Saturday, October 29, 2022

Called Character And Greatness. Democrats Melting. Called Distrust and Deceit. Bibi Gets His Number.

Where did our values and common sense go? Contrast Harry with Joe.  Harry had stuff of simple greatness.  It is called character.


Wisdom from the past!!!

We will not see this again.

 Thought you'd enjoy this!

It's one you want your Children and Grandchildren to read.

They won't believe this happened, but it DID.

Harry & Bess

(This seems unreal.)

Harry Truman was a different kind of President. He probably made as many, or more important decisions regarding our nation's history as any of the other

42 Presidents preceding him. However, a measure of his greatness may rest on what he did after he left the White House.

The only asset he had when he died was the house he lived in, which was in Independence Missouri . His wife had inherited the house from her mother and father and other than their years in the White House, they lived their entire lives there.

When he retired from office in 1952 his income was a U.S. Army pension reported to have been $13,507.72 a year. Congress, noting that he was paying for his stamps and personally licking them, granted him an 'allowance' and, later, a retroactive pension of $25,000 per year

After President Eisenhower was inaugurated, Harry and Bess drove home to Missouri by themselves. There was no Secret Service following them.

When offered corporate positions at large salaries, he declined, stating, "You don't want me. You want the office of the President, and that doesn't belong to me.

It belongs to the American people and it's not for sale."

Even later, on May 6, 1971, when Congress was preparing to award him the Medal of Honor on his 87th birthday, he refused to accept it, writing, "I don't consider that I have done anything which should be the reason for any award, Congressional or otherwise.

As president he paid for all of his own travel expenses and food

Modern politicians have found a new level of success in cashing in on the Presidency, resulting in untold wealth. Today, many in Congress also have found a way to become quite wealthy while enjoying the fruits of their offices. Political offices are now for sale.

Good old Harry Truman was correct when he observed, "My choices in life were either to be a piano player in a whore house or a politician. And to tell the truth, there's hardly any difference!

 I say dig him up and clone him!


The Left Is in Complete Denial About Their Election Chances 

By Kurt Schlichter

Battleground Nevada: It All Comes Down to This County That's Been Thrashed By Biden's Agenda

By Matt Vespa


California Business Exits Soared in 2021, and There Is No End in Sight
By Lee Ohanian and Joseph Vranich via California on Your Mind

Lee Ohanian and Joseph Vranich describe their comprehensive and timely report that details the accelerating pace at which firms are relocating from California to other states. They explain that this exodus from the Golden State is occurring across all industries—including manufacturing, aerospace, financial services, real estate, chemicals, health care, and, perhaps most disturbingly, high technology. They argue that Sacramento’s policies have created a business climate that make California no longer competitive with other states, where living costs are more affordable, and taxes and regulation are less burdensome


More reasons for distrust and BIBI makes the number He Needs:

Could Trump Become A Pinata A second Time? Heavy List. Radicals War On Children

When radicals spend 24/7 inventing and imposing ideas that are outside reason/logic and do not square with what it means to be an American they are taking a leap of faith that is both dangerous and does not sell. That they believe otherwise shows how bizarre is their thinking.

The risk confronting Republicans is that an overwhelming Democrat loss could validate Trump's policies and that would inure to his benefit and enhance his desire to run again.  Another Trump run is not a shoe in bet.

Lamentably, a Trump candidacy is a magnet that would attract a lot of negativism and Americans are not desirous of more exhaustion. They want solutions, not more backbiting and hatred. If Democrats really cared about America they would help Republicans to be effective, should they win, but radicals prefer power/control and will do everything, in their power, to regain the power they are likely to lose and that means back to turning Trump into a Piñata.


This is what I call a heavy lift:  


The Progressive Socialist War on American Children

By Allen West

The time has come that we -- as constitutional conservatives and Republicans -- stop playing this absurd adherence to Marquis de Quisenberry’s rules. It is imperative to understand the strategy, goals, plans, and objectives of the radical leftists and Marxists; that is why I have a copy of Saul Alinsky's “Rules for Radicals” in my home.

