graduated from the Soviet Union’s Moscow State University in 1989 on the Lenin Personal Academic Scholarship, according to the Wall Street Journal. As recently as 2019, she was still praising the USSR’s economic system as in some ways superior to our own. “Say what you will about old USSR, there was no gender pay gap there. Market doesn’t always ‘know best.'” As a matter of fact, I will say what I will about the old USSR. Teachers there were paid the same as doctors — because medicine was considered “women’s work” and both were paid crap numbers of worthless rubles. Sexism and central mismanagement, all in one murderously totalitarian package. There’s a reason the USSR is defunct and the U.S. isn’t — at least until Omarova gets her way. Omarova’s goal is the eventual elimination of private banking and the establishment of the Federal Reserve as the nation’s only bank. In her own words: “The core idea here is simply to allow all U.S. citizens and lawful residents, local governments, non-banking firms and non-business entities to open transactional accounts directly with the Federal Reserve, thus bypassing private depository institutions,” she wrote. “In this sense, it is a variation on the familiar FedAccounts — or FedCoin, ‘digital dollar wallets,’ etc. — theme. In principle, FedAccounts can be made available as an alternative to bank deposit accounts, upon a person’s request.” Omarova herself wrote that her proposal is “deliberately radical in scope and substance.” Taken to its extreme, this would mean that the Federal Reserve, acting on behalf of Washington, could become the only place citizens could deposit their money. Such a massive transformation would be accomplished by replacing consumer deposits into a new digital dollar, held by the Fed. Nationalized banking with, if I’m reading this correctly, nothing but a centrally-controlled digital currency for legal tender — what could go wrong? The top Republican on the House Financial Services Committee, Patrick McHenry, said of her last week: I am concerned Professor Omarova will prioritize a progressive social agenda over the core mission of the OCC — supervising and managing risk in our financial system. Our financial regulators must focus on pro-growth policies that foster innovation to build a robust and inclusive economic recovery, rather than Democrats’ obsession with vague social objectives. True, although I wonder what’s so “vague” about Omarova’s objectives. Nominating Omarova to serve as Comptroller of the Currency, as Biden has done, is worse than putting the inmates in charge of the asylum. It’s more like putting a convicted arsonist in charge of the Forest Service. There’s just no making up anything so absurd, and in Biden’s America, you don’t have to.

Steve Green launched VodkaPundit on a well-planned whim in 2002, and has been with PJ Media since its launch in 2005. He served as one of the hosts of PJTV, a pioneer in internet broadcasting. He also cohosts "Right Angle" with Bill Whittle and Scott Ott at He lives with his wife and sons in the wooded hills of Monument, Colorado, where he enjoys the occasional adult beverage.


Where is Robert E. Lee when we need him?

Robert E Lee is to this day the only person to pass through the US Military Academy at West Point without a single demerit. In the Mexican War General Winfield Scott called him “the greatest soldier I’ve ever seen.” As an Army Engineer he re-routed the Mississippi River and saved the city of St Louis . When he inherited slaves from his father in law, he educated them and set them free, and he referred to slavery as “a political and moral evil”. He turned down Lincoln ’s offer to Command the US Army that would invade the South and his home State of Virginia even though leading that Army would have certainly brought him international fame and likely the presidency. He instead offered his sword to Virginia and fought against that invasion for four years leading an Army that was vastly outnumbered, out supplied and out fed. After the war, as the most beloved figure on either side of the war, he turned down all of the opportunities that would have enriched him by refusing to sell his family name. He chose instead to take a job with meager pay at Washington College because he knew that rebuilding the country meant that we needed to raise men of high honor and character. His first act as Dean of the College was to build a Chapel. 

On Lee’s last visit to Richmond , a lady approached General Lee with an infant in her arms and asked “Would you please hold my baby?” General Lee took the child, looked the woman in the eye and said “you must teach him to deny himself.” Biographer Douglas Southall Freeman pointed out that this one statement characterized the entirety of how General Lee lived. 

As the end of his life was approaching Robert E Lee was asked, with all of his accomplishments, what should his headstone say. He answered “that I am a poor sinner, trusting in Christ alone for my salvation.” 

That a monument to this man has been taken down is a monument itself. The barren space where his memorial stood is a testament to the depraved depths to which the morality and character of our society has fallen. 



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