Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Worthless Hypocritical U.N. Horowitz Discuses Obama-Biden's IRS. Israeli Election Video. Transgenderism.


The worthless/hypocritical U.N. goes def con 3 when it comes to Israel.  When will it truly serve the world by adhering to it's Charter or is it structurally incapable of doing so??


Welcome to Biden-Obama's new world. They are aiming at "deplorables."


Meet your new Gestapo.

By David Horowitz

And as a Jew, I don't use that phrase lightly.

But that's exactly what Joe Biden's IRS is – or better yet what it will be if the American people don't take a stand.

That's why I want to send you a copy of a groundbreaking new pamphlet: Internal Radical Service: Abuse of Taxpayer Dollars to Advance Left Wing Causes Illegally and Unconstitutionally.

If you've been paying attention, you know that the Left has been weaponizing three letter agencies against political dissidents for some time now.

But what Joe Biden's administration is doing is more sinister, more evil and more disturbing than anything that came before him.

He's poised to hire 87,000 new agents – all part of a $70 billion cash infusion to the Agency. 

The IRS, like the rest of the D.C. Swamp, must be drained.

We must fire and prosecute the leadership of these agencies and Congress needs to immediately open investigation into this criminality. 

Clinton's IRS went after his accusers Paula Jones and Gennifer Flowers.

Leading up to the 2012 election, Obama's IRS targeted Tea Party groups.

And Joe Biden's IRS is coming after YOU.

Because to Joe Biden and the radical Left, if you don't fall to your knees to worship their socialist agenda, if you don't cheer for the erosion of your rights, if you don't smile and nod at the destruction of America…

…you're the enemy.

The Freedom Center just published a groundbreaking eBook, Internal Radical Service: Abuse of Taxpayer Dollars to Advance Left Wing Causes Illegally and Unconstitutionally that explains where this corruption started, where its headed, and what everyday Americans can do about it.

And I want you to be first to receive a copy.

But first, I suppose I should make sure you know exactly what the Freedom Center is and what it does.

When I was a young man, I was a radical Left Wing Marxist, marching side by side with Huey Newton and the Black Panthers, and editing the leading communist magazine.

You see, I understand the Left so well because I was one of them.

The first 30 years of my life were dedicated to bringing socialism to America's shores.

But eventually, I saw the movement for what it really was.

We weren't working on behalf of the common man. We weren't making anyone's lives better.

We were shameless foot soldiers that would stop at nothing to achieve an end.

We would lie, cheat and steal without batting an eye or missing a beat if it meant making America a communist country.

And I founded the David Horowitz Freedom Center because after 30 years in the belly of the beast, I knew I had a duty to my fellow citizens to reveal everything I knew.

Because the Left is lying to our faces.

They thrive on deception and secrecy. That's why they're pulling out the same tired lines, assuring the American people that hiring 87,000 IRS agents is simply about making the rich pay their "fair share" -- but you and I both know that's not the case

It never is.

This is about bankrupting enemies of the Regime until they have nothing left.

And I won't stand for it.

I hope you won't either, friend.

That's why I hope I can count on your generous donation of $25 or more to the Freedom Center right away, and give us the resources we need to spread this pamphlet far and wide.

And as a thank you for your generous donation, I'll send you a complimentary copy of Internal Radical Service.

So many Americans need to see this to truly understand what it is we're up against.

They've taken it upon themselves to hunt us like criminals so they can extort us even more and threaten us with hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees, taking even more of our hard-earned money to fund their far Left agenda.

How, Joe Biden and his handlers in Washington want you to feel hopeless. 

They want you to feel as if there's nothing you can do to stop them

And make no mistake, friend -- it will be no small feat.

But there are good members of Congress set to start this hard work – we have the momentum.

We will continue our battle to drain the swamp, starting with the IRS, but we will need your help


If you missed the webinar, please visit our YouTube channel to view the recording, here.

Israel Insider

with Ashley Perry
It's the final week before Israel's elections. Are there likely to be any last minute surprises? Could they tip the balance in favor of either bloc?

Ashley Perry is an advisor to the Middle East Forum’s Israel office. He served as adviser to Israel's minister of foreign affairs and deputy prime minister in 2009-15. He is president of Reconectar, an organization dedicated to relinking the over 200 million descendants of Spanish and Portuguese Jews to Israel and Jewish life. Originally from the UK, he moved to Israel in 2001. He holds a BA from University College London and an MA from Reichman University (IDC Herzliya).

The Middle East Forum, an activist think tank, deals with the Middle East, Islamism, U.S. foreign policy, and related topics, urging bold measures to protect Americans and their allies. Pursuing its goals via intellectual, operational, and philanthropic means, the Forum recurrently has policy ideas adopted by the U.S. government.
(215) 546-5406 | | @MEForum
Just what our fragile nation needs. Insanity reigns!
Democrats Vote to Impose Transgender Supremacy on America
It is amazing that unanimous Democrat support for imposing transgenderism comes in the face of massive opposition by the American people.


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