The leftists in America have no issue with wrongly castigating and demonizing their political opposition in the most despicable and heinous terms. We need not lower ourselves to such a level of depravity, but we must simply tell the truth.

As we head into the final stretch of this midterm election cycle it is no longer debatable: the progressive socialists have declared war against American children. After this past week, what else should we deduce?

I am committed to ensuring that the unalienable rights of our children, born and unborn, are not violated. America is looking for courageous adults who will stand upon the ramparts for our children.



Friday, October 28, 2022

More Layoff's At CNN? GA Mail Truck's Burning, Is Ominous. BIBI Edging Forward. Excusing Loans Saga. Market Guru Lunch. Dooley's Death. Insanity Sells!



CNN Employees Brace For More Layoffs

By Sarah Arnold


Still The Ones To Beat: Teachers’ Unions And School Board Elections

by Michael T. Hartney via Manhattan Institute

Prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, the nation’s school boards were often praised as responsive and representative engines of American democracy. Especially when juxtaposed with our national and state political institutions, board members are portrayed as less polarized and less prone to special-interest capture.


Burned Georgia Mail Truck Raises Election Concerns

In Georgia, there are critical elections underway. The Senate race between Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-GA) and GOP challenger Herschel Walker is going to significantly impact which party controls the Senate after November’s elections

Since the 2020 presidential election, Georgia passed new legislation to ensure that elections are easy to vote in, while difficult to cheat.

Democrats screamed that the state’s election laws were a form of voter suppression. Yet, this was rejected by an Obama-appointed judge following a lawsuit from Georgia Democrat Stacey Abrams.

Unfortunately, another turn of events, this time involving a burning mail truck, is leading to more concerns about the elections.

Trouble in Georgia

In Baker County, Georgia, a mail truck went ablaze before being completely demolished. However, what truly got people talking is the possibility of this truck carrying absentee ballots for the state’s voters.

According to Georgia officials, work is being done to get to the bottom of what caused this fire and the subsequent destruction. If it turns out this mail truck was, in fact, carrying absentee ballots, then officials in Georgia already committed to redistributing new ones.

Leaders of Baker County are also being kept up to speed on the incident involving the mail truck and its greater implications on elections in the community.

Foul Play at Work?

The lack of currently available information on how this Georgia mail truck caught on fire has many Americans worried. Some have taken to social media to suggest this is another example of Democrats simply trying to cheat in elections.

Others speculated that there’s more information about this story than what’s being publicly shared so far. A mail truck catching on fire and being completely destroyed doesn’t just happen by chance.

Officials in Georgia would do well to keep the public fully informed about what really caused the fire and what’s happening in real time with absentee ballots.


Israel Elections: Bibi bloc teeters on edge of 61 seats - final polls

A number of polls found that Netanyahu may manage to form a majority government after the upcoming elections.

The right-wing bloc led by opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu is close to or will manage to reach the number of seats required to form a majority government, according to the last series of polls published by Israeli media ahead of the November 1 Knesset elections.

KAN News

According to a poll by KAN news on Thursday evening, the Likud will earn 31 seats, Yesh Atid will earn 24 seats, the Religious Zionist party will earn 14 seats and the National Unity party will earn 11 seats.

Meanwhile, Shas will earn eight seats, the United Torah Judaism party will earn seven seats, the Labor party and Yisrael Beytenu will earn six seats each, Meretz will earn five seats and Hadash-Ta'al and Ra'am will earn four seats each.

The KAN poll leaves the Netanyahu-led bloc with 60 seats and the bloc led by Prime Minister Yair Lapid with 56 seats.

Israel Hayom

According to a poll by Israel Hayom, the Likud will earn 30 seats, Yesh Atid will earn 25 seats, the Religious Zionist party will earn 15 seats and the National Unity party will earn 11 seats.

