Sunday, September 25, 2022

Buy Energy Stocks. Sam Grundwerg. Fetterman and Biden - Two Peas Same Pod.

What little money I have made in the stock market has been made by being independent in my thinking. After graduation from Law School I started in the brokerage industry in 1960 with no capital to invest, then came three children and all the expenses associated with trying to do what is right by them and then a divorce followed by a remarriage and two more children. Over the 43 years of active employment two firms I was with went out of business and the third allowed me to move to Savannah but did not follow through on opening an office here.

I cite these facts not to complain because I have wonderful children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. I also have a fabulous wife and am fortunate enough to live at The Landings.

Lynn is quite a few years younger than  I am so I want to make sure she can maintain a life style that gives her security and an opportunity to do for our kids and that makes me a bit more aggressive in my investment style considering my age, circumstances and temperament.

This is why I am disproportionately invested in a variety of energy stocks from fairly large cap companies to micro cap ones as well as a variety of companies that service the energy industry in a variety of ways. I am also exposed to companies that drill for gas and pipelines.

Eventually, I accept the fact that EV cars will become the next growth segment of the automobile sector but it will take longer than the Democrats and Greens suggest and it might even increase the need for energy based on oil, gas and other forms of renewable material. 

For the next 5 to 10 years we will become more oil and gas dependent because current demand is greater than supply, this disparity will grow and we lack refinery capacity so prices  will rise and stay high and the stocks should attract more capital and expand in price. 

I have yet to mention Ukraine and dependence on Russia and declining reserves beyond those in America.

Biden is an idiot and everything he has done regarding energy is the opposite of what he should have done. He is a rigid ideologue and on the wrong side of facts but being a progressive Democrat I firmly believe there is money to be made by defying him and his devotees.

  Part of their rationale is based on their desire to increase the size and citizen dependency on expanding government and shrinking the private sector. More stupidity. All government produces is debt, which it cannot repay, and promises which result in failure and diminished faith in the political process.

America owes most of it's success to three man made things -creativity, capitalism and patriotism. They took advantage of our location, raw material wealth, and climate.  Meanwhile, government did everything to create impediments, roadblocks and increase the costs.

My memos primarily focus on Politics, The Middle East, Markets and sardonic humor. I seldom do what I have just done. Generally, I just make a few passing general market comments but I feel strong about what I have just written and wanted to be emphatic for those who might care.

You have some two months to decide because I expect hedge funds will soon start restructuring their portfolios in mid November and emphasize an energy component as a higher percentage of their holdings even in the face of a potential Fed induced recession.

Having said this I remind you - what do I know.



Re: THE JERUSALEM POST’S 50 Most Influential Jews of 2022

                            Our Israeli Cousin, Sam Grundwerg:
To read about Sam, click on his photo in the article.
They failed to list far too many others .  
In Georgia alone:
Bernie Marcus Home Depot Founder


Fetterman the phony hides terrible, radical policies behind sunny social media

By Post Editorial Board

Lt. Gov. John Fetterman Pennsylvania Senate candidate Lt. Gov. John Fetterman favors decriminalizing all illegal drug offenses, the mass release of prisoners and softening sentences for killers. AP

Yes, Democratic Pennsylvania Senate candidate John Fetterman’s blue-collar cred is nonsense: The Harvard-educated son of a self-made insurance executive, he lived off the family dime until he was nearly 50.

But his cuddly social-media-driven campaign also hides just how terrible his actual, radical policies are. 

Consider his recent appointment of Celeste Trusty, a self-described “buddy” of convicted cop-killer Mumia Abu-Jamal, to the state’s Board of Pardons (which Fetterman, as lieutenant governor, leads). Trusty is a cop-hater who wants to “disarm” law enforcement, a position Fetterman shares. 

Her appointment is only one part of Fetterman’s assault on public safety. On his watch, the Board of Pardons recommended commutation at least 46 times, including 13 times for convicted murderers, where past LG’s boards averaged just four.

Per a Washington Free Beacon analysis, Fetterman himself has voted to release more criminals doing life than any other Board of Pardons member. In 2021, he cast the lone votes to spring a guy convicted of murdering a teen for heroin money and to free a man who murdered a woman with a pair of scissors.

He’s also backed policies like the mass release of prisoners and softening sentences for killers. Fetterman endorsed Philly DA Larry Krasner after murders shot up 40% on his watch.  

That must be why he got endorsed by Brand New Congress, a lefty group set up by formers Sanders organizers that advocates for defunding police.

On schools, he’s just as bad. He called COVID school closures an “absolute necessity”; he also opposes vouchers for learners stuck in low-performing school districts, but sends his own children to the Winchester Thurston School ($34,250 a year) — presumably to avoid the sub-average district containing Braddock, the town where he launched his political career as mayor and still lives. School choice for me, but not for thee. 

(By the way, after backing COVID lockdowns, he skipped off to the Jersey Shore in the depths of the pandemic.)

Then there’s his bizarre 2013 vigilante attack against a black man jogging in Braddock. Fetterman with no evidence thought the jogger was a criminal and held a shotgun on the guy until the police arrived and broke up the insanity. (That last would be a career-ender if Fetterman weren’t a Dem, by the way.)  

It turns out Fetterman even defended Barack Obama’s notorious 2008 campaign-trail remarks about small-town Pennsylvanians being “bitter” and clinging to “guns or religion” — the clearest possible sign that he’s another hipster progressive, not the working-class hero he pretends.

If his stroke hadn’t allowed him to avoid public and media engagement (and all but one debate), voters likely would already realize what a giant phony Fetterman is. Pennsylvanians should kick this woke elitist to the curb. 




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