Meanwhile, Shas will earn nine seats, the United Torah Judaism party will earn seven seats, the Labor party will earn six seats, Yisrael Beytenu will earn five seats and Meretz, Hadash-Ta'al and Ra'am will earn four seats each.

The Israel Hayom poll leaves the Netanyahu-led bloc with 61 seats and the Lapid bloc with 55 seats.

Channel 14

According to a poll by Channel 14 news, the Likud will earn 34 seats, Yesh Atid will earn 23 seats, the National Unity party will earn 13 seats and the Religious Zionist party will earn 12 seats.

Meanwhile, Shas will earn nine seats, the United Torah Judaism party will earn seven seats, Yisrael Beytenu will earn six seats and Meretz, Labor, Hadash-Ta'al and Ra'am will earn four seats each.

The Channel 14 poll leaves the Netanyahu-led bloc with 62 seats and the Lapid bloc with 54.

Excusing student loans is unconstitutional because The House has full responsibility in matters involving money. Senators have authority to just talk. Biden served mostly  in the Senate and then became V President so we should not be critical of his not understanding this fact along with many others irrelevant facts. 

Now excusing one's debt is not a humorous matter. So let's listen  to a serious Video about this act on the part of our president:
Last Friday, I had lunch with my market guru and he believes the current rally suggests a lot of switching is going on  by hedge funds who are invested in stocks that are out of favor because of interest rates and are selling. The funds generated are being reinvested in stocks that are in favor, ie. dividend value cyclical types. 

He does not know how long this transition will take. He also believes we may have bottomed and are currently in a mild recession that could worsen if The Fed overstays raising interest rates in an aggressive manner.

I am not as informed as he is when it comes to money flows but I do believe a momentum shift  has begun that favors Republicans and the market is reacting accordingly.
Everything I hear from pollsters is that the big MO has swiftly shifted and independents, blacks and Hispanics are moving into the Republican columns.  

I am no pollster but inflation hits lower economic classes the most and that is why blacks and Hispanics are being impacted  Also, Hispanics resent the  flood of illegals and blacks resent the illegals likely competition.  Blacks might not want to do the backbreaking work illegals will do but blacks are hurting.  They were doing better under Trump and the disparity is stark.

Furthermore, I believe the death of Vince Dooley, Herschel's coach, the day before his sincere endorsement will help put him over the top but probably not enough to avoid a run off unless Kemp's down vote is effective.  

The Democrat's Campaign is based on total illogic.

They are openly telling voters fire police and crime will go away, castrate children and parents will applaud,  teach 2 year old's sex and that will prepare them for the world they will live in, applaud illegals so drug deaths and criminality increases.  These are kitchen table issues and radicals, who control the Democrat Party, believe insanity sells.

Stay tuned.

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Away 3 Days - Very Full Memo and Very Inclusive.

We have received a command request from Dagny and Blake to spend Halloween with them and leave Sunday, returning Tuesday.  Because I will be away three days this is a very full Memo.


Yes,antisemitism is on the rise, in terms of number of incidences but the number of actual antisemites is down, if that is any comfort.

Antisemitism will always be fashionable among those needing scapegoats.  It is critical for those who are insecure, ignorant,  prejudice and disturbed.

 Radical blacks have become more vocal because they apparently have a need to project and have little knowledge of black-Jewish history. Perhaps influence from the Muslim population in America is a new source.  Certainly college and university administrators have turned into cowards. After all if academia koshers antisemitism it becomes more acceptable.

Also, antisemitism always rises when the world is impacted by economic uncertainty.

Finally, I submit The U.N and Obama have made antisemitism respectable. Obama's behaviour towards Israel and BIBI was despicable in many ways.

Trump had the guts to de-fund some of it's worthless programs.
"Why I Think the Golden Age for Jews in America is Coming to its End"

It is no surprise that antisemitism in America is on the rise, but it is no longer reserved for the fringe corners of society. Just this month, as we celebrated the high holidays, we’ve witnessed an alarming amount of Jew-hatred. From Kanye West openly spewing vile antisemitism to U.C. Berkeley School of Law administrators allowing nine students' hate groups to ban pro-Israel speakers from campus, antisemitism was on full display in our nation.

We are sadly witnessing the decline of the Golden Age that Jews experienced in America for decades. Now, perhaps more than ever, American Jews need the State of Israel for security, safety and courage to sand up and fight back. Israel has been a place of refuge, pride and inspiration for Jews across the world since its inception. American Jews, who have enjoyed relative quiet and protections in the U.S., might now find themselves turning to Israel for help. 

In the past, while the memory of the Holocaust was still fresh, the Jewish-American community was stern on its unequivocal support of Israel. Today, Jews are increasingly divided on their stance of Israel as a sovereign nation. This is not surprising given the radical agendas slowly penetrating the mainstream, trying to convince Americans, Jews, and non-Jews, that Israel has no right to exist.

In our most recent op-ed, “Why I think the Golden Age for Jews in America is Coming to its End” we discuss the dangerous process of normalizing the ‘new antisemitism’ that is happening on college campuses, workplaces, and beyond. This new antisemitism disguised as hatred of Israel - fuels dangerous, violent antisemitism. At the same time, American Jews are severing their ties with Israel, and American Jewish communities are more divided and disengaged, signaling an end of the Jewish golden age.

In our previous op-ed, "Defining Antisemitism as a Jewish Problem is a Lose-Lose Proposition", published in November 2020, we discussed the dangers of begging others to fight for the Jewish people when we won't even stand up for ourselves. Jew-hatred stemming from radical groups, such as the far right, radical left, and radical Muslims, is undermining American society as a whole. 

The Jewish community in America is in danger. We must bravely stand up against the forces threatening us from within, while also standing strong and supporting the State of Israel.

If you're interested in partnering with us to combat antisemitism in America, we would love to hear from you.

Lastly, we invite you to learn about Students Supporting Israel (SSI), a pro-Israel international campus movement that provided students with the opportunity to support Israel on campus, and counter the antisemitic campus group Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP).

Wishing you all a happy Autumn season,

Gila and Adam Milstein

Is Black Lives Matter an antisemitic hate group?
By Civis Americanus, AM THINKER

Black Lives Matter is clearly anti-Semitic according to the standards of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), both of which define denial of Israel’s right to exist as anti-Semitic.  Whether it is an actual hate group depends on how one defines a hate group.

The IHRA cites, as anti-Semitic, “denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor.”  The ADL says in part, “Anti-Zionism is antisemitic, in intent or effect, as it invokes anti-Jewish tropes … or renders Jews less worthy of nationhood and self-determination than other peoples.”  Patrisse Cullors said, while representing BLM in her capacity as co-founder, to “step up boldly and courageously to end the imperialist project that’s called Israel.”  Temple University professor Marc Lamont Hill added, “They don’t want to just nation-build, but they want to world-make, and so Black Lives Matter, very explicitly is talking about the dismantling of the Zionist project, dismantling of the settler-colonialist project, and very explicitly embracing BDS on those grounds.”  These are but two examples of not just denial of the right of Israel to exist, but also statements that Israel is a racist endeavor.

BLM has also expressed support for the boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movement, of which ADL says, “ADL believes that many of the founding goals of the BDS movement, which effectively reject or ignore the Jewish people’s right of self-determination, or that, if implemented, would result in the eradication of the world’s only Jewish state, are antisemitic.”  Support for BDS also puts the American Studies Association, the Middle East Studies Association, PSC-CUNY, and the Seattle Education Association squarely into this category.

ADL adds, “Anti-Israel bias is inaccurate, inordinate or hyperbolic criticism of Israel.  It can take various forms, including false and vilifying accusations directed against Israel, often with the aim of delegitimizing the State of Israel.”  Here are BLM demonstrators — and it’s the whole group, not just a handful — chanting, “Israel, we know you, you murder children, too.”  This is technically not a blood libel because it doesn’t say that the Jews then make the children’s blood into matzos, but it comes pretty close.

Accusations that Israel commits genocide, or otherwise equates Israel to Nazism, also are anti-Semitic.  CAMERA reports, “In August 2016, the Movement for Black Lives (M4BL), a coalition of members from the Black Lives Matter network as well as other organizations representing black communities in the U.S., put out a lengthy political platform[.] … One section, headlined ‘Invest-Divest,’ accused the US, through its alignment with Israel, of complicity in what the authors called the ‘genocide that is taking place against the Palestinian people’ and Israeli ‘apartheid.'”

IHRA adds that anti-Semitism includes “calling for, aiding, or justifying the killing or harming of Jews in the name of a radical ideology or an extremist view of religion.”  Black Lives Matter’s support for convicted terrorist bomber Rasmea Odeh, who murdered two Jews with a bomb and tried to murder emergency responders with another, comes across as justification of the killing or harming of Jews.  Jewish Voice for Peace, Students for Justice in Palestine, and Bears for Palestine also expressed support for this PFLP terrorist, who is no better than Timothy McVeigh, the Tsarnaev brothers, or the Unabomber.  If somebody expressed support for church shooter Dylann Roof, or (allegedly until proven guilty) supermarket shooter Payton Gendron, we could argue reasonably that that individual believes it’s OK to kill people for praying or shopping while Black.  It is equally reasonable to infer that anybody who supports Rasmea Odeh, and this includes Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) as well as BLM, believes it’s OK to kill people for shopping while Jewish.  That is my inference, anyway; others are free to agree or disagree.

All of this demonstrates that Black Lives Matter is anti-Semitic, noting that this behavior comes from the top as opposed to a handful of rogue individuals whose hate speech could be dismissed as not representative of the organization.  The next question is as to whether this makes BLM a hate group.

What is a hate group?

One would be hard pressed to find an organization whose primary purpose is to hate other people.  The idea of a group whose mission is to gather every month or every week to make derogatory remarks about Black people, Caucasians as a whole, Jews in particular, Asians, Hispanics, Native Americans, LGBT people, and so on is clearly ridiculous.  Hate is almost universally a means to an end, such as keeping the leaders in power by giving the rank and file a real or imaginary enemy to blame for its troubles.  The Two Minutes Hate in George Orwell’s 1984 was directed at an enemy of the people, who may have even been a fabrication of the Ministry of Truth, and its obvious purpose was to distract people from the fact that (as an example) their chocolate ration had been “increased” from 25 to 20 grams.  The Nazi Party’s chief purpose was to consolidate and expand its own power.  Its promotion of hatred of Jews, Romany, LGBT people, and Slavs was simply a means to that end.  Jean-Paul Sartre said of this, “If the Jew did not exist, the anti-Semite would invent him.”

ADL defines a hate group as “an organization whose goals and activities are primarily or substantially based on a shared antipathy” and adds that the mere presence of some bigots in the rank and file does not meet this bar.  Patrisse Cullors, Mark Lamont Hill, and so on are not, however, the rank and file.  Black Lives Matter’s use of anti-Semitism to achieve its real goals, therefore, appears to make it a hate group, at least as I interpret this.

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which is certainly no friend to conservative political views, defines a hate group as “an organization or collection of individuals that — based on its official statements or principles, the statements of its leaders, or its activities — has beliefs or practices that attack or malign an entire class of people.”  The official statements of BLM and its leaders, and also activities such as chanting, “Israel, we know you, you murder children, too,” seem to fall squarely into this definition.

If this is not bad enough, a BLM mural also honored not only convicted cop-killer Assata Shakur, but also the New Black Panther Party.  The Washington Post reports that the New Black Panther Party “has been identified by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a ‘virulently racist and antisemitic organization’ whose leaders encourage violence against White people, Jewish people and law enforcers.”  The Anti-Defamation League elaborates: “The New Black Panther Party for Self Defense (not related to the original Black Panther Party) is the most extreme organized racist and anti-Semitic African-American group in the United States.”

Whether BLM is actually a hate group is up to the opinion of each person, to be evaluated solely in accordance with (1) generally accepted definitions of hate groups and (2) BLM’s proven as opposed to not merely alleged anti-Semitic behavior and also promotion of hatred of law enforcement professionals.  It’s meanwhile past time for New York City to paint over “Black Lives Matter” on its streets, and for Cornell’s Law School, Microsoft, Google, Amazon, Apple, and other organizations to pull their support from this organization.  We don’t need to line up with something like BLM to be against civil rights violations, discrimination, and false arrests.

Civis Americanus is the pen name of a contributor who remembers the lessons of history and wants to ensure that our country never needs to learn those lessons again the hard way.  The author is remaining anonymous due to the likely prospect of being subjected to “cancel culture” for exposing the Big Lie behind Black Lives Matter.
Schumer caught on hot mic telling Biden Dems ‘in danger,’ ‘going downhill’ in Georgia Senate race
By Victor Nava

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) was caught on a hot mic telling President Biden Thursday that Democrats are “in danger” in at least one Senate race and admitting that the party is “going downhill” in the closely-watched Georgia contest. 

“That seat, we’re, we’re in danger in that seat,” Schumer could be heard telling the president on the tarmac at Syracuse Hancock International Airport. It’s unclear to which seat Schumer was referring. 

“But you know, it looks like the debate didn’t hurt too much in Pennsylvania as of today, so that’s good … basically, we’re picking up steam in Nevada,” Schumer continued, referencing Pennsylvania Senate candidate John Fetterman’s poor showing in his first and only debate with GOP opponent Dr. Mehmet Oz. 


Biden could be seen crossing his fingers as Schumer delivered his assessment that Fetterman’s debate performance didn’t end his chances. The president exchanged some words with Schumer as well but it was unclear what he was saying. 

Seconds later, Schumer updated Biden on the state of play in the Peach State, where the latest average of polls from Real Clear Politics shows Republican Herschel Walker leading incumbent Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock by 0.6 percentage points.



Lisa Superb Professional Editor. Israel's Tail Too Small. Will 2024 Prove To Be A Trap For Republicans?

My daughter ,Lisa, is a superb, talented professional editor:


Most Americans do not realize how critical it is that Israel prevail. Israel is the America of the past. It has become the world's best hope because it remains basically true to it's democratic commitment as America fades. The problem is the Israeli tail is far too small to wag the western world's dog.

Because it is prosperous and successful and because of Bibi's economic leadership it rejected socialism and has blossomed and now is subject to constant attack and rejection from the oligarchs.


Upcoming Webinar
Please consider sponsoring an EMET webinar featuring top experts offering critical insights impacting Israel and U.S. national security. Policymakers and the general public need to hear these voices. Your support is essential for these webinars to continue. Sponsor a webinar here.

On November 1st, Israelis will be heading back to the polls for the fifth time in four years. What are the major issues confronting them? Are the Israeli people voting on existential issues for the Jewish state or economic, social and identity issues? How will their election of a leader reflect on the way Israel will handle the Jewish state’s relationship with the Palestinians and the emerging nuclear danger from Iran?

Here to discuss this and more is the highly acclaimed author and journalist, Caroline Glick.

About the speaker: Caroline Glick is an American-born Israeli journalist, newspaper editor and writer. She is the deputy managing editor of The Jerusalem Post and writes for Makor Rishon. She is also the Senior Fellow for Middle East Affairs at Center for Security Policy.

Caroline was born in Chicago and made aliyah in 1991. She joined the IDF that summer and served as an officer for more than five years. As an IDF captain from 1994 to 1996, she was coordinator of negotiations with the PLO in the office of the Coordinator of Government Activities in Judea, Samaria and Gaza.

After leaving the IDF, she worked as the assistant to the director-general of the Israel Antiquities Authority. She then returned to geo-politics serving as assistant foreign policy advisor to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu from 1997 to1998.

In March 2002, she became deputy managing editor of The Jerusalem Post. During Operation Iraqi Freedom, Caroline covered the US-led war in Iraq as an embedded journalist with the US Army’s 3rd Infantry Division. Reporting for the Post, Maariv, Israel TV’s Channel 2 and The Chicago Sun Times, she was one of the only female journalists on the front lines with the US forces and the first Israeli journalist to report from liberated Baghdad.

Caroline's writings have been published in numerous newspapers and online journals: in 2004, in addition to her work at the Post, she resumed writing for Makor Rishon as the paper’s lead columnist and commentator. Caroline is the senior fellow for Middle Eastern Affairs at the Center for Security Policy in Washington, DC and routinely briefs senior administration officials and members of Congress on issues of joint Israeli-American concern.

In 2008, Caroline's first solo book, Shackled Warrior: Israel and the Global Jihad was published by Gefen Publishers. She is also the author of the critically acclaimed book, The Israel Solution, published in 2014. She holds a BA in political science from Columbia University and a Master's in Public Policy from Harvard's Kennedy School of Government.

I fear, even if Republicans win the mid terms, they could turn out to be a trap. Why?  Because there is very little they will be able to accomplish regarding problems we face. Seriously doubt Republicans will get enough votes to override any Biden/Obama actions etc. Consequently, they could be blamed for inaction when, in fact, there is not much they can accomplish.

Jordan will be in a position to conduct some needed investigations  and he is very effective and will be able to reveal plenty of skullduggery, but here again, I believe voters are tired of meaningless investigations because nothing happens.  Hillary sill not in jail, Durham loses his cases because DC jurors will not send  liberals or radical Democrats to jail and the cases pertain to stale matters that are old and where moss has gathered.

Perhaps I am too cynical but based on past history I see nothing changing.  

Last night, at The Kemp Fundraiser, I met a lot of like minded conservatives and we all seem to agree the nation is going though a painful political period when it is being sucked down by the power of the elite's ability to avoid consequences because the mass media is ever present to protect them from consequences of their actions and they control so much of the mechanisms and Americans are indifferent.

Yes, there finally is a level of push back that has formed but most everyone I spoke with believe it is too late to turn things around. The 24/7 mismatch, I have been espousing, seems to have carried the day.

As the saying goes: "Getting and spending we laid waste our power." The attraction that there really is a free breakfast has taken hold and guides our thinking. Welfare has overwhelmed and now that each American's share of the deficit now runs about a 1/4 of a million, and with interest rates rising the cost escalates at a drowning pace.

To make matters even worse, the military has become infected with CRT nonsense and is turning into a pitiful Gulliver while our youth are being indoctrinated to hate America and to question their own self worth and being. It is incomprehensible how children who can't even read are being taught about sex.

This debauchery is not happenstance.  It is purposeful and orchestrated by radicals whose sole intent is to destroy America because our freedoms threaten their lust for power and control.  Intimidation and being called a racist have proven effective.  Everything now has become racially oriented. 

When I spoke with Mollie Hemingway here at The Landings in February, after she had made a presentation, she disagreed with my pessimistic thoughts and said the tide was turning. I nodded my head and concluded she was as convinced with her thoughts as I am with mine so I told her I hoped she was right and walked away. 

Time will determine, stay tuned.


The 2024 Race Is Already Underway

By Kurt Schlichter
